Query #1 Gerund and Infinitive Form Gerund

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Gerund and Infinitive form

A gerund is a verb in its ing (present participle) form that functions as a noun that names an
activity rather than a person or thing. Any action verb can be made into a gerund.Gerunds are
often used when actions are real, fixed, or completed. "I enjoy cooking."
• After a preposition.
• When the verb is the subject. In Spanish the verb will be in the infinitive.
• As a complement to the verb to be.
• Some verbs are always followed by a gerund and never by an infinitive.
• The gerund is used after some fixed expressions.
1. I quit smoking a year ago.
2. Eating a balanced diet is good for healty.
3. Ana needs to practise listening.
4. Juan avoid walking in the storm.

An infinitive is a verb form that acts as other parts of speech in a sentence. It is formed with to
+ base form of the verb.Infinitives are often used when actions are unreal, abstract,
or future: "He wants to swim."
• To express a purpose or the reason why someone does something.
• Can be subject or complement.
• Verb + (what / how / where / which) + to infinitive.
• Verb + object (name of the person / me / him / her / us / them) + to infinitive.
1. She is planning to buy a new handbag.
2. Do you want to call your mother?
3. I promised to stop smoking.
4. He decided to move to Colombia in June.

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