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January 2015 Volume 29, Issue 1, Pages 79–90

Obesity in obstetrics
Salzer Liat, MD
Luis Cabero, MD
Moshe Hod, MD
Yariv Yogev, MD
Published Online: August 15, 2014
Article Info
 Abstract
 Full Text
 References

Article Outline
I. Obesity – introduction
II. Definitions
III. Scope of the problem
IV. International guidelines
V. Obstetrical management of the obese gravida
A. Prepregnancy consultation
1. Weight reduction
2. Consultation regarding risks and outcomes of obesity
3. Nutritional and exercise recommendations
B. Antenatal management
1. Care in the first trimester
2. Care in the second and third trimester
C. Labor, delivery, and post partum
D. Induction of labor
E. Protracted labor
F. Macrosomia and shoulder dystocia
G. Operative delivery
H. Cesarean section
I. Vaginal birth after cesarean section
VI. Long-term implications on the newborn – children of obese mothers
VII. Summary
VIII. Conflict of interest

Obesity is a rising global epidemic. Obesity during pregnancy is associated with increased
maternal and fetal risks, which is inversely correlated with the severity level of obesity. Other
comorbidities are common (diabetes mellitus, hypertensive disorders, etc.) and contribute to
an even increased risk. Maternal obesity during pregnancy contributes also to offspring
obesity and noncommunicable diseases later in life in a vicious cycle. Managing these
problems, and potentially reducing their risk, can pose a challenge in obstetric care. It is
important to provide preconception nutritional and exercise care, and guidance during
pregnancy and post pregnancy for appropriate weight loss.

obesity, overweight, noncommunicative disease, obstetric complications

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Obesity – introduction
A noncommunicative disease (NCD) is considered a medical condition, which by definition
is noninfectious and non-transmissible among people. The World Health Organization
(WHO) reports NCDs to be by far the leading cause of death in the western world [1].

We believe that obesity in general, and in obstetrics in particular, should be independently

considered one of the NCDs. Obesity is often accompanied by other chronic and obstetric
diseases; however, it is not always clear whether obesity is the direct cause of adverse
pregnancy outcomes by itself or only associated with pregnancy outcome The recent National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that more than one-third of reproductive-
aged women were obese, and 7.6% of those women were extremely obese (body mass index
(BMI) ≥40 kg/m ) [2].

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Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive percent fat accumulation that
may impair health. The WHO and the National Institutes of Health define underweight as a
BMI of ≤18.5, normal weight as a BMI of 18.5–24.9, overweight as a BMI of 25–29.9, and
obesity as a BMI of ≥30. Obesity is further characterized by BMI into class I (30–34.9), class
II (35–39.9), and class III (>40) [3].

However, BMI by itself is a surrogate marker of adiposity and does not measure adipose
tissue directly. As a result, it has limitations and provides no information on fat distribution
[[4], [5]]. As a rule, women have more body fat than men, and it is widely agreed that women
with > 25% body fat are obese [3]. Moreover, much of the published research on obesity is
based on self-reporting of height and weight which has been shown to be unreliable [6].

Due to expected weight gain variability during pregnancy and the short interval of time, there
is no accepted definition for obesity during pregnancy. It is strongly recommended that in
pregnant women, BMI will be calculated at the first antenatal visit in the first trimester, as
during pregnancy the BMI is not recalculated. Some of the studies use other measures to
define obesity including weight at delivery [∗[7], [8], [9], [10]] and the waist to hip ratio
(WHR) [11].

Gestational weight gain is generally lower in obese women compared with normal-weight
women irrespective of any interventions [11]. There have also been inconsistencies in the
way gestational weight gain is measured [12]. In the United States, gestational weight gain is
measured during pregnancy. The US Institute of Medicine (IOM) guidelines [13], based on
observational data [14], stated that healthy women who are at a normal weight for their height
(BMI 18.5–24.9) should gain 11.5–16 kg (25–35 pounds) during pregnancy. As BMI
increases, gestational weight gain should be decreased (Table 1).

Table 1New American recommendations for total gestational weight gain (GWG) (Institute of
Medicine 2009) [13].

Prepregnancy BMI (kg/m ) 2

Range (kg) Range (lb)
Underweight (<18.5) 12.5–18.0 28–40

Normal weight (18.5–24.9) 11.5–16.0 25–35

Overweight (25.0–29.9) 7.0–11.5 15–25

Obese (>29.9) 5.0–9.0 11–20

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada published in 2010 a clinical

practice guideline with roughly similar numbers. Overweight and obese women gaining
weight within IOM recommendations have less preeclampsia and emergency cesarean
sections; however, they continue to be at an increased risk of gestational diabetes, small for
gestational age, and preterm and perinatal mortality compared with those who gain less than
the IOM recommendations [15].

