NBHM PHD Previous Paper 2017

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Q6. The characteristic polynomial of a matrix
Section 1: Algebra
Q1. Let G be a group. Which of the following state- A  M 5 ( ) is given by x 5  x 4  x 3 , where 
ments are true? and  are non-zero real numbers. What are
(a) Let H and K be subgroups of G of orders 3 and the possible values of the rank of A?
5 respectively. Then H  K  {e }, where is the
identity element of G. Q7. Let A  M 3 () be symmetric matrix whose
(b) If G is an abelian group of odd order, then
eigenvalues are 1,1 and 3. Express A 1 in
(x )  x 2 is an automorphism of G.
the form I  A, where ,    .
(c) If G has exactly one element of order 2, then
this element belongs to the centre of G.
Q8. Let A  M n (),n  2. Which of the following
statements are true?
Q2. Let n  ,n  2. Which of the following statements
are true? (a) If A 2n  0, then An  0
(a) Any finite group G of order n is isomorphic (b) If A 2  I , then A   I .
to a subgroup of GLn ()
(c) If A 2n  I , then An  I
(b) The group n is isomorphic to a subgroup
of GL2() Q9. Which of the following statements are true?
(c) The group 12 is isomorphic to a subgroup (a) There does not exist a non-diagonal matrix
A  M 2( ) such that A 3  I .
of S 7
(b) There exists a non-diagonal matrix A  M 2()
Q3. Which of the following statements are true? which is diagonalizable over  and which
1 1 1 0 is such that A3  I
(a) The matrices 0 1 
an d 
1 
are conjugate
 1 (c) There exists a non-diagonal matrix A  M 2()
in GL2() . such that A3  I and such that tr ( A)  1
1 1 1 0
(b) The matrices 0 1 and 1 1 are conjgate Q10. Let n  2 and let W be the subspace of M n ()
   
consisting of all matrices whose trace is zero.
in SL2()
If A  (aij ) and B  (bij ), for 1  i , j  n , are ele-
1 0 1 3 ments in M n (), define their inner-product
(c) The matrices 0 2 and 0 2 are conjugate
   
in GL2(). by ( A, B )   aijbij . Identity the subspace
i , j 1

Q4. Let p be an odd prime. Find the number of

W  of elements orthogonal to the subspace W.
non-zero squares in F p .
Section 2: Analysis
Q5. Find a generator F7, the multiplicative group Q1. Let { xn }n1 be a seqeunce of real numbers.
of non-zero elements of F7 Let   liminfn  xn . Which of the following
statements are true?
(a) For every   0 , there exists a subseqeunce

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{ xnk } such that xnk     for all k   Q6. Let f :]0,2[  be defined by
(b) For every   0 , there exists a subseqeunce  x 2, if x ]0,2[,
{ xnk } such that xnk     for all k   . f (x )  
2x  1, if x ]0,2[\
(c) There exists a subseqeunce { xnk } such that Check foe the points of differentability of f and
xnk  as, K   . evaluate the derivative at those points

Q2. Let {an }n1 be a seqeunce of positive real numbers Q7. Let { fn }n1 be a seqeunce of continuous real
 valued functions defined on  which conveges
such that n 1an is divergent. Which of the
pointwise to a continuous real valued function
following series are convergent ? f. Which of the following statements are true?
 
na a (a) If 0  f n  f for all n  , then
(a)  1  na (b)  1  nn2a
n 1 n n 1 n  
n   f n (t )dt
   f (t )dt.

(c)  1  na (b) If | fn (t )|| sint | for all t   and for all n   ,
n 1 n
lim b 
then n  a f n (t )dt
   f (t )dt.
Q3. Let {an }n1 be aseqeunce of positive real num-
(c) If | fn (t )| e t for all t   and for all n  ,

bers such that n 1an is convergent. Which then for all a ,b  ,a  b,
of the following series are convergent lim b b
n  a f n (t )dt
  a f (t )dt.
 
an an4
(a)  1  a (b)  4
Q8. Which of the following statements are true?
n 1 n n 1
(a) The following series is uniformly convergent


1 over [-1, 1]:  (1  x 2 )n
(c)  nan sin n . n 0
n 1
lim  sin nx
(b) 
n   5
dx  
Q4. Let f :    be a given function. It is said to 2 nx

be lower semi-continuous (respectively upper 

sin nx 2
1 (c) Define, for x  , f (x )   . Then f
semi-continuous) if the set f (]  , ]) respectively, n 1 1  n3

the set f 1([, [) is closed for every   . Let is a continuously differentiable function.

f and g be two real vlaued function defined Q9. Write down the Laurent series expansion of
on  . Which of the following statements are 1
true? the function f (z )  (z  1)(z  2) in the annulus
(a) If f and g are continuous, then max { f , g }
{ z   |1 | z | 2}. m
is continuous
(b) If f and g are lower semi-continuous, then
Q10. Which of the following statements are true?
max { f , g } is lower semi-continuous (a) There exists a non-constant entire function
(c) If f and g are upper semi-continuous, then which is bounde on the real and imaginary
max { f , g } is upper semi-continuous. axes of  .
(b) The ring of analytic function on the open
Q5. Let f :    be a continuous function. Which unit disc of  (with respect to the operations
of the following statements are true? of pointwise addition and pointwise multipli-
(a) If f is continuously differentiable, then f is cation) is an integral domain
uniformly continuous (c) There exists an entire function f such that
(b) If f has compact support,then f is uniformly 1
continuous f (0)  1 and such that| f (z )  | z | for all | z | 5.

