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3/14/2019 ilmu.pengakap.

Berpengakap: Cara yang sepatutnya ianya dilakukan
Posted by paduka (profile.php?lookup=1) on January 28 2019 13:00:00

Telah tersurat, seperti yang ditetapkan:


Pernah jadi Pengakap?

Apa lagi yang ditunggu-tunggu, sebagai seorang insan bernama, Pengakap... kalau
bukan, Jamboree... Yes! Jamboree... tuliskan nama, sebagai peserta pertama dalam
kontijen negeri... duit yuran penyertaan, nanti saya curi cari, nanti saya bagi...

Jamboree... be it at the state level... at the national level... at the international

level...... world, gitu... best jer... ramainya orang... dari pelbagai peringkat... dari
pelbagai negeri... dari pelbagai negara... tu belum lagi, kira... pelawat. Sesak...

Huh!... Jamboree... pergh!, tapi, apa gamaknya, jamboree tu yer...

Apa gamaknya, yer... benda alah, Jomboree ni?

Maka, terpanggillah di hati untuk menurunkan, sedikit ayat penerang hati...agar anda
semua, dapat memahami dan mengerti apa itu, yang dikatakan sebagai... JAMBOREE.

World Scout Bureau, Asia-Pacific region:

What is a Jamboree.
A Jamboree is an event organized by scouting for young people, where the Scout
method and principles and adherence to Scout Promise and Law are practised
accordingly to the highest standards.

Who attends the Jamboree.

A Jamboree is organised for young people who are registered with national Scout
organisation. The minimum age for participants in jamboree should ordinally be
between 14 years and not more than 17 years old, though national or regional
Jamboree may be held for younger members.

Because the Jamboree is an event for young people, the number of adult leaders
should be strictly limited to definite camp duties only. They could be either Troop
Leaders, or serve as members of the sub-camp staff, contigent staff, programme
staff, etc.

When Jamboree is held.

...National Jamboree may be held every four years, depending on the policy of the
national Scout Organisation

Normally, a Jamboree last for seven days, which could extend up to ten days
inclusive or arrival and departure...

Note : JAMBOREE: What, Who, Where, When, Why, How. Word Organisation of the Scout Movement, Asia-Pacific
Region, 2001. 1/5

World Scout Conference Resolution:

Jamborees, Age
The Conference decided that only Boy Scouts (with a due proportion of
Scouters) should be allowed in contingents. If any Rover Scouts are included
in contingents their numbers should be strictly limited and they should be for
definite camp duties only.

The minimum age for participants in World Jamborees should

ordinarily be 14 years.

Note : Stockholm, Sweeden, August 5-7, 1935.

WOSM Guidelines for the hosting of the World Scout Jamboree:

1. Definition.
1.1 The World Scout Jamboree is an official educational event of the WOSM. It is
specifically designed for young people aged between 14 and 17 years
inclusive, from National Scout Organizations(NSOs) that are members of
WOSM. It is organised by an NSO or alliance of NSOs, appointed by the World
Scout Conference, under supervision of the World Scout Committee and with
the supportof the World Scout Committee and World Scout Bureau (WSB)..

2. Participation.
2.1 Participants.
The World Scout Jamboree is an event held for young people.

Participants at the World Scout Jamboree should be aged between 14 to 17

years (inclusive). The World Scout Jamboree is open to boys and girls, young
men and women. The World Scout Jamboree is for members from all NSOs.

Every Scout should have the opportunity to attend one World Scout Jamboree.
The Host Organisation should take into consideration the dates for the
preceding and succeeding World Scout Jamborees, and if necessary, accept
Scouts who are 13 years of age (who will be 18 at the time of the
succeeding Jamboree).

2.2 Adults at the Jamboree.

Unit Leaders, members of the International Service Team (IST) and members
of Contingent Teams must be members of an NSO and be 18 years of age or
older at the time of the event.In accordance with WOSM policy on Youth
Participation, Contingents should encourage the participation of adults in the
18–30 age range.

2.3 Contigents
...No Contingent may have more Adults than Participants, with the exception of
the country in which the Jamboree is being held...

Note : WOSM Guidelines for the hosting of the World Scout Jamboree: Adopted by the World Scout Committee in
March 2016. 2/5

Demikianlah, telah ditetapkan!. Rasanya... tidak ada yang perlu diperjelaskan lagi,

Pergh!!!... Habis, habis... saya macam mana?. Habislah saya... Apa, saya nak buat...
Buat bodoh jer ler, keh! keh! keh!