Weight gain above the IOM recommendations has been associated with poor maternal and
fetal outcomes independent of prepregnancy BMI. By contrast, Britain's National Institute for
Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) [16] recommends that women should not be weighed
repeatedly during pregnancy as a matter of routine and only if weight has a clinical influence
or if nutrition is a concern.

Pregnancy is considered a window of opportunity for the promotion of healthy eating and
physical activity behavior among women [17].

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Scope of the problem

The latest reports of the WHO indicate that in 2008 approximately 1.4 billion adults were
overweight. Of these overweight adults, over 200 million men and nearly 300 million women
were obese. The WHO also projects that, by 2015, approximately 2.3 billion adults will be
overweight and >700 million will be obese [18].

Human pregnancy is an insulin-resistant condition by itself, potentially compounded by

increased pregravid insulin resistance in obese women. There is a 40–50% increase in insulin
resistance during pregnancy (from the pregravid condition) [[19], [20]].

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International guidelines
Worldwide, international committees addressed the issue of obesity in pregnancy and advise
an oriented weight surveillance approach [[16], ∗[21], [22], [24], [25], [26]].

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), in their committee

opinion [21], strongly encourage preconception assessment and counseling for obese women
that should include the provision of specific information concerning the maternal and fetal
risks of obesity in pregnancy, as well as encouragement to undertake a weight-reduction
program including diet, exercise, and behavior modification. At the initial prenatal visit,
height and weight should be recorded for all women to allow calculation of BMI, and
recommendations for appropriate weight gain, guided by IOM recommendations, should be
reviewed both at the initial visit and periodically throughout pregnancy.

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RCOG), in a joint guideline with the
Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries (CMACE) [22], addressed the issues above and
emphasized that the management of women with obesity in pregnancy should be integrated
into all antenatal clinics, with available clear policies and guidelines for care. The guideline
also reinforced the need for dietary supplements (folic acid and vitamin D) during pregnancy.
Special attention was particularly given to the subclass of morbidly obese parturitions
(BMI ≥ 40) and a comprehensive approach was suggested that included an antenatal
consultation with an obstetric anesthetist and a documented assessment in the third trimester
of pregnancy to determine manual handling requirements for childbirth and consider tissue
viability issues.

The UK NICE also published guidance in 2010 regarding weight management before, during,
and after pregnancy [16]. The guidance recommends which actions should be taken in the
obese population in preparing for pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after childbirth with
respect to nutrition and physical activity.
The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada published in 2010a clinical
practice about obesity in pregnancy [23] dealing with the issues above and also focused on
the preconception period and the opportunity for the gynecologist to raise the issue of weight

The Royal College of Physicians in Ireland and the Royal Australian and New Zealand
College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists also published local guidelines dealing with
obesity in pregnancy [[24], [25]].

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Obstetrical management of the obese gravida

It is now universally acknowledged that maternal overweight and obesity are linked with
adverse pregnancy outcome. There are known higher infertility rates, maternal complications
including hypertension, diabetes, respiratory complications, (asthma and sleep apnea),
thromboembolic disease, more frequent intrapartum complications and cesarean delivery with
increased wound infection, endometritis, and anesthetic complications (mainly difficulties in
intubation and placement of regional anesthesia). Newborn complications include congenital
malformations, large-for-gestational-age infants, shoulder dystocia, and long-term adolescent
complications (obesity, diabetes, and possibly more). Class II and III obese women are prone
to an even increased rate of complications and adverse outcomes.

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Prepregnancy consultation
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Weight reduction
It is well established that the best management for obesity is prevention. Usually, by the time
of pregnancy diagnosis in the obese patient, the impaired organogenesis may have already
occurred [[26], [27]]. Thus, the ideal time for intervention is before conception and the
primary care services should ensure that all women of childbearing age have consultation on
how to optimize their weight prior to pregnancy. Interventions include behavioral
modification, dietary changes, exercise, pharmacotherapy, and surgical intervention of
bariatric surgery [28]. Inter-pregnancy weight reduction among women with obesity has been
shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing GDM [29]. An increase in pregravid
weight between the first and second pregnancies resulted in an increased risk of preeclampsia
(odds ratio (OR), 3.2; 95% confidence interval (CI), 2.5–4.2), whereas a decrease in
pregravid weight between the first and second pregnancies from obese to a normal BMI
decreased the risk of cesarean delivery and large-for-gestational-age infants [[30], [31], [32]].
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Consultation regarding risks and outcomes of obesity

