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Mike Wiking is a founder of the Happiness Research Institute and the author of

the Little Book of Hygge, a best seller that was reprinted 3 times before its release
and is published in 26 countries.
Part 1

Mary Choi: all right, Mike, tell me: what is hygge?

Mike: Hygge is being consciously cozy but it has also been described as the art
of creating a nice atmosphere, it’ been called the pursuit of everyday happiness,
it’s also been called socializing for introverts.

Mary Choi: ok!

Mike: but it’s about being together with the people that you love, it’s about
relaxation, it’s about indulgence, it’s about good food, it’s about gratitude, it’s
about equality, all those things mixed together: it’s hygge.

Mary Choi: would you charactarize hygge is a lifestyle trend or self help?

Mike: actually, neither. I mean, to us, Dans, hygge is part of our culture, part of
our national DNA, perhaps the same way Americans see freedom as
inherently American.

Part 2

Mike: Indulgence, I think, is key in terms of hygge and, perhaps, also something
sinful. I think also hygge is taking a break from demands of healthy eating
(uuhhh)...so, it’s about cake, it’s about candy, it’s about hot chocolate, it’s about
alcohol, some even might say it’s about, you know, sinful pleasures.

Mary Choi: hygge is horrible for you health conceivably?

Mike: you could say that, hmm, I mean, compared to the Swedes and the
Norwegians, we have the shorter life expenctancy, we do eat more unhealthy.

Part 3

Mary Choi: so, what does America have to learn from Denmark in terms of
happiness and hygge?

Mike: I think the most defining feature of Danish culture in life and politics is our
democratic socialism: universal health care, equal opportunities for men and
women, free university education. Social security. At a certain point, additional
income, it doesn’t lead to improved quality of life.

What do you think of this? What do you know about social democracy? Is a bigger
income needed for a happier life? Who’s included and who’s not?

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