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C2 Entertainment The Epoch Times March 10, 2010

New York International

Children’s Film Festival
A look at some of the entries at the IFC Center’s program for the young and grown

By JOE BENDEL Over 35 years after it won the spe-

cial jury prize at Cannes, “Planet” is
‘in the attic’ still one strange trip. Recommended
One Czech family’s attic is filled more for adults than children, it
with castoff items including a va- screens next Saturday (March 13)
riety of old toys and a military bust at Symphony Space as part of NY-
leftover from the communist era. ICFF’s French animation celebra-
Yet even in mothballs, their funda- tion. Those interested in seeing it
mental natures remain the same in on a big screen with an appreciative
Jiri Barta’s stop-motion-animated audience should bear in mind NY-
feature “In the Attic” or “Who Has ICFF is a festival that often sells out
a Birthday Today?” and even adds screenings.

‘runaway’ (animated short)

Again showing superior program-
A magical story ming taste, this year’s NYICFF in-
cludes Cordell Barker’s “Runaway”
that should enchant as one of its several blocks of short
youngsters, while RUN: A scene from the film “Little White Lies.” marcus rosenmüller

fascinating their
the local absentee industrialist, sure of hope for humanity. While ‘Runaway’ involves a
Matsubayashi Ranze, Ballerina. the epoch times parents with its Langer Gruber, is definitely trou- parents and children might be
ble. Though wary of him, Alexander watching it on different levels, both cow, an out of control
shrewd commentary. finds himself manipulated by the should find it quite a satisfying film
Shen Yun Performing Arts New older boy. Through his own lies and experience. It screens again Sun- train, a little fur ball
cowardice, Alexander has victimized day after next (March 21) at the IFC
York Company in Tokyo B-Karli, a fellow student from his Center. of a dog, and an
Even though they have been dis- rival class, partly through Gruber’s
carded by humanity, life is pleasant instigation. As a result, Alexander ‘fantastic planet’ engineer’s assistant
‘In Japan, we can only see Chinese for an enclave of old toys. Every day meekly submits when his sinister It was an award winner at the 1973
Buttercup, a girly girl’s doll, bakes a classmate organizes the A’s into a Cannes Film Festival that was dis- trying desperately
performances bounded by the Chinese regime. cake for a teddy bear, a marionette fascist gang. Wearing brown scarves tributed in America by schlock mas-
knight, and a silly-putty man, who instead of brown shirts, it is obvious ter Roger Corman. While it might to save the day.
Being able to see something so different roll a special birthday die for the what Gruber’s anti-B campaign rep- sound like oddly sophisticated fare
daily honors. Yet, danger lurks in resents. (In this context, Gruber’s for the low budget mogul, he knew
this time is simply great. I am glad to have the far reaches of the attic. name is actually an odd distraction, a trippy property when he saw one.
Head, a surviving piece of com- being a relatively common Jewish A surreal animated classic, René The Canadian Barker’s anima-
witnessed the authentic Chinese culture.’ munist statuary, covets Buttercup surname.) Laloux’s “Fantastic Planet” might tion might look light-hearted and
and enlists his insect minions (na- play to more boomers in the audi- whimsical, but at its core, “Run-
—Matsubayashi Ranze, Ballerina ture’s collectivists) and the house ence than young viewers, when it away” is a gleefully subversive gem
cat (who is just plain evil) to kidnap has a special repertory screening as of a film. Nine minutes of madcap
her. Of course, the squabbling toys It vividly dramatizes part of this year’s celebration of “The humor, “Runaway” involves a cow,
launch a rescue mission with the Animauteurs: 50 Years of French an out of control train, a little fur
help of the rest of the toy community how one deceit can Animation” as part of NYICFF. ball of a dog, and an engineer’s as-
and a sympathetic rat, but the terrain sistant trying desperately to save
of Head’s Land of Evil is forbidding, snowball out of the day.
and he maintains absolute control It all hurtles down the track to
through his cult of personality. control, offering an the propulsive rhythm of Benoit
While the quest story, co-written Charest’s soundtrack. Best known
by Barta and Edgar Dutka, might efficacious vehicle for the score of Silvain Chomet’s
not hold a lot of surprises per se, it “The Triplets of Belleville,” Cha-
is the visually dazzling journey that for parents to rest’s music for “Runaway” has a
counts. Rendered without the aid similar spirit, sounding something
of computers, Barta creates a richly discuss tolerance like a mutated form of early hot jazz
detailed, fully realized world, filled on some serious acid. Charest also
with winningly eccentric flourishes. and personal CANNES WINNER: A still from the
brought in many of the same jazz
Head (the flesh-and-blood head of musicians, who recorded “Triplets”
Czech actor Jiri Labus rendered responsibility. 1973 animated film “Fantastic Planet.”
courtesy of cqn releasing
including the drummer Jim Doxas
through Barta’s animation process) and his saxophonist brother Chet,
also makes a thoroughly creepy both of whom have played with the
screen villain, effectively channel- highly regarded Canadian jazz pia-
ing fallen communist icons and Unmistakably, “Lies” is indeed a The Traags (a.k.a. Draags) are big- nist Oliver Jones.
dystopian Big Brother archetypes children’s film. It is told from Alex- headed, blue giants, who rule their “Runaway” is an inspired act of