Women with a BMI ≥30 should receive information and advice about the risks of obesity
during pregnancy and childbirth, and they should be advised about the possible strategies to
minimize them prior to conception. Several studies have shown an increased risk of
anovulatory infertility in obese women (OR = 2–3) by mechanisms including
hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which share several
pathophysiological characteristics, namely insulin resistance [[33], [34], [35]]. Body fat
distribution in women of reproductive age seems to have more impact on fertility than age or
obesity itself; a 0.1-unit increase in waist–hip ratio led to a 30% decrease in probability of
conception per cycle (hazards ratio (HR) 0.7; 95% CI 0.5–0.8) [34]. If an in vitro fertilization
(IVF) treatment is needed, the patient should be aware of the possible association of obesity
with decreased chances of pregnancy (insufficient follicular development, lower oocyte
counts, poor oocyte quality, endometrial quality, or a combination of these factors)
[[36], [37],[38]]. In a systematic review and meta-analysis including 33 studies and almost
48,000 IVF/intra-cytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment cycles, women who were
overweight or obese (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m ) had a statistically significant small reduction in

clinical pregnancy rate (relative risk (RR) = 0.90) and live-birth rate (RR = 0.84) and a
significantly higher miscarriage rate (RR = 1.31) than normal-weight women
(BMI < 25 kg/m ) [38]. Some reports found that the outcomes were comparable to nonobese

women but needed higher doses of ovulation-inducing agents [[39], [40], ∗[41]].

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Nutritional and exercise recommendations

Nutrition consultation should be offered to all obese women, and they should be encouraged
to follow an exercise program [21]. The ACOG suggests a healthy diet that uses caloric
restriction in combination with daily aerobic exercise [28]. Nutritional recommendations
include a diet that is high in fiber with fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and complex
carbohydrates while avoiding foods that contain large amounts of sugar, saturated fats, and
cholesterol. Few guidelines [[22], [25]] even advise taking 5 mg of folic acid due to the
higher risk of NTD in this population and evidence of lower serum folate levels even after
controlling for folate intake. Regular aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, stair climbing,
jogging, or swimming that use the larger skeletal muscles should be incorporated into weight
reduction programs.

There is also increasing evidence regarding the need for vitamin D supplementation during
pregnancy, especially in the obese women, as serum vitamin D levels are decreased in this
population. Cord serum vitamin D levels in neonates of obese women have also been found
to be lower than in babies born to nonobese women [42].
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Antenatal management
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Care in the first trimester

 •
First antenatal visit – The goal of the first meeting is to learn the “medical baseline”
of the patient and to assess her level of risk for adverse maternal and perinatal
outcomes. Moreover, it is important to set goals for surveillance during pregnancy and
to give information and recommendations on how to minimize the risks. Special
attention should be given to detailed and thorough history and complete physical
examination. It is important to measure the patient's height and weight as this will
serve the physician to calculate the BMI. Questions should be oriented to the higher-
risk coexisting medical conditions. As the severity of obesity increases, these are more
prevalent and need closer monitoring. For pregnant women at the highest risk of
comorbidities (class III obesity), additional tests should be considered as a baseline:
laboratory tests (baseline chemistry and 24-h urine collection) as well as maternal
echocardiography [43]. Sleep disorder evaluation should be considered in symptomatic
patients as obesity is a strong risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) which is
associated with a higher incidence of maternal (hypertension, stroke, and cardiac
dysfunction) and obstetric (hypertension disorders, GDM, and fetal growth retardation)
[[44], [45]] complications. Obese patients should receive dietary counseling to guide
them through the pregnancy with documented weight gain goals.
 •
Miscarriages – Patients should be aware of an increased risk of first-trimester
miscarriage, though data are not conclusive. Whereas several studies suggest that
obesity may increase the risk of miscarriage [[46], [47]] due to adverse influences on
the embryo, the endometrium, or both [[47], [48], [49]], others found no association
between miscarriage and obesity [[50], [51]]. These studies lack consistency, however,
mainly because of the use of different obesity classification systems that disregard the
WHO criteria.
 •
Early screening for diabetes – Because obesity is accompanied by insulin resistance
that is expected to increase during pregnancy, the obstetrician should consider an early
screening for preexisting diabetes mellitus. Women with severe obesity, personal
history of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) or delivery of large-for-gestational-age
infant, glycosuria, PCOS, or a strong family history of diabetes should be given a
higher degree of suspicion. A positive first-trimester diagnosis, especially with a high
value of glycosylated hemoglobin, is considered pregestational in nature and requires
intensive surveillance and treatment [∗[21], [52], [53]]. If initially normal, a repeated
early third-trimester screening is obligatory.
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Care in the second and third trimester

