Pruebas de Función Renal

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Received 10.4.06 | Revisions Received 10.30.06 | Accepted 12.27.06

Renal Function Tests:

A Clinical Laboratory Perspective
Henry O. Ogedegbe, PhD, BB(ASCP)SC, CLS(NCA)
(Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, NJ)

Abstract maintenance of acid base, water and glomerulonephritis, and others, can singly or in
Worldwide, chronic kidney disease has become electrolyte balance, regulation of hormone combination precipitate renal diseases. Various
a public health problem with increasing levels, and removal of waste products and clinical laboratory tests are useful in the
prevalence and high cost for treatment and unwanted substances from plasma. Various investigation and evaluation of kidney function.
prevention. It is projected that by 2030 there hormones that have metabolic and Different treatment options available for the
will be about 2 million patients needing dialysis physiological functions such as erythropoietin, management and prevention of renal disease
and transplantation. Kidneys perform vital the prostaglandins, and so forth, are produced complications include dialysis and
functions in the homeostatic processes of the by the kidneys. Several diseases, such as transplantation.
human body including the filtration of blood, acute nephrotic syndrome, acute

Background the evaluation of kidney function is limited and imprecise; there-

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has become a major public fore, laboratory measurement of various substances in plasma and
health problem worldwide, and in the United States renal dis- urine is required for the accurate assessment of kidney function.
ease is a common occurrence with poor health outcome and Determinations of importance include glomerular filtration rate
increase in health expenditure. Kidney failure and cardiovascular (GFR), urine protein levels, disturbances in electrolytes, and
disease (CVD) are complications associated with CKD.1,2 Ac- serum concentrations of creatinine, urea, and uric acid.8 Evalua-
cording to the National Kidney Foundation, 11% of the United tion of patients with CKD should determine diagnosis, comorbid
States adult population has CKD or are at increased risk of de- conditions, severity of disease, complications related to kidney
veloping the disorder.1-5 It is projected that the number of pa- function, risk of loss of kidney function, and risk of CVD.9
tients treated with dialysis or transplantation will increase from
340,000 in 1999 to 651,000 in 2010.5 By 2030, the number of
patients needing dialysis or transplantation will jump to 2 mil-
lion.4 Death arising from CVD is 10 to 20 times higher in pa- Renal Anatomy
tients on dialysis than in the general population, and it has been Kidneys are bean-shaped paired organs located in the poste-
suggested that CKD is a risk factor for CVD.6 rior part of the abdomen on both sides of the spinal column
The number of patients requiring dialysis and transplanta- (Figure 1). The glomerulus is housed in the cortex underneath
tion in the United Kingdom is on the rise, and the number is the capsule of fibrous tissue enclosing each kidney. The medulla
not expected to reach a steady state for another 25 years.7 The houses the collecting duct while the pelvis, into which newly
clinical practice guidelines on CKD was published in February formed urine passes, is a cavity located at the upper end of the
2002 by the Kidney Disease Outcome Quality Initiative ureter. The ureter connects the kidney to the urinary bladder
(K/DOQI) of the National Kidney Foundation.5 The goals of (Figure 2). The urinary bladder is a reservoir where urine is
the work group were to define and classify CKD; evaluate labo- stored until voided from the body via the urethra. Each kidney
ratory measurements for the diagnosis of kidney disease; associate has about 1 million nephrons which are tubelike structures. The
level of kidney function with CKD complications; and stratify nephrons terminate in an enlarged area called Bowman’s capsule.
risk for loss of kidney function and development of CVD.5 Other parts of the nephron include the glomerulus, proximal
The kidneys are involved in vital functions associated with convoluted tubule (PCT), the loop of Henle, the distal convo-
homeostatic processes of the human body, such as filtration of luted tubule (DCT), and the collecting tubule (Figure 3).10 The
blood, regulation of acid, water and electrolyte balance, regula- collecting duct into which the DCT empties carries formed
tion of hormone levels in the blood, and removal of waste prod- urine from the renal cortex towards the papilla. At the end of
ucts and unwanted substances from plasma. Kidney function the renal papilla are several collecting ducts which merge into
tests are used for the assessment of kidney diseases, acid-base dis- the papillary duct, and the papillary duct subsequently empties
orders, and water balance. Use of physical examination alone in into the calyx.
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Figure 1_The urinary system. Figure 2_A cross section of the kidney.

facilitates the reabsorption of 60% to 80% of the glomerular

filtrate, most of the glucose, K+, HCO3-, PO43-, SO42-, 90% of
H+, and 70% of the Na+ and Cl- secreted by the kidneys. The
PCT runs through the cortex and enters the medulla, forms the
descending and ascending limbs of the loop of Henle, which
reenters the cortex and then forms the DCT. Several DCTs
merge to form the collecting duct.11