(if there is any difference between ander’s perspective, focusing almost planet through their superior tech- lunacy, rendered in sophisticated
the two). exclusively on its juvenile charac- nology and long life spans. Humans, style. It screens the next two succes-
Considered an animator’s anima- ters. Rosenmuller handles the film’s known as Oms (based on hommes sive Saturdays (March 13 and March
tor, Barta’s style is perfectly suited evolution in tone from realistic com- the French word for Men) are either 20) as part of “Short Films One.”
to the film’s familiar yet mysterious ing-of-age story to cerebral fable sur- kept as pets or exterminated like ver- NYICFF seems to have a knack for
setting and fable-like story. Though prisingly smoothly. Yet, the rather min. However, deliverance might be selecting interesting shorts, with
some scenes with Head are undeni- strange fusion of mature allegory “Runaway” certainly being a case
ably intense, the festival program and kid-friendly slapstick action in point.
frankly makes it sound much darker might well be seen by American
than it really is. It is a magical story distributors as neither fish nor fowl, Transports viewers
that should enchant youngsters, likely limiting domestic screening
Jolande van der Kemp, Media company owner. the epoch times
while fascinating their parents with opportunities to the festival circuit. to a different world.
its shrewd commentary. Enthusi- That would be unfortunate though,
astically recommended, it screens because there is some worthy sub-
again next Sunday (March 14) at the stance to “Lies.” It vividly dramatizes
Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring IFC Center, as the NYICFF contin- how one deceit can snowball out of
ues through March 21 (but never on control, offering an efficacious ve- coming for the Oms when Terr, an
Company in Amsterdam school nights). hicle for parents to discuss tolerance orphaned house pet, starts learning
and personal responsibility. the knowledge of the Traags through
‘little white lies’ Though often dark, “Lies” has his young mistress’s telepathically
‘It was a good performance. We believe why Young German school children a consistently classy sheen thanks imparted lessons. Blending arche-
FILM SHORT: A still from the nine-
prove only too willing to turn on to the artful contributions of cin- types from the Prometheus legend
they were telling us this was [to bring out] the each other for murky reasons in ematographer Torsten Breuer and and the Book of Exodus, “Planet” minute-animated film “Runaway.”
courtesy of national board of film
Marcus Rosenmuller’s “Little White composer Gerd Baumann. It also is a genuine science fiction fable,
best part of us.’ Lies.” features some very strong work memorably brought to life through
In 1931 Germany, Alexander’s from its youthful cast, particularly the mind-altering animation of
—Jolande van der Kemp, Media company owner school is divided into the A class Markus Krojer as the tormented Al- Laloux’s French and Czech produc-
and the B class. What started as exander. Among the adults, Brigitte tion team. Other short film highlights in-
an arbitrary administrational divi- Hobmeier easily takes the honors Though the animation renders clude the Oscar-nominated “French
(Regarding the performance, “Nothing Can Block the Divine Path,” about sion has established two fairly rigid portraying Klari, as a loving but re- characters somewhat stiff and in- Roast,” whose homeless-man-
a child whose mother is arrested in the park for practicing the spiritual cliques. One fateful day an older alistically flawed mother. expressive, it truly transports view- teaches-uptight-businessman-a-
meditation system, Falun Gong.) student joins A class. The son of “Lies” actually finds some mea- ers to a different world. Indeed, lesson-in-living story line is more
“Planet” de-emphasizes character- than a little trite, but at least it also
ization in favor of its otherworldly boasts a pleasing soundtrack, com-
imagery of lush fauna and Dali-like posed by Olivier Llioutry and fea-
Shen Yun Performing Arts International landscapes. The psychedelic vibe is turing the flute of jazz musician
further heightened by a distinctive Bobby Rangell. Jake Armstrong’s
Company in Louisville proggy jazz fusion soundtrack by “Terrible Thing From Alpha 9” is
Alain Goraguer, which is very cool, quite notable as well for probably
but definitely a product of its time. the most macabre closing titles you
‘I found it to be very uplifting. The traditional While certainly a stylistic triumph are likely to see at a children’s film
of French (and Czech) animation, festival anytime soon. Now under-
song and dance, the experience of a culture it is a bit of an odd choice for the way, the NYICFF will screen several
NYICFF. Though never risqué, short programming blocks through-
that I am not that familiar with—I found to be “Planet” features frequent National out the festival, which continues
Geographic-style animated nudity, through March 21.
a wonderful thing.’ which parents should be aware
of going in. Also, the opening se- Joe Bendel blogs on jazz and cul-
—Bill Burger, Assistant to the lieutenant governor of Kentucky quence showing an Om woman tural issues at
with child being tormented by Traag and coordinated the Jazz Founda-
children might be too intense for tion of America’s instrument donation
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2010 World young viewers (frankly, I still find campaign for musicians displaced by
Tour. For more information, please visit ATTIC TALES: A scene from the animated film “In the Attic.” jiri barta it disturbing). Hurricane Katrina.

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