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UJICOBA UJIAN NASIONAL (UCUN) I PMEr SNMP /MTs TAHUN PELAJARAN 2017/2018 LEMBAR SOAL Mata Pelajaran BAHASA INGGRIS Hari /tanggal Rabu, 21 Februari 2018 Waktu Pukul 07.00 - 09.00 WIB (120 menit) PETUNJUK UMUM: Tulis nomor Anda pada lembar jawaban komputer (LIK)! Periksalah dan bacalah soal-soal dengan telitisebelum menjawab! Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda angeap mudah! Kerjakan pada LIK yang disediakan! Hitamkanlah bulatan pada huruf jawaban yang Anda anggap benar dengan menggunakan pensil 2B! Apabila ada jawaban yang Anda anggap salah maka hapuslah jawaban yang salah tersebut sampai bersih, kemudian hitamkan bulatan pada huruf jawaban lain yang Anda angeap benar! Contoh a. sebelum di jawab A B oO ». sesudah dijawab c. sesudah diperbaiki PETUNJUK KHUSUS: Hitamkanlah salah satu bulatan pada huruf A,B, C, atau D yang Anda anggap benar pada lembar jawaban komputer! Read the text to answer questions 1 and 2. Read the text to answer questions 3 to 5! Fia, [am sorry [have to tell you that the meeting related to | | [ WESTMOUNT HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE the tour that we have planned before can’t be carried out ‘The tepresentative of the tour agent is still out of town. I can’t say when we will meet, Can you tell others? I will contact you later. Nino. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2016 "7:00-9:00 P.M. ‘SECONDARY OPTIONS EVENING 1. ‘The message is written to ‘A. inform the cancellation of a meeting EVENT WILL TAKE PLAGE IN THE WHS B._ let Fia know that there will be tour meeting SYNAS IN: CC. tell about the plan to reschedule of a meeting D. report the absence of the personne! ofthe touragent | | Sacoretmey unique opportunity for WHS. dV Parents and Students (CEGEPS, Vocational Ed, oto.) 2. What will probably Fia do on receiving the message? institetions eT i et tl mae wre A Meet Nino son possible Peivinat vss cuit sess sana eee B Acinnurtccistinretite extmeciog, || Sesscio cree creme emraetne GMa tr the anemone ofthe tw ape to | [oats Setorcar see cummeSione pomeiees ta aie Prerequisites and more. D. Forward the message to other members ofthe tour committee. 3. The text is written to ask WHS Secondary IV and V Parents and Students... A. to join a celebration event to welcome the representative of the post-secondary institutions B. to know the variety of programs which are being, offered by the school C. toattend a meeting with the representatives of post secondary institution D. to learn the admissions policies of secondary institution 4. The message of the announcement is that by attending the event you will get ‘A. a chance to know the representatives of post secondary institution B._ detailed information related to programs offered by post secondary institution C. explanation ofthe post secondary admission policies ._ free access to study in the post secondary institution the variety of programs which are being offered ‘The underlined word is closest in meaning to... A. awarded B. granted C. provided D._ presented Read the text fo answer questions 6 to 8! Dear Meta, I planned to pick up aunt Bella at the airport this afternoon but it seems I couldn't make it, My boss asks ‘me to meet an important client. Would you like to pick her up? Her flight will arrive at 4 p.m, Teli me soon. Resti 6. What does Resti do? A. Astudent, B. secretary. C. Ateacher. D. A director. 7. What will Meta probably do on receiving the message above? Call aunt Bella to ask her position. Check aunt Bella’ fight schedule Contact Resti’s boss to cancel the meeting. Confirm Resti whether or not she can do the message. pop> Yould you like to pick ‘The underlined word refers to ... A. Rest’s boss: B. Aunt Bella C. Resti D. Meta Read the text to answer questions 9 to 11! T-SHIRT Design Competition 9. Whereis this kind of announcement usually found? On the billboard, In the newspaper. In the student textbook. On the school announcement board. pop> 10. What will the candidate of the competitors do after reading the text? A. Enrol in the competition, B. Start designing a T-shint. CC. Submit their T-shirt design. D. Confirm not to join the competition, 1. The participants must be ready with their designs by 20 May 2015... itis the deadline for submitting them. A. so B. if C. when D. because Read the text to answer questions 12 to 13! | THE POLLIOGS! Come join fra ffi ie of 1 May rend) Scmtcsnm 12. What is the purpose of writing the text above? A. To make people learn fun activity at birthday celebration, B. To tell about Tanmayi and Tanisha 6” birthday. C. To make people attend a birthday party. D._ To invite people to come to Polliwogs. 13. What will someone probably do on receiving the invitation above? A. Buy socks for all adults and children. B. Confirm his/her coming to Aparna. C. Call Tanmayi and Tanisha soon. D. Check the party location, Read the text to answer questions 14 to 16! ‘THE NEW J-82 You'l Ike the smart appearance of this new Buco jacket. Made of garment qualtystethide, itis decorated with highly polished, nickel plated high dome bars throughout. Among its many other features are a genuine Satendure quite ning, full action back, weather toht Zippered sleeves, and a new improved completely redesigned bel, No. J-82 *28% 14, What does the writer write the text for? ‘To introduce a new jacket. To describe a high quality jacket. ‘To persuade people to buy a jacket. ‘To make people to wear this new Buco jacket pap> 15. Something catches our attention to this jacket is its A. colour B. appearance C._ strong zipper D. redesigned belt 16, °Made of garment quality steerhide ‘The underlined word is closest in meaning to A. apiece of clothing B. a clothing omament CC. a fashion model D. akind of outfit Read the text to answer questions 17 to 19! Award winning Euro- style hotel with 24 Unique guest rooms, Enjoy charming history with moder luxuries in the heart of Pittsburgh Close to new convention center, stadiums, Cultural Distct, Aviary, The Warhol, Science Center, river trails and parks 17. The text is directed to A. travelers who want to enjoy a city life B. families who want to have peaceful atmosphere C._ tourists who want to enjoy a beautiful scenery ._ students who want to have outdoor activities 18, Toattract the customers’ attention, the hotel is described ‘A. a building with high quality material B._aneeasy access to many pars ofthe hear of Pittsburg, C. an area with complete facilites for fun outdoor activity D. the blend of traditional and modern building in the middle of a city 19, “Award winning Euro-style hotel with 24 unique guest ‘The underlined word is closest in meaning to A. usual B. unusual C. remarkable D. ordinary Read the text to answer questions 20 to 22 tnd Sp oly bee Low Gyemie Sweeter avcorant File nice Gycemique Gave Stn Vig glen ay Ntiton Facts Valeur nutritive ore Nts Than Agave Pi 7 ‘arr ie tog ‘pe on obey 7 | QUEER (ery trout to te caena oe fey bn toy 3,8 i 20. It is important to read the label because we will know that the product ‘A. has many functions for our health B._ is more nutritious than agave C._ contains 14% carbohydrates D. has sweet taste 21. What does the product contain most? A. Carbohydrates B. Cholesterol C. Sodium D. Fibre 22. “This very low glycemic is abundant source of minerals.” The underlined word is closest in meaning to .. AL rich B. poor C. lack D. simple

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