Renal Physiology
As stated previously, the main physiological function of the
kidney is the maintenance of fluid and electrolytes homeostasis
in the body, formation of urine, regulation of acid-base balance,
excretion of waste products of protein metabolism, hormonal
function, and protein conservation. The ability of the kidneys to
perform these varied functions is predicated on the fact that
about 25% of the blood pumped by the heart circulates through
the kidney (between 1,000 and 5,000 mL of blood circulating
through the kidneys every minute).12,13 Glomerular filtration,
tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion are the 3 basic
processes through which the kidneys perform their physiological
functions. A large volume of plasma is filtered by the kidney,
most of which is reabsorbed, and in the process a concentrated
solution containing waste products is produced and eventually
excreted (Table 1).
A semipermeable membrane in the glomerulus allows the
Figure 3_The nephron. passage of water and electrolytes while excluding large
molecules.12 The end result of this process is the formation of
The renal capsule, PCT, and DCT are housed in the renal a filtrate, known as the ultrafiltrate, whose composition is sim-
cortex while the medulla houses the loop of Henle and the pap- ilar to that of plasma. About 170 to 200 L of the ultrafiltrate
illary duct.11 The glomerulus is essentially a tuft of capillaries passes through the glomeruli in a 24-hour period. This volume
formed by the afferent arteriole which is drained by the efferent of ultrafiltrate is subsequently reduced to a range of 0.4 to 2 L
arteriole and surrounded by the Bowman’s capsule. The PCT through the reabsorption of solute and water at various sites

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Table 1_Tubular Reabsorption and Secretion be categorized into hypo-osmolar disorders and hyperosmolar
disorders. Presence of excess water relative to solute results in
Tubule Reabsorption Secretion hyponatremia, and, when the problem is deficiency of water
relative to solute, the result is hypernatremia.14
Proximal Tubule Glucose Para-amino-hippurate The regulation and conservation of water and electrolyte
Fructose Creatinine
Galactose Neurotransmitters by the kidneys is made possible through the action of AVP. The
Lactate Bile pigments synthesis of AVP takes place in specialized neural cells of the
Succinate Drugs hypothalamus. After synthesis, AVP is transported to the poste-
Amino acids Ammonia rior pituitary gland for storage within the neurosecretory gran-
Uric acid H+
ules from whence it is secreted into the blood circulation when
K+ stimulated.14 The maintenance of water balance is dependent on
Ca2+ several factors such as water intake, the thirst sensation, and the
Mg2+ excretion of water by the kidneys.15 The PCT is the site at
HCO3– which 70% of the water content of the tubular fluid is
Cl– reabsorbed. About 5% is reabsorbed in the loop of Henle, 10%
H2O in the DCT, and the reminder in the collecting duct. In
Urea response to increased osmolality, AVP is secreted into the circula-
tion, where it binds to the AVP receptors on the cells of the
Loop of Henle Na+
basolateral membrane of the collecting duct. This results in a
Cl– mediated activation of adenylate cyclase and formation of cyclic
H2O adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Upon formation, the
cAMP activates protein kinase A, which leads to the fusion of
Distal Tubule Cl– K+ vesicles containing the aquaporin-2 water channel proteins. As a
H2O H+
HCO3– result, the membrane becomes permeable to water molecules,
and water is reabsorbed into the collecting duct. In the absence
Collecting duct H2O of AVP, the water channels become impermeable to water.14,15
Urea More than a week’s supply of AVP is assured through storage of
a large amount in the pituitary gland. This allows for maximum
antidiuresis in situations of sustained dehydration.14
Electrolytes take part in many metabolic and homeostatic
along the length of the tubules. The transportation of solute and processes in the body. These processes include biochemical and
water across the cells lining the renal tubules is made possible enzymatic reactions, neurotransmission, conduction of nerve sig-
through active and passive transport processes that require recep- nals, adequate functioning of hormones, muscle contraction,
tors and mediator molecules. When adenosine triphosphate bone composition, fluid and acid-base balance, and cardiovascular
(ATP), such as Na+-K+-ATPase, is hydrolyzed, the energy functions.13 When patients are known to have electrolyte abnor-
released is made available for active transport processes. There malities, their electrolyte concentration, as well as signs and symp-
are ion channels made up of different protein molecules13 in the toms of specific electrolyte disorders, should be monitored. The
epithelial cells of renal tubules through which some molecules severity of a disorder, and the rate at which it develops and per-
can diffuse. sists, can be related to the severity of the symptoms presented by
The complete reabsorption of glucose and uric acid is a pas- the patient.16 The amount of HCO3- reabsorbed can be related to
sive process that takes place mainly in the PCT. This passive the GFR and the secretory rate of H+, while the reabsorption of
process depends on the presence of Na+.13 Dilute urine is pro- PO43- is affected by the parathyroid hormone, whose release is
duced subsequent to the reabsorption of more Na+ and Cl- with- controlled by the concentration of Ca2+ in plasma.13
out water being reabsorbed in the loops of Henle. The The reabsorption of glucose and amino acids in the PCT is
reabsorption of more water in the DCT is under the regulation controlled through specific active transport processes. Reaborp-
of Arginine vasopressin (AVP), which was earlier known as an- tion of 20% to 25% of filtered Na+ takes place in the ascending
tidiuretic hormone. Now that its biochemical characterization loop of Henle without water also being reabsorbed. This results
and structure is known, it is appropriate to refer to it with its in the production of dilute urine with an osmolality ranging
proper name. Regulation of the acid-base balance takes place in from 100 to 150 mOsm/kg. Secretion and reabsorption of Na+,
the DCT through the secretion of H+ and reabsorption of Na+ K+, and H+ takes place in the DCT. Aldosterone production is
and HCO3-. stimulated by high K+ concentration and the renin-angiotensin
system. When perfusion is inadequate, and the concentration of
Na+ is low, renin is stimulated. In order to maintain physiologi-
cal pH, the quantity of H+ secreted is decreased.13
Renal Homeostasis
Commonly-encountered problems in the practice of medi-
cine are disorders of fluid imbalance, which are due to the mech-
anisms controlling the intake and output of water and solutes. Endocrine Function
The largest constituent of the body, which constitutes approxi- The kidneys perform various endocrine functions which
mately 55% to 65% of body weight, is water. Water is distrib- are important in metabolic processes in the body, The kidneys
uted between the intracellular fluid (ICF) and the extracellular synthesize several substances such as erythropoietin,
fluid (ECF), of which 55% to 65% resides in the ICF and 35% prostaglandins, renin, and 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D. Erythro-
to 45% resides in the ECF.14 Disturbance of water balance may poietin functions by stimulating the erythroid progenitor cells

