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“A study on Employee Satisfaction towards Welfare Measures provided at AXIS BANK,


Project Report



Pt.RavishankarShukla University


Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of Degree of

Bachelor of business administration



6th semester


Approved By Guided by
Principal Asst.Professor.
DISHA COLLEGE, Raipur Disha college

Chapters Particulars Page No.

1 Introduction
2 Company profile
3 Research methodology
4 Data and interpretation
5 Findings and limitation
6 Suggestion and conclusion
Annexture i. Bibliography
ii. Webliography
iii. Questionnaire

This is to certify that the project work entitled “A study on employee

satisfaction towards welfare measures at AXIS BANK, Raipur”submitted by “Purva
Tawri” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of “Bachelors of
Business Administration”, session 2018-2019 at Disha College affiliated to Pt. Ravishankar
Shukla University, Raipur, is a record of the student’s own work. This work has not been
submitted to any other university or institute for the award of any other degree or diploma, to
the best of my knowledge.





This is to certify that the project report entitled “A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION
TOWARDS WELFARE MEASURES AT AXIS BANK, RAIPUR”done by me is an authentic work
carried out for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Bachelors of Business Administration under the guidance of Mrs. Sarita Jaswani Gehi.

Purva Tawri

BBA 6th sem

Disha College, Raipur.


This is to certify that the project work entitled “ A Study on Employee Satisfaction towards
welfare measures at Axis Bank, Raipur” partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of the degree of Bachelors of Business Administration, session 2018-2019 at Disha
College affiliated to Pt.Ravishankar Shukla university, Raipur, is carried out by Purva Tawri at
Disha College, under my supervision and guidance. The matter embodied in this project is a
genuine work done by the student and has not been submitted to any other University or
Institute for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of my known.

Mrs. Sarita Jaswani Gehi

Asst. Professor (management)

Disha college, Raipur.





“Welfare is a broad concept referring to a state of living of an individual or a group, in a
desirable relationship with the total environment, ecological, economic, and social welfare
includes both the social and economic contents.

The industrial progress depends on a satisfied labor force, and the importance of
employee welfare measures. After the placement of the employees, they should be given proper
training and programmers’ to develop their efficiency so as to serve the organizations
better. Welfare facilities are designed to take care of the well – being of the employees. They do
not generally result only in monetary benefit. These welfare measures are provided by
government Non – Government agencies and the employers.


The Oxford Dictionary defines employee Welfare as ‘Efforts to make life worth living
for workmen’. The concept of ‘Labor welfare’ us flexible elastic and differs widely with time
region, industry social values, customers’ degree of industrialization, the general socio –
development of the people and the political ideologies prevailing at a particular moments.
The International Employee Organization defined Employee Welfare as such services,
facilities and amenities as may be established in or in the vicinity of undertakings to enable the
persons employed in them to perform their work in healthy, congenial surroundings and provided
with amenities conducive to good health and high morale”.
The Encyclopedia of Social Science defines Employee Welfare as “The voluntary efforts
of the employers to establish, within the existing industrial system, working and sometimes,
living and cultural conditions of the employees beyond what is required by law, the custom of
the country and the conditions of the market”.


Labor welfare work aims at providing, such service facilities and amenities which enable
the employees employed in industries / factories to perform their work in a healthy, congenial
surrounding conducive to good health and morale.
Employee welfare aspects can be considered into negative and positive aspects. IN the
negative side, employee welfare is concerned with counteracting the harmful effects of the large
scale industrialization on the personal, family and social life of the worker. In its positive side,
it deals with the provision of opportunities for the worker and his family for a socially and
personally good life.
Types of employee Welfare Services
Employee welfare services can be classified into two
a) Intra – Mural
b) Extra – Mural

Activities consists of such welfare schemes provided within the organizations as medical
facilities, compensation for accidents, provision of crèches and canteens, supply of drinking
water, washing and bathing facilities, provision of safety measures such as fencing and covering
of machines, good layout of the machinery and plant, sufficient lighting, first aid appliances, fire
extinguishers; activities relating to improving conditions of employment, recruitment, discipline
and provision of provident fund, pension and gratuity, and maternity benefits etc.

