Waves Waves: Dr. Rer Nat. Wiwin Windupranata

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Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group

Faculty of Earth Science and Technology

Institute of Technology, Bandung

Dr. rer nat. Wiwin Windupranata

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung


coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung


coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Coastal Constructions

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Offshore Constructions

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Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Beach Erosion and Sediment


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Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung


coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung


coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Wave Parameters

Wave Period = Time it Takes a Wave Crest to Travel one

Wavelength (units of time)
Wave Frequency = Number of Crest per Unit Time Passing A Fixed
Location (units of 1/time)
Wave Speed = Distance a Wave Crest Travels per Unit Time (units
of distance/time)

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Wave Spectrum

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Wave Classification

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Wave Classification
Most of the waves present on the ocean’s
surface are wind-generated waves.
Size and type of wind-generated waves are controlled by Wind
velocity, Wind duration, Fetch, and Original state of sea surface
As wind velocity increases wave length, period and height increase,
but only if wind duration and fetch are sufficient
Significant wave height is the average wave height of the highest
1/3 of the waves present and is a good indicator of potential for
wave damage

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Addition of Waves

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010
Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Ideal Waves
Propagate Energy not
Water Mass

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Wave Movement

Note that the water molecules in the crest of the wave move in
the same direction as the wave, but molecules in the trough
move in the opposite direction

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Wave Movement

Note the importance of the

relationship between
wavelength and depth in
determining wave type.

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Wave Regions

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Wave Speeds
Deep-Water Waves (Bottom Depth > L/2)
– Speed is a Function of Wavelength Only
– Waves with Longer Wavelength move faster than Waves
with Shorter Wavelength

Shallow-Water Waves (Bottom Depth < L/20)

– Speed is a Function of Depth Only
– Waves (of any Wavelength) Travel Slower in Shallower

Intermediate region (L/20 < Depth < L/2)

– Speed is a Function of Wavelength and Depth Only

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Wave Speed as a Function of


coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Wave Speed as a Function of

Water Depth

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Factors Affecting Wind Wave


Wind speed - wind must be moving faster than the

wave crests for energy transfer to continue

Wind duration - winds that blow for a short time will

not generate large waves

Fetch - the uninterrupted distance over which the wind

blows without changing direction

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Factors Affecting Wind Wave


coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Wind Wave Developments

Wind waves are gravity waves formed by the transfer of wind energy
into water. Wind forces convert capillary waves to wind waves.

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Lateral Spreading of Wave Energy

from a Storm Source

(95% of Energy Contained Within ±45o of Storm Direction)

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

The Importance of Fetch

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Life History of Ocean Waves

Fetch is the area of contact between the wind and the water
and is where wind-
wind-generated waves begin
Seas is the term applied when the fetch has a chaotic jumble
of new waves
Waves continue to grow until the sea is fully developed or
becomes limited by fetch restriction or wind duration
Wave interference is the momentary interaction between
waves as they pass through each other. Wave interference can
be constructive or destructive
Because celerity increases as wave length increases, longer
waves travel faster than short waves

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung


coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Wave Transformations

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung


Wave separation, or dispersion, is a

function of wavelength. Waves with
the longest wavelength move the
fastest and leave the area of wave
formation sooner. The smooth
undulation of ocean water caused
by wave dispersion is called swell.
The process known as a wave train.

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Life History of Ocean Waves

The shallower the water, the greater the interaction

between the wave and the bottom alters the wave
properties, eventually causing the wave to collapse
Celerity decreases as depth decreases
Wave length decreases as depth decreases
Wave height increases as depth decreases
Troughs become flattened and wave profile becomes extremely
Period remains unchanged. Period is a fundamental property of
a wave
Refraction is the bending of a wave into an area where it
travels more slowly

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Life History of Ocean Waves

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Life History of Ocean Waves

Wave steepness (stability) is a ratio of wave height

divided by wave length

wave stability = H/L

In shallow water, wave height increases and wave length

When H/L is larger than or equals to 1/7 (H/L ≥ 1/7), the
wave becomes unstable
There are three types of breakers:, Spilling breakers,
Plunging breakers, and Surging breakers

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Waves Approaching Shore

Spilling waves occur on gradually sloping ocean bottoms.