Abang kumis... Adik manis... kenapa? why? kiahua?, jangan panik!... kita kan,

Bagi anda, ahli Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia yang sah berdaftar, tetapi tidak dapat
untuk menggolongkan diri anda dalam bahagian Program Pengakap, lagi...

Bertindaklah dengan betul dan tepat...

Anda, sebagai Krew Kelana... lakukan aktiviti Kelana, banyak tu kot... (ibarat kata
budak-budak sekarang)... berforum-forum... berMoot Kelana... dan yang penting,
Berkhidmat!, seperti cogan kata anda sendiri.

Orang Dewasa Dalam Berpengakap:

Kita, Orang Dewasa Dalam Berpengakap.

Setuju?... Bagus. Kita tinggalkan dunia Program Pengakap, untuk Pengakap.

Orang Dewasa Dalam Berpengakap, kita dah matang... berganjak ler ke arah
kepimpinan... jangan bazirkan sejarah kegemilangan kepengakapan anda untuk
disimpan begitu sahaja... Kita, pakat-pakat lakukan, Pengurusan Pengetahuan
Kepengakapan. Berkongsi, pengalaman dan pengamalan kita...

Kita kan, terror!!!... tak gitu?

Kita buat kerja kita... Kerja orang dewasa, yang para Pengakap, hanya boleh takat
tengok... tapi bukan saja-saja... tengok dan mempelajari selok belok pengurusan
kepengakapan untuk mereka amalkan sendiri, di kemudian hari. Lantas, menjadi satu
tanggungjawab kita meninggalkan satu legasi yang bitara... untuk menjayakan dunia
kepengakapan Malaysia.

Kerja orang dewasa:

1. Kepimpinan dipelbagai peringkat Kumpulan Persekutuan.

2. Pesuruhjaya-Pesuruhjaya dipelbagai peringkat Persekutuan.
3. Ahli Pasukan Latihan dipelbagai peringkat Persekutuan.
4. Pentadbiran dan Pengurusan dipelbagai peringkat Persekutuan.

Lagi satu, terlupa... Orang Dewasa Dalam Berpengakap, ni... suka sesangat pergi ke
Persidangan Pengakap. Baik ianya diperingkat serantau... atau sedunia... Suka
sesangat, ler... macam pengakap, juga ler... sama jer, tulis nama saya, yang
pertama... Yuran penyertaan, yer... err, nanti... kita cerita.

Sebagai renungan kita bersama...

World Scout Conference Resolution:

1961- Delegates to Meeting of Conference 3/5
3/14/2019 11

The Conference considers it desirable that national associations appoint as

their delegates to its meetings persons of the highest calibre obtainable,
and recommends that they be appointed from amongst the national officers
and those responsible for administration, training, programme and
international relationships so as to give the broadest base of experience
and knowledge to the delegation.

Note : Lisbon, Portugal, September 20-14,1961.

Conference, Young Leaders
The Conference urges member countries to include in their delegations to
World Conferences atleast one young adult qualified by experience to
participate. Member countries should also been couraged to give every
opportunity to duly qualified young leaders to express their views and to
participate in the decision-making process in every level of the Scout

Note : Otaniemi, Finland, August 21-27,1969.

Young Adults' Participant in Conference
The Conference; recognizing the value of youth participation in decision

draws attention to Resolution 1969-13 regarding the inclusion of

young adults in delegationsto World Conferences and strongly urges
those National Scout Organizations which have notyet implemented
this resolution to do so in preparing for all future Conferences
recommends to the World Committee to consider ways of increasing
the involvement of young delegates and observers in
Conference presentations and deliberations.

Note : Melbourne, Australia, January 11-15,1988.

Sekian, adanya... pesanan penaja, amalkan...

Berpengakap; Cara yang sepatutnya ianya dilakukan.

Yang ikhlas. 4/5

Faizal bin Abd Rahim.

Isnin, 28 hb. Januari 2019, 13:00, Johor: Pekan Nenas; Parit Pasir Baru.

* P/S : Anda : Pergh!!! panjang, membebel kali ni nampaknya...

Saya : Huh!!! hangpa tak tau,no... panjang lagi, waktu gaduh-gaduh manja
tika dan saat, menerangkan perkara di atas kepada si dia yang tidak
jelas-jelas lagi, tak nak faham, juga lagi... tentang duduk perkara.

Nak main terangkan dalam whatsaap... ingat pendek, apa...

Lepas ni... jangan tanya lagi, tutup cerita!.

Oh! ya... saya, Bangsa Orang Johor.

Kenapa? Salah ke? 5/5

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