(c) If lim|x| | f (x )| 0, then if is uniformly

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Section 3: Topology Q5. Let n  2 Which of the following subsets are
nowhere dense in M n () ?
Q1. Let ( X , d ) be a metric space and let { xn }n1 (a) The set GLn ()
(b) The set of all matrices whose trace is zero
and { yn }n1 be arbitrary Cauchy seqeunces in
(c) The set of all singular matrices.
X. Which of the following statements are true?
(a) The seqeunce {d(xn , yn )} converges as n   Q6. Which of the following topological sapces are
(b) The seqeunce {d(xn , yn )} conveges as n  
(a) Any real Banach sapce which admits a
only if X is complete
(c) No conclusion can be drawn about the con- Schanuder basis { un }n1 .
vergence of {d(xn , yn )} (b) The space C [0,1]
(c) The space L p (]0,1[), where 1  p  .
Q2. Which of the following statements are true
(a) Let X be a set equipped with two topology 1
Q7. Which of the followng sets are connected?
and 2 . Assume that any given seqeunce (a) The set of all points in the plane with at
in X conveges with respect to the topology least one coordinate irrational.
1 if, an only if , it also converges with respect (b) An infinite set X with the topology  given by

to the topology 2 . Then 1  2 .   { X ,  }  { A  X | X \ A is a finite set}.

(c) The set
(b) Let ( X , 1 ) and (Y , 2 ) be two topological sapces
and let f : X  Y be given map. Then f is 1
K  { f  C[0,1}|  2 f (t )dt  1 f (t )dt  1}
continuous if, and only if , given any sequence 2

{ xn }n1 such that xn  x in X, we have Q8. Which of the following statements are true?
(a) There exists a continuous bijection
f (xn )  f (x ) in Y.
f : [0,1]  [0,1]  [0,1]
(c) Let (X , ) be a compact topological space and
(b) There exists a continuous map f : S1  
let { xn }n1 be a seqeunce in X. Then, it has
which is injective, where S1 stands foe the
a convergent subsequence.
unit circle in the plane
(c) Tthere exists a continuous map
Q3. Which of the following statemetns are true?
(a) Let n  2 . The subset of nilpotent matrices f : [0,1]  SL2() which is surjective

in M n ( ) is closed in M n ( )
Q9. Which of the following are true?
(b) Let n  2 The set of all matrices in M n () (a) Let g  C[0,1] be fixed. Then the set
which represent orthogonal projections is
closed in M n () . A  { f  C {0,1]|  f (t )g (t )dt  0} is closed in

(c) The set of all matrices in M 2 ( ) such that C [0,1]

both of their eigenvalues are purely imaginary, (b) Let g  Cc (), be fixed . Then the set
closed in M 2 () 
A  { f  Cc ( )|  f (t )g (t )  0}. is closed in
Q4. Which of the following sets are dence?
Cc ( )
(a) The set of all numbers of the form where (c) Let g  L2( ) be fixed .Then the set

0  m  2n and n  , in the space [0,1]. A  { f  L2 ( )|  f (t )g (t )dt  0} is closed in
(b) The set of all polynomial function in the
L2() .
space L1(]0,1[).
(c) The linear span of the family {sin nt }n1 in Q10. Which of the following statements are true?
2 (a) Let X be a compact topological space and
the space L (]  , [.
let F be afamily of real valued functions de-

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fined on X with the following properties: tives of u and v respectively on . Fill in
(i) If f , g  F , then fg  F , where th e bl ank in the follo wing ide ntity:
( fg )(x )  f (x )g (x ) for all x  X .  u v 
  n v  n u  dS   (........)dxdydz.
(ii) For every x  X , there exists an open
neighbourhood U(x) of x and a function f  F
such that the restiction of f to U(x) is identically Q6. Find the maximum value of x 2  xy subject to
zero. Then the function which is identically
the condition x 2  y 2  1.
zero on all of X belongs to F.
(b) Let X  { f : [0,1]  [0,1]|| f (t )  f (s )||t  s |
Q7 . Intercahnge the order o f in tegratio n:
for all s,t  [0,1]}. Define
2 2x 2
1  x f (x , y )dxdx.
d ( f , g ) tmax
[0,1]| f (t )  g (t )| for f , g  X . Then
(X,d) is a compact metric space.
(c) Let { f i }iI be a collection of function in C[0,1] Q8. Find all the non-trivial solutions (, u )(i .e. u  0),
such that given any finite subfamily of functions, of the boundary value problem:
its members vanish at some common point u "( x )  u ((x ),0  x  1, and u(0)  u '(1)  0.
(which depends on that subfamily). Then
there exists x0  [0,1] such that f i ( x 0 )  0 Q9. Consider the initial problem: u '(t )  Au(t ),t  0,
fo all i  I .
and u(0)  u0 , where u0 is a given vector in

