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Overview of the Business

BearCraft Company is a new business

that enables us to reduce, reuse and recycle

plastic garbage in our community. The business

operates to be a sole proprietorship. It is a

furniture company that targets the parents

especially the mothers for the usage of their

kids. The BearCraft Company offers the Chair

Bear – a furniture inspired product which is

mostly made out of recycled materials such as

plastic bottles and used cloting or fabrics. This

will utilize recycling of any other supposedly

thrown away materials which will help alleviate

the garbage problem in the community. As such,

this gives us a unique opportunity to make a

very positive contribution to the community and

the environment.

Furthermore, Chair Bear is a 2 – in – 1

usable product; a chair and a storage that is

refurbished to be able to showcase an attractive

product for kids. This children’s chair has its

built in storage so that the children can have

more storage for their toys and etcetera. Thus, it

is indeed beneficial for the parents, the kids and

their home. Generally, this business doesn’t

only aim for their profit maximization for they are

also an advocate of the environment through

helping in the decrease of plastic garbage


B. Core Values
The company’s core values is based

on ”I CARE” – Integrity, Concern, Affordable,

Resourceful, and Eco – friendly.

 Integrity

BearCraft Company practices and

upholds honesty and fairness towards

customers and co-employees.

 Concern

BearCraft is a company whose

main concern is not only to gain profit but

also to care for the environment.

 Affordable

Sells high quality products in an

affordable price for customer satisfaction.

 Resourceful
Able to deal with new and difficult

situations; give solutions to problems that

may arrise in the volatile business world.

 Eco-friendly

Provides eco-friendly, cute, and

artsy chairs made from recyclable

materials for the kids.

C. Mission , Vision and Goals

Our Vision

We envision the BearCraft to

be a foremost provider of eco-friendly,

cutie, and artsy chairs that are made

from recyclable materials for the kids

in the community as well as to be a

renowned agent of change by

restraining plastic pollution in the


Our Mission

Our mission is to produce eco-

friendly, cutie chairs that are

committed to give comforts to our

customers and a contribution to our

social plastic-garbage problem.

Our Goals

 Provide good quality, durable,

and creative product

 Deliver satisfaction to

customers by building good

relationships and giving good

quality product.
 Capture the hearts of young


 Ensure the usefulness and

safeness of the product

especially to kids

 Raise an awareness in helping

the environment and reduce

garbage pollution

 Set clear financial objectives in

terms of funding and profit

D. Logo of the Business

The logo symbolizes love and care. The

chair in the logo symbolizes the main goal of the

company— it is to provide furniture for the children.

The colors purple and blue we're used because

these colors are perfect as representation for the

BearCraft Company. According to the Psychology

of Colors, the color Blue is usually used to promote

cleanliness and stability of products. This is one of

the main goals of the company; to promote

cleanliness by using recyclable materials for their

product at the same time ensuring its stability and

durability to be able to deliver comfort to children.

On the other hand, the color Violet is associated

with creativity. The company possesses creativity

for they refurbished their products to be able to

showcase an attractive product for kids. Also, the

color Violet is used when marketing products to

children. Moreover, the certain shape at the back

of the company name symbolizes diversity and

flexibility that the company is able to cope up with

anything or to be able to deal with new and difficult

situations. This is in accordance with one of the

company's core values which is to be resourceful.

E. Business Standard of Conduct and Standard

of Practice



Section 1 – Dress Code

1.1 Employees must wear formal business

attire in order to show a professional and

business like image to clients, visitors,

customers and the public. The company

expects the employees to be clean and well-

1.2 The company’s official dress code for

employees includes slacks, blouses, suits,

ties, white shirt, polo shirt, pencil skirts,

loafers, and boots.

1.3 Employees should avoid wearing clothes

that are ripped, messy, too revealing or

otherwise inappropriate.

Section 2 – Attendance and Tardiness

1.1 Employees are expected to arrive 15

minutes early in the office before the

starting of business hours which is 7:45

AM during weekdays and

1.2 An employee is considered tardy when

1.2.1 Arrives to work past his/her

scheduled start time

1.2.2 Leaves work prior to the end of

assigned/scheduled work time

without prior supervisory


1.3 An employee is considered absent when

he/she is unavailable for work as

scheduled and such time off was not

approved in advance as required by

department notification procedure.

