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You can express your strength and weaknesses using these following phrases

Strengths Weaknesses Positive Negative

Characteristics Characteristics

I am excellent at I easily get tired when I am easy to I am not responsive

operationing I get a lot of work communicate with in receiving
aplications many people, able to information that
work in teams, and enters continuously
I am good at work in cheerful
teams and easily
comunication to

I am able to quickly
adapt to environment

I recently managed to
internship at a well-
known company

I am interested in the
world of construktion

mind map as the example below and use phrases you have learnt above.

Achievements Experience Knowledge

Language Personal Characteristic Skills

I am able to quickly adapt

to environment, and work
effectively in teams WEAKNESSES

I am excellent at operationing I am not responsive in

1. Skills
aplications receiving information that
enters continuously

I am good at work in teams and

easily comunication to people STRENGTH
I easily get tired when I get a
lot of work

I recently managed to internship

at a well-known company
I am interested in the world of

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