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in the bone marrow to increase the number of red blood cells in Table 2_Summary of Renal Diseases
the blood stream.10 Erythropoietin is a polypeptide synthesized
by cells close to the PCT, and its production is regulated by the Laboratory Finding
level of oxygen in the blood. In the presence of tissue hypoxia,
an increased quantity of erythropoietin is produced. Patients Renal Diseases Urine Blood
who have chronic renal failure and are prone to developing ane- Acute kidney disease Low GFR High BUN
mia may benefit from treatment with recombinant erythropoi- Acidosis High serum creatinine
etin which is readily available. High K+
Renin, a component of the renin-angiotensin system is pro-
Chronic kidney disease Low GFR High BUN
duced in the presence of a decrease in fluid volume or blood Acidosis High serum creatinine
pressure. Renin catalyzes the synthesis of angiotensin through High K+
enzymatic cleavage of angiotensinogen to produce angiotensin.
Angiotensin is converted by angiotensin-converting enzyme to Acute High protein High BUN
a powerful vasoconstrictor called angiotensin II, which increases glomerulonephritis Proteinuria High creatinine
blood pressure and stimulates the adrenal cortex to release Low GFR
aldosterone. The function of aldosterone is to promote Na+
reabsorption and water conservation. Chronic Proteinuria High BUN
One of the 3 hormones required for phosphate and calcium glomerulonephritis Hematuria High serum creatinine
Low urine SG High K+
balance, as well as bone calcification, is 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin Waxy or broad casts
D. The enzyme required for its production is housed in the Dysmorphic RBCs
mitochondria of the renal cortex. Chronic renal insufficiency of
the hormone may lead to osteomalacia. The prostaglandins are Nephrotic syndrome High protein Low serum albumin
formed in any tissue and synthesized from arachidonic acid. It Proteinuria Hypoalbuminemia
Lipiduria Hyperlipidemias
has diverse actions such as increasing renal blood flow, Na+ and
water excretion, and release of renin.10 Autoimmune nephritis Hematuria Autoantibodies against basement
(Goodpasture’s membrane components
syndrome) Proteinuria High Bun
Pathological Processes in the Kidney High serum creatinine
Many diseases have been described which singly or in combi- Tubular necrosis High BUN
nation predispose an individual to developing renal diseases such High serum creatinine
as acute nephritic syndrome, acute glomerulonephritis, autoim- High uric acid
mune nephrititis, nephropathies secondary to systemic diseases,
Uremic syndrome Low GFR High BUN
and other miscellaneous diseases (Table 2). The causes, signs and High creatinine
symptoms of some of the renal diseases are shown in Table 3. High PO43-
Low Ca2+
High K+
Renal Diseases
ESRD Proteinuria High BUN
Acute glomerulonephritis. Acute glomerulonephritis causes Low GFR High serum creatinine
an increase in the concentration of blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
BUN = blood urea nitrogen, GFR = glomerular filtration rate, SG = Specific gravity
and serum creatinine while decreasing the GFR. Other labora-
tory findings in patients with the disorder include proteinuria,
hematuria, and anemia, and the disease may promote edema
and hypertension.12
Chronic glomerulonephritis. Chronic glomerulonephritis is complications. Alteration of salt and water metabolism leads to
a collection of several glomerular diseases leading to loss of hypertension and renal failure.
nephron mass. Many of the diseases associated with chronic Diabetes insipidus. The kidney’s inability to reabsorb ade-
glomerulonephritis may be asymptomatic but present with mild quate amounts of water leads to diabetes insipidus, a rare form of
hematuria, proteinuria, and slight reduction in renal function. diabetes.13 The disease has been diagnosed in patients who are
Hypertension is usually a complication of the disease in its late genetically predisposed and/or have defective AVP receptors, de-
stages and progression to end stage renal disease (ESRD) may fective aquaporin water channels in the collecting duct, or inade-
become apparent. quate production of AVP by the pituitary gland. Presence of the
Nephrotic syndrome. Patients with nephrotic syndrome disease leads to the kidney’s inability to concentrate urine, even
present with proteinuria, massive edema, hypoalbuminemia, when normal or elevated levels of AVP are present. Polyuria,
hyperlipidemias, and lipiduria. The increased proteinuria and polydipsia, and hypernatremia have been observed in patients.15
excretion of fat bodies seen in patients with this condition may A mutation of the gene that codes for the V2 receptor is seen in
be due to the increase in permeability of the glomerular mem- the X-linked form of congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus,
brane. The loss of protein in patients causes a decrease in while a mutation of the gene coding for the aquaporin-2 receptor is
intravascular oncotic pressure leading to a massive edema. associated with the autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant
Autoimmune nephritis. Presence of autoantibodies directed forms of the disease.15
against components of the basement membrane is a characteris- Acute kidney disease. Acute kidney disease has prerenal,
tic of autoimmune nephritis, an example of which is Goodpas- postrenal, and renal components. Prerenal failure is usually due
ture’s syndrome.13 Renal disease is commonly seen in patients to a decrease in the perfusion of the kidneys while obstruction
with type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus due to microvascular distal to the nephron causes postrenal disease. The disorder,