Section 3 – Using of internet and mobile devices

1.1 Wi-Fi or internet connection available in

the office is mainly used for business

1.2 When using the internet or computers

one must avoid:

1.2.1 Sending confidential

information to unauthorized


1.2.2 Avoid downloading or

uploading offensive or illegal


1.2.3 Doing illicit actions, like

hacking, fraud and invading

one’s privacy.

1.2.4 Transporting discriminatory

messages and content.

1.2.5 Spamming other people’s

emails, including co-workers.

1.3 Using mobile phones during business

hours for personal use or entertainment

is strictly prohibited especially if it can

cause a distraction to work.

1.4 However, the company allows using of

mobile phones when it can benefit

business work like opening productivity

applications. As well as, when an

employee must answer an emergency


Section 4 – Employee Relationships

1.1 We encourage employees to have a

harmonious relationship between peers

as it can help them communicate and


1.2 Our company embraces employees

coming from different background,

nationality, religion, culture or race

because we believe that through

diversity, we can achieve a healthy

working environment. Thus, we want

also our employees do the same by

respecting and accepting each other’s


Section 5 - Dating co-workers

1.5 Our company allows dating colleagues.

Though, we are expecting both parties to

maintain professionalism inside our

office and keep private discussions


1.6 Both parties must also understand that

they are in a working environment and

should avoid expressing physical

affection towards each other.

1.7 Other employees must also respect to

their colleagues that are dating. Our

company won’t tolerate sexual jokes,

malicious gossip and improper




Section 1- Workplace Safety

2.1 Deadly weapons, alcohol, and

intoxicating liquor are strictly prohibited

within the vicinity of the BearCraft


2.2 Waste products and hazardous

materials must be cleaned up and

properly disposed on a daily basis so as

to avoid the occurrence of any damage

or physical harm.

2.3 Electrical wires, extension cords and

power cords shall be free from kinks,

cuts, or electrical tape. A hired

electrician is the only person who can

properly fix electrical cords; otherwise,

they will have to be replaced.

2.4 The manager needs to ensure a safe

working environment in which accidents

to employees, customers, or others and

incidents harmful to the environment are

to be avoided as much as possible.

2.5 Every employee is responsible for

maintaining a safe and orderly workplace

for their fellow employees and especially

for the customers by adhering to the

workplace safety policies and promptly

reporting accidents, injuries and unsafe

equipment, practices or conditions.

Section 2: Protection and Proper Use of Company


2.1 All employees must receive training and

proper instructions on the operations of

facilities and equipments within their

areas of responsibility for the

performance of their duties.

2.2 Company equipments should not be

used for non-BearCraft Company

business without prior authorization from

the manager or authorized personnel of

the company.

2.3 No materials shall be taken from the

company's property or the store site

without written authorization such as in

the form of a "Gate Pass" duly authorized

by the company or the owner himself.

Section 3: Maintaining Peace and Order in the


2.1 All employees must avoid injuring others,

their property, reputation, or employment

by false or despiteful actions.

2.2 All employees are accountable for setting

a good example and behaving in a

professional manner which will not offend

or humiliate others especially the


2.3 Employees, and anyone associated with

the company must restrain from making

comments or engaging in situations

which they know or should know is

intimidating, humiliating, offensive or


2.4 Employees must care about their

responsibility to build and maintain a

respectful workplace, where customers

and employees enjoy a working

environment wherein the dignity and self-

esteem of every person is valued and

which is free of repulsive remarks and




Section 1. Customer Commitment

3.1 BearCraft is a customer committed

business. Customers are of priority,

employees are to develop a relationship

that is consistent in character and is

visible by the appropriateness of

thoughts, actions reflected and words

used in the establishment, committed in

developing comfortable products for kids.

3.2 Performances of services are followed

by certain members. Employees

adherence to work schedules and hours

of services are prioritized by the

establishment to be followed accordingly

for effective workplace and services

provided to our customers.

3.3 Employees are to engage only in

conversation that is of importance to the

business. In which performances are

based on their knowledge, skills, and

experience. Information must not be used

for personal gain or in any manner in and

out of the establishment despite the given

relationship for protection of both parties.

Section 2 Customer Relationship

3.1 BearCraft employees are to provide a

caring service for our customers,

employees are tasked to greet customers

a friendly greeting, a smile and an open

body language to develop and open

relationship between two parties, so as to

give an unforgettable service to our


3.2 Employees are to treat customers with

care and when a customer approaches

any employee, always assist in any way

possible. In adherence to our core

values, a customer must and always be

guided accordingly through in or out of

the business establishment. And in some

cases that is not into the employee’s

expertise, every employees are tasked to

assist a customer to the hands of the

expert employee in a given field.

