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Professional Workshop Tetrahedron Academy

Supervisory Development Program (SDP)

Supervisors are that important strata
of organization structure that will lead
the daily operation in future. It is of
prime importance for any growing
organization to chart out a structured
and intensive growth plan for them to
enable the supervisors to drive
performance and accountability for
themselves and their employees

Course Objective Methods and Benefits

Supervisory Development Program helps The Supervisory Development Program is
you develop practical skills to improve self customised and structured based on the
and team effectiveness, effectively industry / unit’s requirements. A detail business
communicate, create a positive work expectation from the senior managers / unit
environment, handle different personalities
head is the main input for customisation.
and inspire change.
The way supervisors handle day-to-day
The participants / supervisors will go through
encounters has a long-term impact on the 1- Pre- session assessment for skill gap map
team’s performance and the organizational based on their JD
success. 2- A series of workshop & projects that will have
This program will enable to search the right direct relation with their existing and future
persons who can be developed as the next work responsibilities ( refer course agenda)
operational leader, transforming their 3- One-to-one (individual) hand holding for
existing skills to match present and future specific area of improvement during and after
need, and enable them to coach and hand- the session
hold other supervisors 4- A live project on a selected business problem
and implement applicable tools and techniques
Who should attend from the program and achieve tangible results
Supervisors ( 2 ~ 10 Yrs Exp) 5- A test Series for being eligible for SDP
Shop Floor Managers

HR Managers Over the last three years 300+ Participants from 7

Trainer and Coach Manufacturing units have attended this session

© Tetrahedron Manufacturing Services Pvt Ltd

Phone : +91 7042140046 Email :
Professional Workshop Tetrahedron Academy

SDP – Workshop Series Course Detail

20 Modules
PDCA cycle helps you to solve problems and implement solutions in a rigorous,
methodical way. Follow these four steps to ensure that you get the highest quality
The Seven Basic Tools of Quality is a designation given to a fixed set of graphical
M2 7 QC Tools
techniques identified as being most helpful in troubleshooting quality issues
Cause & Effect How to conduct C&E process and create structured plan for execution of C&E
Methodology method to get quick and visible result
5 Whys is an iterative interrogative technique used to explore the cause-and-
M4 Why Why Analysis
effect relationships underlying a particular problem
Basic Financial Basic knowledge of financial calculations will help the participants to develop an
Management understanding of the impact of operational issues on companies financial health
To be an effective team member, to lead a team, motivating a team, conflict
M6 Team Work
management in a team, developing a cross functional project team,
Lean To improve bottom line of an operation, 4 set of tools i.e. Arrow Diagram,
Methodology Operation Analysis Table, Standard Work Chart & Waste Finding Check List
Daily Work Improve effectiveness and efficiency in daily operation and working through a
Management structured Managing Points (MPs) and Check Points (CPs)
Industrial Basic of Industrial engineering to improve layout, flow of material, storage process,
Engineering internal shop logistics and other specific requirements
Creativity & How to be creative and to develop a mechanism to create a real solution by
M 10
Innovation innovation.
Understand the importance of TPM and why it is back bone of manufacturing
M 11 TPM
companies. Learn through the 8 pillars of TPM and methodology for execution
Presentation & How to develop a presentation and present to senior management. How to make
M 12 Communication communication more effective and impactful. Non verbal communication. Email and
Skill Phone communications and etiquette.
M 13 QMS Basis Introduction to Revised IS0 9000, 14001, 18001 and as per company standard
M 14 MSA Measure System Analysis and various aspects for quality standards
M 15 SPC Statistical Process Control and tools and techniques
M 16 FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analysis & intro to its variants like Design FMEA, Process FMEA,
M 17 8D and A3 Report Problem Solving by 8D and A3 reporting mechanism.
The PPAP process is designed to demonstrate that the component supplier has
M 18 PPAP developed their design and production process to meet the client's requirements,
minimizing the risk of failure by effective use of APQP
APQP helps to produce a product quality plan which will support development of a
product or service that will satisfy the customers
TtT program will help the participants to develop training session and deliver as
M 20 Train the Trainer
interval trainers

© Tetrahedron Manufacturing Services Pvt Ltd

Phone : +91 7042140046 Email :

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