Complainant - Versus - : Department of Justice

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- versus -



IS No. 123
For KIDNAPPING with failure to
return a minor under Art. 270
of the Revised Penal Code

x---------------------------------------------- x


I, RAPUNZEL CORONA, of legal age, single, Filipino, and a

resident of Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila, after having been sworn in
accordance with law, hereby depose and state:

1. That I live in 123 Acacia Street, Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa

City together with my parents, Mr. Frederick King Corona and Ms.
Queen Ariana Corona

2. I was 11 years of age at the time I was taken away from

my family. (Annex A)
3. That I used to study in San Beda College Alabang as a
grade school student.

4. That GOTHEL BRUHA (Miss Bruha), was hired by my

parents, Arianna Corona and Frederic Cordona as my personal “yaya”.
(Annex B)

5. That Miss Bruha was the entrusted person of my parents

and my “yaya” since birth who accompanies me to my school and
waits for my dismissal to bring me back home.

6. On August 17, 2012, after my classes ended around 4:00

PM, Miss Bruha made me ride in a white van that she claimed to be
owned by my parents.

7. That instead of bringing me back home, Miss Bruha

brought me to a Tall Tower (Annex C) located in Soldiers Hills,
Muntinlupa City.

8. She kept me at the top most floor saying that she needed
to keep me here to “protect me from the outside world”.

9. That the subdivision the tower was located in was under

developed and was mostly uninhabited. (Annex C)

10. That Miss Bruha told me not to leave the room, otherwise,
she would punish me by not giving me food or water to drink and
inflicting bodily harm on me using a whip (Annex D).

11. That Miss Bruha has workers destroy the stairs leading to
the top most room where i was so i could not escape.

12. That Miss Bruha would access the tower with the use of a
rope (Annex E) to climb up to my room after she yelled, “Rapunzel!
Let down the rope.”

13. That i had to obey every order of Miss Bruha, otherwise,

she might have hurt me.

14. That I tried to escape multiple times and scream for help
but the height of the tower was terrifying to me and the screams were
not heard due to the fact that it was an uninhabited place.
15. All I did was fix the room and clean and dance to my
favorite Kpop songs while Miss Bruha was away.

16. That I had sleepless nights and constant anxiety due to the
detainment and fear of Miss Bruha.

17. During my capture, as i was dancing to my favorite Kpop

Songs, I heard a plea from below to let down the hard rope. Thinking
it was Miss Bruha, i let the rope down only to find out that its was Mr.
Eugenne Flyn (Mr. Flyn).

18. That Mr. Flyn was also a resident of Soldiers Hills who
happened to pass by the tower one night on his way to a Sari-Sari

19. That I initially wanted to hit him with a frying pan thinking
he was a bad guy but Mr. Flyn explained why he came up and his love
for Kpop music.

20. That he invites me to go down with him but I was unable

to due to my fear of heights and my fear of the wrath of Miss Bruha.

21. That Mr. Eugene Flyn and I became really close friends
after multiple meetings with him.

22. That one night, I told Mr. Flyn of my detainment and how
cruel Miss Bruha could be if I tried to escape.

23. That Mr. Flyn left the tower that same night with a promise
to return with help.

24. That after a few more days, I heard police sirens and soon
thereafter, they raided the tower and rescued me from my

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 24th day of

September 2019 at Muntinlupa City.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is most respectfully prayed unto

this Honorable Court that, after hearing, judgment be rendered
ordering the defendant:

1. To pay moral damages in the amount of One million pesos

representing the sleepless nights and psychological and mental
torture the defendant had on the complainant for 11 years.
2. To pay plaintiff the cost of the suit;
3. Such other reliefs as the court deem proper.



I, RAPUNZEL CORONA, legal age, after having been duly sworn

in accordance with law, depose and state that:

1. I am the plaintiffs in the above-stated case;

2. We caused the preparation of the foregoing complaint;
3. We have read the contents thereof and the facts stated therein are
true and correct of my personal knowledge and/or on the basis of
copies of documents and records in my possession;
4. We have not commenced any other action or proceeding involving
the same issues in the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, or any
other tribunal or agency;
5. To the best our my knowledge and belief, no such action or
proceeding is pending in the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, or
any other tribunal or agency;
6. If we should thereafter learn that a similar action or proceeding has
been filed or is pending before the Supreme Court, the Court of
Appeals, or any other tribunal or agency, We undertake to report that
fact within five (5) days therefrom to this Honorable Court.

Rapunzel Corona

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, this 30th day of

September, 2019 in Muntinlupa City. I hereby certify that I have
examined the Affiant and that I am fully satisfied that she has
voluntarily executed and understood the contents of her Complaint-

Teodoro Jose Dominguez

Assistant City Prosecutor

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