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What do you think about women who don’t have a chance to survive? What are

the factors of breast cancer that can affect in our daily lives?

These are the questions that we will about to answer. When you are first

diagnosed with breast cancer, you might have no idea how cancer will change your life.

Having a breast cancer no matter the stage will change your life and many women are

experience this situation and if something do wrong about the person who diagnosed it

will be depressed and have a possibility to commit suicide. In our opinion, a woman who

doesn’t have a chance to survive can change her life, and think about what happen to

her family and friends. It’s not easy to talk about cancer either for your family and

friend. You may sense that some people feel awkward around you or avoid you. Breast

cancer can affect your daily lives in different ways, depending on what stage it at and

the treatment you’re receiving. The factors of breast that you can affect our daily life

include the following. A factor is anything that affects a chance of getting a disease it is

related to our personal behaviour such as exercise and diet. Dealing with changes to

your body all women react differently to the bodily changes that happen as a result of

breast cancer treatment also early menopause although some cases of breast cancer

occur in a women over 50 years old who have experienced the menopause. Breast

cancer is affecting many women in the Philippine so doctors must find ways to avoid or

stop this disease.


The early effects of breast cancer can depend on the exact type of breast cancer

that has a woman. Although most of the early symptoms of breast cancer involves

changes to the breasts another in the case of breast cancer, such growth occurs in the

breast cells due to an inherited or acquired DNA mutation. Also breast cancer is broken

down into stages; stage 0 is the earliest stage and stage 4 is indicates the cancer has

spread to other parts of the body. Breast cancer usually starts in one breast.

According to the American Cancer Society, the most common sign of breast cancer is

a newly formed mass or lump in the breast. Although the mass or lump is usually

irregularly shaped and painless. However, some cancerous masses can be painful and

round and shape, therefore if breast cancer spreads to the other parts of the body; it

may cause symptoms in these particular areas: It includes the liver, lungs, muscles,

bones and brain. Another the first symptoms is like a nipple retraction, which is the

breast is typically becomes red, swollen, and warm and the skin may appear pitted like

a n orange peel , and nipple changes such as inversion, and flattening.

Along with other changes in the body, this hormonal shift can cause the breast

ducts and milk glands to be enlarged. It may also result in water retention, which can

increase breast swelling. Another, Inflammatory breast Cancer (IBC) can cause the

breasts to swell as a result of blocked lymph vessels. Behind that, some women also

experience dimpling of the skin along their breast that looks like dimples of an orange

peel. Also, thickening of breast tissue is common in breast cancer. Beyond that the

underarms are some of the first affected areas, because of how close they are to

breast. Another is swelling of all parts, this fluid build-up occurs because cancer cells

have blocked lymph vessels in the skin. Sometimes the breast may contain a solid

tumour that cannot be set. According to the NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE, swelling

in one or both breasts can be caused by numerous factors and it is not in fact a

common symptoms of breast cancer, However, patients who suffer from a specific type

of the disease, is known as Inflammatory breast cancer.


Some treatments are available to the women who have a higher risk. Treatment you

can decide is something you should discuss with your radiation oncologist in order to

ensure that is effective as possible surgery is remove the breast medication may

patients target it kills cancer cells to few side effect quick to recovery to normal tissue

breast cancer such as surgery radiation or hormone chemotherapy bring hope for many

cancer patient Hospital Guangzhou we adopt a new model Breast cancer can affect

your daily lives in different ways depending on treatment. Most women for breast cancer

have an operation as part of their treatment you will get back normal sometimes it’s

important to take a surgery and after that give yourself to recover.


It applies a chemo drugs to kill tumour cells, cancer cells chemotherapy is

currently as a main therapy for cancer however the reason that conventional

chemotherapy can result an immunity and normal tissue cell damage, more desire to

have a therapy. Chemotherapy means minimizing sides’ effects chemical weapon to

treat malignant tumour the advantages to reduce an effect those chemotherapies.

These drugs are usually directly into a vein through needle as a pill frequently is used in

addition to the treatment radiation or hormone therapy cancer the chance of a cure

decrease the risk. Treatment for the cancer will help people live longer with better

quality of your life if the cancer has recurred or spread chemotherapy will control the

breast cancer to help many women live longer. Some temporary mild or other more

serious or permanent your doctor can help you to decide whether chemotherapy is good

for you. If you have a high risk of cancer recurring or spreading to other parts of your

body if cancer cells found in lymph nodes the breast with a tumour ask your doctor

about for your chemotherapy if you will reduce your chance of cancer will coming back

together from your body the doctor alternatives such as hormone blocking therapy that

might affected in your situation.


