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GE6674-Communication & Softskills Lab Based Department of English 2018-2019

Ex No: 01
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For Name Maria Brighten.M, Date : 26/2/19
Listening, Listening Skills: Prediction
1) ...shining 5) ...error 9) ...he
2) ...umbrella 6) ...fries 10) ...have
3) ...girl 7) ...Thatcher
4) ...blues 8) ...Matilda

Ex No: 02
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 26/2/19
Listening, Listening Skills: Using Signposts
...yet: a) a generally higher level of obesity.
a) Levels of obesity are higher than ever before. b) greater levels of cheese consumption.
b) People are generally thinner than they were c) a happier, healthier and, paradoxically,
ten years ago. slimmer, population.
c) People in the west are spending more and
more on health products.
a) Eating more mass-produced fast food.
b) Spending ever increasing sums on slimming
c) Poorer people being generally fatter than the
...the other way:
a) Is to eat less and exercise more.
b) Is to go along with society's expectations
c) is to rebel, to let go, to binge.
a) Slimness was an indicator of wealth.
b) Plumpness was seen as a sign of prosperity.
c) They tended not to eat nourishing food.
... in other words:
a) The poorer you are the more obese you tend
to be.
b) Food is much more affordable than it used to
c) Society relates body shape to financial or
social position.
... but actually:
a) we find that the typical fast food diet of the
poor is relatively expensive.
b) healthy food is too expensive for their budget.
c) a fast food diet is very affordable.
...but the thing is:
a) that they are on average much slimmer than in
the US.
b) that their levels of obesity are higher than in
the US.
c) that anxiety about body-mass ratio is high.
...and the result will be:

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Ex No: 03
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M DATE : 26/2/19
Listening, Listening: Using other Clues
1. What type of property is number 2?
2. How much is the rent for numbers 2 and 3?
3. How many bedrooms does number 2 have?
4. Which of the transport options is most easily available?
5. Where can the tenant park?
Ex No: 04
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 26/2/19
Listening, Listening: Filling in a Form
Property 1 Property 2 Property 3
Type of property townhouse 3. Flat house
Rent per week $200 4. $200 7. $250
No. of bedrooms one 5. Two 8. Three
Transport to university 1. Walk bus car
Furnished? Fully furnished 6. Semi-furnished 9. Unfurnished
Parking? 2. No on street 10. in garage

Ex No: 05
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M DATE : 26/2/19
Listening: Listening For Detail
1. 3477 9. 22,637
2. 1977 10. 14
3. 17 11. 30
4. 80 12. ¼
5. 1506 13. 20,006
6. 1/3 14. 410,000
7. 40 15. 90
8. 26

Ex No: 06
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M DATE : 26/2/19
Listening, Listening For Names
1. Meadowes
2. Manchester
3. Professor Smith
4. Parramatta
5. Edinburgh
6. Careen Ooi
7. Wednesday February
8. Europe
9. Saint Louis, Missouri

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Ex No: 07
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M -, DATE : 26/2/19
Listening: Listening For the Main Points
1. Gatherings where mummies were unwrapped demonstrate that
a. people have bad taste nowadays. b. people have always been interested in mummies.
c. mummies died thousands of years ago.
2. One of the main objectives of mummification was
a. to keep the family together. b. to bury people in style.
c. to bring dead people back to life.
3. The earliest known mummies are
a. 6,000 years old. b. 8,000 years old. c. 4,000 years old.
4. The Chinchorro people mummified their dead by
a. covering their body in a clay mask. b. drying the bones and preserving the skin.
c. burying them in groups.
5. The speaker stresses that
a. the Egyptians were very slow to learn. b. the Egyptians started quite recently.
c. we are dealing in huge time spans.
6. The key to successful mummification is
a. taking out the organs. b. burying in sand.
c. providing a suitable tomb.
7. The speaker points to another outcome of the preservation of the dead:
a. improved hairdressing techniques. b. houses the Egyptians shared with the mummies.
c. spectacular tombs.
8. What does the speaker think of the Western attitude to mummies?
a. He is pleased the British took a scientific interest. b. He is offended by Spanish religious
c. He is saddened by the lack of respect for other cultures.
Ex No: 08
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 26/2/19
Listening: Interpreting attitude
1. The first speaker considers the protests to be:
a. ridiculous b. justified c. funny
2. The female speaker believes that
a. we need to protect the environment in general. b. mice are especially important.
c. the road will be built with concrete and tarmac.
3. Charles's attitude towards society's commitment to the environment is
a. approving. b. cynical. c. non-committal.
4. The female speaker believes that
a. society's attitude has improved since the 1860s. b. nothing has changed since the 1860s.
c. the situation is now far worse.
5. Do you think Tamsin is proposing to live off the land?
a. Yes. b. No. c. She's not sure.
6. Dave's attitude to people who live off the land is:
a. unsypathetic. b. interested. c. impartial.
7. Charles believes in
a. progress through development. b. a balance between development and environmental

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c. protecting the environment at all costs.
8. Dave's predictions for the environment are
a. bleak. b. optimistic. c. uninterested.
Ex No: 09
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 26/2/19
Listening: Listen To A Lecture
Architeuthis, the giant squid
We seldom see squid because:
Their blood is unable to carry (1) oxygen efficiently at surface temperatures they become (2) too buoyant on
the surface. (3) Cephalopods, of which there are around 1,000, have well-developed brains, no shells and
three hearts. A radula in a squid most resembles a (4) tongue in humans. The squid's gladius is made of the
same material as a human's (5) fingernails. In the diagram: A = a (6) feeding tentacle B = a (7) fin C = the
mantle. When attacked, squid adopt the following procedure: Squid sees enemy Squid (8) expels ink Squid
changes to a (9) pale colour Squid escapes the three individual squid probably attacked the Brunswick
because it looked (10) like a whale.
Ex No: 10
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 5/3/19
Speaking: How Important Is It To Speak?
1. Does David give enough information? Yes No
2. Which of the two appears friendlier? David Frauke
3. Should Frauke lose marks for not being 100% relevant? Yes No
4. Which of them displays a better command of English?
David Frauke
5. If your English is not very good it's better not to say much. True False
Ex No: 11
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 5/3/19
Speaking: But How Do I Know What To Say?
1. How many of you are there?
2. Who are they?
3. What does your brother do?
4. Why does your sister like her job?
5. Which one do you like best?
Ex No: 12
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 5/3/19
Speaking: Avoid Long Words!
Formal (Written) Word Spoken word
1. I like cherries. Moreover, I like raspberries. and
2. I missed the bus. Thus, I was a little bit late for the exam. so
3. Oh, and with reference to your cold, try these new pills. about
4. Regarding my family, I have two brothers... about
5. In my view, this tea is too sweet. I find
6. I find history fascinating. Furthermore, I'm quite good at it. also
7. Its raining. Hence I don't think we should go for a walk.

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Ex No: 13
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 5/3/19
Speaking: Giving opinions
1. It's pretty clear that...
2. I'd have thought that...
3. It seems to me...
4. I would say...
5. I don't think...
6. I think...
Ex No: 14
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 5/3/19
Speaking: Backing Up Your Opinions
I'd say obesity is on the rise for two reasons:
1. people don't do enough exercise, and 2.food is much cheaper than it was in our parents' day, so people
eat more. I think that private education is wrong because 1. society in general will do better if equal
opportunities are offered to all children, and 2. it prevents students from different social backgrounds
mixing together.
It seems to me that encouraging 50% of young people to go to university is a bad thing, as 1. it leads to
lower educational standards in general, and 2. it is not clear that all these people will benefit from further
Ex No: 15
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 8/1/19
Reading: Hannah's Reasons For Reading
The text The reason
an index to locate further information
a textbook to find general information
a nature magazine to relax
her current assignment to find mistakes
a telephone directory to find specific information
an instruction booklet to find out how to do something
Ex No: 16
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 8/1/19
Reading: Reasons For Academic Reading
1. You have just been given your assignment. You sit down to begin work. As you read the question your
purpose for reading is to find...
(a) specific information (b) background information (c) mistakes
2. Having studied the question, you look through the reading list. At this stage your reason for reading is to
(a) specific information (b) background information (c) mistakes
3. Your course tutor has recommended background texts on the subject. As you read them your purpose
is to find...
(a) specific information (b) general information (c) essay details
4. You find a text that looks suitable. You skim through it. Your purpose for reading is to...
(a) make notes (b) check it's relevant (c) find essay details
5. The text is suitable. You read it and take notes. Your purpose for reading is to...

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(a) copy the text in note form (b) find relevant essay details
6. You have finished the final draft of your assignment. Before you hand it in do you read through it
(a) Never (b) Sometimes (c) Always
Ex No: 17
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 8/1/19
Reading, What Is Scanning?

