Contract Status 2018

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2017 Goal Sheet

Sr. No. Goal

(what I will aim to achieve)

Delight our Customers

To provide Contracts Management support (Agreement review).

Review/facilitate at least six master agreements in a months.

Continue with development of playbooks for contracts and SOW (For

Act as a single point of contact for all category contracts

Make a Contracts guide capturing the negotiation history. Will

incorporate 10-12 agreements in the guide.
Prepare other category playbooks (dependent on the workflow)

Improve feedback from GEP on contract redlines

Provide support for other requirement related to contracting process.

Serve our People

Support IT/other categories with sourcing activities, as needed (e. g. MI
and supplier coordination on the issues)
Create issue logs or contracts summary to facilitate the negotiations.

Build our Capability

Prepare guides and reference material for IT contracts

Prepare Contracts templates

Contribution to COE
Grow our business profitably
2017 Goal Sheet

Description and Key Results Goal Due Date

(Why is this Objective important and how will I measure success of this (By when do you aim to achieve this
objective) goal)

Delight our Customers

Can be measured by the turn around time of any request. Either review
or response on any request.
Can be measured by the turn around time of any contract/request.
Facilitation would also include taking views of different concerned
authorities (e.g. IT Security, Insurance, business and legal).

Draft will be circulated through out the team. 30-Jun-2017

1. Taking care of all queries regarding the current status including 30-Jun-2017
queries from suppliers and responding them on time.
2. Targeting other category contracts like Capex and Construction
(dependent on the word load).

Draft will be shared in every two months. 30-Oct-2017

On going activity. Dependent on the work flow from the category 30-Sep-2017
Improve on attributes such as attention to detail and mark-up quality 31-May-2017

On going activity. Improvements in existing contracting process to 1-Dec-2017

facilitate the negotiations.

Other requests apart from Contracting. Can be measured by the results. 31-Dec-2017

Can be measured with the timely preparation of issue logs or contracts


Can be measured by the initiatives taken to improve the process flow.

Will be introduced as per the requirement subject to Legal approval.

On going activity, new products will be uploaded.

(Indicate the priority of this goal -
Highest, High, Medium, Low)











2018 Goa

Sr. Goal
No. (what I will aim to achieve)

Delight our C
1 Provide Contracts Management support to finalize the engagement (Agreement review and
negotiation support).

2 Act as a single point of contact for all category contracts

3 Improvements on Contracts Guide (Additional contracts and related info)

4 Process Adherence
5 Accuracy
Serve our
1 Support all categories with sourcing activities, as needed (e. g. Increasing involvement in sourcing
Build our C
1 Improve guides and reference material for contracts
2 Contribution to Sales from contracts management perspective
Grow our busin
1 Work with the GEP IT team on Contracting Portal
2018 Goal Sheet

Description and Key Results

(Why is this Objective important and how will I measure success of this objective)

Delight our Customers

1- 95% Accuracy (Accuracy in delivery for level 2 )
2- Maintaining redlines for all contracts.
3- Level 2 to be completed in 3 days
4- All requests must be responded (with status/questions ) next day.

1- Taking care of all queries regarding the current status including queries from suppliers and responding
them on time.
2- Taking Ownership to talk to stakeholder and resolve the issue
Draft will be shared periodically (Dependent on the work load)
Following the process defined by PEG team for sending agreements
At least 75% redlines in-line with the expectation of Honda legal and Honda Procurement team
Serve our People
Other requests apart from Contracting. Can be measured by the results (Based on the request).

Build our Capability

Can be measured by the initiatives taken to improve the process flow.
Support to sales team
Grow our business profitably
Goal Due Date Priority
(By when do you aim to achieve this (Indicate the priority of this goal -
goal) Highest, High, Medium, Low)

31-Mar-2018 High

1-Jul-2018 High

1-Jul-2018 Medium
Immediate Medium
Ongoing High

Ongoing High

Ongoing Medium
Need Basis Low

Ongoing Medium
Self Appraisal
Over all summary:

Key Achievements in goals for Build

Our Capability:

Key Achievements in goals for Serve

Our People:

Key Achievements in goals for

Delight Our Customers:

Key Achievements in goals for Grow

Our Business Profitably:
Areas of Strength:

Areas of Improvement / Training

Self Appraisal
Coming November 17th, will complete my 4 years in GeP. It has been a wonderful and learning experience. So far, have worked with 2 acc
bandwidth. I have fulfilled the requirement and have worked as per the expectations of the team and the account. I feel that I took c
promptly to exceed the expectations if there was an opportunity. I sincerely look forward getting more responsibilities.
1. Made a substantial contribution to Contract Management-Centre of excellence (CMCOE). Have provided more than 20 agreement templ
2. Provided support in making of Contracts management training material and provided voice over for the same.
3. Provided the contracts playbook and check list for IT category contracts.
4. Uploaded the reference material for contracts management. Before the CMCOE initiative as well.
5. Helped resolving issues regarding contracts and provided my assistance to another account managers (Kemper, KC, Assina).
6. Making regular applicable changes to the existing once and uploading the updated versions of the templates.
7. Supported the overall initiative by providing improvements and new ideas.
8. Initiated the process of sharing the Contracts Guide with other Contracts Management resources.

1. Supported other stakeholders (external) for other categories contracting.

2. Uploaded 20 contracts (still adding) to contracts guide.
3. Worked on Level 2s for maintenance renewal and provided the required info in time that includes creating of Order and SOW.
4. Uploaded all the executed contracts timely. Covered the back log as well.
5. Included the other categories as well for adding negotiated contracts on guide as required.
6. Provided training to team members on contracting.
7. Understood the accounts contracts management responsibilities quickly and started working as required.
8. Provided the timely support by reviewing the contracts on or before the TAT.
9. Provided new ideas to improve the existing process flow.
10. Expedited the contracting process by taking the required inputs from different teams and consolidating them in final draft.
11. Created playbook for MSA and SOW.
12. Supported the teams overall goal by providing them the additional support like market research and other sourcing activities.
13. Created issue logs of contracts to expedite the negotiation process.
14. Created the contracts guide by capturing the negotiations history to help the future contracts negotiations and transition process (Ongo
15. Started assisting other categories like Services as was initially hired for IT only.
16. Have also shared my experience and other helpful materials with other account managers as and when required.

1. Provided support to clients existing Contracts Management process.

2. Provided recommendations on client’s contracts templates as requested.
3. Took lead on projects from contracting perspective.

1. Though not applicable in direct ways but the contribution to CMCOE can generate profit.

1. Adapts willingly to changing responsibilities.

2. Acts in a manner that engages and motivates.
3. Builds positive, effective relationships with colleagues at all levels of organization.
4. Organizes and prioritizes work well.
5. Uses time efficiently.
6. Works to improve existing processes and/or introduce new methods.

1. Training for sourcing activities are required.

2. To manage time well to handle multiple accounts if required.

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