3.3 BearCraft establishment is run by

different employees at a given field of

expertise. In cases of a customer

transacting with the business; discharged

paperwork of the business should and

must always be discharged within the

premises and by the assigned employee

to ensure all paper works and the likes

are discussed accordingly and in a

coherent way that customers should


Section 3 Business Integrity

3.1 To sound morally and ethical at work.

Employees are to perform their fields of

expertise at work with honesty for the

benefit of both parties. It is also a

requirement of an employee before

entering the establishment to create and

maintain honest relationship with

customers and the outside members of

the business.

3.2 Effective Interpersonal relationship is

built through trust and truthfulness.

Respect to co-workers with appropriate

conversion also leads to creating

respectful and appropriate conversations

with customers daily. Employees are to

manage time, on which is which at times

and when to socialize and when to work


3.3 Disclosures and contribution to the

ethical objectives of the business.

Employees are to avoid unfair treatment

inside the establishment and especially to

customers. Biased assessments are

discourage as the parties involved will

then create misunderstandings during

situations and given activities within the

company and thus creating conflict in the

organization and of outside surrounding

at the same time.



Our client’s information is what we care and

value the most aside from our reputation; therefore,

to maintain a strong relationship with them the

business upholds the value of confidentiality to

ensure our client’s personal informations are in

good hands.
SECTION 1 - Confidential Information and Privacy

Protection of the Business

4.1 Employees must uphold the mantra “

What you see, what you hear, when you

leave, leave it here”.

4.2 Each employee should only deal with the

data that is related to his/her duties.

4.3 Retain possession of disseminating

informations that are beyond employees

control to prevent the spread of false

particulars and informations.

4.4 The group must have a safe which

contains all the confidential documents of

the business with only one particular

person in charge.

SECTION 2 - Confidentiality of Client’s Information

4.1 Employees are not allowed to dwell with

his/her client’s personal informations.

4.2 Client’s are assured that their files and

personal informations are kept

confidentially to avoid scammers or

individuals to get their details.

F. Table of Offences and Sanctions



This table provides a list of common

infractions, along with a suggested range of

penalties for each. This will hold as the

guidelines of the business with regards to

the imposition of penalties to the

corresponding offence. If the evidence at

hand show the gravity of offence so warrants


Legend Sanction

1st ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 – Warning

2nd ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 – Reprimand

3rd ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 – Suspension

4th ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 – Exclusion

5th ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 - Expulsion

Occurrence and
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Nature of Offence
LEVEL I (Warning to Suspension)
1. Not in proper dress code 1 2 3
2. Late for 30 minutes 1 2 3
3. Absent for 1 day without
proper excuse or 1 2 3
4. Giving improper
1 2 3
5. Poor customer treatment 1 2 3

Occurrence and
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Nature of Offence
LEVEL 2 (Reprimand to Exclusion)
1. Wearing ripped, messy,
revealing attire upon 2 3 4
entering the workplace.
2. Late for 1 hour or more 2 3 4
3. Consecutive absences
without proper excuse or 2 3 4
4. Using the internet for
entertainment during 2 3 4
working hours
5. PDA in the workplace 2 3 4
6. Giving sexual jokes 2 3 4 5
7. Malicious gossip 2 3 4 5
8. Bringing alcohol to
2 3 4

Occurrence and
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Nature of Offence
LEVEL 3 (Suspension to Exclusion)
1. Bringing deadly weapons
3 4
inside the workplace
2. Leaving the workplace
unattended and can cause 3 4
harm to other employees
3. Bringing out company’s
3 4
equipments for personal use
4. Accusing colleagues any
false or despiteful actions
3 4
that can harm their property,
reputation or employment.
5. Harming the
customers/colleagues to the
3 4
extent of them to need
immediate medical attention
6. Causing big damage to the
company’s property (e.g. 3 4
sunog btch sunog)
7. Leaving a confidential file
3 4

Occurrence and
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Nature of Offence
LEVEL 4 (Exclusion to Expulsion)
1. Giving out confidential
information to unauthorized
4 5
recipients, for personal use
or any instances
2. Stealing/Theft 4 5
3. Swindling 4 5
4. Failing to keep all the files in
tact especially the
4 5
confidential files of the
5. Envading the clients
personal information for 4 5
personal and other uses
6. 4 5
7. 4 5
8. 4 5

G. Appendices

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