1. Describe the European Banking System. Page 56 .

2. Outline a limited company's obligations to submit accounts. Page 375 .
3. Discuss the background to the foundation of the United Nations. Page 344.
4. Examine the causes of the Gulf War. Page 189.
5. What are the principles of counselling? Page 785 .
Ex No: 18
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 8/1/19
Reading, Practise Scanning
Complete the statements below using not more than one word.
1. The Sahel region has suffered from droughts of record length for over thirty years.
2. The "suphate haze" is blamed on power stations, factories and vehicles.
3. "Thermal imbalance" results in the Saharan rain-belt being pushed to the south of the Sahel.
4. An absence of vegetation means that rain is not absorbed by the soil.
5. The Lancet studied 32,000 Scottish children.
6. Breast milk suppresses the growth of fat cells, and also improves a baby's immunity.
7. Breast-fed babies stop drinking when they have had enough.
8. The US Navy first detected the unusual sounds in 1997.
9. Previously it was thought that earthquakes, volcanos and ocean currents caused mysterious noises.
10. The sounds are thought to derive from animals because of their acoustic "signature".
Ex No: 19
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 8/1/19
Reading, What Is A Topic Sentence?
Writing a Good Paragraph
Good Paragraphs: What are they?
A paragraph is a section of writing consisting of one or more sentences giving information about the same
topic. It is separated from other paragraphs by an empty line, or by indenting the first line a few spaces. We
divide writing into paragraphs to help the reader in two ways. Firstly, paragraphs make the text seem more
manageable; smaller sections look less difficult to read than one long section. Secondly, they make the text
easier to understand. If topics are separated logically on the paper, readers find it easier both to grasp the
point of each paragraph and to see how each point relates to the other main points in the document.
Good Paragraphs: How to write them
In order to ensure that each paragraph covers one topic only, plan your report carefully before you start to
write it. Make a list of all the information you want to include in each section, then divide this data up into
topics (or subtopics) with supporting examples and explanation. These topics form the basis of the
paragraphs that will make up the section.
Usually, each paragraph will have a 'topic sentence' (often, but not always, the first sentence in the
paragraph) that states the main point. The sentences that follow expand upon, explain or exemplify the topic
sentence. Read this example taken from the Findings section of a feasibility report with the topic sentence
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highlighted in blue:
The building costs for the Imperial Court Hotel are 8% higher than the average in China, due to the location
of the site. As it is on the river bank, foundations must go down to 60 feet in order to reach solid rock. Also,
protective measures, such as double waterproofing the building material, must be undertaken because of the
possibility of flooding.
After the topic sentence, an explanation is given about why the location makes the building costs high. The
next paragraph, following logically on the theme of expense, is about the operating costs of the Imperial
Court Hotel, and begins with a linking phrase, 'In addition'. Such phrases help the reader to follow the
argument from paragraph to paragraph.
Source: The Report Writer, Clarity Language Consultants Ltd, 1997.
Ex No: 20
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 8/1/19
Reading, Practise Using Topic Sentences
cc the kitten - the cc stands for carbon copy - certainly represents a milestone. Several groups have been
struggling to clone cats for over a year. And while cat cloning could in theory help preserve endangered
species, cc will go down in history as the first animal to be cloned with the aim of satisfying people's
emotional needs, rather than for medicine or agriculture.
The rub is that those needs are about duplication, and cc doesn't look exactly like her genetic donor. She
was cloned from a tortoiseshell cat, a breed whose three-colour coat pattern is not determined purely by
genetics, but also by environmental factors and a random process called X-chromosome inactivation. But
even more importantly for pet owners, such factors also mean that clones are likely to behave differently to
their genetic parent.
And success may be hard to repeat. To clone any animal, researchers suck the genetic material from an
egg and replace it with the nucleus of a donor cell. To make cc about 200 such nuclear transfers were
carried out. Of the resulting embryos only about 87 matured enough to be implanted in surrogate mothers.
Just two pregnancies were established and only cc went to term.
The copy cat has also arrived when concern is growing about the safety of cloning. A recent study of
mouse clones, for example, revealed subtle genetic problems that are hard to detect and may shorten
lifespan. cc looks healthy now, but her creators have yet to carry out any detailed examinations.
Ex No: 21
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 8/1/19
Reading, Topic Sentences And Headings
Rat Quiz
1. What percentage of the world's crops do rats destroy? 20%
2. Which major airport went dark because of rats? Heathrow
3. Are a rat's teeth harder, as hard as or softer than copper? Harder
4. How many babies can a female rat produce in a year? 112
5. Which organization used the "explosive rat"? SOE
Ex No: 22
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 22/1/19
Reading, What Is Skimming?
1. Is the chapter about safety in banking? Yes No
2. Will it be useful for your assignment? Yes No
3. Will you now read the book in more detail? Yes No

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Ex No: 23
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 29/1/19
Reading, Identifying The Main Points
1. Horses have empty cavities below their brains. True False
2. Guttural pouches keep horses afloat when they swim. True False
3. Baptiste's theory was that the pouches regulate blood temperature. True False
4. The hypothesis was tested with computer models. True False
5. During exertion, blood that has passed over the pouches is cooler. True False
6. Nobody knows what regulates the air temperature in the pouches. True False
Ex No: 24
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 29/1/19
Reading, The Main Points Summarized
The hollow pockets beneath a horse's brain have puzzled scientists for years. Theories that they are
flotation devices or acoustic chambers have been disproved. A new hypothesis, that they regulate the
temperature of blood before it enters the brain, has recently been tested on four horses. Results show that
when a horse is at rest the pouches marginally increase blood temperature, and while a horse is exercising
they cool it. We still do not know, however, how the air temperature in the pouches remains constant.
Ex No: 25
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 29/1/19
Writing, Title Analysis 1
Many people believe vivisection is immoral. Discuss the view that scientists should not conduct
medical experiments on animals that they would not conduct on humans.
The most common faults in essays and reports are illogical structure, irrelevance and incompleteness.
You can avoid these problems with the PQRS Analysis technique. Look at the essay title above and answer
the four questions below...
1. How many Parts to the essay? (a) One (b) two (c) three
2. What is the Question word?
(a) Discuss (b) view (c) experiment
3. What are the other relevant words?
4. What is the Structure of the assignment? (a) a list
(b) intro + points for/against + conclusion (c) a narrative
Ex No: 26
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 29/1/19
Writing, Essay Structure 1
Introduction: This is where you define terms and state how you are going to approach the question.
Body: This is the main part of the essay where you lay out the facts for and against.
Conclusion: This is where you summarise the main ideas and give your final opinion.
Ex No: 27
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 29/1/19
Writing, Essay Structure 2
C The end cannot justify the means. Science should only move forward if this can be done without
inflicting pain and death on other species.
I Last year more than 100 million animals were killed in experiments. That's more than one every three
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seconds. We need to examine whether there is any justification for slaughter on this scale.
A Animals are now routinely anaesthetized so that suffering is minimized.
F Scientists are now able to cultivate human tissue which is more appropriate for experiments on new
A Medical advances in the treatment of polio, diabetes, smallpox and HIV have been possible only though
the use of animal experimentation.
C We must conclude, therefore, that while all efforts should be made to reduce suffering, medical
experiments on animals must continue so we can save human lives.
F Penicillin is poisonous to guinea pigs. This illustrates that data collected from animals is simply not
transferable to humans.
Ex No: 28
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 29/1/19
Writing, Essay Structure 3
Time Logic
Bird builds nest. If more CO2 is produced...
Bird mates. Ozone layer depletes.
Bird lays eggs. More UV light enters.
Eggs hatch. Earth becomes warmer.
Bird feeds young. Polar ice-caps melt.
Young learn to fly. Sea-level rises.
Young leave nest. Coastal cities are submerged.
Ex No: 29
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 29/1/19
Writing, Linking Ideas 2
Water is our most precious commodity, and as heavier demands are put on existing supplies it is
becoming scarcer. Irrigated farming is only 40pc efficient and the agricultural sector is therefore being
forced to look at ways of using water more economically. The first approach is to preserve existing water
supplies by reducing run-off. In Guatemala, construction of level terraces allows the scarce rain water to
filter slowly through the soil and has resulted in higher yields of beans and cereals. Similarly, in Niger the
damming of streams has turned 5000km2 of desert into productive agricultural land. The second approach,
adopted in Mongolia, is to deny water to farmers until townspeople have used it first. The whole society has
consequently become aware of the issue of water conservation. However, these success stories are isolated
and the United Nations Food Program is now seeking to apply the lessons learnt to other regions.
Ex No: 30
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 29/1/19
Grammar, Diagnosing Your Grammar Mistakes

1. The Amazon flows relatively slow at this time of year. Adverbs

2. None of the interviewees seemed to have many times to spare. Uncountable nouns
3. I'm reasonably good in languages, but bad in scientific subjects. Prepositions
4. White settlers told Native Americans they have to leave their lands. Reported speech
5. The speech was given by president of Philippines. Articles
6. It is difficult to raise public sector wages without to create the risk of inflation. -ing form or infinitive?
7. Not only prices are rising, but quality is falling. Word order
8. "Well, I'll just have to take the exam again, isn't it?" Question tags
Ex No: 31

