E-Utran L18.Q4 CNP - A 15.0.0

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e TS 25.460 SoC 25 -series 25.460/15.0.

0 1(1)

E-UTRAN L18.Q4 CNP - SoC Rev/TS: A

Statement of Compliance to TS 25.460 Ver No: 15.0.0

Statement of Compliance
Compliance statements are made to the content of the specification without reference to subsequent 1
clauses unless explicitly stated. This applies also for compliance clauses that contain sub-headings 1

that are complied to in subsequent clauses.

The following abbreviations are used for the statements in the sections of the TS.
The abbreviation is filled into the SoC-field.
Code Meaning Interpretation
DS Descriptive specification The code is used for descr TS. The TS statement contains general info for the
understanding of other statements or defines reqs to be met by the OP or the
MS. There is no need to give statements to each sec. The code is valid for the
whole TS.
IC Implemented and Compliant All of the TS statements are fulfilled. If not completely all of the statements are
fulfilled the exceptions shall be filled into the "Comments"-field.
IN Implemented and Not compliant The TS statement is fulfilled but not in the way as the TS tells. If necessary,
explanations are filled into the "Comments"-field.
NI Not Implemented The TS statement is not to any part fulfilled.
NR No requirement The TS statement contains general information for the understanding of other
statements or defines requirements to be met by the operator or the MS. The
section may also be for further study. The code is used in the TS on section

CNP Correction Note Package
SoC Rev/TS Revision level for a SoC to one TS
Ericsson endeavors to ensure that the information in this document is correct and fairly stated, but does not accept liability for
any error or omission. The Ericsson development of products and services are continous and thus the SoC is subject for
publication with reservation for updates at any time without further notification.

32/174 02-HSC 105 50/1-18 A Commercial in Confidence - Copyright Ericsson

e TS 25.460 SoC 25 -series 25.460/15.0.0 1(3)

E-UTRAN L18.Q4 CNP - SoC Rev/TS: A

Statement of Compliance to TS 25.460 Ver No: 15.0.0
Ts Title: UTRAN Iuant interface: General aspects and principles

Sec No: 1 SoC: NR

Sec Title: Scope


Sec No: 2 SoC: NR

Sec Title: References


Sec No: 3 SoC: NR

Sec Title: Abbreviations


Sec No: 4 SoC: NR

Sec Title: General aspects


Sec No: 4.1 SoC: NR

Sec Title: Introduction


Sec No: 4.2 SoC: NR

Sec Title: Iuant interface general principles


Sec No: 4.3 SoC: IC

Sec Title: Iuant interface specification objectives


Sec No: 4.4 SoC: IC

Sec Title: Iuant interface characteristics


Sec No: 5 SoC: NR

Sec Title: Functions of the Iuant interface protocols


Sec No: 5.1 SoC: IC

Sec Title: Physical layer functions


Sec No: 5.2 SoC: IC

Sec Title: Data link layer functions


32/174 02-HSC 105 50/1-18 A Commercial in Confidence - Copyright Ericsson

e TS 25.460 SoC 25 -series 25.460/15.0.0 2(3)

E-UTRAN L18.Q4 CNP - SoC Rev/TS: A

Statement of Compliance to TS 25.460 Ver No: 15.0.0
Ts Title: UTRAN Iuant interface: General aspects and principles

Sec No: 5.3 SoC: IC

Sec Title: Application layer functions


Sec No: 5.3.1 SoC: IC

Sec Title: Control of RET antennas


Sec No: 5.3.2 SoC: IC

Sec Title: Application software and configuration data download


Sec No: 5.3.3 SoC: IC

Sec Title: Alarm reporting


Sec No: 5.3.4 SoC: IC

Sec Title: Operator specific data storage


Sec No: 5.3.5 SoC: IC

Sec Title: Control of Tower Mounted Amplifiers (TMAs)


Sec No: 6 SoC: NR

Sec Title: Other Iuant interface specifications


Sec No: 6.1 SoC: NR

Sec Title: UTRAN Iuant interface: Layer 1 (TS 25.461)


Sec No: 6.2 SoC: NR

Sec Title: UTRAN Iuant interface: Signalling Transport (TS 25.462)


Sec No: 6.3 SoC: NR

Sec Title: RETAP specification (TS 25.463)


Sec No: 6.4 SoC: NR

Sec Title: Summary of UTRAN Iuant interface Technical Specifications


32/174 02-HSC 105 50/1-18 A Commercial in Confidence - Copyright Ericsson

e TS 25.460 SoC 25 -series 25.460/15.0.0 3(3)

E-UTRAN L18.Q4 CNP - SoC Rev/TS: A

Statement of Compliance to TS 25.460 Ver No: 15.0.0
Ts Title: UTRAN Iuant interface: General aspects and principles

Sec No: 6.5 SoC: NR

Sec Title: UTRAN Iuant interface: Application part specification (TS 25.466)


Sec No: Annex A (informative): SoC: NR

Sec Title: OSI model overview


Sec No: Annex B (informative): SoC: NR

Sec Title: Change History


32/174 02-HSC 105 50/1-18 A Commercial in Confidence - Copyright Ericsson

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