Fast Food

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In general, you prefer to do your shopping of:

(Select only one)

Over the Internet Over the Phone In aRetail Store

1. Groceries
2. Fast food
3. Cosmetics
4. Books
5. CD/DVDs
6. Toys
7. Furniture
8. Clothes
9. Computer Products
10. Cinema/Concert/Theatre Ticket
11. Airplane Tickets

12. Jewelry

13. How often do you use theinternet every day?


14. How often do you use Internet for information prior to apurchase?
Very oftenOftenSometimesRarelyNever
15. How often do you use Internet for shopping?
Very oftenOftenSometimesRarelyNever
How often do you use the following World Wide Web Activities?

Never VeryInfrequentlyI n f r e q u e n t l y O c c a s i o n a l
l y F r e q u e n t l y 1

1 2 3 4 516. Electronic newspaper or magazine17.Gaming

18. Chatting

19. Research/education

20. Product/Service information

21. Shopping

22. Surfing

23. Communication via e-mail

24. Work/business

25. Assuming that you intend to conductonline shopping, which of these

purchaseswould you make in the internet?

YesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoFlowersCDs / BookCosmetic /
JewelryClothes / ShoesHouseholdfurnitureToysFast FoodGroceriesMovies/theater/concertticketsElectronic
appliancesComputer productsHotel reservation Airline TicketsNutritionRelatedProductsStocks/MutualFunds/Bonds
26. I have been using theWEB for
Lessthan1year1 to 2 year 2 to 3 year Morethan3year
27. How would you describe your proficiency on the Internet.
Novice-justlearninghowtouseinternetIntermediate-IfeelcomfortablewhenusinginternetAdvanced-Icanusemostorallinternet services.
28. Select an approximate maximumamount you would spend on asingle online
Less than $2021 - 6061 - 100101 - 140141 - 180181 - 220221 & Above

29. Select an approximate maximumamount you would spend per year on online purchase

Less than $100101 - 500501 - 10001001 - 15001501 - 20002001 - 25002500 & Above
Please select your level of agreement to the following questions.

StronglyDisagreeD i s a g r e e I n d i f
f e r e n t A g r e e S t r o n g
l y A g r e e

1 2 3 4 530. I think shopping on the internet savestime.31. It is a great advantage to

be able to shop at any timeof the day on the internet.

32. It is more difficult to shop on the internet.

33. I prefer traditional/conventional shopping to onlineshopping.

34. Shopping online is risky.

35. I believe online shopping will eventually supersedetraditional shopping.

36. I will prefer online shopping only if online prices arelower than actual price,

37. A long time is required for the delivery of productsand services on the internet

38. Selection of goods available on the internet is verybroad,

39. The description of products shown on the websites are very accurate,

40. The information given about the products andservices on the internet is sufficient.

41. Online shopping is as secure as traditionalshopping,

42. While shopping online, I hesitate to give my creditcard number,

43. Internet reduces the monetary costs of traditionalshopping to a great extent (parking
fees etc.)

44. The fact that only those with a credit card or bankaccount can shop on the internet is
a drawback,

45. I would be frustrated about what to do if I amdissatisfied with a purchase made from
the internet.

How important are the following factors in your decision to purchase goods frominternet?

VeryUnimportantUnimportantNeither Important
nor UnimportantImportantVeryImportant

1 2 3 4 546. Delivery time47. Reputation of the company

48. Guarantees and Warrantees

49. Privacy of the information

50. Good description of goods.

51. Security

52. Prices
How important are each of the following factors in refraining/keeping you fromshopping
on the internet.

VeryUnimportantUnimportantNeither Important
nor UnimportantImportantVeryImportant

1 2 3 4 553. Waiting to receive the product54. Risk of credit card transactions

55. Risk of identity theft

56. Difficulty in returning products/items

57. Risk of not getting what I paid for 58. Risk of loss of privacy59. Not skillful with internet

60. Lack of trustworthiness of Vendors

61. Complex compared to Traditional Shopping

63. Not being able to touch products

64. More expensive than those sold in retail stores

65. I have undergone bad experience


Male Female
67. Age
68. Your education level
High School DiplomaBachelors’ DegreeMaster DegreePhD Degree
69. Occupation
UndergraduateStudentGraduatestudentProfessor UniversityStaff

70. Annual Income

Less than $12,000.00$12,001.00 to $24,000.00$24,001.00 to $36,000.00$36,001.00 to $48,000.00$48,001.00 to
$60,000$60,001.00 to $72,000$72,001.00 to $84,000More than $84,001.0

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