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o assess the robustness of your products against microbial contamination, we have designed and

developed the challenge testing for cosmetics, also known as preservation efficacy testing (PET). The
QACS Laboratory challenge testing for cosmetics falls within the scope of our ISO 17025
accreditation. The challenge test results are crucial in determining the safety of your cosmetic
products, in line with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009.

Why challenge testing is important

Before market launch, cosmetics must be tested by accredited labs to ensure that they are suitable
for use by customers as stipulated in Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009.

For a cosmetic product to be placed in the market, a responsible person must be designated within
the EU for this product.

According to the Notes of Guidance issued by the Scientific Committee on Consumer Products
(SCCP) of the European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Consumer Protection, “The
responsible person must guarantee the efficacy of the preservation of his products experimentally
by challenge testing. However, as no legal or universal challenge test method is currently available,
it is up to the responsible person to decide on the details of the test to be used.”
How we report the results

We issue intermediate results for all new products we test. This assists your R&D decision-making
process, so your products can reach the market faster.

How we report the results

We issue intermediate results for all new products we test. This assists
your R&D decision-making process, so your products can reach the
market faster.

Evaluation of preservation efficacy is crucial when developing and

launching new cosmetic products, as tight R&D deadlines apply.

We schedule our challenge tests as soon as we receive a new product

for testing. This reduces lead time to a minimum.

You receive preliminary real-time reports on intermediate readings

throughout the screening process. If you are based in the EU, we offer
24-hour courier service.

If you need your test results urgently, we can perform a fast screening
process within 14 days.

Which challenge testing protocols we use

We use a wide range of protocols for challenge tests on cosmetics. Our
experienced scientists determine the best and most cost-efficient
challenge test for your needs.

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