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1. Be you.

Means, you should not think about other people. You should focus on your own life in
your own capacity.
For example...
When you start comparing yourself to other people. If they are rich or poor..
When they are rich you will feel disappointed, because you start thinking how much they
spend on their daily expenses, how many cars they have, how they go on tours and
extra... So at this point, you will start thinking negatively and you can't achieve your

2.have a stronger desire.

The person who is very hungry for almost two days who never eat anything, when he
sees the food whether it's good or bad, he will eat it and think it's very tasty and so
important to eat it now...

So now you have to think like that, you are very hungry to achieve your goals.
Have a strong desire to attain success

When they are poor you will feel also more disappointed because whenever you see
poor people you start to think like them, in a negative way, you can't reach your dreams
if you listen to them.

………………... positive.

Positive thinking is not just some woo-woo new age thinking. It is something that has
been around for a very, very long time. This timeless (and scientifically proven) wisdom
WILL change your life.

4.never give up
Never give up on your dreams, yes true there will be a lot of challenges, a lot of issues,
you can't achieve your dreams easily or in a day
You have to fight you have to stand again and again whenever you fall down.

If you give up ... You are not going to reach your goals.

5. Patient.
You have to be patient while you are going to your goals. You should face all the
problems whatever face your dreams
You should spend a lot of time to plan to solve and achieve your goals.

6. Time management.
Don't waste your time by doing anything or wasting it by doing something un useful,
Sometimes we usually waste our time on phones, laptops, Facebook, and ext...
Instead of wasting your time on this things, start to value your time by things which
helps you to succeed in your life...


When I say learn it doesn't mean you have to go again or back to college or school to
When I say learn, I mean start feeding your brain by new things ...educate your brain.
To educate yourself there are so many different ways:
For example
Learn from books, learn from an experience people, learn from your mistakes, learn
from success people.. Etc...


Use your imagination the first step is to stop thinking negative and open your
imagination throw the biggest window to get more knowledge, thinking positively.
9. Do not blame others.

You should not expect others to do it for you, not even your parents, friends or your
boss. No one will make you happy or achieve your goals for you.


Planning is one of the most important tools to achieve your goals. When you are
planning to do something you have to think about all the possibilities and all the
difficulties which gonna face you, plan more than one plan to achieve your goals,
For example.:
Plan A and plan B.
Even you should have a daily plan, weakly plan, monthly plan, yearly plan and five
years plan
So this how you have to make your plan to achieve your dreams.

11.make your dreams as the journey of fun.

It's an awesome game! The time you make your goals serious, there will be a big
change it will carry a heavy of responsibility. So you should take in the easiest way to
reach your dreams.


This is the first step to take if you want to learn how to get success in life.
Before you take steps to take if you want to learn how to get successful and effective.
You need to evaluate your current capacity and situations. Then you need to compare
that state to the goals you want to achieve.
The first step changes you should make is in the way you use your time.

13. Doing it differently.

Doing it differently it means you should do your thing in different ways from. Other
people if you follow the way of others that you can't achieve your dreams.
14.think differently.

You should think I'm a different way to reach your aim you should use your imagination
to think openly and find a different way to make your goals in order to achieve it.

15.improve your social skills.

You have to develop your skills and Improve it

You must build good communication skills with others to have a respect of others.

16. Be flexible in your environment.

How to be flexible you have to follow the flow you should face all the difficulties and you
to think positive.
You should not blame yourself, your parents, your friends, your city, your environment.
You should be flexible and be positive to be successful.

17. Accept failure.

When you accept your failure and you learn from your failures. That this moment you
will realize something new then you will think differently to achieve it and build it in
different ways.
So accept your failure and learn from it.

18. Exercise and maintain good physics.
You have to look after your body and your health .you should not forget your body. If
your body is weak and in a sick position, you cannot reach your goals.
You have to go to the gym or play some sports which can make your body active and
physically good. For example ;
Football, basketball or running for around 30 min for a day.

19.optimize your sleep habits.
You have to sleep early wake up early
90% of successful people they use to sleep early and wake up early.
When u optimize your sleep you will get a lot of time to build your goal if you Organize
your sleep

20. Play to your strengths and work on your weakness.
You have to find your strengths and work on your weakness. For example your strength
you have the confidence to speak to your boss but your weakness is to speak to your
So you should rebuild your weakness and go on it.

21.Fear and doubt.

Remove fear and doubt from your thinking, whenever you feel you are fear or you have
doubt, you should remove it from your mind and think positive.

22. Work hard.

85% of successful people they use to work harder than other people They never take a
lot of rest.
Work harder than rest.

23. Do not be addicted to anything and take control of your life.

You should not be addicted to anyone or don't build your dreams on someone or
something else, you have to take a control of your dreams and life.

24. Be humble.

Always be humble you have not to show off and acting you are above others. You have
been very humble people will guide you by your behavior. Not by your ego.
25 .do not be scared.

Do not be scared of anything happens to you whether good or bad, sometimes God
uses to taste your patience and how you react, how to think to go cross your bad things,
he loves you so he is tasting your love to him.
Never be scared

26. never quite.

When you started to your dreams or goals you shouldn't quite in the middle of your
dream, you have to fight, you have to stand, you have to reach your goals if you quit
your dream someone will come to steal your joy dream.

27. If you can Dream it, you can do it.

Whatever you think about it or dream about it., you can make you can do it. Everything
around you nowadays it was a Dream of someone else it was his goal. So if you can
dream it you can do it.

28. stick to your commitments.

Planning is not sufficient, keeping your word is also important. If you tell someone you
will do something, do it
Similarly, don't tell someone you will do something if you are not sure you can do it Be
Avoid canceling plans, make commitments to yourself, and stick to them. Write down
your commitments and hang them in place you can see.
Make sure that your commitments are gradually moving you towards your goals.

29. Manage your finances.

Learn how to manage your money will help you ensure your financial stability over time.
Keep track of your expenses, understand your income, cut back, save back.

30. Enjoy the moment.

Enjoy the present moment, you have to enjoy every single moment, you should think it's
your last moment in life, so you have to be happy and enjoy it.

31. Don't compare your own life to other people's lives.

Unfortunately, many people measure their own success by others success.

Rather than comparing yourself with people who are " better off than you " think about
people who are homeless, jobless, ill, etc…

32. Follow up on opportunities.

If you have a chance to shine, take it.

Some changes only come around once. You can't bank them. This doesn't mean you
should throw away all your savings Jr get rid of your safety net.

33. Set boundaries with others.

Advocate for your needs. Be caring towards others, but don't accept abuse from

34. Be a person of action.

Be a person of action it means you should not delay when u take a decision, you should
not step back after taken a decision, just go forward and do it.

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