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It is an Ecuadorian city, capital of the Province of El Oro. It is the fifth most populated and
important city in the country.


Machala is the capital of the Province of El Oro, it is a productive agricultural canton with a
great commercial movement. The great part of its inhabitants dedicate themselves to the
industrial, port, banana, and for this reason it is recognized internationally as "Banana Capital
of the World"; besides the sowing and harvesting of shrimp is another productive activity.

The city is the financial and economic center of the province, and one of the main ones of the
country, it houses great cultural, financial, administrative and commercial organizations.


In the year of 1537 was discovered the aboriginal settlement of the Machalas, located in the
pampas of Guarumal. On June 25, 1824, the Machala canton was created, in times of Gran
Colombia, and the first president was Mariano Franco Rodríguez Pesantes and the first vice
president Mariano Minuche Gómez.

In 1758, lands were given to the Machalas to make their town, where the San Jacinto
neighborhood is currently located. The Indian Ambrosio Gumal was the first Governor; in 1763
he definitively handed over the lands to the Machalas. In 1808 it reached 720 inhabitants.


Machala is found in South America. In the country of Ecuador, in the province of El Oro,
located in the northwestern part of the Province of El Oro.


To the North: The Cantones El Guabo and Pasaje,

To the South and East: Canton Santa Rosa

To the West: Jambelí Archipelago.

o Climate

It has a warm-tropical climate, with a variable temperature of 18 ° to 34 ° C.

o Flora

We found some species of native trees such as cedar, guayacán, canelo, achupalla, epiphytes,
orchids and others.

o Wildlife

Machala has Santa Clara Island, which is the refuge of seabirds, has characteristics similar to
the Galapagos Islands, is habitat of: sea lions, iguanas, blue footed boobies, frigates, also in the
months of July to September, It gives the sighting of the humpback whales.

o Orography

Machala is located in a large area of lowlands, due to its proximity to the sea, the capital Orense
is only 4 meters above the level of it.

o Economic development

Machala, is a productive agricultural canton and with a great movement, its inhabitants are
dedicated to banana activity. Planting and harvesting shrimp is another productive activity. In
addition, a large part of the population is engaged in the marketing of machinery, vehicles,
appliances, clothing, etc.

o Transportation

Machala has some means of transportation such as bus, taxis, etc. In recent years the city's
automotive fleet has grown considerably.

o Important avenues

The city has regenerated first-class avenues. At present, a flyover was built at the entrance to
Machala on Av. 25 de Junio.


o Education

Machala has two universities, several colleges and schools.

o Cultures and traditions

Most Important Festivities: Tribute to Our Virgin of Mercy: September 24; Cantonization: June
25; Month of the arts: June 25; Foundation of Puerto Bolívar on December 18.
o Gastronomy

1. Some of the dishes most tasted by the Machaleños are the following:

2. Rice with shrimp: It comes with rice, breaded shrimp, salad and patacones.

3. Ceviches: Machala offers many varieties such as shrimp, shell, fish, mixed ceviche, all of
them accompanied by patacones and rice.

4. Rice with lentil stew: Mixed lentils, cooked slowly with onion, pepper, tomato, garlic, cumin,
cilantro, and served with rice, meat grilled and patacones.

5. Creole chicken broth: It is prepared by cooking the chicken with special seasonings, it is
served with cooked potatoes, accompanied by cilantro and white onions that give it a special

6. Tigrillo: Green cooked and mixed with cheese and egg.

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