Activities cover the services and facilities provided outside the organization such as,
housing accommodation, indoor and outdoor recreation facilities, amusement and sports,
educational facilities for adults and children, provision for libraries and reading rooms.

The factories act contains provisions about welfare of employee, these are as follows;
 There shall be separate and adequately screened washing facilities for the use of male and female
 There shall be suitable arrangement for all employees to sit for taking rest if they are obliged to
work in a standing position.
 There shall be provided the required number of first aid boxes or cupboards (at the rate of one for
every 200 employees) equipped with the prescribed contents readily available during the
working hours of the organization.


Statutory benefits are contained as follows:

Every organization shall keep by daily sweeping or washing the floors and work rooms
and by using disinfectant where necessary. Walls, doors, and windows shall be repainted or
revarnished at least once in every 5 years.
Effective arrangements shall be made for ventilation. So as to provide comfort to the
employee in there working environment.

There shall be effective arrangements for wholesome drinking water employees at
convenient points. If their number is more than 250 then the arrangement shall be make for cool
drinking water during hot weather.

There shall be sufficient number of urinals, clean, well ventilated, conveniently situated
and built according to prescribed standards separately for male and female employees.

The Oxford dictionary defines Employee Welfare as” efforts to make life worth living for
workmen”. These efforts have their origin either in some stature formed by the state of in some
local customer or in a collective agreement or in the employer’s own initiative. An employer
may voluntarily initiate labour welfare measures in his undertaking with the following
To give expression to philanthropic and paternalistic feelings.
To win over employees loyalty and increase their morale.
To combat trade uniform and socialist ideas.
To build up stable lab our force, to reduce lab our turnover and absenteeism.
To develop efficiency and productivity among employees.
To save oneself from heavy taxes on public image.
To reduce the threat of further of government intervention.
To make recruitment more effective.
It is, however, difficult to precisely define the scope of labour welfare efforts, Different
writers have defined it in different ways. Some writers say that only voluntarily efforts on the
part of employers to improve.


1. Employee welfare includes various facilities services and amenities provided to employees for
improving their health, efficiency, economics betterment and social status.
2. Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits available to
employees due to legal provisions and collective bargaining.
3. Labour welfare measures are flexible and ever- changing. new welfare measures are added to
the existing ones form time to time.
4. Welfare measures may be introduced by the Employers, Government, and Employees or by any
Social or charitable agency.
5. The purpose of lab welfare is to bring about the development of the whole personality of the
worker to make him a good worker and a good citizen.


1. Services like housing schemes, medical benefits and education and recreation facilities for the
worker’s family’s help to create better goodwill.. This will help them to devote mind towards
their work to gain in terms of productivity and quality of work.
2. Welfare facilities provide better physical and mental health to the employees.
3. Employee’s services serve to maintain some degree of peace with the employee union.
4. Employees secure the benefits of high efficiency, cordial industrial relations and low labour
absenteeism and turnover.
5. Employee welfare measures rate labour productivity and bring industrial peace and cordial
labour absenteeism relation.
6. An employee is able to abstract talented works from the employee market by providing
attractive welfare facilities.
It is felt that if they are properly looked after, they will be loyal to the company.


Non – statutory welfare has been perceived to bring allegiance to the organization that
has bestowed facilities to bring allegiance to the employees. The assumption generally has been
made that increased allegiance and loyally to the organization will result in high productivity.


1. Urinals.
2. Washing facilities.
3. Crèches.
4. Canteens.
5. Arrangements for drinking water.
6. Arrangements for prevention of fatigue.
7. Health service including occupation safety.
8. Administrative arrangements within an organization to look after employees.


