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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III


Cinense, Talugtug, Nueva Ecija

Narrative Report on the Second School PTA Conference

Cinense Integrated School continues to maintain harmonious relationship with the
school’s stakeholders which includes the parents. Parents, who give one of the major
contributions to the development and welfare of the students, need to know the improvement
plans of the school for transparency and good governance.
In line with this, on September 11, 2018, Cinense Integrated School held the Second
School Parents Teachers Assembly (PTA) Conference spearheaded by Roland Y. Pedro, Head
Teacher III, to discuss the following agenda:

 Educational Tour
 PE Uniform
 Programs and Projects
 SPTA Fund and Projects
 SPG Fund and Projects
 School Paper
 Scouting
 Mr. and Ms. Cinense Integrated School 2018
 Card Day
Educational Tour
Fee: ₱1,500.00 (approximately)
Venue: Baguio City
Date: November 16
Parents were doubtful at first because of its costly fee but we assured the parents that the
Educational Tour will be of a great help and beneficial especially to the students’ experiential
PE Uniform
Since the school is a newly approved integrated school, the school has to propose new
uniforms –school uniform and the Physical Education (PE) uniform. The school uniform was
already approved by the parents upon the opening of the school year, produced and distributed.
During the second PTA meeting, the proposed PE uniform design and the kind of cloth were
discussed and clarified. Parents were consulted about the design and the payment. However,
parents made few modifications on the design even though they were informed about the
additional payment by doing their proposed design. Eventually, everyone agreed to the modified
design, the kind of cloth and the payment which costs ₱420.00 per pair
The students will use the PE uniform every Friday.
Programs and Projects
Construction of the new school building
One of the good news relayed to the parents is the construction of the 8-classroom
school building. In line with this, the field where the building is to be constructed has
already surveyed. Furthermore, the clearing of the field is already started.
School PTA Fund and Project
Amount: ₱100.00/parent
Proceeds: Construction of the school pathway for the high school students
Supreme Pupil Government Fund and Project
Amount: ₱50.00/student
Proceeds: Conference table of the school
School Paper
On the school paper, each student has to pay ₱60.00 for the whole year publication of the
school which will be composed of two publications: June-December and January-March. The
school paper will be headed by Ronald Kenneth C. Tape.
To promote discipline and patriotism, each year, schools are conducting a scouting –
camporette and jamborette. The date of the camporette will be held on November 14.
However, parents were a little bit looked problematic when they knew that the dates of
scouting and the tour will be held on the same month.

Mr. and Ms. Cinense Integrated School 2018

Roland Y. Pedro also discussed the annual celebration of beauty in Mr. and Ms. Cinense
Integrated School 2018. The determination of the candidates were initiated during the meeting.
However, the confirmation was done later on.
The name of the candidates determined and confirmed are as follows:

Grade Level Mr. Ms.

Kinder Marco T. Labrador Shelvie E. Perez
I Rephan Gad H. De Vera Freslyn Heart G. Rivera
II Jimmy C. Sario Jr. Liam V. Sacdalan
III Hanz Ivan R. Diaz Celine I. Aliado
IV Seyan Lee S. Salvador Lea May Cabucana
V Rhain Eulysis C. Vergara Jasmine A. Mercullo
VI Ebenizer Romeo Guillermo Frinzes Althea D. Pelayo
VII-Honesty George Voltaire Tabio Kristine Jane Carbonel
VII-Integrity Tristan Jay Viadan Shiellah Lhove D. Dadivo
VIII Ryan A. Luis Norbelyn V. Picarien

The presentation of candidates and first canvassing is on November 9, 2018;

December 7, 2018 for second and last canvassing and the coronation night will be held on
December 26, 2018.
The proceeds of the program is for the construction of the Cinense Integrated School
name: I LOVE CINENSE IS plus the landscape and renovation of the school office.
Card Day
After the meeting with all the parents, the parents went into their childs’ respective classrooms.
Aside from the distribution of the first quarter report card and the updates of their academic
performances, parents were also informed about the accomplishment of projects of the HPTA.

Name of Fund Cost

GSP/BSP ₱50.00
ID ₱50.00
Philippine National ₱50.00
Red Cross

Prepared by:

Head Teacher III

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