The crest of a spilling wave slides down the face of the wave as it
breaks on shore

Plunging waves break violently against the shore, leaving an air-filled

tube, or channel, between the crest and foot of the wave.
Plunging waves are formed when waves approach a shore over a
steeply sloped bottom

Surging waves occur on a very steep sloped bottom where the beach
slope exceeds wave steepness.
The wave does not really curl and break but runs up against the shore
while producing foam and large surges of water

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Waves Approaching Shore

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Waves Approaching Shore

Wave refraction - the slowing and bending of waves

in shallow water

Wave diffraction - propagation of a wave around an


Wave reflection - occurs when waves “bounce back”

from an obstacle they encounter. Reflected waves
can cause interference with oncoming waves,
creating standing waves

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Waves Refraction

Bending of shallow-
shallow-water wave
fronts due to change in bottom

The leading edge of a wave front

enters shallower water and slows
while the remaining front
continues at higher speed

The net result is a rotation of

wave fronts toward being parallel
with bottom depth contours.

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Waves Refraction

Consequence of
wave refraction:
Focusing of wave
energy on
Defocusing of
wave energy on

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Waves Diffraction

Propagation of wave around an obstacle

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Waves Reflection

Wave reflection - occurs when waves “bounce back” from an

obstacle they encounter.

When approaching a steep solid object, waves are bounced

back, creating a confused sea or interfering waves

Sometimes part of the energy is absorbed and the remaining

energy is reflected

Reflected waves can cause interference with oncoming waves,

creating standing waves

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Waves Reflection

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Storm Surge
Storm surge is the rise in sea level resulting from low
atmospheric pressure associated with storms and the
accumulation of water driven shoreward by the winds

Water is deeper at the shore area, allowing waves to

progress farther inland

Storm surge is especially severe when superimposed

upon a high tide

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Standing Waves
Standing waves or seiches consist of a water surface
“seesawing” back and forth

A node is an imaginary line across the surface which experiences

no change in elevation as the standing wave oscillates. It is the
line about which the surface oscillates
Antinodes are where there is the maximum displacement of the
surface as it oscillates and are usually located at the edge of the
Geometry of the basin controls the period of the standing wave
A basin can be closed or open
Standing waves can be generated by storm surges

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Standing Waves

Resonance amplifies the displacement at the nodes and occurs when

the period of the basin is similar to the period of the force
producing the standing wave

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Standing Waves

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Internal Waves

Waves that occur at the boundaries of water layers

with different densities are called internal waves.

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Internal Waves
Internal waves form within the water column on the
Because of the small density difference between the water masses
above and below the pycnocline
pycnocline,, wave properties are different
compared to surface waves
Internal waves display all the properties of surface progressive
waves including reflection, refraction, interference, breaking, etc
Any disturbance to the pycnocline can generate internal waves,
including: flow of water related to the tides, flow of water masses
past each other, storms, or submarine landslides

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Internal Waves

Thin Layers of Phytoplankton Oscillating with an Internal Wave

Formed along the Continental Shelf

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Internal Waves

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung


Tsunamis were previously called tidal waves, but are

unrelated to tides
Tsunamis consist of a series of long-period waves characterized by
very long wave length (up to 100 km) and high speed (up to 760
km/hr) in the deep ocean
Because of their large wave length, tsunamis are shallow-water to
intermediate-water waves as they travel across the ocean basin
They become a danger when reaching coastal areas where wave
height can reach 10 m
Tsunamis originate from earthquakes, volcanic explosions, or
submarine landslides

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung


coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Longshore Current and

Sediment Transport

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

Hydrographic Science and Engineering Working Group
Faculty of Earth Science and Technology
Institute of Technology, Bandung

Longshore Current and

Sediment Transport

Along-Shore Sediment Transport Obstructed by Groins

coastal environmental survey windupranata@2010

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