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Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 29/1/19
Grammar, Test Your Grammar
1. The followers of cryonics believe that a frozen body can be brought back to
a. the life b. live c. life d. a life
2. They state that many currently incurable diseases will be able in years to come.
a. to treat b. be treated c. to be treated d. to be treat
3. Scarlet fever, for example, which thousands, now has a straightforward cure.
a. it killed b. killed c. it kills d. kills
4. There are now six companies offering cryonic across the United States.
a. servicing b. services c. service d. serviced
5. Although cryonics appears far-fetched, some highly qualified minds.
a. it has attracted b. but it attracts c. but it attracted d. it attracted
6. Marvin Minsky, father of Artifical Intelligence has a positive attitude cryonics.
a. towards b. of c. at d. about
7. We have for judging its effectiveness.
a. a criteria b. criterion c. some criterion d. some criteria
8. There is evidence that a mouse's heart may and brought back to life.
a. has been frozen b. have been frozen c. have frozen d. have been freezing
9. If you decided to have your body frozen, you pay $125,000.
a. would have to b. will have to c. will have had to d. would have had to
10. Many people to have just their head done, at $50,000.
a. chose b. choosing c. have chosen d. had chosen
Ex No: 32
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 29/1/19
Grammar, The Passive
1. Charles Dickens wrote "Great Expectations". Most sentences in English begin with the person doing the
action (Charles Dickens) then describe the action (wrote) and end with the object ("Great Expectations").
(a) True (b) False
2. This book was published in 1998. We use the passive when the person doing the action is
more important than the action itself.
(a) True (b) False
3. The whole project will be completing by September. b. This experiment first carried out in 1972. These
two sentences are correct.
(a) True (b) False
4. The lab is being painted at the moment. The redecoration will be finished by Monday.
We know the tense from the verb to be (is being/will be).
(a) True (b) False
5. This technique was pioneered by economists at Harvard. If we want to say who does the action we use
by. (a) True (b) False
Ex No: 33
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 5/2/19
Grammar, The Passive In Reports
People are destroying the rain-forests very rapidly. The rain-forests are being destroyed very rapidly. We
will send this report to the Ministry of Transport. This report will be sent to the Ministry of Transport. We
have found that sunlight can cause cancer in rats. It has been found that sunlight can cause cancer in rats.
The group leader admitted that he had made mistakes. The group leader admitted that mistakes had been
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made. Our ancestors thought that the earth revolved around the sun. The earth was thought to revolve
around the sun. Experts understand that there are problems with the design. There are understood to be
problems with the design.
Ex No: 34
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 5/2/19
Grammar, Avoid These Passive Mistakes!
1. Company accounts must audited by an accountant.
Company accounts must be audited by an accountant.
2. Next, the issue of sales tax will be discussing.
Next, the issue of sales tax will be discussed .
3. An allowance for legitimate expenses has made annually.
An allowance for legitimate expenses is made annually.
4. Complete accurate records must be kept by the businessman.
Complete accurate records must be kept .
5. It is required that accounts submitted on time.
It is required that accounts be submitted on time.
6. The Companies Act is passed in 1990.
The Companies Act was passed in 1990.
Ex No: 35
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 5/2/19
Grammar, Practise Using Modals
1. Teachers should observe the basic principles of counseling in all interactions with students.
2. Counsellors must look at the student's situation as it is. To approach their own perception of the situation
is dangerous.
3. The key to effective counselling is reliability. Students must be able to trust their counsellors
4. Different students respond to different approaches. One may need rigid structure while freedom works
for another.
5. As a student's confidence in her counsellor grows, she will be more prepared to discuss her problems.
6. Observing these principles will create an atmosphere in which students can set about examining
Ex No: 36
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 5/2/19
Grammar, The Language Of Cause And Effect
Mortality from Smoking in Developed Countries 1950-2000 Conclusions:
1. Smoking is the biggest cause of adult death in the developed world.
2. Nicotine makes the heart beat faster and the arteries contract.
3. Heavy smoking can lead to blocked arteries and amputation.
4. Cancer and bronchitis are caused by carbon monoxide in the lungs.
5. Smoking causes one third of all male deaths in middle
6. If teenagers continue smoking to middle age, about half will die.
7. Tobacco results in about 3 million deaths each year.
8. People can avoid these risks if they stop smoking.
Ex No: 37
Study Skills Success Printed from Author plus For NAME: Maria Brighten.M, DATE: 5/2/19
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Grammar, Cause Or Effect?
Advice for better exam performance
1. Causes / blocks / memory / Panic
Panic cause’s memory blocks.
2. Revision / effective / more / makes / Starting early
Starting early makes revision more effective.
3. The risk of / careless / Checking / mistakes / reduces
Checking reduces the risk of careless mistakes.
4. Coffee / for avoiding / Sleeplessness / is one reason
Sleeplessness is one reason for avoiding coffee.
5. Will perform / better / you / you / relax
If you relax you will perform better.
6. bad / planning / result / a / of / Irrelevance is
Irrelevance is a result of bad planning.
Ex No: 38
Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 12/2/19
Vocabulary, Guessing Unknown Words
Smallpox thatch silo cowslip beak
1."Smallpox killed thousands annually before its eradication by the campaigns of the World Health
Organisation." Smallpox is:
an animal a plant a disease
2. "Over this area small houses were built and to the south lay circular brick silos for the storage of rice."
A silo is:
a school a bag a building
3. "The young pheasant can be distinguished from the old bird by the wing-tip feather and the upper part
of the beak." A beak is:
the mouth the eye a bird
4. "The only colour on the table was provided by a small vase containing cowslips." A cowslip is:
paint a flower a mat
5. "The use of building materials like wood and thatch is not appropriate to high density living in urban
areas." Thatch is made from:
stone metal grass
Ex No: 39
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 12/2/19
Vocabulary, Practise Guessing Words
We should be wary / careful about paying too much attention to the accuracy of a written text at the expense
of evaluating / deciding whether that text is effective. When marking, many teachers tend to be unduly / too
concerned with looking for errors of grammar and spelling. We should first ask ourselves whether the text
as a whole has achieved its communicative purpose. After all, a text containing many inaccuracies may be
completely successful in conveying / telling the writer’s message while another which is free from
grammatical and orthographical / spelling errors fails to do so. However, we cannot ignore such errors
altogether. Whatever procedures for marking are adopted / used, most students will expect to have their
errors corrected.
Ex No: 40
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 12/2/19

St.Jospeh’s college of Engineering Page 12

Vocabulary, More Guessing Practice!
1. Cause criticism (three words) evoke the condemnation
2. Bring back to life resurrect
3. Keeping in a safe place storing
4. An exact copy duplicate
5. To give a pet up, for example by leaving it at the roadside abandon
6. A breakthrough, a big step forwards milestone
7. The drawback, the problem the rub
8. A person or animal who gives (eg money, genetic tissue, organs) donor
9. If a pregnancy ends successfully with a birth, it goes to term (two words)
10. Destroyed, killed (two words) put down
Ex No: 41
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 12/2/19
Vocabulary, Ignoring Unknown Words
1. What is the orang utan's attitude to man? Are they...
(a) Afraid? (b) Not particularly interested? (c) Attracted to
2. What is the main diet of the orang utan?
(a) fruit (b) roots & vegetables (c) leaves
3. What is the orang utan's attitude to its food supply?
(a) Economical (b) it stores food (c) wasteful
Ex No: 42
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 12/2/19
Vocabulary, How Can A Dictionary Help You?
1. Spelling. Which word is spelt wrongly?
A diligent and disciplined student begins assignments promtly.
(a) Diligent (b) disciplined (c) promtly
2. Meaning. Which of the words below is nearest in meaning to the word corollary?
(a) Deduction (b) heart attack (c) opposite
3. Pronunciation. Where is the stressed syllable (the one we
say loudest) in the word photography:
(a) Photography (b) photography (c) photography
4. Different meanings. Some words have more than one meaning. In medicine which of these is the
definition of stress?
(a) Special emphasis (b) mental tension (c) force on area
5. Grammar. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: Student counsellors can give _______ in
many areas.
(a) advice (b) advise (c) advising
Ex No: 43
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 12/2/19
Vocabulary, How Can I Widen My Vocabulary?
1.During the course of a 1948 survey of Guangzhou's surviving historical and cultural relics, local historians
stumbled upon an unusual find - 237 American, European and Indian graves scattered across Changzhou, a
Pearl River island. The tombs, dating back as far as 1751... South China Morning Post
2. Bruce Wampler is nostalgic for an era when software developers battled each other feature by feature
for the affections of personal computer users. He recalls it as an exhilarating time when the intense hand-to-
St.Jospeh’s college of Engineering Page 13
hand combat among small software companies led to remarkably rapid innovation. New York Times
3. The study of grammar goes back to the time of the ancient Greeks, Romans and Indians, and from its
earliest days has caught the interest of the learned and the wise. As a result, the subject has developed
around itself a hallowed, scholarly and somewhat mysterious atmosphere. The English Language
4.1983 is a year of remembrances. It is a hundred years since Karl Marx died: fifty years since Hitler came
to power in Germany. Mussolini was born a century ago. So was John Maynard Keynes. It is appropriate,
though unusual, to juxtapose Keynes against these founding fathers of Communism and Fascism. History
Ex No: 44
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 12/2/19
Vocabulary, How Can I Use My Wider Vocabulary?
1. Scientists have been studying a skeleton found in a glacier in Austria. They have determined that the
bones are at least 5,000 years old.
2. A painting was stolen from the National Gallery last night. The picture, worth an estimated $14m was by
3. A new drug could help turn the tide in the battle against malaria. Every year about half a billion people
suffer from this disease.
4. Hamlet, written in 1600, is probably Shakespeare's best-known work. The play is currently being
performed at the Globe Theatre.
5. If there is a particular book or journal article you want, the Australian Libraries Gateway can help you
locate it . Once you have all the details, check the libraries closest to home first, use the Gateway's 'Find a
Library' option to check a library catalogue, and/or make direct enquiry about access to the item .
Once you have identified a library which has the item, you might consider pursuing an inter-library loan - or
you may decide you wish to purchase a copy Australian Libraries Gateway
6. April 23 1998 seems like a lifetime ago. That spring we introduced a new Technology Review to the
world. Since then the dot-com boom has imploded, the new economy come and gone and the world changed
for ever after September 11.
MIT Technology Review
7. Its not just chess players who need to think several moves ahead - bridge requires the same sort of
The Spectator
8. "Farmers in developing countries are reaping the benefits of green agricultural practices far more than
their Western counterparts," says a study launched last week at a conference in Nuremburg on organic
farming. New Scientist
Ex No: 45
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus for NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 12/2/19
Vocabulary, Learning Words In Families
1. student a person who studies (noun)
study a room where you study (noun)
studious a person who studies hard is ... (adjective)
studiously in hard-working manner (adverb)
2. argue to attempt to prove by presenting reasons (verb)
argumentative of a person, arguing or disputing a lot (adjective)
argument a point that supports (or contradicts) a proposition (noun)
arguable may or may not be true (adjective)

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3. conclude to decide or deduce (verb)
conclusion a decision or deduction (noun)
conclusive final, putting an end to doubt (adjective)
conclusively in a final, convincing manner (adverb)
inconclusive not final or convincing (adjective)
Ex No: 46
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 26/2/19
Research, The Web: Sources Of Information
1. location of the target word on the site 2. the popularity of the site itself. The search for an unusual word
like "marlinspike" yielded 3,680 results. The two challenges of search engines are:
1. the time it takes to find relevant information
2. evaluating the information once you have found it.
Subject directories list only sites that have been reviewed by academics. The problem is the small number
of sites listed. A search for Cervantes gets no results. Search engines cannot access information in
databases, pdf files or other non-standard file formats. A major disadvantage of the invisible web is that
sites often charge you.
Ex No: 47
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 26/2/19
Research, The Web: Effective Searching
1. Most search engines use full Boolean searching with the logical operators AND, OR and NOT.
True False
2. A search for +frog +toad will find pages that have both frog and toad in them. True False
3. A search for frog -toad will find pages that have either frog or toad. True False
4. A search for fish and chips will get the same results as a search for "fish and chips". True
5. A Google search for frog toad is equivalent to a Boolean search for frog OR toad. True
6. A search for +"fish and chips" +vinegar is likely to produce more results than a search for fish and chips
and vinegar. True
7. Many search engines (eg Lycos) offer advanced search filters that enable you to restrict your search to
particular languages and to exclude certain websites. True False
8. By using the NOT or - operator, you risk excluding sites that might be useful. True False
9. This search result is logically possible: frog OR hatpin 160,000 +frog +hatpin 208 frog -hatpin 165,000
10. Search engines are not case sensitive, so it doesn't make any difference whether you type FROG AND
frog AND toad or frog and toad. True False
Ex No: 48
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 26/2/19
Research, The Library: The Right Book

This part... Tells you...