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Table 3_Kidney Diseases: Causes, Signs and Symptoms Table 4_Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease

Disease Causes Signs and Symptoms Stage Description GFR (mL/min/

of Renal Diseases 1.73 m2)

Nephrotic Carcinoma Proteinuria 1 Kidney damage with normal or increased GFR ≥90
syndrome Diabetic glomerulosclerosis Hypoalbuminemia 2 Kidney damage with mild and decreased GFR 60-89
Polyarteritis nodosa Edema 3 Moderate and decreased GFR 30-59
Renal vein thrombosis Hypercholesterolemia 4 Severe decreased GFR 15-29
Constrictive pericarditis 5 Kidney failure <15 or dialysis
Syphilis GFR = Glomerular filtration rate
Serum sickness
Bee sting
Gold salt
Transplant rejection
Severe preeclampsia
60 mL per minute per 1.73 m2 for 3 months or more, regardless
of the cause, and classified the stages of the disease based on
Acute Kidney Hypovolemia Arrhythmias GFR18 (Table 4). Due to its late onset in life and slow progress,
disease Rhabdomyolysis Ascites most patients with CKD usually die of CVD before renal failure
Cardiac failure Cognitive impairment sets in.
Acute tubular necrosis Coma
Shock leading to decreased Palpitation Uremic syndrome. Uremic syndrome is a leading cause of
blood flow Shortness of breath kidney failure. The syndrome is characterized by high concentra-
Hemolytic uremic syndrome Edema tions of BUN, creatinine, and other nitrogenous waste products
Glomerulonephritis in the blood. The ability of the kidney to maintain adequate
Obstruction of lower urinary tract
excretory, regulatory, and endocrine functions is compromised.13
Symptoms presented by patients include a decrease in appetite,
Chronic kidney Systemic lupus erythematosus Hypertension nausea, progressive weakness and muscle wasting, abnormal
disease Polyarteritis nodosa Uremia mental function, metabolic acidosis, shallow respirations, coma,
Malignant hypertension Hyperkalemia and stupor leading to death. Failure to treat the disorder with
Renal vein thrombosis Anemia
Tuberculosis Hyperphosphatemia hemodialysis or kidney transplantation can lead to end stage
Chronic pyelonephritis Metabolic acidosis renal disease (ESRD).
Diabetic nephropathy Irritability End stage renal disease. The frequency of ESRD is on the
Hypertension Poor muscle tone rise worldwide, and the United States has the greatest incidence
Urinary tract obstruction Itching
and frequency.18,19 It is estimated that over 300 new patients per
million of the population have started dialysis treatment every
Glomerulonephritis Infections Hematuria year for the past few years.20 The disease appears to be familial in
Immune diseases Proteinuria nature and certain individuals may have a genetic predisposition
Hypertension Hypertension to developing it. It is believed that the familial risk of developing
Diabetic kidney disease Edema
the disease may be due to susceptibility to renal damage or an
ESRD Glomerulonephritis Decreased urine output aggregate collection of ESRD risks.18,21
Tubular diseases Nausea
Diabetes mellitus Vomiting
Hypertension Diarrhea Laboratory Investigation of Renal Function
Polycystic kidneys Loss of appetite
Interstitial disease Hypertension Various diseases affecting kidney function may be diag-
Systemic lupus Hypotension nosed through the measurements of components in blood and
erythematosus Uremia urine. Evaluation of the functioning capacity of the kidneys
Confusion may be ascertained through laboratory tests which can assist
Coma the physician in making an accurate diagnosis. Some of the
investigative tools include the determination of the circulatory
levels of nonprotein nitrogenous substances, filtration capacity
of the nephrons, excretion of endogenous and exogenous
which is attributable to nephrotoxicity, is diagnosed frequently compound by the kidney, and the kidney’s ability to maintain
in hospitalized patients. The GFR may decline over a period of electrolyte and water balance.
a few days or weeks and lead to a decrease in the excretion of
nitrogenous waste products and failure to maintain fluid and
electrolyte balance.17 Patients with this condition usually have Glomerular Filtration Rate
high levels of BUN and serum creatinine. When the serum crea- Management of patients with renal dysfunction requires
tinine level rises by at least 0.5 mg/dL per day, and the urine knowledge of GFR. This knowledge is valuable in the general
output is less than 400 mL per day, then the possibility of a evaluation of kidney function to determine the correct dosage
complete shutdown of renal function may exist. of drugs cleared by the kidneys, detect early impairment of
Chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease is character- renal function, prevent more deterioration, and manage trans-
ized by a slow but progressive loss of renal function. The main plant patients.22 The GFR is influenced by several factors, such
causes of CKD are diabetes, renal vascular disease, and glomeru- as the plasma flow in the glomeruli, the surface area of the
lonephritis. The National Kidney Foundation and the National glomerular capillaries, the oncotic pressure induced by proteins in
Kidney Disease Education Program defined CKD as GFR below the glomerular capillaries, and the hydrostatic gradient between

