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a BS 6031: 1981 vocead13, (Reprinted, incorporating Amendment No. 1! Code of practice for Earthworks Code de bonne pratique pour las travaux de terrassement Richtlinie far den Erdbau rum aun Printed by 8 Hl/ll Official BS! Distributor ~ index House Ascot StS 7EU UK +44 (0/1344 636 900, ase oan eT OS NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW SS 88 6031. 1981 Contents Page Foreword 3 Code dratting commites Back cover Code of practice ‘Section one. General 1 Scope 4 2. References 4 3 Detintions 4 3.1 General 4 32 Terms used in section two 4 33 Termsused in section tee 5 34 Terms uted in timbering 5 4 Safety procecures 7 41 General 7 42. Statutory obligations 7 4.3. Precautions against incidental hezards a ‘Section two. Cuttings and embankments, grading ‘and levelling 5. Site conditions and investigations e 5.1 General 8 5.1.1. Environmental considerenons a 5.1.2 Preiminary assessment of the project 8 5.13 Ground exploration a 5.1.4 Description and classitication of sols and rocks 10 5.1.5 Field and laboratory testing 190 5.1.8 Report on investigations 10 5.1.7 Furtneravestigation during construction 10 52 Economic and environmental ‘considerations " 52.1 General in 5.2.2 Cut andfil for toads andraiways " 52.3 Cutandfillfor arelds and other extensive pavedareas " 5.24 Dredging and hydrauie i n 525 Sanddunes n 5.3 Risks offaiure and acceptance of ‘formavon " 5.3.1 General un 5.32 Effect onneighbouring structures 18 6 Cutungs 18 6.1 General considerations 16 6.1.1 Enwronmental factors 16 6.12 Site geomenry 16 6.1.3 Economic and safety considerations, 16 8.14 A guide fr preliminary design of cutungs in rocks 7 62 Factors governing the stability of cutting slopes 7 62.1 Materals: soils and rocks 7 82.2 Selecton of parameters of sll and rock masses for assessment of slope stabiity 20 62.3 Structure and fabric of sols anc rocks 21 62.4 Woter surface and sub-surface a1 625 Time effects 22 626 Other factors influencing stabiity 22 83 Modes of failure of curvings anc natural slopes 2 63.1 Generat 22 8.32 Rotatonal sides 22 633 Compound sices 23 6.34 Translatonal sides 23 635 Topping 23 636 637 64 64) 642 643 eae 65 651 852 653 654 655 656 66 661 662 663 6a 665 ry 72 721 722 73 731 732 733 74 74a 742 743 aa 145 745 78 754 752 753 784 785 756 76 764 762 763 Bt Bit B12 824 822 823 824 Page Fait 23 Internat erosion 23 Metnoos ol anatsofstabinvotstones 23 General 23 Lent equibeur methods 23 Swess anata 25 Pryseal models 25 Design 25 Assessment of safety 25 Slope protie 26 influence af consitction rocedure on slope etbity 28 Bramnage 27 Mechomeal methods of support 28 tmvoroverents ol poramaters 29 Monstoring stones 23 General 23 Water pressure 30 Moovtovng surface and sub-surface movements 30 Earn pressure measurements 30 Seeme obearsavons 30 Embankments ana genoa filing 30 ner foctor itacting te dsign of tembarkments 30 Strengt and deormavon characterstes of foundstions ond mater, a Materale au Suitabisty and tesing 3 Design a embankments 3 Genera 3 Stabity 32 Detormavions 32 Orainage 32 General 32 Preventbwors cenage 32 Temporarycranage unng construction 33 Dratrage nessure trmpreve and maintain the steiiy tembankmentorgeneral tihng 33 Permanent dramage 33 Conetucton considerations 2 Special se condiuonsafecting mbankment or geneelfi'desgn 23 Findeposted water 33 Embankments on sof ground 33 Embankments 0p ground 3 Embankment over Quaried ground 3 Emborkrenisonenstngtilag ound 34 Embankmenis over mine workings and other Underground vods at Stitt ot matenas for fit Er Unsuitable matenals 34 Sontble meters 3s Materials suitable with he adooton of specel consructon measures 38 