1. Maternity benefits.
2. Social insurance measures, including gratuity, pension, provident fund and rehabilitation.
3. Benevolent funds.
4. Medical facilities, including programmers for physical fitness and efficiency; family planning
and child welfare.
5. Education facilities including adult education.
6. Housing facilities.
7. Recreation facilities, including sport, cultural activities, library and reading room.
8. Holiday homes and leave travel facilities.
9. Employees co-operative, including consumer’s co-operative stores fair price shops and co-
operative shrift and credit societies.
10. Vocational training for dependents of employees;
11. Other programmers for the welfare of women, youth and children
12. transport to and from the place of work

International employee organization has defined the social security as “That security that
society furnishes, through appropriate organizations, against certain risks to which its members
are exposed”. These risks are ignorance, want, disease, squalor and unemployment. The man
requires freedom from these contingencies and the provisions against these risks can be labeled
as social security measures.
According to B.P. ADARKAR ‘Social security is the security that society furnishes
through appropriate organization against certain risks to which its members are exposed”. Social
security is that security which the society furnishes through appropriate organization against
certain risks or contingencies to its members to which are exposed.
Some of the social security measures introduced in the company are;
a) Compensation in case of industrial accidents and injury
b) Protection against illness
c) Maternity benefits to women employees.
d) Provident funds
e) Old age pension and gratuity
f) Health insurance
The connotation of the term ‘Social Security” varies from country to country with
different political ideologies. In socialist countries, the avowed goal is complete protection to
every citizen from the cradle to the grave. In other nations it is a measure of protection offered
to all needy citizens by means of schemes evolved by democratic process consistent with
resources of the state.
According to the social security convention adopted by the ILO in 1952, following are
the components of social security.
II. Provident fund.
III. Gratuity
IV. Bonus
V. Casual Leaves
VI. Sickness / Medical leaves
VII. Family security schemes
VIII. Insurance schemes
IX. Accident Benefits
X. Unemployment benefit
XI. Maternity benefit
Social security schemes may be of two types:
a. Social Assistance, under which the state finances the entire cost of the facilities and benefits
provided. Here benefits are paid after testing the financial position of the beneficiary.
b. Social Insurance, under which the state organizes the facilities financed by contributions from
the both the employees and employers with or without a subsidy from the state. Here, benefits
are paid on the basis of the contribution record of the beneficiary without testing his means.


1. To Analyze employee satisfaction towards the statutory welfare schemes adopted at Axis
Bank, Raipur, particularly
-creche facility
-recreation of employee.

2. To study satisfaction of employees towards various non-statutory measures at Axis bank

-educational facilities
-medical facilities
-Flexi time
- canteen facilities.

3. To know the satisfaction level of employees regarding welfare activities and view
towards the bank policies of providing welfare facilities.

4. To analyze and suggest further improvement of existing employee welfare facilities in the

Axis Bank is the third-largest of the private-sector banks in India offering a comprehensive suite
of financial products. The bank has its head office in MUMBAI, Maharashtra. It has 4000
branches as of 25 March, 2019. It has 12,705 ATMs and 3.548 cash recyclers spread across the
country as on 31 December, 2018 and ten international officers. The bank employs over 55,000
people and had a market capitalization of Rs.1.13 trillion(as on March 21,2018). It sells financial
services to large and mid-size corporates, SME, and retail businesses.

. The Company is one of leading private insurance companies, offering a range of

individual and group insurance solutions, in India. Being a joint venture of top financial services
groups, Axis Bank has adequate financial expertise to manage long-term investments safely and

Axis Bank offers a range of individual and group solutions, which can be easily
personalized to specific needs. Its group solutions have been planned to offer complete
flexibility, together with a low charging structure.