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the glomerular capillaries and the Bowman’s capsule.14 The nor- body mass. It may also be used to assess diet and nutrition status
mal values of GFR are approximately 130 mL per minute per or the need to start dialysis.9
1.73 m2 in young men and 120 mL per 1.73 m2 in young
women. Inulin is the ideal filtration marker, and it is considered
the gold standard. Other exogenous markers of importance in-
clude iothalamate, 51Cr-EDTA, diethylene triamine pentaacetic Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study
acid, and iohexol.4,23 Equation (MDRD)
Serum and urine creatinine are essential in the evaluation of Evaluation of the MDRD study and the Crokcroft-Gault
renal function, and the results from these measurements can be equations in various populations, such as blacks, whites, and
used to directly estimate the GFR.24 The use of serum creatinine Asians with nondiabetic kidney disease, patients with diabetes
to estimate true renal function has inaccuracies and limitations and kidney disease, patients without kidney disease, kidney
which have been recognized. The production of serum creati- transplant patients, and potential kidney donors, have been per-
nine may be influenced by age, weight, sex, and race, and this formed. The MDRD study equation was developed in 1999
must be taken into consideration when serum creatinine is eval- with data from 1,628 patients who were predominantly non-
uated.25,26 Determination of clearance with the use of exogenous diabetics with kidney disease, and was subsequently validated in
markers is expensive, complex, and not easily amenable to rou- another study in which 1,775 subjects in the African-American
tine clinical practice. Endogenous markers, such as creatinine, Study of Kidney Disease participated.4,28,29 Unlike the Crock-
can be derived from a timed collection of urine, such as a 24- croft-Gault equation, the estimation of the GFR with the
hour urine collection, along with blood sampling during the MDRD study equation is adjusted for body-surface area and is
urine collection period. Creatinine clearance reflects true GFR recommended by the National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
but it is increasingly inaccurate at low filtration rates. Creatinine guidelines for estimating GFR in patients at risk of renal dis-
clearance results are lower in women, the elderly, patients with ease. For any estimated GFR values that are <60 mL/min per
decreased muscle mass, and individuals with small stature. The 1.73 m2, clinical laboratories were recently asked by the
test is cumbersome, and its determination is no longer recom- National Kidney Disease Education Program (NKDEP) to pro-
mended for routine use.12 vide an MDRD study estimate of the patient’s GFR next to the
The creatinine clearance equation is as follows: serum creatinine value.26 An understanding by laboratorians
C mL/min = U mg/dL × V mL/24 hours 1.73 worldwide of the importance of having reliable serum creatinine
P mg/dL × 1,440 minutes/24 hours A measurements in the estimation of GFR, as well as of factors
affecting the measurement of creatinine, is part of a global pub-
C = creatinine clearance in mL/min lic health initiative designed to maximize the diagnosis and
U = urine concentration of creatinine treatment of patients with CKD. To this end, a Creatinine
V = total volume of urine collected per unit time, Standardization Program aimed at decreasing variation in
typically 24 hours creatinine assay calibration between laboratories and ensuring
P = plasma concentration of creatinine accurate estimates of GFR was launched by the NKDEP Labo-
1.73 = body surface area of an average person ratory Working Group in collaboration with the International
A = the body surface area of the individual in mm2 Federation of Clinical Chemistry and the European Communi-
ties Confederation of Clinical Chemistry. The aim of the pro-
The serum level of an endogenous marker can be related to gram is to assist healthcare providers in identifying and treating
the reciprocal of the level of GFR and used to estimate the GFR CKD in patients, thus preventing or delaying kidney failure
without the need for urine collection.4 It is important to note and improving patient outcome.29
that endogenous markers can also be affected by other factors, The MDRD study equation is as follows:
such as tubular secretion or reabsorption, as well as the produc- GFR (mL/minute/(1.73 m2)) =
tion and extrarenal removal of the markers.4 Other endogenous 186 × (serum creatinine [mg/dL]–1.154) × (age in years)-0.203
markers of importance include, urea, β2-microglobulin, β-Trace × (0.742 if female) × (1.210 if African American).4
protein (BTP), retinol-binding protein, β1-microglobulin, and If converting to SI units (GFR in micromoles per liter) is
cystatin C. desired, replace 186 with 32,788.
The GFR should be estimated with equations that use In a study conducted by Rule and colleagues30 designed to
serum creatinine concentrations and other variables such as age, determine whether estimated GFR with the MDRD study equa-
gender, race, and body size. A direct measure of GFR can be tion was accurate in healthy patients compared with patients
obtained by the infusion of exogenous markers, such as inulin or with CKD, they reviewed the records of kidney transplant pa-
51Cr-EDTA, but, as previously stated, the methods are both tients between 1996 and 2002 at the Mayo Clinic. The study
time consuming and expensive. As a result, the National Kidney included 599 potential donors whose iothalamate clearance tests
Foundation recommends the use of prediction equations to esti- to measure GFR were obtained routinely before a clinic visit.
mate GFR from serum creatinine values and other variables in After excluding those without serum creatinine determination
the diagnosis and stratification of CKD.27 Two equations that and those younger than 17 years old, the healthy subjects con-
are useful for this purpose in adults are the Modification of Diet sisted of 580 potential donors. The records of 501 consecutive
in Renal Disease (MDRD) study and Crockcroft-Gault equa- patients in whom an iothalamate clearance test had been
tions. The Schwartz and Counahan-Barratt equations may be obtained for any reason between October 1999 and March 2000
employed in children. Measurement of creatinine clearance does were reviewed.30 The result from the study showed that even
not improve the estimate of GFR over that provided by the pre- though the abbreviated MDRD study equation was relatively
diction equations. The usefulness of a 24-hour urine sample accurate in patients with CKD, the GFR was significantly un-
might be found in the estimation of GFR in individuals who are derestimated in healthy persons, probably due to the fact that
vegetarians, or are on creatine supplements, or have exceptional healthy persons did not participate in the study from which the