Front cover... Title and author
Back cover... The subject and intended readers

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Publishing notes... Publication date and reprints
Contents page... Chapter list and topics covered
Index... Alphabetical list of subjects
Chapter introduction... An outline of the chapter

Ex No: 49
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 26/2/19
Research, The Library: The Right Book (2)
1. You find three possible books in the library. Look at the
titles below and choose the best one for your assignment.
(a) Financial Mechanisms (b) Monetary Policy and Supervision (c) Finance in the Internet
2.The back cover of Monetary Policy and Supervision reads: "...is aimed at students of banking and
examines in detail the formal and informal means of regulating the banking system." Do you still want it?
Yes No
3. You open the book and discover that it was first published in 1998. Do you still want it? Yes
4. The contents page shows several chapters that might be useful. Which one do you choose?
(a) Securities (b) Supervising the System (c) Investments
5. The first sentence of the chapter on Supervising the System begins: "Every central bank must ensure the
safety of the banks in its country if the system as a whole is to retain confidence..." Do you take the book
Yes No
Ex No: 50
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 26/2/19
Research, The Library: The Key Word

The subject you are looking for... The key word...

British relations with China pre-1997... Hong Kong
How to prepare a black pepper steak... Beef dishes
The economy of Java... Indonesia
Transferring data to another country... Networks
The price of accommodation in Paris... Hotels
How to make an isometric drawing... Diagrams
When to use a full stop... Punctuation
Health problems in Nigeria... Diseases

Ex No: 51
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 26/2/19
Research, Notes: Abbreviations
Never copy out large sections of your text book. A key stage between reading and writing is note-taking.
The purpose of note-taking is to identify what is important, copy it in the most economical way, and add
your own ideas. Devise your own system of note-taking. Notes do not have to be neat, but you must be able
to understand them.
Use short forms of words.
Use effective organisation.
Ex No: 52

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Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 26/2/19
Research, Notes: Understanding Cornell
Dr Arkady's lecture will help you to answer the questions below. Click to listen again.
Part one:
Part two:
1. The Cornell System applies only to lectures True False
2. The size of paper is unimportant; it is the layout that matters. True False
3. You should write on both sides of the page. True False
4. You make your initial notes on the right hand side of the page. True False
5. It is advisable to rewrite your notes after the lecture. True False
6. It is not necessary to record every detail of the lecture. True False
7. It is important that your notes are neat. True False
8. We forget up to 90% of lecture content within two days. True False
9. Reciting lecture points out loud will help you remember them. True False
10. The summary box at the bottom is useful for cross-referencing. True False
Match the word with its short form...
Ex No: 53
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 19/2/19
Visuals, What Is The Purpose Of Visuals?
Number of trees in Great Britain (Text)
The survey broke woodland areas down into those over 2ha and those below that size. It further
distinguished between conifer and broadleaf woods in the larger areas. Findings show that the greatest
number of conifers in woods over 2ha is 1,892m in Scotland followed by 523m in England and 252m in
Wales. The situation for broadleaves in larger woods is somewhat different, with a total of 577m broadleaf
trees in larger woods in England followed by 188m in Scotland and 92m in Wales. Smaller woods, in which
tree-type is not differentiated, contain 179m trees in England, 73m in Scotland and 38m in Wales. This
makes a total of 1,279m trees in England, 2,153m in Scotland and 382m in Wales, and a grand total of
3,814m trees in Great Britain (2,667m conifers, 857m broadleaves and 290m trees in smaller woods).
Number of trees in GB (Table)
(millions of trees)
GB England Scotland Wales
Conifers (words over 2ha) 2,667 523 1,892 252
Broadleaves (woods over 2ha) 857 577 188 92
Small woods and other 290 179 73 38
All trees 3,814 1,279 2,153 382
Ex No: 54
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 19/2/19
Visuals, Which visual?
1. tables to present numerical information in complete detail
2. line graphs to show trends or relationships
3. bar graphs to compare the relative sizes and/or trends of individual items
4. pie charts to compare component parts of a whole
5. flow charts to show a series of stages in a process
6. isometric drawings to show three faces of an object at once
7. schematic drawings to illustrate how components connect with each other

St.Jospeh’s college of Engineering Page 17

8. sketch maps to show the layout of buildings or position of machinery
Ex No: 55
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 19/2/19
Visuals, Describing A Line Graph
Describing line graphs
The peak C
A sharp rise B
A steady rise G
A short fall H
The starting point A
A constant price I
A dramatic drop D
The low point F
A check E
Ex No: 56
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 19/2/19
Visuals, Practise Describing A Line Graph
1. This graph shows how the annual catch of cod has declined from a high of almost 900 tonnes per year in
1970 to almost nothing thirty years later.
2. In 1960 the annual catch of Atlantic cod stood at a little less than 400 tonnes. Over the next five years it
rose by 50% before dipping slightly for two years.
3. From 1967 it rose sharply to its peak of 970 tonnes in 1970.
4. The next few years saw it drop dramatically and despite a check in 1976-7 the fall continued to a low
point in 1980 of 180 tonnes.
5. From there the annual cod catch rose steadily for the next twelve years before peaking again at 300
tonnes in 1992.
6. It then fell sharply for the next four years until it reached just twenty tonnes annually in 1996.
7. At this point it flattened out and remained constant for the next four years.

Ex No: 57
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 19/2/19
Visuals, The Language Of Approximation
Graph 1
1. Surprisingly, almost as many clams as mammals are endangered.
2. Roughly three times as many fish as reptiles are on the endangered list.
3. Very few spiders are threatened with extinction.
4. Around 30 reptiles are threatened. Double that number of mammals are endangered.

Graph 2
5. There are approximately the same number of languages in Asia and Africa.
6. Only a small fraction of the world's languages are in use in Europe.
7. The bulk of the world's languages are found in Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
8. The Americas have exactly half as many living languages as Africa.

Ex No: 58

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Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 26/2/19
Visuals, Summarising
The graph shows that…
1. The 16-18 age group has a lower level of psychological problems than the younger age group.
True False
2. Fewer than 25% of the older age group suffers psychological problems. True False
3. The most common problems of the older age group are related to stress. True False
4. Around three times as many of the younger groups suffer from general feelings of unhappiness as of the
older group. True False
5. The problems of 16-18 year olds are caused by the pressures of exams. True False
6. There is no significant shift in psychological problems as males between the ages of 13 and 18 get older.
True False
7. Self-confidence grows as boys pass through adolescence. True False
8. There is a psychological crisis among young people. True False

Ex No: 59
Study Skills Success Printed from Author Plus For NAME Maria Brighten.M, DATE : 26/2/19
Visuals, Listen and draw a flow chart!
Activity one
Listen and draw a flow chart:
Activity two
Simple present or present perfect? Active or passive? Look at this flow chart describing a bank's
procedure for approving a loan. Then complete the sentences below by putting the verbs into the correct
When a customer applies (apply) for a loan, the first stage is for the bank officer to request evidence of
income. When salary slips and bank statements have been provided (provide), the officer assesses (assess)
these against monthly repayment amounts for the proposed loan. If income levels appear (appear)
satisfactory, the officer should check customer behaviour with the bank for the previous five years. If no
evidence of delinquency is found (find), the officer proceeds (proceed) with an external credit rating
through KreditSekur (Zurich). Only when the external credit rating has been completed (complete)
satisfactorily can the loan be approved. Where the officer rejects (reject) the loan, a note to this effect
should be added to the customer's records.


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You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and water consumption
in two different countries.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Water consumption in Brazil and Congo in 2000

The graph shows how the amount of water used worldwide changed between 1900 and 2000.
Throughout the century, the largest quantity of water was used for agricultural Purposes,
and this increased dramatically from about 500 km³ to around 3,000 km³ in the year 2000. Water
used in the industrial and domestic sectors also increased, but consumption was minimal until mid-
century. From 1950 onwards, industrial use grew steadily to just over 1,000 km³, while domestic
use rose more slowly to only 300 km³, both far below the levels of consumption by agriculture.

The table illustrates the differences in agriculture consumption in some areas of the world
by contrasting the amount of irrigated land in Brazil (26,500 km³) with that in the D.R.C. (100
km²). This means that a huge amount of water is used in agriculture in Brazil, and this is reflected
in the figures for water consumption per person: 359 m³ compared with only 8 m³ in the Congo.
With a population of 176 million, the figures for Brazil indicate how high agriculture water
consumption can be in some countries.