Care in the second and third trimester should be aimed at early identification of fetal,
maternal, and placental pathologies. Additional goals of mid-trimester management include
ongoing counseling regarding appropriate weight gain and dietary recommendations and
maintenance and improvement of coexisting medical disorders.

 •
Diagnosis of congenital anomalies – Some malformations are found to be in higher
prevalence in the obese population [43] and the risk may increase with increasing
maternal weight [[54], [55]]. The malformations that are mostly connected with
obesity are neural tube defects and cardiac malformations, though additional
malformations are being associated with obesity such as diaphragmatic hernia,
hydrocephaly, hypospadias, cystic kidney, omphalocele, and more [[27], [56]].
Because these types of congenital anomalies are often seen with pregestational
diabetes, some investigators suggest that many of these obese women may have had
undiagnosed type 2 diabetes [56]. Apart from the increased prevalence of
malformations, there is also an increased risk of failure to detect these malformations
due to suboptimal visualization of fetal anatomy by ultrasound examination.
Approximately 15% of normally visible structures will be suboptimally seen in women
with a BMI above the 90th percentile [57].
 •
Gestational diabetes mellitus – Several studies demonstrated a two-to tenfold
increase in the rate of GDM among obese patients [∗[58], [59]]. The magnitude of this
risk is positively correlated with increases in maternal weight [∗[58], [60], [61]]. Post
partum, glucose intolerance associated with GDM generally resolves. However, obese
women with a history of GDM have a twofold increased prevalence of subsequent type
2 diabetes compared to lean women [62]. For those women whose first-trimester
screening test for GDM was normal, a repeat screening test between 24 and 28 weeks
with a 50-g 1-h oral glucose challenge is indicated [53]. As for later screening, though
few studies offered some advantages [[63], [64]], there is no current evidence to
support a significant clinical benefit.
 •
Pregnancy-associated hypertension – Obese women should be followed up closely
for the development of hypertensive disorders, and patients with chronic hypertension
should be followed up for the development of superimposed preeclampsia.
Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy have been consistently reported to be
associated with obesity [∗[58], [65], ∗[66], [67]]. A systematic review of 13 cohort
studies comprising nearly 1/4 million women showed that the risk of preeclampsia
doubled with each 5–7 kg/m increase in prepregnancy BMI. This relation persisted in

studies that excluded women with chronic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or multiple
gestations, and other confounders [66]. The mechanism for the association between
obesity and preeclampsia is not clear and perhaps related to pathophysiologic changes
such as insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, and subclinical inflammation [[68], [69]].
Epidemiological studies have reported a relationship between pregnancies complicated
by preeclampsia and an increased risk of maternal coronary heart disease in later life
 •
Intrauterine fetal death – Obese pregnant women have been shown to have an
increased risk of intrauterine fetal death [[70], [71]]. A meta-analysis including nine
controlled studies showed that overweight and obese pregnant women experienced
significantly more stillbirths than normal-weight women (OR = 1.5–2), even after
controlling for other coexisting complications [72]. The risk of stillbirth increased in a
dose-dependent fashion with increase in BMI [71]. A meta-analysis found that
maternal overweight and obesity are the highest-ranking modifiable risk factor for
stillbirth in high-income populations, with a population-attributable risk of 8–18%
[73]. Maternal obesity is also associated with an increased overall risk of infant death,
mainly neonatal death [74].
 •
Fetal overgrowth – Obesity is a significant and independent contributor impacting
fetal growth [75]. Even after adjustment for GDM, there is approximately a twofold
RR for macrosomia [76]. Other coexisting diseases can restrict fetal growth [77].
Because body habitus in this population may limit the use of clinical fetal weight
estimation, serial ultrasound fetal weight estimation is recommended, especially near
term when the decision on the mode of delivery is impending.
 •
Timing of delivery – Obesity carries a higher risk of preterm delivery. Evidence
suggests that obesity may be associated with induced preterm delivery, but not
spontaneous preterm birth [[78], [79]]. Studies show that as the BMI increases, the risk
of spontaneous preterm labor decreases whereas the risk of requiring an elective
preterm delivery increased [80]. Most studies attribute the risk of induced preterm
delivery to obesity-related medical and obstetrical complications (diabetes mellitus,
hypertension, and preeclampsia). A recent population-based cohort study that included
>1.5 million singleton deliveries observed a dose-dependent relationship between
severity of obesity and the risk of spontaneous extremely preterm deliveries (22–27
weeks of gestation) after adjustment of confounders. Inflammatory upregulation
mechanisms might be involved [81]. On the other hand, post-term deliveries are also
more common in an unknown mechanism. A few of the hypothesized explanations
include miscalculation of gestational age or hormonal changes associated with obesity
[[82], [83]].
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Labor, delivery, and post partum