Radiation therapy these are special situations radiation used for women

with metastatic breast cancer. However focused on the radiation for therapy treatment

will give a main treatment to have a lower chance for breast cancer returning. There are

two kinds of radiation therapy, these are external berm breast cancer radiation and

internal breast cancer radiation some people with stage o and most with stage I can

expect radiation therapy to be a part of their treatment radiation to destroy cancer cells

and may stick around after surgery relatively easy to tolerate.


Some women can realized an early breast cancer mastectomy therapy is

may have an option to depending on the patient and the tumour these are also called

breast conserving surgery. Mastectomy is the way of treating breast cancer when

women cannot be treated which spares of the breast can also be done to choose

mastectomy for your personal reason many women can have a skin sparing

mastectomy because the advantages of less scar tissue they can reconstructed breast

that seem more natural. However this can be followed by breast reconstruction the

surgeon to remove a breast tissue and beneath the nipple during the procedure to

check again the cancer cells. Afterward the nipple may not have a good blood causing

the tissue to become deformed because nerves are also cut often may be little or no

feeling left many expert not yet consider a nipple sparing mastectomy to be a treatment

for breast cancer.

IV Prevention of Breast Cancer

Our lifestyle is determinative of our health condition changing it in a more positive way

will surely lesson the probability of having complex health issues, such as breast

cancer. Indeed it is true that prevention is better than cure, so here are some gentle

reminders in order to avoid the risk of developing breast cancer.

First be mindful of your alcohol intake. The more alcohol you drink the greater

your risk of developing breast cancer the general recommendation based on research

on the effect of alcohol on breast cancer risk is to limit yourself to less than one drink a

day, as even small amount increase the risk. If you want to do everything you can to

lower your breast cancer risk, limiting how much alcohol you drink make sense. You

may choose to stop drinking alcohol completely. But if you plan to continue drinking try

to have two or fewer alcoholic drinks per week. For most of us, drinking is social but

cutting back on alcohol doesn’t mean cutting back on seeing your friends and family. If

you’re not sure if you can go to an event and not have a drink, keep your in mind.

Remember that you’re keeping your risk of breast and other cancers as low as possible.

The evidence shows that alcoholic drinks of all types have a similar impact on cancer

risk. This recommendation therefore covers all types of alcoholic drinks, whether beers,

wines or any other drinks, as well as other alcohol sources The importance factor is the

amount of alcohol consumed. Our goal is for cancer prevention, it’s best not to drink


Second, avoid the use of cigarettes. Smoking causes a number of diseases and

is linked to a higher risk of breast cancer in younger, premenopausal women. Research

also has shown that there may be link between very heavy second-hand smoke

exposure and breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women. Smokers and non-smokers

alike how unhealthy smoking is on top of lowering quality of life and increasing the risk

of breast cancer. If you don’t smoke, don’t start. If you do smoke, use every resource

you can find to help you quit. Knowing about all of the problems associated with

smoking. Smoking is not considered a major risk for breast cancer, and overall, it may

present no risk at all. It concluded that smoking had little or no independent effect on the

incidence of breast cancer.

Lastly, you have to control your weight. According to Florencia Halperin, Ho.

“Weight loss may be a strategy for preventing breast cancer and for improving

outcomes in people who get breast cancer but we have much more learn about this,”
Studies suggest that the risk appears to be increased for women who gained weight as

an adult but may not be increased among those have been overweight since childhood.

Also, having extra fat in the waist area may raise risk more than having extra fat in the

hips and thighs. And even though gaining weight can raise your cancer risk, it’s not

clear whether losing weight reduces your risk. This turns out to be a tough question for

scientists to answer, mainly because very few people actually lose weight during

adulthood, and those who do lose weight don’t usually keep it off over a long period of

time. So it is difficult to find a large enough group of people to study or to be able to

study them over an extended length of time.

Similarly some studies have shown that diet changes , weight loss and exercise can

lower risk of developing breast cancer and improve survival after diagnosis.


“A functional individual is a healthy individual.” In order for us to be effective

members of the society we must be physically fit, free from all the threats of certain

health problems. Certainly, our heath partakes a big role in our everyday lives so we

must be aware of the different health issues and their corresponding preventive


On the other hand, one of the sectors of the community whose health must be of

primordial importance is the women’s group. More often than not, they are too busy

bearing responsibilities that they tend to set aside their well-being. In order to prevent

the risk of health issues we must raise awareness among them. Being well-informed of

the measures needed to be taken might save them from the threats of breast cancer.

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