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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others,
however, think that change is always a good thing.Discuss both these views and give your own
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience. Write at least 150 words.
Over the last half century the pace of change in the life of human beings has increased beyond our
wildest expectations. This has been driven by technological and scientific breakthroughs that are changing
the whole way we view the world on an almost daily basis. This means that change is not always a personal
option, but an inescapable fact of life, and we need to constantly adapt to keep pace with it.
Those people who believe they have achieved some security by doing the same, familiar things are
living in denial. Even when people believe they are resisting change themselves, they cannot stop the world
around them from changing. Sooner or later they will find that the familiar jobs no longer exist, or that the
‘safe’ patterns of behaviour are no longer appropriate.
However, reaching the conclusion that change is inevitable is not the same as assuming that
‘change is always for the better’. Unfortunately, it is not always the case that new things are promoted
because they have good impacts for the majority of people. A lot of innovations are made with the aim of
making money for a few. This is because it is the rich and powerful people in our society who are able to
impose changes (such as in working conditions or property developments) that are in their own interests.
In conclusion, I would say that change can be stimulating and energising for individuals when they
pursue it themselves, but that all change, including that which is imposed on people, does not necessarily
have good outcomes.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information.
Far from being benefical, this is a danger to our societies.
What are your views?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 150 words.
In last few years, the morden technology has been developed very fast. People getting used
to use the rapid and uncontrolled technology instead of (some people believe that) manpower. On
the other hand, it brings problems to our societies. I will consider these different points of views in
favour to support the modern technology.
It has been argued that too much morden technology cause people losing their job.
Nowadays, many factories are useing automatic technology instead manpower, in order to increase
their business. However, It brings a huge problem of unemployment, furthermore, it would
increasing on the crimes rate. Similiy, morden technology speeds up our life. people feel stressful
about their jobs, families, and societies.
It is no doubt that morden technology deveoloped our life more convenient than before. For
example, we could keeping in touch with our friends which live far away from us pass through the
internet. Moreover, companies could contact with their customer by the internet. It’s much cheaper
St.Jospeh’s college of Engineering Page 21
than calling the long-distance phone. Besides, the technology development could help medicine

TOFEL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

Language Form and Meaning Section
The Language Form and Meaning section measures your understanding of the structure of English and
the depth of your vocabulary knowledge. The questions are presented within a series of short
paragraphs. Each question requires you to choose the correct word or phrase that accurately completes a
sentence. Each paragraph represents the kinds of reading that students do in a school context:
➢ Emails, notes, or announcements
➢ Short fictional passages
➢ Student reports
➢ Magazine articles
➢ Passages from textbooks

There are two main types of questions. Language Form questions test knowledge of grammatical
structures (for example, verb tenses, relative clauses, word order, adjective or adverb form).
Language Meaning questions test knowledge of vocabulary.

Reading Comprehension Section

The Reading Comprehension section measures your ability to read and comprehend both academic and
non-academic texts that you might come across in a school environment. Examples of non-academic
texts include:
■ Correspondence (emails, notes, and letters)
■ Non-linear texts (schedules and menus)
■ News articles (like those found in a school or local newspaper)
Examples of academic texts include:
■ Narratives about fictional characters
■ Persuasive texts that support an opinion (letters to the editor and movie or book reviews)
■ Passages about an academic topic that might be found in a textbook or specialized magazine

The questions in the Reading Comprehension section test your ability to:
■ Comprehend the main idea of a text
■ Identify important factual information that supports the main idea
■ Make inferences based on what is not explicitly stated in a text
■ Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or expressions from context
■ Identify the words that pronouns represent
■ Recognize an author’s purpose
Here are some tips for improving your language form and meaning skills:
■ Read a text first for meaning. Then, review the same text, this time paying attention to the different
ways the sentences are structured.
o In each of the sentences, determine the part of speech that each word represents. Try to
identify the subject, verb, object, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, determiners, and
conjunctions. Also, try to identify the verb tense.
o Find out how other parts of the sentence are related to the main clause by looking for
structural clues such as connectors or punctuation marks.
o Look for transitional words such as “because,” “however,” and “therefore.” Pay attention to

St.Jospeh’s college of Engineering Page 22

how these words connect ideas across sentences.
■ Increase your vocabulary, learning 6 or 7 new words every day. Keep a growing list of words and
review the entire list from time to time to make sure you do not forget the meanings of the words.
■ Keep an English-language journal. Spend a few minutes every day writing in your journal.
o If you are taking English classes at school and learning grammar, make a point of using
new grammatical structures you have learned when you write.
o Once you have completed an entry, make sure to go back and re-read what you have
written. Revision is the key to improving writing. Correct any errors that you find.
Highlight areas you are unsure about and ask questions about them in class.

Here are some tips for improving your reading skills:

■ Read a few pages in English every day. Read a variety of English-language texts, including short
stories, newspaper and magazine articles, and non-fiction texts about academic topics such as science,
social studies, and arts. Many such texts can be found on the Internet.
■ Practice skimming a passage quickly to get the main idea. Develop the ability to skim quickly
and identify major points.
■ After skimming a passage, read it again more carefully and write down the main idea, major
points and important facts.
■ When you come across an unfamiliar word, try to determine the meaning from the context. If you cannot
determine the meaning from context, look up the meaning of the word in a dictionary.
■ Underline all pronouns (he, him, they, them, etc.) and identify the nouns to which they refer in the
Language Form and Meaning Section
In this section of the test, you will answer 42 questions found in seven different texts. Within each text are
boxes that contain four possible ways to complete a sentence. Choose the word or words in each box that
correctly complete each sentence. Mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
Here are two sample questions:
(A) still
(B) very
1. The idea that rocks last forever and that rocks (C) quite change
(D) never
is not completely true. If you have ever stood next to a rushing river, you

(A) Saw
2. (B) Seen the water hammering away at the rocks.
(C) are seeing
(D) may have seen

The correct answer to Sample 1 is (D), “never.” The correct answer to Sample 2 is (D),
“may have seen.”

Questions 1-5 refer to the following note.


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(A) So
(B) While
1. (C) Because you were at basketball practice today, your teacher,
(D) Although

(A) take
(B) to take
2. Mr. Morris, called on the phone to talk with you. He (C) is taking one of
(D) was taken

his other classes on a field trip to the aquarium this Saturday. A student in that
(A) will be able not
3. class is sick and (B) not will be able to go. Mr. Morris wants to know
(C) be able will not
(D) will not be able

(A) that student’s place

(B) that student’s place is
4. whether you’d like to take (C) of that student’s place on the trip. He
(D) that student’s place, which

(A) asking
(B) offering
5. said that he is (C) deciding you the chance first because of the great report
(D) discussing

you wrote about whales. You’ll need to let him know tomorrow.

Questions 6-9 refer to the following announcement.
(A) finds
(B) finding
6. A man’s wristwatch (C) has found in the lobby of Luigi’s Pizza
(D) was found

(A) seemed
(B) intended
7. Restaurant on Tuesday, February 16. A restaurant worker (C) discovered
(D) influenced

(A) a guest was

8. the watch after the restaurant had closed that evening. Anyone (B) a guest being
(C) he was a guest
(D) who was a guest

at the restaurant that day and is missing a watch should call Luigi’s at 555-1953.

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(A) a detailed description is given

9. Callers will be asked (B) to give a detailed description of the watch.
(C) giving a detailed description
(D) a detailed description gave

Questions 10-13 refer to the following announcement.

(A) Because a student
(B) Being a student
10. from Barksdale High School won this year’s
(C) It was a student
(D) A student
regional mathematics competition. Ellen Murphy was among ten finalists in

(A) Wide
11. the last round of the competition. The final question was a very (B) difficult
(C) physical
(D) powerful

algebra problem. The first student to answer the question correctly was

(A) the winner.

(B) is the winner.
12. named (C) being the winner. One student finished the problem
(D) will be the winner.

(A) as fast
(B) Fastest
13. Ms. Murphy, but his answer was incorrect. Ms. Murphy
(C) to be fast
(D) faster than

solved the problem correctly and took the grand prize.

Questions 14-17 refer to the following part of a short story.

When Dan knocked on the door of the old gray house, he was a little

(A) total.
(B) funny.
14. His friends at school had said that the woman who lived in
(C) foreign.
(D) nervous.

(A) finding the cat

(B) the cat he had found
15. The house was unfriendly, but Dan was sure that (C) he had found the cat
(D) the cat had been found

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in his yard was hers. He wanted to take it to her.
“Hello,” a woman’s voice responded to his knock. “Who is it?”

(A) as
16. “Hi. I’m your neighbor from down the street,” Dan said (B) that
(C) which
(D) during

she opened the door a few centimeters. “Is this cat yours?”
“Oh, my goodness,” the woman said with a big smile. She pulled the door
open wide. “Yes, this is Daisy, and I’ve been worried about her! Thank you so

(A) bring
(B) brings
17. much for (C) brought her back!”
(D) bringing
Questions 18-25 refer to the following notice.
(A) Begins
(B) Beginning
18. next Tuesday, the science building will be under
(C) Is beginning
(D) To have begun

(A) making
(B) be made
19. construction. Workers will (C) be making repairs to the outside
(D) been making

of the building for approximately four weeks. While this work is

(A) done,
(B) made,
20. being (C) taken, most classes will continue as usual inside the
(D) entered,
(A) greatly
(B) temporarily
21. building. However, if any classes need to be moved (C) successfully
(D) thoughtfully
(A) At
22. to other rooms, teachers will inform their students. (B) On the
(C) Over
(D) During

construction, the front entrance to the science building will be closed.

(A) As a result,
23. (B) Even though, all students will have to use the doors on the
(C) All of a sudden

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(D) On the other hand

(A) keeping out

(B) to keep out 24.
north side to enter the building. Also, please remember (C) keeps out
(D) kept out

(A) is having a question

(B) they have questions 25.
of the way of all construction equipment. Anyone (C) there is a question
(D) who has questions

about the upcoming construction work should contact the school’s main office.

Questions 26-33 refer to the following magazine article.

(A) no threat to
(B) no threatening
26. Unlike some other sharks, the basking shark is (C) not to threaten
(D) a threat is not to
(A) as large
(B) is larger
27. humans. Growing to a size (C) many large than that of the average human,
(D) much larger

this giant fish simply ignores divers who swim up to it. The diet of a basking

(A) resists
(B) insists
28. shark (C) consists of fish and small animals such as squid, shrimp,
(D) persists
(A) what
29. and crabs. When it is hungry, it looks for places (B) where great numbers
(C) which
(D) whose
(A) a crowd
(B) crowded
30. of these small animals can be found. Once it locates an area (C) has crowded
(D) it is crowded

with fish, a basking shark simply opens its huge mouth and slowly swims
(A) Water flows

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(B) Flowing water
31. through it. (C) To flow water into its mouth and continues out through a
(D) Water flowing

special filter structure that traps the small fish and other creatures. Although

(A) does require not of eating

(B) does not require of eating
32. this method (C) of eating does not require the shark to move quickly,
(D) not of eating does require
(A) Enough food is obtained,
33. it still requires a lot of effort. (B) To obtain enough food, a basking
(C) Enough food obtaining,
(D) It obtains enough food,

shark will filter up to two thousand tons of water per hour.

Questions 34-42 refer to the following essay.

