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2) United States Patent Xie et al. (54) SMART AND SCALABLE URBAN SIGNAL NETWORKS: METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR ADAPTIVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL (71) Applicant: CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, Pitsburgh, PA (US) (72) Inventors Pittsburgh, PA (US), Stephen F Smith, Cheswick, PA (US): Gregory J. Barlow, Pitsburgh, PA (US) (93) Assignee: Carnegie Mellon University, a Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporatio Pitsburgh, PA (US) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 USC. 1S4(b) by O days (21) Appl. Nos 147308,238 (22) Filed mn. 18, 2014, 6s) Prior Publication Data US 201400368358. A1 Dee. 18,2014 Related U.S. Application Data (60) Provisional pplication No, 61/986,833, filed on Jun. 18,2013. (2006.01) (2006.01) «2 GOSG 1/08 (201301); GO8G 1/0116 (2013.01); G86 10133 (2013.01): Gose: TIS 201301) (58) Field of Classification Search GOSG 1/08; GORG LOL4S; GoRG 1/0138: (GOSG 1/0116; GOSG 1/081: GO8G 1/07 {GOSG 1/095; GOSG 1/075; GOHE 1004 1US009159229B2 US 9,159,229 B2 Oct. 13, 2015 (10) Patent No. 4s) Date of Patent: USPC... 3401922, 997, 909-913, 918, 920, 921, 340924; 701/117, 118, 119, ‘See application file for complete search history 60) References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMEN 656.778 Be* Sososst BI sosa6 BL 72003 Solan eta 12011 Chand ct 12012 Chana stl yout (Continsed) (OTHER PUBLICATIONS Xie, X eal, “Schedule-drvenimersection contol”, Transpo tion Resarch Part C, vo 24,2012 pp. 168-189. (Continved) Primary Examiner — SuhV La (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm —David G. Oberdick Michael G. Monyok on ABSTRACT Scalable urban trafic control system has been develope 10 address current challenges a offers a new approach tora time, adaptive control of trafic signal networks. The methods And system deseribed herein exploits novel eoneeptaliza- tion ofthe signal network coatge! problem ws a decentralized process, where each intersection in the network indepen- ‘Senily aad asynchronously solves a siagle-machine schedul- ng problem in. collinghorizon fshion allocate green time to ils local traffic, and intersections communicate plan ‘outflows to their downstream neighbors to increase visibility ‘of ftir incoming traffic and achieve coordinated behavior Te novel formulation of the intersection contol peoblem 25, 4 singlemachine scheduling problem abstracts flows of vehicles ito chusters, which enables orders-of-magnitude speedup over previous time-based formulations and is what Allows truly real-time (second-by-second) responseto chang- ing conditions {8 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets (Clusters (jobs): height = ow ate, th = uration aren = numba of vehicles queve) 1. 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