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The elements of creation, exploration, expression, discovery, and imagination

are each essential parts of art education for promoting a child’s development. As an art
educator, my focus is the integration of these elements within the visual language we
know as art. Art is the discovery that occurs at an undetermined pace when students
have the freedom to explore and imagine. Art education provides a place of thought-
provoking inquiry, where the teacher, acting as a guide, helps students navigate through
the content and the subsequent questions that arise.

My role as an art educator is to foster an environment where developmental

variance, cultural difference, and artistic interests are celebrated, and the freedom to be
unique is encouraged. This prompts students to discover their cultural citizenship -
one's place and relation to culture - which is profoundly vital to their own identity;
especially considering how diverse and multifaceted our world has become. As a
teacher, I work to foster a classroom that celebrates the cultural identity of the
students that it serves. Through this, my students obtain the knowledge of successful
artistic skills through constant practice and thorough engagement.

In my classroom, we maintain an inclusive environment that explores

connections between my students and the content we examine. This is achieved by
maintaining student engagement through discussions, questioning, and group activities.
As an educator, I strive for full-class engagement. It is important that, in my classroom,
all students are given a chance to be independent and use their voice. Independent
exploration is emphasized by a learner-centered layout that invites students to make
independent choices to enhance their artistic journey. When students feel they have
ownership and authority of any kind in a space, they are more likely to succeed in
learning and envision their curiosity. My art classroom resembles both an artist's studio
and a classroom, a space where learning through creation happens holistically.

I believe that through the arts, cultural difference and the artistic journey should
be studied and celebrated. That is what art is all about—examining difference in a
positive and exciting light that heightens the important role of identity and self-discovery
for every student in the art room.

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