Axis Bank Limited

Type Private
Traded as BSE : 532215
Industry Banking and financial services
Founded 1993, 26 years ago.
Headquarters Mumbai, Maharashtra ,India
Number of locations 399 branches
Area served Worldwide
Key people Sanjiv Mishra
Amitabh Choudhry
(MD and CEO)
Products Retail banking, corporate
banking, investment banking,
mortgage loans, private banking,
wealth management, credit cards,
finance and insurance
Revenue 56,747 crores(US$93
Operating income 5,195 crores(US$720
Net income 276 crores (US$38
Total assets 6,65,084 crores (US$93
No of employees 59,600(2018)

As of 30 June 2016, 30.81% shares are owned by promoters and promoter group (United India
Insurance Company Limited, Oriental Insurance Company Limited, National Insurance
Company Limited, New India Assurance Company Ltd, GIC, LIC and UTI).The remaining
69.19% shares are owned by mutual funds, FIIs, banks, insurance companies, corporate bodies,
and individual investors among others.


UTI Bank opened its registered office in Ahmedabad and corporate office in Mumbai in
December 1993.The first branch was inaugurated on 2 April 1994 in Ahmedabad by Dr.
Manmohan Singh, the then Finance Minister of India. UTI Bank began its operations in 1993,
after the Government of India allowed new private banks to be established. The Bank was
promoted in 1993 jointly by the Administrator of the Unit Trust of India (UTI-I), Life Insurance
Corporation of India (LIC), General Insurance Corporation, National Insurance Company, The
New India Assurance Company, The Oriental Insurance Corporation and United India Insurance

In 2001 UTI Bank agreed to merge with and amalgamate Global Trust Bank, but the Reserve
Bank of India (RBI) withheld approval and nothing came of this. In 2004 the RBI put Global
Trust into moratorium and supervised its merger into Oriental Bank of Commerce.

In 2003 UTI Bank became the first Indian bank to launch the travel currency card.

In 2005, UTI bank got listed on London Stock Exchange.

UTI Bank opened its first overseas branch in 2006 Singapore. That same year it opened a
representative office in Shanghai, China. UTI Bank opened a branch in the Dubai International
Financial Centre in 2007. That same year it began branch operations in Hong Kong. In 2008 it
opened a representative office in Dubai.

With effect from July 30, 2007, UTI Bank changed its name to Axis Bank.

Axis Bank opened a branch in Colombo in October 2011, as a Licensed Commercial Bank
supervised by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Also in 2011, Axis Bank opened a representative
offices in Abu Dhabi. In 2011, Axis bank inaugurated Axis House, its new corporate office in
Worli, Mumbai.

In 2013, Axis Bank's subsidiary, Axis Bank UK commenced banking operations. Axis Bank UK
has a branch in London.

Deepika Padukone, Bollywood actress is the brand ambassador of Axis Bank.

In 2015, Axis Bank opens its representative office in Dhaka.

The bank has over 50,000 employees (as of 31 March 2016). The bank incurred ₹26.7 billion
(US$370 million) on employee benefits during the FY 2012–13. The average age of an Axis
Bank employee is 29 years. The attrition rate in Axis Bank is approximately 9% per year.


 Retail Banking:-
In the retail category, the bank offers services such as lending to individuals and small businesses
subject to the orientation, product and granularity criterion, along with liability products, card
services, Internet banking, automated teller machines (ATM) services, depository, financial
advisory services, and Non-resident Indian (NRI) services.[21] Axis bank is a participant in
RBI's NEFT enabled participating banks list.

 Corporate Banking:-
:The bank offers various loan and fee-based products and services to large and mid-corporate
customers and small and medium Enterprise (SME) businesses. These products and services
include cash credit facilities, demand and short-term loans, project finance, export credit,
factoring, channel financing, structured products, discounting of bills, documentary credits,
guarantees, foreign exchange and derivative products. Liability products including current
accounts, certificates and deposits and time deposits are also offered to large and mid-corporate

 Transaction Banking :-
Formed in April 2015, TxB provides integrated products and services to customers in areas of
current accounts, cash management services, capital market services, trade, foreign exchange and
derivatives, cross-border trade and correspondent banking services and tax collections on behalf
of the Government and various State Governments in India.