(A) by
34. People’s behavior during public events has changed (B) for the years,
(C) after
(D) over

(A) considering what

35. perhaps because views on (B) they considered it appropriate have changed.
(C) what is considered
(D) that it is considered

(A) No people to clap

(B) People do not clap
36. During a classical music concert, for example, (C) clapping people do not
(D) People are not clapping

(A) imagines
37. until the musicians finish playing the composition. It would be hard (B) imagined
(C) to imagine
(D) imagination

the audience clapping in the middle of a performance. It may come as a surprise

(A) What people did?

38. to many, however, that long ago, this is exactly (B) that people do it.
(C) People had done it.

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(D) What did people do?

(A) cheerful
39. The audience laughed loudly, clapped, and (B) cheered great moments.
(C) cheering
(D) has cheered

(A) why
40. That was (B) how people showed their regard for a performer’s skills. One
(C) what
(D) which
(A) differs
41. reason that people’s behavior was so (B) differed may be that in the past,
(C) to differ
(D) different

classical music concerts were more like today’s pop music shows. Long ago,

(A) more serious since

42. classical music was not thought to be (B) so serious than it is now.
(C) as serious so
(D) as serious as

Part – II
Reading Comprehension

In this section of the test, you will read seven texts and answer 42 questions. Choose the correct
answer to each question and mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet. Before you
start, read the sample text and the questions below.
Sample Text

The Golden Gate Bridge is a famous bridge in San Francisco. The bridge has a red color,
but gray clouds often surround it. On clear days people come to take pictures of the bridge.
The pictures show the green hills next to the bridge and the blue water under it.
Sample Question 1
What is this text mostly about?
(A) Gray clouds
(B) San Francisco
(C) A famous bridge
(D) Taking photographs
The correct answer is C, “A famous bridge.”
Sample Question 2
What color is the Golden Gate Bridge?
(A) Red
(B) Green
(C) Blue
(D) Gray
The correct answer is A, “Red.”
Questions 1-5 are about the following note from a teacher.

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Dear Cathy,
Thanks for volunteering to clean up the science laboratory this afternoon. Usually, when a student
does this for the first time, I go to the lab to show him or her exactly what to do. However, today I
have a teacher’s staff meeting at 3:30, so I can’t be there. Still, I’m sure everything will be fine, since
you have worked in the lab many times. Here is what you should do:
➢ Clean all the glass containers that were used in class today.
➢ After washing the containers, place them upside down on a towel to dry.
➢ Wipe down all the worktables with a wet cloth.
➢ Put all the microscopes that have been left out back on the equipment shelf.
➢ Sweep the floor.
➢ Put the trash outside the door.
➢ Turn off the lights and lock the door when you leave.
➢ If you have any questions, please ask Ms. Edwards in the classroom next door. You can
return the key to me tomorrow when we have class at 10:30.
Thank you so much for your help!
— Mr. Marston

1. In line 2 of the note, the word this refers to

_______. 4. What should Cathy do immediately after
(A) saying thank you sweeping the floor?
(B) finishing homework (A) Lock the lab door
(C) going to the science laboratory (B) Put away any microscopes
(D) cleaning the science laboratory (C) Wipe down the worktables
2. Where will Mr. Marston probably be (D) Take the trash out of the lab
when Cathy cleans the lab?
(A) In the lab
(B) In his office 5. When should Cathy give the key back to
(C) At a meeting Mr. Marston?
(D) In the classroom next door
3. Where should Cathy put the glass (A) On her way home
containers? (B) In class the next day
(A) On a towel
(B) Near the door (C) Right after she cleans the lab
(C) Next to the sink (D) Before school begins the next morning
(D) On the equipment shelf

Questions 6-10 refer to the following letter in a school newspaper.

This is my first year attending Wilson Middle School. Last year I went to a differentmiddle
school. Over the summer my father got a new job, so our whole family moved. Now I go to Wilson.I want
to make some comments based on my unique perspective as someone who hasattended two different
middle schools. For example, I was surprised by all the complaints that the students at Wilson make about
the food in the cafeteria. Either they don’t like it, or they want more choices. But I like the food. The dishes
are pretty tasty. And as for choices, at the school I went to last year there were never more than two lunch
optionseach day. Sometimes there was only one!However, I don’t want anyone to think that I have a
negative opinion of the Wilson students. Actually, I have been impressed with how involved the students
here are. I plan to participate in some of the special clubs here that are organized by students, like the
photography club and the hiking club. At my last school, students were not as actively involved in forming
6. Why is the author a student at Wilson (D) Because he just completed primary school
Middle School? 7. In line 4, the word perspective is closest in
(A) Because his family recently moved meaning to _______.
(B) Because his father is a teacher there (A) cause and effect
(C) Because it is the best school in the area (B) back and forth
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(C) out of date (D) point of view
8. In line 9, the word one refers to _______. Wilson Middle School?
(A) day (A) It tastes good.
(B) school (B) It is very healthful.
(C) option (C) The servings are large.
(D) cafeteria (D) Students help to make it.
9. Why does the author like the food at
10. What does the author imply about the students at his previous school compared to students at Wilson
Middle School?
(A) They did better in their studies.
(B) They planned fewer activities.
(C) They belonged to sports clubs.
(D) They gave him more help
Questions 11-17 are about the following story.
Cricket—how I detested this game when I was young! My family would spend hours and hours
watching it on television while I angrily waited for it to end. Every game seemed the same. Yes, one
team won and the other one lost, but it was always the same game—some men pitching a ball, some
running back and forth.
Then something happened. I became old enough to start playing cricket myself with the other
kids in my neighborhood. We found a place to play wherever we could put up a wicket. We played on
the street, in the backyard—even on the tops of buildings, believe it or not!I can recall so clearly the
sounds of the ball hitting the bat and the quick running feet. Ican still feel the sun on my face as I
played and the bruises and scratches from falling down. I can still see the blue sky fading to darkness
behind the buildings as our games continued into the night. It became my favorite thing in the world.
Now I watch it not with anger, but with fond memories of the endless days and nights spent playing
the game.

11. What title best summarizes the main idea of the passage?
(A) Cricket: A Game for All Ages
(B) How I Learned to Love Cricket
(C) The Dangers of Playing Cricket
(D) Learning the Rules of a Difficult Game
12. In line 1, the word detested is closest in meaning to _______.
(A) hated
(B) played
(C) wanted
(D) watched
13. What best describes the author’s attitude toward cricket when he was very young?
(A) It was boring to watch.
(B) It was difficult to learn.
(C) It was fun to talk about.
(D) It was dangerous to play.
14. According to the author, what was surprising about some of the cricket games he played?
(A) They were played without bats.
(B) They were played on rooftops.
(C) No one cared who won them.
(D) No one got hurt playing them.
15. The author describes memories of all of the following EXCEPT _______.
(A) how the sun felt on his skin
(B) how the ball sounded hitting the bat
(C) how the sky turned from light to dark
(D) how the rules of the game caused arguments

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16. What change does the author describe?
(A) He could not remember the rulesof cricket at first, but then he decided it did not matter.
(B) He was afraid of getting hurt playing cricket at first, but then he stopped being afraid.
(C) He did not like cricket at first, but then he began to enjoy it.
(D) He liked playing cricket at first, but then he grew tired of it.
17. In line 13, the word fond is closest in meaning to _______.
(A) old
(B) cruel
(C) happy
(D) interesting

Questions 18-23 are about the following story.

Edward rang the Millers’ doorbell. Mr. and Mrs. Miller had moved into the neighborhoodlast
month. They had a five-year-old son, and they had asked Edward to watch him that evening while they
went out. “Hello, Edward,” Mrs. Miller said as she opened the door.Mr. Miller stood behind her with a
boy at his side. “This is Lucas,” Mr. Miller said. “Lucas, this is Edward. He will watch you tonight while
Mom and I are out.”
The little boy waved shyly to Edward. The Millers asked Edward to entertain Lucas for an
hour and then put him in bed. After Lucas’s parents left, Edward went with the boy to his room. They
played some games and built a tower out of wooden blocks.“It’s time for you to go to sleep now,”
Edward said. Lucas looked disappointed, but he changed into his pajamas and got into bed. “Will you
read me a story?” he asked Edward. Edward took a picture book from the shelf and read it to Lucas.
When he finished reading the book to Lucas, he turned out the light and said good night. But as soon
as Edward left the room, Lucas called out to him. “What’s wrong?” Edward asked. “I’m afraid of the
dark,” Lucas explained.Edward turned on the small light by Lucas’s bed. “Good night,” Edward said
again. Five minutes later, Lucas cried out gain. “What’s wrong now?” Edward asked. “I thought I
heard a sound,” Lucas said. “I think there might be a monster under my bed.” Edward explained that
there was no monster under the bed, but Lucas was still afraid. Finally, Edward went to the kitchen
and found a flashlight. He shined the flashlight under Lucas’s bed. “See?” he said. “No
monster.”“Will you stay with me in case one comes?” Lucas begged.
Edward could see that the little boy was frightened. He agreed to sit in the chair by
Lucas’s bed, with the flashlight in his hand. Edward sat in the chair, waiting for Lucas to fall
asleep. The dim light in the room and 30 the soft chair made Edward feel tired, too. He closed his
eyes. The next thing he knew someone was shaking him gently. Edward opened his eyes and saw
Mr. and Mrs. Miller. “We’re home,” Mrs. Miller whispered. “Thank you for taking care of
Lucas. We had a wonderful evening.” Edward shook himself in amazement. Was the evening
over already?