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equation was derived. The study also showed that at similar cystatin C has been under investigation as a marker of renal
serum creatinine levels, age, and gender, GFR was on average function.33 Cystatin C participates in immune defense through
20% higher in healthy persons than in those with CKD. They the inhibition of human polymononuclear cell chemotaxis.34
concluded that a new quadratic GFR equation might be more The serum concentration of cystatin C is inversely correlated
accurate than the MDRD study equation when estimating GFR with GFR due to the fact that it is freely filtered in the kidney.
in the absence of knowledge of the kidney disease status of a The renal clearance of cystatin C cannot be measured because
patient.30 its catabolization in the PCT is almost complete; however, its
concentration in plasma is a reflection of the GFR. Since it is
not affected by infection, inflammation, neoplastic diseases,
muscle mass, sex, age, diets, or drugs, it is a better and more
Crockcroft-Gault Equation reliable endogenous renal function marker than creatinine.32,35
The Crockcroft-Gault equation was developed in 1973 and Cystatin C is a better predictor of congestive heart failure in
used data from 249 men who had creatinine clearances ranging elderly patients; however, it has yet to be subjected to adequate
from 30 to 130 mL/minute.4 The Crockcroft-Gault equation evaluation as an index of GFR.6,19
overestimates the GFR due to the secretion of creatinine in the In a study designed to assess cystatin C in serum as a GFR
tubules and the fact that there is no adjustment of the values for marker in decompensated cirrhosis in which 36 male patients
body-surface area as compared with creatinine clearance. with liver cirrhosis and 56 noncirrhotic men were enrolled, Or-
The Crockcroft-Gault equation is as follows: lando and colleagues showed that unlike creatinine, cystatin C is
GFR mL/minute = [(140 – age in years) × (wt, kg)]/ 72 × P not affected by decompensated cirrhosis and is as reliable a GFR
(mg/L) × 0.85 (if subject is female). marker in such patients as it is in healthy individuals. They added
If converting to SI units (GFR in micromoles per liter) is that plasma creatinine concentration and the Cockcroft-Gault
desired, replace 72 in the denominator with 0.84. method are not useful as GFR markers in cirrhotic patients and
Rigalleau and colleagues compared the Cockcroft-Gault that the diagnostic accuracy of plasma cystatin C and creatinine
formula and MDRD study equation estimates of GFR with clearance in decompensated cirrhosis patients are similar, but the
51CR-EDTA determinations in 160 diabetic patients presenting advantage of cystatin C over creatinine clearance is the avoidance
with a wide range of GFRs. The subjects consisted of 91 males of the inconvenience and inaccuracy of urine collection.32
and 69 females of which 50 had type 1 diabetes mellitus and In a study aimed at investigating the ability of cystatin C to
110 had type 2 diabetes mellitus.27 The results showed that the predict GFR in patients after orthotopic liver transplantation,
sensitivity and accuracy of the Cockcroft-Gault formula is re- Schuck and colleagues evaluated the serum level of cystatin C in
duced due to overestimation at low GFR levels and the influence 58 liver transplant patients who underwent their procedures be-
of weight. They found that, in clinical practice, the MDRD tween 1955 and 1999. The subjects consisted of 31 men and 27
study equation underestimates GFR at high levels and is more women ranging from 10 to 61 years of age. The result of the
difficult to calculate. However, the MDRD study equation was study showed a satisfactory correlation between cystatin C and
found to have better accuracy in diagnosis and stratification of inulin clearance but cystatin C was not better than serum creati-
patients with CKD and in those with diabetes mellitus.27 The nine.36 In another study designed to examine the diagnostic use-
estimation of GFR in diabetic patients who have normal serum fulness of cystatin C as a sensitive and specific clinical marker of
creatinine levels is problematic because both the MDRD study GFR in renal disease patients suffering from prolonged rheuma-
formula and the Crockcroft-Gault creatinine estimate were de- toid arthritis (RA), Mangge and colleagues analyzed, in addition
veloped in non-diabetic patients.26 to plasma creatinine, estimated GFR, creatinine clearance, and
plasma cystatin C. Fifty-six patients affected with RA for more
than 5 years were enrolled in the study. Elevated levels of cys-
tatin C were observed in 60% of the RA patients, while 3 of 56
Schwartz and Counahan-Barratt Formula patients had elevated plasma creatinine levels even though 57%
The Schwartz and Counahan-Barratt formulas are used to of the patients had decreased creatinine clearance levels. There
estimate GFR in children. These formulas use estimates of the was a better correlation between cystatin C and creatinine clear-
proportionality between the GFR and height/serum creatinine ance than with plasma creatinine. Mangge and colleagues con-
values. The difference in the constants used in the 2 formulas is cluded that cystatin C is a less tedious test compared with
due to the fact that different assays are used to measure creati- creatinine clearance and, thus, may be more suitable for screen-
nine. The “true” value of creatinine and GFR by 51Cr-EDTA ing purposes.37 Automated immunoassays employing latex or
plasma clearance was used to develop the Counahan-Barrat for- polystyrene particles coated with cystatic C specific antibodies
mula. Creatinine measured by a modified Jaffe reaction and in- are available for quantifying cystatin C.23
ulin clearance was used to develop the original Schwartz
formula. The creatinine measurement may overestimate the true
creatinine concentration.31
Beta Trace Protein
Beta trace protein has a molecular weight of 23,000 to
29,000 with 68 amino acids. It is isolated mainly from cere-
Cystatin C brospinal fluid, and its concentration is increased in patients
Cystatin C is a nonglycosylated low-molecular-weight ser- with renal diseases.23 Beta trace protein (BTP) is a member
ine protease inhibitor produced at a constant rate by all nucle- of the lipocalin protein family. It is increased in patients with
ated cells. It is found in body fluids and serum and freely renal disease and might be a better indicator of decreased
filtered by the glomerulus but not secreted.32 It is reabsorbed by GFR than serum creatinine. It is not considered better than
the tubules and completely metabolized there. Since the 1980s, cystatin C.38