 Treasury :-
The treasury manages the funding position of the bank and also manages and maintains its
regulatory reserve requirements. It invests in sovereign and corporate debt instruments and
engages in proprietary trading in equity and fixed income securities, foreign exchange,
currency futures and options. It also invests in commercial papers, mutual funds and floating
rate instruments as part of the management of short-term surplus liquidity. It also offers a
wide range of treasury products and services to corporate customers.

 Syndication :-
The bank also provides services of placement and syndication in the form of local currency
bonds, rupee and foreign term loans and external commercial borrowings.

 Investment Banking and trustee services :-

:The bank provides investment banking and trusteeship services through its owned subsidiaries.
Axis Capital Limited provides investment banking services relating to equity capital markets,
institutional stock brokering besides M&A advisory. Axis Trustee Services Limited is engaged
in trusteeship activities, acting as debenture trustee and as trustee to various securitization trusts.

 International banking :-
The bank continues to offer corporate banking, trade finance, treasury and risk management
through the branches at Singapore, Hong Kong, DIFC, Shanghai and Colombo, and also retail
liability products from its branches at Hong Kong and Colombo. The representative office at
Dhaka was inaugurated during the current financial year.

The Bank has ten wholly owned subsidiaries:

• Axis Private Equity Ltd.

• Axis Trustee Services Ltd.
• Axis Asset Management Company Ltd.
• Axis Mutual Fund Trustee Ltd.
• Axis Bank UK Ltd.
• Free charge
• Axis Securities Ltd.
• AxisDirect
• Axis Finance Ltd.
• Axis Securities Europe Ltd.
• A. Trends limited.
• Axis Forex.


Our Vision
'The most successful and admired life insurance company, which means that we are the most
trusted company, the easiest to deal with, offer the best value for money, and set the standards in
the industry'.
'The most obvious choice for all'.
Our Values
Values that we observe while we work:
Customer centric
People Care “One for all and all for one”
Team work
Joy and Simplicity
1. Become a National Player - Dominant in North India.
2. Be the Brand of FIRST choice among all stakeholders.
3. Become the employer of Choice.
4. Be the principal of Choice for Agents.


 Best Debt House in India – Euromoney.
 Best Domestic Debt House in India – Asia money.
 Overall Winner & Consistent Performer -(Large Banks Category) - Business Today Best
Bank Awards 2010.

 Bank of the Year – India –The Banker Awards 2011.

 Bank of the Year - Money Today FPCIL Awards 2012-13.
 Best Private Sector Bank - CNBC-TV18 India’s Best Bank and Financial Institution
Awards 2012.
 Consistent Performer - India’s Best Banks – 2012 Survey by Business Today & KPMG.
 Gold Shield for Excellence in Financial Reporting in the Private Banks category - 2011-
12 - ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India)

 Axis Bank ranked No 1 company to work for in the BFSI sector - 'The Best Companies to
Work for' survey by Business Today.
 Ranked No 1 in the IT Biz Award - large enterprises category by Express IT Awards.
 Innovation for 2013 for Ladies First card under ‘the Most Innovative Broad Based
Product Offering’ category- IBA Innovations Award.