18. Why did Edward go to the Millers’ house? Lucas went to bed?
(A) To borrow a flashlight (A) They built a tower of blocks.
(B) To take care of Lucas (B) They looked for a flashlight.
(C) To welcome the Millers to the (C) They put books on a shelf.
neighborhood (D) They drew pictures.
(D) To help the Millers move into
their house 21. In line 26, the word one refers to a
19. In line 7, the word entertain is closest in _______.
meaning to _______. (A) shelf
(A) look for (B) chair
(B) cook for (C) monster
(C) play with (D) flashlight
(D) argue with
20. What did Edward and Lucas do before 22. How did Lucas probably feel about going to

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bed? (B) He did not want to be left alone.
(A) Disappointed and afraid (C) He could not reach the book on
(B) Angry and nervous the shelf.
(C) Relieved and tired (D) He forgot where the wooden
(D) Sad and confused blocks were.
23. Why did Lucas keep calling out to Edward?
(A) He saw something under the bed.
Questions 24-31 are about the following newspaper article.
Marina Hills High School is fighting pollution in an unusual way. It’s planting trees!
In an effort to fight pollution and help the environment, the Marina Hills Ecology Club offers free trees to
institutions willing to plant them on their grounds. Among those that took advantage of the offer was
Marina Hills High School. After consulting with his teachers on where to plant the trees, Principal Max
Webb contacted the Ecology Club.But when the seedlings arrived, Webb had an idea. Instead of planting
the young trees in front of the school, he thought it would be better to put them behind the school, where
the sun gets very hot in the afternoon.“It gets so hot inside the building that the students start to sweat
during their afternoon classes,” said Webb. “Now the shade from our trees will bring them some
relief.”“There was no argument from theteachers,” he added. “When I proposed the idea, everyone said,
‘Now why didn’t I think of that!’” The relief won’t come until the trees grow taller, but the school will not
have towait long because it requested two species of trees that grow quickly. “Time is key, and we wanted
our trees to get big fast,” said Webb. “We were given a wide choice, from shrubs to fruittrees. We
requested eucalyptus and willow trees.”Webb said he is also looking forward to finally seeing some
wildlife in the school yard at Marina Hills High School. “If all you have is a grass lawn with notrees, you
can’t expect the local birds to come and visit,” said Webb. “They have no place to make their nests. Now
that will change, and we’ll be able to see birds fromour classroom windows.”
24. What would be the most appropriate headline for this article?
(A) Local School Gets Greener
(B) Student Wins Science Award
(C) Principal Discovers New Tree
(D) Teacher Leads Ecological Club
25. What problem does Principal Webb talk about?
(A) Pollution in the city
(B) Classrooms that are too hot
(C) Tall trees that block the view
(D) Wild animals that destroy trees
26. What did the Ecology Club do for Marina Hills High School?
(A) It helped design the school yard.
(B) It put flowers in the classrooms.
(C) It sold seeds to the school.
(D) It provided free trees.
27. In line 13, the word seedling is closest in meaning to _______.
(A) bird nests
(B) young trees
(C) packages of seeds
(D) members of a club
28. What decision was changed?
(A) Which trees should be dug up
(B) When the old trees should be cut down
(C) Where the new trees should be planted
(D) Which type of tree should be chosen
29. In line 22, the word them refers to _______.
(A) trees
(B) classes

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(C) students
(D) teachers
30. What can be inferred from the article about eucalyptus and willow trees?
(A) They grow quickly.
(B) They become extremely tall.
(C) They are less expensive than fruit trees.
(D) They do not grow flowers in the springtime.
31. What does Principal Webb imply about the local birds?
(A) They make their nests on the ground.
(B) They are not often seen at the school.
(C) There are fewer of them due to he pollution problem.
(D) They fly into the classrooms when the windows are open.
Questions 32-42 are about the following passage.
Being able to land safely is a critically important skill for all flying animals. Whereasterrestrial
animals face no particular challenge when they need to stop running or crawling, flying animals
move at much higher speeds, and they must be careful about how they land. Hitting the ground, or
even water, at full flight speed would be quite dangerous. Beforetouching down, they must decrease
their speed in order to land safely. Both bats and birds have mastered the skill of landing, but these
two types of flyers go about it quite differently. In the past it was believed that, in terms of flying
mechanics, there was little difference between bats and birds. This belief was based only on
assumption, however, because for years nobody had actually studied in graphic detail how bats move
their wings. In recentyears, though, researchers have discovered a number of interesting facts about
bat flight. Bats are built differently from birds, and their wings incorporate both their front and hind
limbs. This makes coordinating their limbs more difficult for bats and, as a result, they are not very
good at flying over longer distances. However, they are much better at maneuverability: a bat can
quickly change its direction of flight or completely reverse it, something a bird cannot easily do.
Another interesting characteristic of bat flight is the way in which bats land—upside down!
Unlike birds, which touch down on the ground or on tree branches, bats can be observed flying
around and then suddenly hanging upside down from an object overhead. How do they do it? A
group of researchers recently used video cameras to film bats landingon nets suspended from the
ceiling of their laboratory and studied the recordings in slow motion. They painted spots on the bats’
wings to see in detail what happens to the wings in flight and during touchdown. It turns out that the
bats flew in a straight line up to the net and then quickly flipped over and attached themselves to it
upside down. One downside to this landing routine is that the bats often slam into their landing spot
with some force,which probably causes pain. However, not all bats hit their landing spots with the
same speed and force; these will vary depending on the area where a bat species makes its home. For
example, a cave bat, which regularly perches on a hard stone ceiling, is more careful about its
landing preparation than a bat more accustomed to landing in leafy treetops.

32. What is the main topic of the passage? (B) fast-moving

(A) Places where flying animals (C) tree-climbing
choose to land (D) ground-living
(B) Why scientists have 34. According to the passage, what
difficulty observing bats skill is crucial for flying animals?
(C) Differences in the eating (A) Diving underwater
habits of bats and birds (B) Slowing down to land
(D) Ways in which bats move differently (C) Flying over great distances
from birds (D) Balancing on high branches
33. In line 2, the word terrestrial is 35. Which of the following is a false
closest in meaning to _______. assumption about bats that was recently
(A) high-flying
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(C) cables
(A) They cannot hear.
(B) They sleep upside down. (D) cameras
(C) They fly similarly to birds. 40. In line 20, the word suspended is closest
(D) They hide in tree branches. in meaning to _______.

36. According to the passage, what is (A) hanging

an advantage that bats have over (B) entering
(A) Bats can land on a greater variety (C) falling
of surfaces. (D) living
(B) Bats can turn in the air more quickly.
(C) Bats can eat while flying. 41. In line 24, the word slam is
(D) Bats are lighter. closest in meaning to _______.

37. In line 11, the word incorporate is closest (A) crash

in meaning to _______. (B) bring
(A) add
(B) deliver (C) break
(C) include (D) change
(D) discover
42. According to the passage, what
38. In line 14, the word it refers to _______. helps determine a bat’s landing
(A) bat speed?
(B) bird
(C) direction (A) What it eats
(D) maneuverability
(B) How old it is
39. The researchers used all of the following
to study bats EXCEPT ______. (C) How big it is

(A) nets (D) Where it lives

(B) paint

Civil Services – Verbal Ability: 01
Directions (1-4): Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given
A. Hazardous A. Demeaning
B. Difficult B. Lowering
C. Different C. Corrupting
D. Pleasurable D. Minimizing

A. Frame A. Extreme
B. Apply B. Intermediate
C. Contemplate C. Revolutionary
D. Regularize D. Changed
Directions (5-7): Choose the word which is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning as the word

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A. Rudimentary
B. Practical
C. Negative
D. Impossible

A. Expectedly A. Conflict
B. Certainly B. Enmity
C. Mostly C. Quarrel
D. Avoidably D. Division

Directions (8-10): Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below each sentence should replace
the word/phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct ? If the sentence is
correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (E) as the answer.

8) Since the girl did not want to be disturbed 9) Since the officer was overburdened with
while studying, she left the phone off hooks. work, her collegue decided to gave her hand.
A. of hook A. giving hands
B. for the hook B. give her a hand
C. off hooking C. giving her handful
D. off the hook D. gave her hands
E. No correction required E. No correction required
10) Despite having passed out from school over ten years back, most schoolmates has keep touch with
each other.
A. had kept in touch
B. keep touched
C. is keeping touch
D. are kept touched
E. No correction required
Verbal Ability: 02
Directions (1-5): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or
idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that
part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any).
1) A. A property dealer was
B. shoots dead by four unidentified jacket-clad men
C. while taking a morning walk
D. in a park
E. No error
2) A. The auditions for the first ever
B. reality-based pop band hunt, is
C. going on in full swing,
D. with numerous entries came in.
E. No error
3) A. To curbing the spread of violence,
B. authorities brought under curfew
C. more areas in the State, where
D. three youths were killed.
E. No error

4) A. Not only was the actress over the moon

B. as winning an award, but was

St.Jospeh’s college of Engineering Page 36

C. also deeply touched by the support
D. she got from the industry.
E. No error

5) A. Hectic schedules can

B. take a toll on anybody and
C. the solutions to this is
D. a quick holiday to some exotic location.
E. No error

Directions (6-10): Fill up to blanks picking out from the choices.

6) We are ___ to have him ____ here to make this function a great success.
A. pleased, over
B. sure, come
C. wonderful, again
D. happy, arrive

7) The state Govt. staff ___ threatened to launch an indefinite strike from next month to
___ their demands.
A. have, press
B. were, meet
C. did, get
D. have, press

8) The speech ___ with subtle threats has resulted in ___ tension.
A. replete, increased
B. followed, continuous
C. started, reduced
D. full, escalating

9) By long queues and bad weather the voters__ their way to the polling stations ___ a lot.
A. going, dropped
B. encouraged, prepared
C. making, suffered
D. undaunted, made

10) The counter Clerk was very busy and ____ not pay any ___ to the customer's request.
A. can, help
B. could, respect
C. had, cash
D.did, attention

Verbal Ability: 03
Directions (1-5):In each of the following questions , a part of sentence is given in bold. Below each
sentence, four choices numbered (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given which can substitute the part of the
sentence in bold. Find out the choice which can correctly substitute that part of the sentence. The
number of that choice is the answer. If 'No correction needed' is your answer, the choice is (E).
1) We must take it granted that he will not come for today's function.
A. have it granted
B. took it as granted
C. taking it granted
D. take it for granted

St.Jospeh’s college of Engineering Page 37

E. No correction required
2) The train will leave at 8.30 pm, we have been ready by 7.30 pm so that we can reach the station.
A. should have
B. are
C. must be
D. were
E. No correction required
3) She unnecessarily picked up a quarrel with him and left the party.
A. picking up
B. picked
C. picked on
D. has picked up
E. No correction required
4) He has the guts to rise from the occasion and come out successfully.
A. in rising from
B. to raise with
C. to rise against
D. to rise to
E. No correction required
5) I need not offer any explanation, my behaviour is speaking itself.
A. speaks about itself
B. has been speaking
C. speaks for itself
D. will speak to itself
E. No correction required
Directions (6-10):Pick out the word synonymous with the one in the sentence given .
6) After the dismal show the captain resigned his job.
A. short
B. minimum
C. sorrowful
D. poor
7) The boy gave a graphic account of the theft.
A. vague
B. vivid
C. drawing
D. picture
8) The soldier displayed exceptional courage and saved the members of his platoon.
A. abnormal
B. strange
C. unusual
D. avoidable
9) The police officer found that the documents recovered were fabricated.
A. constricted
B. genuine
C. forged
D. prepared
10) In spite of their efforts, they could not make much headway.
A. results
B. efforts
C. thinking
D. progress

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Verbal Ability: 04
Directions (1-5): In each of these questions four words are given denoted by (1), (2), (3) and (4). Two of
these words may be either synonyms or antonyms. Find out the correct pair in each question.