Obesity can create significant challenges of intrapartum care due to difficulties in
examination and assessment of the mother and fetus. Additionally, obesity complicates the
management of labor by a proven association with macrosomia, shoulder dystocia,
cephalopelvic disproportion, and high incidence of operative delivery. Furthermore, morbidly
obese women also required more intervention, intense monitoring, and skilled clinical staff in
their intrapartum care. Obstetric units that care for extremely obese patients should also have
specialized equipment in the delivery room.

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Induction of labor
Obese women are more likely than normal-weight women to have an induction of labor
because of both an increased rate of obstetrical complications and a prolonged pregnancy in
an apparent dose-dependent manner with increasing class of obesity. The magnitude of this
risk ranges from a 1.6- to 2.2-fold increase [∗[58], [84]]. Induction of labor in the obese
patient, compared with the lean patient, is associated with longer induction to delivery time
with prostaglandins, higher requirements of oxytocin [[85], [86]], and higher chances of
failure and subsequent cesarean section (CS) [87]. Common indications for induction failure
and CS are fetal distress and arrested labor [88].

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Protracted labor
Observational studies on the progress of labor in the obese parturient have shown different
patterns of progress. Obese women are more likely to have an inadequate contraction pattern
during the first stage of labor and subsequently have a longer first stage [[89], [90]]. The
exact mechanism of dysfunctional labor in obese women is not completely understood.
Several authors have speculated that this dysfunction results from the added soft-tissue
deposits in the pelvis of the obese gravid [91]. Another explanation may be related to a
greater volume of distribution for ripening agents during the course of labor, making them
less effective. Increased levels of leptin, cholesterol, and apelin can also theoretically inhibit
uterine muscle contractility [92]. All these factors may contribute to increased rates of labor
induction, dysfunctional labor requiring intrapartum cesarean delivery, and postpartum
hemorrhage. The duration of the second stage of labor does not appear to be affected by an
increase in BMI [93].

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Macrosomia and shoulder dystocia

Maternal prepregnancy weight and decreased prepregnancy insulin sensitivity have been
shown to strongly correlate with fetal growth, especially on fetal fat mass accumulation and
distribution at birth [[94], [95]]. Obese women, even in the presence of normal glucose
tolerance, are almost twice as likely to have a macrosomic infant [96]. Clearly, this observed
increase in birth weight and macrosomia in this group can result in cephalopelvic
disproportion, shoulder dystocia and associated inherent birth trauma, perineal lacerations,
fetal injury, and postpartum hemorrhage. A study examining maternal anthropometric
parameters found that obesity is one of the strongest risk factors (2.7-fold risk) for shoulder
dystocia, even after adjustment for confounding factors such as macrosomia and diabetes

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Operative delivery
Obesity is associated with an increased risk of operative vaginal delivery (OVD), probably in
a dose-dependent matter [98]. OR may be up to 1.7 for OVD for women with class III obesity
in comparison to normal BMI patients [43]. Furthermore, not only does the obese gravida
carry a higher risk of operative delivery but also she is prone to fail when trying to. In a
population-based database of 60,167 deliveries, the OR for failed operative delivery was 1.75
in women of BMI ≥30 compared with women with BMI <30 [83]. The decision on an
attempt of operative delivery in obese patients should be carefully considered.