 Axis Bank Foundation conferred Outstanding Corporate Foundation at Forbes India,
Philanthropy Awards, 2014.
 Best Domestic Bank in India- Asia-money Best Banks 2014.
 Best Bank Award among Large Banks for IT For Business Innovation- IDRBT Banking
 Technology Excellence Awards 2014.
 Axis Bank featured for the fourth time in Asia's Fab50 companies for 2014 by Forbes
 Best Bank for Rural Reach in the Private Sector and Best Retail Growth Performance in
the Private Sector category- Dun & Bradstreet-Polaris Financial Technology Banking
Awards 2014.
 Axis Bank has been adjudged winner in the Best Bank Category, Outlook Money Awards
 Axis Bank awarded for the Best Security among Private Sector Banks in India by Data
Security Council of India (DSCI).
 Axis Bank conferred the Certificate of Recognition for excellence in Corporate
Governance by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), for the year 2015.
 Best Domestic Bank in India- Asia money Best Banks 2015.
 Axis Bank's Mobile App tops Forrester Research's review of Smartphone Mobile
Banking Apps in India.
 Axis Bank was selected as the Best Private Sector Bank under the category Rural Reach
at the Dun & Bradstreet Banking Awards 2015.
 Axis Bank has been conferred with IDRBT Best Bank Award for Digital Banking,
Analytics & Big Data among large banks.
 Axis Bank has been featured in Limca Book of Records 2015 for creating a National
Record for its campaign - 'Plant a Sapling'.
 Axis bank has been awarded the title of Super brand 2014-2015, by Super brands.
 No. 1 Promising Banking Brand of 2015, Economic Times Awards 2015.
 Winner in the 'Best Payment Initiatives' category amongst Private Sector Banks, IBA
Banking Technology Awards 2015.


Axis Banks's equity shares are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock
Exchange of India. The company's global depository receipts (GDRs) are listed on the London
Stock Exchange. The Bonds issued by the Bank under the MTN programme are listed on the
Singapore Stock Exchange.


3.1 RESEARCH :- Research is a process of finding solution to a problem after a
thorough study and analysis of the situational factors.

Preliminary stage of study – a employee satisfaction, potential employee and
existing employee numbering 25 was conducted to arrive at key deliverables,
which would ensure employee satisfaction.The research tool (questionnaire )used
was designed by the various queries, based in the deliverable, which would reflect
the employee satisfaction.


“Research design is the arrangement of activities for the collection and analysis of
the data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the purpose with economy
in procedure.

For this study the design used was descriptive. Descriptive design as the
name itself implies, is conducted to describe something. This study describes the
factors that lead to the performance appraisal system existing in AXIS BANK.
Here the descriptive research was conducted to find out the information about the
factor and to spot light the areas that need the management’s attention.


Data collection is a term used to describe a process of preparing and collection of

data. The purpose of data collection is to obtain information to keep on record, to
make decision about important issues, to pass information to others .Data
collection is an important aspect of any type of research study. Inaccurate data can
affect the results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results. ATA collection
methods for impact evaluation vary along a continuum. At the one end of this
continuum are quantitative methods and the other end of continuum Are qualitative
methods of data collection.


Source of data
Both primary and secondary data were collected for this study.

Primary data :-
The objective of the study has been accomplished with the help of primary
data collected from 25 workers.
The pre-decided number of samples has been selected based on the
(Probability Sampling) simple random sampling method. For the selection of
samples from the personnel department, from the list of 35 workers by name,
department, and nature of duty have been collected and from this list 25 samples
have been selected randomly for the present study.

The selected samples are met in person and the required data have been
collected with the help of a structured questionnaire.

Secondary data :-
Secondary data are those data, which are already available in internal
records, trade or government publication and are already gathered for some
purpose. It includes those data which are collected for some earlier research work
and are applicable in the study that the researcher has presently undertaken. The
process of secondary data collection and analysis is called desk research. Methods
of collecting secondary data are:-
- Semi govt. publication.
- Publications of universities and research institutes.
- Publications of commercial and financial institutions.
- Report of commission and committees.
- Newspaper and periodicals.
- Publications of international bodies.


Sampling Method

The entire group from which a sample is chosen is known as sampling unit.
The research data was collected from employees of Axis Bank.


The population size was 35. Out of which, we have selected 25 employees.


The technique used for the research is Probability Sampling because the
population is finite. The Sampling technique selected for the study is Simple
random sampling technique. It is one where respondents are selected from the total
Simple random sample is a group of subjects (a sample) chosen from a
larger group (a population). Each subject from the population is chosen randomly
and entirely by chance such that each subject has the same probability of being
chosen at any stage during the sampling process. This process and technique is
known as Simple Random Sampling.