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odor produced by urine is usually due to the presence of volatile
The first endogenous marker measured in serum to assess substances, and a normal urine odor is described as urinoid. The
renal function was urea. Urea is a major by-product of protein odor may be strong when the urine is concentrated, which may
metabolism and more than 90% of it is cleared by the kidneys.23 not imply infection.40 Urine turbidity is usually due to the pres-
It is not secreted by the tubules but freely filtered at the ence of dissolved substances. The specific gravity of urine meas-
glomerulus with about 40% to 70% of it being reabsorbed at ures the concentrating ability of the kidneys as well as the state
the tubules. Consequently, urea clearance may be used as a of hydration or dehydration in an individual. The normal range
measure of GFR. However, in situations in which there is de- of urine specific gravity is 1.002 to 1.030.10
creased renal perfusion, its concentration will underestimate Chemical analysis. The concentration of protons in urine is
GFR since some of the filtered urea will return to the blood cir- expressed as pH41 and normal urine has a pH range of 4.5 to
culation. Another consideration is the variation in its concentra- 7.5. The pH obtained from a urine sample may be influenced
tion from diet, hepatic function, and other disease states.23 by the type of food ingested and is essentially similar to the pH
of serum, except when tubular acidosis is present.40 When urea-
splitting organisms are present in the urine, the pH is usually
alkaline which may suggest infection and a diagnosis of urinary
Urinalysis tract infection.
Urinalysis involves detailed examination of kidney function Various chemicals present in urine can easily be analyzed
through physical, chemical, and microscopic analysis of easily- using plastic reagent strips coated with reagents capable of de-
obtained urine samples (Table 5). It is a cheap, productive test, tecting and quantifying different substances. Some of the sub-
and the readings can be obtained visually or through automated stances include glucose, ketones, protein, nitrites, bilirubin, and
readings.39 Urinalysis should be employed as part of the initial hemoglobin (Table 5). According to the National Kidney Foun-
investigation of patients. In addition to its usefulness as a screen- dation guidelines, patients with a protein excretion rate greater
ing tool for assessing renal function, it may also be used as a than 1 g/d should have aggressive therapy designed to lower
quick indicator of glucose status, and hepatic-biliary function. their blood pressure.1,42 Small amounts of protein are excreted in
Since urine is concentrated by overnight retention, morning urine by normal individuals.43 Albuminuria may be associated
specimens are preferred. with heightened adverse cardiovascular and renal events when
Appearance of urine. The color of the urine sample corre- the following clinical situations are present: diabetes mellitus,
lates with its concentration, and, hence, the darker the sample the hypertension, central obesity, advanced age, African American,
more concentrated it is. Abnormal urine colors may be attributed Hispanics, Native American, Pacific Islander, and a family his-
to foods, medications, metabolic products, and infections. The tory of cardiovascular or renal disease.44