1 2
Section 4: Calculus & Differential 2 and  . Find the range of values
1 a 
equations of a such that u (t )  as t   .

x3 2 Q10. Let u(x, t ) be the solution of the wave equation:

Q1. Let x  1. Define F (x )  x 2 tan(xy )dy. Differenti-

ate F with respect to x. u  2u 

 , x  ,t  0,
t x 2 

Q2. Evaluate:
 2 x 2 u(x ,0)  u0 (x ), x  , 
 e dx .
ut (x ,0)  0, x  . 

Q3. Let n(x, y, z ) denote the unit outer normal vector
on the surface S o f th e cy linder Le t u0 (x ) be th e fu ncti on defi ned by
x 2  y 2  4,0  z  3. Compute S v.n dS where 1, if | x | 2,
u0 (x )  
v(x , y, z )  xzi  2yzj  3xyk 0, otherwise.

Compute u(x ,1) at all points x   where it is

Q4. evaluate the line integral C Pdx  Qdy, where
C is the circle centered at the origin and of
Section 5: Miscellaneous
radius a  0 (described in the counter-
Q1. Let x   and let n   Evaluate:
clocwise sense) in the plane and
 k 
P (x , y )  2
,Q (x , y )  2
.   nk  sin  x  
2 
x y x y k 0

Q5. Let  be a bounded open subset of 3 and let Q2 . Let n  , n  2. Le t x1,..., xn ]0, [. S et
 denote its boundary. Given sufficiently x  (x1  ...  xn )/ n. Which of the following state-
smooth real valued functions u and v on  , ments are true?
denote the outer normal deriva-
(a) k 1 sin xk  sinn x.
n n

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(b) k 1 sin xk  sinn x.
(c) Niether (a) nor (b) is necessarily true.

Q3. Which of the following sets are convex?

(a) {(x , y )  2 | xy  1, x  0, y  0}.
1 1
(b) {( x , y )   2 | x |3  | y |3  1}.

(c) {(x , y )  2 | y  x 2 }.

Q4. Find the area of the circle got by intersecting

the sphere x 2  y 2  z 2  1 with the plane
x y  z 1.

Q5. Let n  , n  3. Find the area of the polygon

with one vertex at z  1 and whose other vertices
are situated at the roots of the polynomial
1  z  z 2  ...  z n 1 in the complex plane.

Q6. Find the maximum value of 3x  2y subejct to

the conditions: 2x  3y  6, y  x  x  3, y  0

Q7. A committee of six numbers is formed from a

group 7 men and 4 women. What is the probability
that the committee contains
(a) exactly two women?
(b) at least two women?

Q8 . Fi nd the sum o f th e i nfin ite seri es

1 1 1
   ...
2.3.4 4.5.6 6.7.8

Q9. Find the remainder when 8130 is divided by 13.

Q10. Let ai  ,1  i  4.

1 1 1 1
a1 a2 a3 a4
Evaluate a12 a22 a32 a 42
a13 a 23 a 33 a 43

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Answer keys 2017(Algebra) 6.

1 2
1. a,b,c 2. a,b,c 2
p 1 1 2 y 2 2 y
3. a,c 4. 7. 2 y f (x , y )dxdy    f (x .y )dxdy
2 1  2y
5. 3 or 5 6. 2,3,4
4 1
7. A  I  A 8. a (2n  1)2 2 (2n  1)x
3 3 8. n  , un  C sin ,n  
4 2
9. c 10. W   {aI |a   } 9. 2  a  1

 1, if | x | 1,
Section 2 Analysis 1
1. a,c 2. b 
u(x , t )   , if 1 | x | 3
3. a,b,c 4. a,b,c 10. 2
 0, if | x | 3.
5. b,c
6. Only x =1 and f’(1) =2 7. a,c

1 
zn Section 5: Miscelaneous
8. c 9.  z n   2n 1 n
n 1 n 0
 n 
10. a,b 1. 2 2 sin  x  
 4 
2. b
Section : 3 Topology 3. a,c
1. a 2. None 2
3. a,b 4. a,b 4.
5. b,c 6. a,b
7. a,b,c 8. None n 
5. sin
9. a,b,c 10. a,b,c 2 n
6. 19
Section : 4 Calculus & Differential equations 5 53
7. a. , b.
x 3 11 66
1. x 2 y sec2 (xy 2 )dy  3x 2 tan x 7  2x tan x 5
8.  log 2

2. 9. 12
3. 54 10. 1i  j 4 (ai  a j )
4. 2
Note: Please accept any correct equivalent form of
5.  (v u  u v )dxdydz. where  is the Laplace the answer.

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