The collected data have been analyzed with the help of tools like simple
percentage method.


Simple percentage analysis refers to a ratio. With the help of absolute
figures it will be difficult to interpret any meaning from the collected data, but
when percentages are found out then it becomes easy to find the relative difference
between two or more attributes.


Que. 1. Since how many years, you are working with Axis Bank ?

S.No. Particulars Respondent Percentage

A 1 year
B 2- 5 years
C 5 years
D More than 5 years
Total 100%

Interpretation :

The above graph shows that Employees has been working for more than 5 years
in the firm. The chart also shows that % of employees are working since years.
And employees are working for years.
Que. 2. Which welfare facilities are available to you on routine basis at Axis
Bank? Please select :

S.No. Particulars Respondent Percentage

A Educational
B Vocational training
C Maternity benefits
D Recreation
E Canteen facility
Total 100%

Interpretation :

The above graph clearly shows that % of employees

Que. 3. Are you satisfied with the working environment and the ventilation
provided to you by your organization ?

S.No. Particulars Respondent Percentage

A Highly satisfied
B Satisfied
C Neutral
D Unsatisfied
Total 100%

Interpretation :

The above pie chart shows that % of the employees are satisfied and % of
employees are not satisfied with the working environment and ventilation facility
provided by the organization.
Que. 4. Rate the employee recreation facility provided to you at Axis Bank ?

S. No. Particulars Respondent Percentage

A Excellent
B Very good
C Good
D Poor
Total 100%

Interpretation :

From the above graph, we can conclude that respondents are

Que. 5. Do you think employee welfare activities of the organization gives you
a feeling of safety and improves your performance ?

S. No. Particulars Respondent Percentage

A Great extent
B Limited extent
C Satisfactory
D Dissatisfactory
Total 100%

Interpretation :

The above pie chart shows that % of the employees are satisfied and % of
employees are not satisfied with the various welfare measures provided by the
organization and doesn’t give them a feeling of safety.
Que. 6. How frequently do you get increments ?

S. No. Particulars Respondent Percentage

A Not every year
B In 2 years
C In every 3 years
D As per work done
Total 100%

Interpretation :
Que. 7. Rate the overtime allowance offered to you by Axis Bank ?

S. No. Particulars Respondent Percentage

A Highly satisfactory
B Satisfactory
C Average
D Dissatisfactory
Total 100%

Interpretation :
Que. 8. Are you satisfied with the maternity benefits provided to you at Axis
Bank Lmt..?
S. No. Particulars Respondent Percentage
A Satisfactory
B Averagely Satisfactory
C Dissatisfactory
D Highly Dissatisfactory
Total 100%

1. The respondent is satisfied with the working environment and nature of

2. Employees welfare schemes are also good.
3. The respondent’s relationship with superior is quite good.
4. The respondent is overall satisfied with the various welfare measures
provided to them.
5. Most of the employee opined that welfare measures plays as a motivational
6. Many events and meetings are organized for formal and informal get
together of employees.
7. Most of the employees are satisfied with the overall medical facility
8. From the study, it was noticed that majority of respondents i.e., 80% of
employees are aware of all the welfare measures provided by the
organization. It means that the organization always think of employees but
still it can improve to satisfy other 20% of the employees.

1. Inadequacy of time was a major limiting factor faced by researcher.

2. The respondents may be biased or infuenced by some other factors.

3. The data was collected during the working hours. Employees were busy
in their routine work, so they were less responsive.




 Tie-ups should be made with hospitals & good educational institutions.