Table 5_Urinalysis

Analysis Normal Change Cause

Physical Changes

Color Pale yellow Darker color Oxidation or reduction of metabolites

Odor Aromatic Foul odor Bacterial growth, decomposition
Turbidity Clear High Bacterial growth, crystal formation, precipitation of amorphous materials
Specific gravity 1.002–1.030 Low Diabetes insipidus, tubular damage
High Diabetes mellitus, dehydration, congestive heart failure

Chemical Changes

pH 4.5–7.5 High Bacterial decomposition of urea

Low Glucose converted to acids
Glucose Negative High Diabetes mellitus
Low Glycolysis
Ketones Negative Low Volatilization of acetone, breakdown of acetoacetate by bacteria
Proteins Negative High Glomerular damage, strenuous exercise, exposure to cold, fever
Bilirubin Negative Low Exposure to light
Urobilinogen 0.2–1.0 mg/dL High Oxidation of urobilin, hemolytic anemia
Low Billiary obstruction
Nitrite Negative High Indicator of urinary tract infection, bacterial production
Blood Negative High Renal disease
Leukocyte esterase Negative High Urinary tract infection, inflammation

Microscopic Changes

Red blood cells 0–3 RBCs/HPF Lysed Standing in dilute urine

White blood cells 0–5 WBCs/HPF High Acute renal infection, cystitis, urethritis, urinary tract infection
Epithelial cells Few High Tubular injury, damaged epithelial basement cells
Casts Negative High Glomerular damage, nephritis
Crystals Negative High
Bacteria Negative High Bacterial proliferation

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Microscopic analysis. Centrifuged sediments of urine are Peritoneal dialysis is designed to rid the body of toxic sub-
subjected to microscopic examination to evaluate the presence of stances which the diseased kidney cannot perform by itself. In
cells such as red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelial cells, this procedure, a special fluid is passed through a tube into the
spermatozoa, and yeast cells. Other miscellaneous elements peritoneum which lines the abdominal cavity. Nitrogenous waste
found in urine during microscopic examination include casts and other toxic elements are subsequently removed from the
and crystals. Urine may be cultured, especially when urinary blood through the tube. Of the 3 types of peritoneal dialysis
tract infection is suspected. Normally, urine is sterile, therefore if techniques available, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis is
bacteria is detected it might indicate the presence of an infec- the most popular. It does not require a machine and is usually
tion.10 A clinically significant microscopic hematuria is defined performed at home. A procedure performed at night while the
by the American Urology Association as 3 or more red cells per patient is asleep uses the continuous cyclical peritoneal dialysis
high-power field on microscopic examination.45 requiring a machine. The third type is the intermittent
Urinary, lysozyme, and N-acetylglucosaminidase. Lysozyme, peritoneal dialysis, which also requires a machine, and it is usu-
an enzyme found in neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages is ally done in the hospital.13
produced by many organs of the body and is freely filtered by the Kidney Transplantation. Kidney transplantation is a treat-
kidney and absorbed by the PCT. High levels of lysozyme in urine ment option which is available to patients with failing kidneys.
might be seen in tubular damage. Increased synthesis of lysozyme The transplant is performed to replace deceased kidneys with
is associated with monocytic leukemia, and inflammatory bowel healthy ones through surgical procedures. Family members usu-
disease. N-acetylglucosaminidase is an enzyme occasionally en- ally donate the kidney to a relative, otherwise the kidney can
countered in the urine of healthy persons; however, different iso- come from a deceased organ donor. One kidney is usually do-
forms of the enzyme are seen in a variety of renal diseases.13 nated, but if the organ donor is diseased, and the recipient is a
Osmolality. The concentration of all the solute in a given child, then the child might receive two kidneys. The responsibil-
weight of water is known as osmolality. The concentrating abil- ity for transplant organ distribution in the United States is the
ity of the kidney can be more reliably determined by measuring United Network for Organ Sharing.
the osmotic concentration rather than specific gravity of the
urine. Urine osmolality depends on the state of hydration, and
the result obtained from different individuals varies widely. In
individuals who have consumed excess fluids, the osmotic con- Conclusion
centration of urine may decrease to as low as 50 mOsm/kg, Kidney disease is becoming common in the United States
whereas in those individuals in which fluid intake has been se- with a concomitant increase in the cost of managing and treat-
verely curtailed, concentration of as much as 1,200 mOsm/kg ing the complications associated with this condition. A knowl-
may be observed. The result of osmolality commonly seen in edge of the pathophysiology of the disease and the diagnostic
normal individuals ranges from 300 to 900 mOsm/kg.13 A sec- and prognostic options available to the clinician and patient are
ondary response to an increase in net water reabsorption is a important aspects of managing the disease. Various clinical lab-
decrease in the flow of urine followed by an increase in urine oratory tests can be very helpful in the diagnosis of the different
osmolality.13 Conditions attributable to abnormally high osmo- associative syndromes of the disease, and, hence, the laboratory
lality include Addison’s disease, irregularities in AVP, and conges- performs an important function in the management of this dis-
tive heart failure. Abnormally low osmolality may be due to order. Therapeutic options such as dialysis and transplantation
aldosteronism, diabetes insipidus, kidney damage, and are available to patients with kidney disease.
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