reavaton an ing 35 Planng 35 General sonsdersions 38 Planing! work Preparation of te 38 Goneral 36 Steclearance 2 Stripping tops0i 2 Treatmentotciches andwatercourses 37 8.2.5 Underground cavities 8.2.6 Treatment of subsoils 83. Excavation 8.3.1 General 8.3.2 In cuttings or borrow pit areas 83.3 Bolow water 834 Inrock 8.4 Earth-moving 8.5 Deposition and spreading 6 Control 8.6.1 Preliminary trials 8.6.2 Methods of monitoring deformations and stresses 8.6.3 Earthworks adjacent to structures, 8.6.4 Shallow cutand fill 8.6.5 Earthworks adjacent to properties 8&7 Inclement weather during construction 8.7.1 Wetweather 8.7.2 Freezing conditions 88 Haulroads 9 Advanced earthworks 8.10 Stage construction 1.11 The disposal of spoil 9. Compaction 9.1 General 9.2 Test for compaction of earthworks 9.3. Methods af compaction 9.4.1 Generat 9.4.2 Rockfil 9.43 Granularsoils 9.4.4 Cohesive fine soils 9.4.5 Special fils- waste materials 9.5 Control of compaction in the field 9.6 Compaction adjacent to structures 9.6.1 Culverts 9.6.2 Abutments and retaining walls 9.6.3 Obstructions 10. "The operation of construction plant for ‘earthworks 10.1 Classification of plant 10.2 Particular factors affecting earth-moving plant 10.3 Preparation for excavation 10.4 Excavation and earth-moving plant 10.5 Compaction equipment 10.6 Specialist plent and equipment 10.7 Safety measures 11. Maintenance and protection of slopes 11.1 General 112 Maintenance of slopes 11.2.1 Factors leading to instability after ‘construction 11.2.2 Inspection 14.2.3 Check and maintenance of drainage systems 11.2.4 Check and maintenance of structures 11.2.5 Check and maintenance of anchor systems 11.26 Control of development 11.3 Sourcesof erosion 11.3.1 General 11.3.2 Water 11.33 Frost 11.3.4 Wind 11.38 Othersources W4 was 14.42 11.43 44 115 115.1 1152 11.53 BS 6031: 1981 Methods of protection General Vegetation Drainage Other forms of protection Remedial works after slope failure General Immaciate measures Long term measur Section three. Trenches, pits and shafts 12. 124 122 122.1 12.22 12.2.3 123 12.3.1 12.32 1233 123.4 12.4 12.41 12.42 12.43 12.44 13. 13.1 13.11 13.1.2 13.13 13.1.4 13.15 13.18 13.1.7 13.18 13.19 132 133 14, 144 142 143 143.1 1432 14.33 1434 144 145 146 147 148 149 14.9.1 Design considerations Sita investigation Ground conditions. General Influence of ground conditions on construction methods ‘Sources and control of ground water ‘The dasign of stable slopes and supports to excavations General Magnitude and distribution of lateral soil pressures ‘Stability of base of excavation Movements at base of excavation Practical considerations Methods of excavation and types of support Existing buildings, buried structures and services Working spac Disposal of spoil Construction procedure ‘Temporary support of excavations General Effect of width ‘Support by poling boards or steet trench sheets ‘Support by horizontal sheeting ‘Support by runners Sheet piling of excavations, Adjustments to supports to enable the permanent work to be constructed Maintenance of supports Stiking of supports. Backfiling ‘Support of excavation by fr cast-in-place bored piles Trenches Construction methods, Statutory obligations Excavation procedure Methods available Trenches with sloping sides Trenches with vertical sides Bottoming of trenches Mechanical excavation of trenches Hand excavation of trenches Methods of dewatering trenches Installation of permanent work or materials in trenches Backfiling and reinstatement of surface Special coses Narrow trenches japhragm walls Page 43, 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 83 5a 54 54 84

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