 Overall welfare measures to be tuned with other banks like SBI.
 Canteen facilities are to be improved.
 Having some tie-ups with school management should insure new scheme-
school admission to children of staff on transfer.
 Expect the management to cover all ailments including dental.
 Employees feel satisfied when their views are listed and considered by their
higher authorities.
 Fairness in promotion, unbiased attitude of management & social status are
the factors that are considered to be providing satisfaction to employee.
 Reward should be given to employees for their best performance.
 Job security should be provided to employees.
 Training along with vocational training should be given to employees in
every 6 months to upgrade them.
 There should be a fair grievance redressal mechanism in the organisation.
 Flexible timing can help the employees to avoid pressure from the job and
work can be done with better efficiency.

The development and survival of any organization is influenced by a vital factor “

HUMAN RESOURCE” , so every firm should maintain proper welfare measures
and norms in order to achieve its goals.

In this process, it must provide sophisticated facilities to the employees so that they
can completely dedicate their services to the firm. And this project is one that
explains the methods and implementation of “ HUMAN RESOURCE ”.

Based on the study of ‘Employee satisfaction towards various welfare measures at

Axis Bank, Raipur’, it is clear that the company is very keen in promoting all the
welfare facilities provided by Axis Bank Pvt. Lmt.




Dear Sir/Madam, I Purva Tawri, BBA 6th semester, student of Disha college, Pt.
Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (c.g.) , doing my project work entitled “A
study on employee satisfaction towards welfare measures provided at Axis
Bank, Raipur.” So, I request you to please give your valuable feedback on
questionnaire. The information will be kept confidential and used for academic
purpose only.
Thanking you.

Employee name :-

Designation :-

Department :-

Qualification :- UG ____________ PG ___________

Any other ( please specify) _______

1) Since how many years, you are working with this organisation?
(a). 1 year.
(b). 2-5 years.
©. 5-10 years.
(d). More than 10 years.

2) Which welfare facilities are available to you on a routine basis at Axis bank?
Please select:

(a). Educational.

(b). Vocational training

©. Maternity benefits

(d). Recreation

( e). Canteen facility

3) Are you satisfied with the working environment and the ventilation provided to you by
your organisation?
(a) Highly satisfied
(b) Satisfied
(c) Neutral
(d) Unsatisfied

4) Rate the employee recreation facility provided to you at Axis Bank?

(a) Excellent
(b) Very good
(c) Good
(d) Poor

5) Do you think employee welfare activities of the organisation gives you a feeling of safety
and improves your performance?
(a) Great extent
(b) Satisfactory
(c) Limited extent
(d) Dissatisfactory

6) How frequently do you get increments?

(a). Not every year

(b). In 2 years

© . In 3 years.

(d). As per work done.

7). Rate the overtime allowance offered to you by Axis bank?

(a). Highly satisfactory

(b). Satisfactory

©. Average

(d). Dissatisfactory

8). Are you satisfied with the maternity benefits provided to you at Axis bank lmt.?

(a). Satisfactory

(b). Averagely satisfactory

©. Dissatisfactory

(d). Highly dissatisfory.

9). How do you rate the medical benefits provided by the organisation for the employees and
their families?

Highly satisfied



Highly satisfied

10). What are the allowances paid by your company? Please tick from the following.

( ) Bonus

( ) Vehicle

( ) Medical

( ) Loans

11). Does the welfare measures helps you in solving the problems faced by employees?

(a). Great extent

(b). Satisfactory

©. Limited extent

(d). Dissatisfactory

12). Is your working hours satisfactory?

Highly satisfied


13). How does the company determines your welfare requirements?

(a). Through observations

(b). Through suggestions

( c). Through performance

(d). Through interview

14). According to your perception, please rate the following benefits of employee welfare

Benefits 1 2 3 4 5
Loyalty towards work

Improves physical and mental

Creates efficiency towards
Increases the standand of

15). Does welfare benefits provided by the organisation plays a motivational role towards your

(a). Great extent

(b). Limited extent

( c).Satisfactory

(d). Dissatisfactory
16). Rate the overall satisfaction with employee welfare activities provided by your bank on
scale of 10.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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