Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Strand: CHEMISTRY Grade 8

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Grade 8

The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of the identity of a
substance according to its atomic structure.

The learner is able to determine the number of protons, neutrons, and
electrons in a particular atom.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Observe that objects may attract or repel each other,
b. Infer that objects may carry positive and negative charges, and
c. Deduce that neutral objects contain positive and negative charges.


a. Topic: The Particle Nature of Matter (ATOMS: Inside Out)
b. References: Science Learners Material 8
Department of Education
pp. 193 – 194
c. Instructional Materials: laptop, projector, activity sheets, balloons, tie or
yarn , meter stick
d. Skills to develop: discovery, reasoning
e. Values integration: cooperation
f. Methodology: 4A’s (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)
g. Concepts:

 Objects even they seem to be neutral, can carry “charges”

 Objects are electrically neutral, or simply, neutral, but they carry electrical
 Atoms contain particles with positive and negative charges.
 The proton carries a positive charge (+1) while the electron carries a negative
charge (-1).


Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity I.M.

A. Daily Routine
A.1. Greetings Good Afternoon class!
Good Afternoon Maam.
A.2. Prayer Kindly stand up and let us pray.
Please lead the prayer.
(Students will pray)
A.3. Securing of Before you take your seat, kindly
cleanliness and arrange your chairs properly and
orderliness of the pick up all the pieces of dirt. (Students will arrange their
classroom. chairs and pick up all the pieces
of dirt)
A.4. Checking of Class secretary, will you please
attendance check the attendance of your
classmates. (Class secretary will check the
A.5. Recall attendance)
What was the last discussion all
about? We discuss about Atoms and
the sub atomic particles.

What else? Also, we discussed about the
different charges of the
subatomic particles.

A.6. Motivation
Very good!
As we proceed to another topic
today, first, We’ll have a group
game. The class will be divided into
10 groups (the same group when
having Activities/ experiments).
1. each group will be given paper
and marker.
2. questions/statements will be
flashed on the screen.
3. each group will be given 10
seconds to answer. Every correct
answer corresponds to a point.
4. the group who will earn the
highest point after the game will be
declared as the winner and will
receive additional points in the
evaluation at the end of the period. (The students will proceed to
their respective groups)

Are you ready? Yes, Maam.

If so, let’s start and goodluck!

(after the game)

How do you find the activity? Exciting !

B. Lesson Proper

B.1. Presentation of the Good! The questions you’ve

lesson answered a while ago is concerned PPT
with what we are going to discuss
today. With your previous
knowledge about atoms and its
sub-atomic particles and its
charges, today, we are about to
discuss what charges do objects
B.2. Presentation of the obtained. Therefore each of you is
objectives challenge to attain the following a. Observe that objects may
objectives, who can read? attract or repel each other,
b. Infer that objects may carry
positive and negative charges,
c. Deduce that neutral objects
B.3. Activity contain positive and negative
B.3.a. Pre-Activity charges.
At this point, we are going to
conduct a group activity. You were
already grouped you into 10
groups just like the last activities.
Therefore, please proceed now
with your group mates and listen
carefully as I will be discussing the
procedure of the laboratory
experiment/activity. Afterwards,
distribution of the materials and
activity sheets will follow.

After completing the task a group

representative will share the
group’s work in the class. The
activity sheets distributed each
group will serve as your guide in
answering the activity questions.

4 pts – 100% of the task was
done and were accurate.
3 pts – 75% of the task were
done and answers were
2 pts – 50% of the task were
done and answers were

4 pts – shows complete
understanding of the ideas and
processes for the task given
3 pts – shows substantial
understanding of the problem,
ideas and processes
2 pts – response shows poor
understanding of the problem

4 pts – all members participate
in the activity
3 pts – one or more members do
not participate in the activity
2 pts – only the leader worked
on the activity

The group score will be transmuted

with the following grades
Score Grade Scor Grad
e e
12 100 6 85
11 97.5 5 82.5
10 95 4 80
9 92.5 3 77.5
8 90 2 75
7 87.5 1 72.5
0 70
Students will perform the
3.b. Activity Proper Please refer to the attached activity. Activity Sheets,
activity sheets for the activity materials

B.3c. Post Activity Post your output on the board then

your group leader will explain your Each group will post there Visual Aids
work. works at the board.

It was exciting and fun.

B.4. Analysis and So how do you find the activity?
Abstraction We’re going to check and compare
your works as we answer the
questions one by one.

Okay. Now describe what Objects, even they seem to be

happened with the balloons? neutral, can carry “charges”. In
fact, you were able to charge
the objects by rubbing them
against another object; just like
when you rubbed the balloons
onto your hair. You can infer
that after you have rubbed the
balloons, they acquired a charge
since they pushed away each

Did the balloons acquire the same

charge or different charges? What
made you say so? The balloons acquired the same
charge. They have indeed! The
balloon, or synthetic rubber, the
material the balloon is made of,
acquire negative charges when

What happened with the balloons

when you rub the piece of glass
with a silk cloth and bring the piece
of glass between the two balloons? The balloons were attracted to
the glass in between it.

Does the glass have a different or

same charge as the balloon? What
made you say so? The glass was positively-
charged since the negatively-
charged balloons were
attracted towards the glass.

Very good class! Seems like you

really understand the activity.

B.5. Generalization To generalize our discussion today,

I will present you the different
important key words about the Students will try to explain the
topic. Then each group will try to words presented.
explain what the word is about.
Very good!

B.6. Application In order to apply your knowledge

on the topic, I will present you a
problem and you’ll try to guess or
predict what could probably Yes Maam.
happened after. Are you ready?

I need a volunteer. The volunteer learner will Paper and comb

(the teacher will explain the perform the problem.)

TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise and encircle
the word(s) the made the statement incorrect.

1-2. Objects are electrically neutral.

3-4. The neutron carries a positive charge (+1).

5-6. The electron carries a negative charge (-1).

7-8. Atoms, in their most stable state are neutral with an equal number of neutrons.
and electrons.

9-10. Like ends/ charges attracts.

1. What are the different models of structure of Atoms?


Grade 8 Learners Module

Department of Education
Page 193-194

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher 1 School Head

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