1) 3)
(1) Tranquility (1) Vilification
(2) Loyalty (2) Nullification
(3) Calamity (3) Denigration
(4) Uproar (4) Falsification
A. 1–3 A. 2–4
B. 2–4 B. 1–3
C. 2–3 C. 2–3
D. 1–4 D. 1–2

2) 4)
(1) Exorbitant (1) Opaque
(2) Expeditious (2) Translucent
(3) Quick (3) Transverse
(4) Quest (4) Transvestite
A. 3–2 A. 2–1
B. 1–4 B. 3–1
C. 1–2 C. 2–4
D. 3–4 D. 1–4

(1) Ecstasy
(2) Depression
(3) Intoxication
(4) Compression
A. 3–4
B. 2–3
C. 2–4
D. 1–2

Verbal Ability: 05
Directions (1-10): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These
numbers are printed below the passage and against each four words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
The U.S. is in the …1…… of a cleanup of toxic financial waste that will …2… taxpayers
hundreds of billions of dollars, at the very least. The primary manufacturers of these hazardous products
…3….… multimillion-dollar paychecks for their efforts. So why shouldn’t they …4…… to pay for their
mopup ? This is, after all, what the U.S. Congress …5…… in 1980 for …6…… of actual toxic waste.
Under the Superfund law …7……. that year, polluters …8…… for the messes they make. Environmental
lawyer E. Michael Thomas sees no …9…… lawmakers couldn’t demand the same of financial polluters
and …10….… them to ante up some of the bank bailout money.
A. midst
B. depth 2)
C. debate A. earn
D. essence B. cost

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C. save
D. facilitate 7)
A. forced
3) B. revoked
A. dwindled C. enacted
B. donated D. abandoned
C. pocketed
D. spent 8)

4) A. pay
A. defy B. claim
B. hesitate C. consider
C. admit D. demand
D. have
5) A. compensation
A. commented B. reason
B. decreed C. practice
C. visualized D. issue
D. admonished
A. appeal
6) B. plead
A. advocates C. force
B. consumers D. dupe
C. users
D. producers
Verbal Ability: 06
Directions (Q.1-5): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the
proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below.
A. With all the bid information being available and tracked online, corruption has considerably
B. Today, most, ie over ninety-five per cent, households, in the city enjoy. Broadband connection.
C. All city contracts are now bid for online.
D. Over twenty years ago the city government, Central Government and the private
sector made a concerted effort to shift the economy to include IT.
E. As our cities do expand and become more complex, such a system will make
governance more manageable.
F. This level of connectedness has changed not only the city's economy but also how it is
governed and how business is conducted.
1) Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
2) Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
A. A
B. B
C. C

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D. D
E. F
3) Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
A. A
B. C
C. D
D. E
E. F
4) Which of the following should be the FIITH sentence after rearrangement?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
5) Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?
A. B
B. C
C. D
D. E
E. F
Directions (Q.6-10): Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below each sentence
should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct ? If
the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (E) as the answer.

6) We have hired an advertising agency to prepare a campaign to encourage people votes.

A. Votes by people
B. People to vote
C. Voting for people
D. People from voting
E. No correction required
7) During the training programme the new recruits will be briefed about how their role in
the new organisation.
A. Which are their role
B. For its roles
C. About their role
D. What their roles
E. No correction required
8) The equipment is in such poor condition that we have no alternative to buy new ones.
A. many alternatives like
B. any alternative except
C. no other alternative
D. no alternative but
E. No correction required
9) Since the deadline has been changed from next week to this Thursday you should give
this work priority.
A. Priority this work
B. Prioritised this work
C. Not give priority this work
D. Be given this work priority
E. No correction required

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10) After the success of our project we have been receiving more requests than we do not
have the resources to handle them.
A. Too many requests
B. More requests that
C. Most of the requests
D. Many requests but
E. No correction required

Verbal Ability: 07
Directions (Q.1-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are
suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
One day an expert in time management was …(1)… to a group of business management
students and to drive home a point he used an …(2)… they will never forget. As he stood in
front of a group of brilliant students he said, "Okay it’s …(3)… for a quiz." He then pulled out a
one gallon jar and set it on the table in front of him. He also …(4)… a dozen fist sized rocks and
carefully placed them one at a time into the jar. When the jar was filled to the top and …(5)…
more rocks would fit inside, he asked, "Is the jar full?" Everyone in the class …(6)… said
‘Yes!’ The professor said nothing. He then …(7)… under the table and pulled out a bucket of
gravel. He dumped some gravel into the jar and shook it …(8)… pieces of gravel to work
themselves down into the spaces between the big rocks. He asked the group once more, "Is the
jar full?" ‘Probably not.’ some answered. ‘Good !’ he said and began…(9)… sand to the
contents in the jar. The sand fitted into the spaces between the rocks and gravel. He also poured
water into the jar. "What was the point of this exercise?" he asked. "The point is that no matter
how busy your schedule is you can always manage to fit something in," replied one student.
‘No’ said the professor, "The truth is if you don’t fit in the rocks which symbolize the
…(10)…things in your life like your family and your dreams first, you’ll never have time for
A. ploughed
A. expressing B. constructed
B. discussing C. dug
C. speaking D. produced
D. conveying E. made
E. addressing 5)
2) A. any
A. illustration B. much
B. emblem C. some
C. expression D. few
D. impression E. No
E. imagination
3) 6)
A. scheduled A. emphatically
B. time B. positive
C. opportunity C. convince
D. usual D. forcibly
E. ready E. definite
4) 7)

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A. found A. filling
B. searching B. pushing
C. gone C. substituting
D. hid D. adding
E. reached E. stuffing
8) A. important
A. resulting B. necessarily
B. while C. vitally
C. causing D. ideal
D. until E. expensive
E. Making
Verbal Ability: 08
Directions (Q.1-5): Fill in the blanks
1) She has not recovered fully --- the shock of his failure.
A. against
B. from
C. of
D. off
2) The master dispensed --- the services of his servant.
A. of
B. with
C. off
D. for
3) I have been informed that the two brothers have fallen ---.
A. upon
B. through
C. in
D. out
4) He has great affection --- me.
A. with
B. on
C. for
D. in
5) My friend is really very good -- cricket.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. over

Directions (Q.5-10): Find which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below should
replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence
grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required’, mark
(E) as the answer.

6) We must treat any statement as a rumour until they are confirmed with proof.
A. till they are confirmed
B. until they are confirming
C. until it is confirmed
D. until it is confirming

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E. No correction required
7) We admire him attempting to climb the summit in such a bad weather.
A. his attempting to climb
B. his attempt of climb
C. him for attempt of climb
D. his for attempt to climbing
E. No correction required
8) Being a successful businessman demands hard work, honesty, persuasive skills and sound market knoweldge.
A. To be a successful business who demands
B. Being a successfully demanding businessman
C. To be a successful businessman demanding
D. For being a successful demanding businessman
E. No correction required
9) Was it they who were accused of stealing the neighbour’s car ?
A. Were it they who were
B. Was it they who had
C. Were they who
D. Were it they who
E. No correction required
10) Neither any of the members of the society nor the Chairman were present for the annual meeting.
A. were present at
B. was present for
C. have been present
D. has been present for
E. No correction required

In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given
1) Abet B. Simplicity
A. Prevent C. Cordiality
B. Aid D. Ornate
C. Pacify
D. Risk 6) Incidental
2) Amused A. permissible
A. jolted B. usual
B. frightened C. conventional
C. saddened D. intentional
D. astonished 7) Tactful
3) Disparage A. disciplined
A. please B. naive
B. denigrate C. strict
C. praise D. loose
D. belittle
4) Culpable 8) Fresh
A. Irresponsible A. Faulty
B. Careless B. Sluggish
C. Defendable C. Disgraceful
D. Blameless D. Stale
5) Intricacy
A. Distance 9) Busy

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A. Occupied 10) Radical

B. Engrossed A. Slow
C. Relaxed B. Superficial
D. Engaged C. Narrow
D. Simple

In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the
given word.
1) Ponder C. Lively
A. Increase D. Unrhythmic
B. Anticipate 9) Fatal
C. Evaluate A. Deadly
D. Think B. Serious
2) Wary C. Dangerous
A. Tired D. Grievous
B. Distorted 10) Diligent
C. Vigilant A. hard working
D. Sad B. Inventive
3) Tenacity C. Brilliant
A. ingratitude D. Progressive
B. tendency 11) Repudiate
A reject
C. perseverance
B annoy
D. splendour C appropriate
4) Repugnance D besmirch
A. loathing 12) Tepid
B. renewal A. gaseous
C. tenacity B. freezing
D. belligerence C. luckewarm
5) Admonish D. boiling
A. Reprimand 13) Temporal
B. Dismiss A. sleepy
C. Curse B. secular
D. Punish C. scholarly
6) Ecstatic D. priestly
A. Animated 14) Mayhem
B. Bewildered A. Defeat
C. Enraptured B. Excitement
D. Illful C. Havoc
7) Repeal D. Jubilation
A.Sanction 15) Abscene
B.Perpetuate A. Displeasing
C.Pass B. Condemnable
D.Cancel C. Objectionable
8) Nimble D. Indecent
A. Clear
B. Quickening


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