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Cesarean section
The incidence of cesarean delivery correlates with increased prepregnancy BMI [99] and also
with excessive gestational weight gain [∗[58], [100]]. For women without other
complications, the estimated adjusted RR is estimated to be 1.2–1.5 for overweight and obese
women and up to 3.1 for morbidly obese women [101]. This risk is further increased by other
obesity-related pregnancy complications [[102], [103]]. Unfortunately, obese women
undergoing CS experience more complications, including blood loss, increased operative
time, and the need for vertical skin incision [104]. After CS, the obese pregnant patient faces
a higher risk of wound infection and endometritis. Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis to
protect against endometritis and surgical site infection may not be as effective in obese
patients in the accepted dose, due to different pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
[105], and should be adjusted. An attempt to decrease the incidence of wound breakdown in
the obese patients after CS includes closure of the subcutaneous layer [106]. The placement
of a subcutaneous drain was not proven to be effective [107].

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Vaginal birth after cesarean section

The impact of morbid obesity on mode of delivery, particularly in those with a previous
cesarean, has only been examined in small populations and with disparate results, suggesting
a significantly lower success rate of trial of labor after cesarean delivery (TOLAC)
[[108], [109]]. Additionally, normal BMI women who became overweight before the second
pregnancy had also decreased vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC) rates [110]. In a
prospective multicenter study that included >4000 TOLAC attempts, the likelihood of VBAC
was related inversely to BMI. Normal-weight women had a VBAC failure rate of 15%,
compared with 39% for the morbidly obese (BMI > 40 kg/m ) group. A higher rate of uterine

scar dehiscence or rupture was noted for the morbidly obese group (2.1%), compared with the
overweight (1.4%) and normal-weight (0.9%) groups. Composite morbidity and neonatal
injury rates were found to be greater with increasing BMI [108].

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Long-term implications on the newborn – children of

obese mothers
The implications of maternal obesity far surpass intrauterine life, extending into infancy and
even adulthood with severe health repercussions. Maternal obesity long has been linked with
the delivery of a macrosomic infant. There is accumulating abundant evidence linking
macrosomia to increased overweight and obesity in adolescents as well as adults
[[111], [112]]. The prevalence of childhood obesity between 2.4 and 2.7 times higher in the
offspring of obese women was already reported in the early 1990s [111]. These findings
remained consistent even after controlling for additional risk factors including birth weight,
parity, weight gain, and smoking during pregnancy (RR 2.0; 95% CI: 1.7–2.3). This risk is
further increased with additive risk factors such as maternal diabetes during pregnancy.
Diabetes per se conveys a high risk of the development of diabetes and obesity in offspring in
excess of risk attributable to genetic factors alone [[113], [114], ∗[115]]. Thus, the epidemic
of obesity and subsequent risk of diabetes and components of the metabolic syndrome clearly
may begin in utero with fetal overgrowth and adiposity [116]. Maternal obesity is also
associated with cardiovascular disease in the adult offspring [117]. Therefore, there is an
association between maternal obesity (but not paternal) and insulin resistance on the risk of
offspring to develop obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease in adulthood. Recently, a
population-based case–control study reported an association between maternal metabolic
conditions (including obesity) and neurodevelopmental problems in children (including
autism) [118]. Further studies are needed to support this observation.

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Obesity in pregnancy is a complex chronic disease. The primary objective in the management
of obesity is prevention as the obese woman enters the pregnancy with a baseline morbidity
that is exacerbated during pregnancy and influences pregnancy outcome. The worldwide
epidemic of adolescent and adult obesity may also be propagated and enhanced at an earlier
stage in life because of an abnormal metabolic milieu in utero during gestation. There are
both short- and long-term complications that accompany the pregnancy and almost all
pregnancy complications occur with greater frequency among the obese patients. Maternal
obesity during pregnancy also contributes to offspring obesity and noncommunicable
diseases later in life. Unfortunately, obesity, as an NCD, cannot be cured during pregnancy,
but rather be controlled carefully to the best possible ending – a healthy mother and child.
Treatment in these patients should be multidisciplinary and involve nutritionists, dietitians,
other internal medicine specialists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. Pregnancy of the obese
patient should be considered a high risk and thus be more closely monitored. The obstetrician
should inform the patients on the different risks and complications and keep them actively
involved in the treatment. Physician and patient cooperation and attention can lead to early
detection of complications and better fetal and maternal outcome. The obstetrician's role does
not end until after pregnancy, when every effort should be made to encourage weight
reduction and lifestyle modification in order to minimize the risks for the mother and her
future offspring. More studies are needed in order to attain a better understanding of the
underlying genetic predispositions, physiology, and mechanisms related to maternal and feto-
placental interactions.

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Conflict of interest
The authors report no conflict of interest.

Practice points

Research agenda

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January 2015 Volume 29, Issue 1, Pages 79–90
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