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MRSA, Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome,

and Other Cutaneous Bacterial Emergencies
1. State distinguishing clinical features
of important pediatric bacterial skin
2. Describe the evaluation of select
pediatric bacterial skin emergencies.
3. Identify and explain the manage-
ment of bacterial skin emergencies
in children, including important treat-
ment and infection control measures.

David R. Berk, MD, is Assistant Professor

of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Depart-
ment of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics,
Division of Dermatology, Washington
University School of Medicine and St. Louis
Children’s Hospital, St. Louis, MO.
Susan J. Bayliss, MD, is Professor of Der-
matology and Pediatrics, Director of Pediat-
ric Dermatology, Residency Program Direc-
tor, Department of Internal Medicine and
Pediatrics, Division of Dermatology, Wash-
ington University School of Medicine and St.
Louis Children’s Hospital, St. Louis, MO.
Address correspondence to: David R.
Berk, MD, Campus Box 8123, 4921 Parkview
Place, St. Louis, MO 63110; fax: 314-747-
8693; e-mail:
Dr. Berk and Dr. Bayliss have disclosed no
relevant financial relationships.
doi: 10.3928/00904481-20100922-02

David R. Berk, MD; and Susan J. Bayliss, MD


3910Berk.indd 627 9/24/2010 4:21:45 PM


utaneous bacterial infections glycan, allowing cell wall synthesis SSSS
are important to recognize in even in the presence of beta-lactams. SSSS is caused by infections with
pediatrics. Some may actually The mecA gene may be carried on epidermolytic (also known as exfolia-
be emergencies. These include localized small-sized (eg, the staphylococcal tive) toxin (ET)-producing S. aureus.
skin infections, such as methicillin-re- cassette chromosome mec type IV or SSSS preferentially affects newborns
sistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) V of community-acquired MRSA) or and children younger than 5 years.13 The
infections, as well as more generalized large-sized (eg, the staphylococcal nares, conjunctivae, perioral region,
toxin-mediated diseases, such as toxic cassette chromosome mec type I, II, or umbilicus, and perineum are common
shock syndrome (TSS) and staphylo- III of hospital-acquired MRSA) gene foci of infection. When involvement is
coccal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS). cassettes. The latter can also confer localized, infections manifest as bul-
It is important for pediatricians to rec- resistance to many non-beta-lactam lous impetigo. On the other hand, when
ognize and distinguish these cutaneous antibiotics. hematogenous spread of ET occurs, the
bacterial emergencies so treatment and An important virulence factor for generalized form of SSSS develops.
appropriate infection control measures MRSA is Panton-Valentine leukocidin Cutaneous findings include widespread
can be promptly initiated. (PVL). PVL is uncommon among non- erythema, which may start on the head
MRSA isolates. PVL acts as a cytotox- and evolve into superficial skin peel-
MRSA in, causing lysis of leukocytes and tis- ing, flaccid bullae, and denuded tender
MRSA poses therapeutic and pub- sue necrosis. In addition, PVL is more skin (see Figure 2, page 630).14
lic health challenges because of its often found in MRSA strains, which Erythema arises abruptly, spreads
increasing incidence, enhanced viru- contain staphylococcal cassette chro- rapidly, and demonstrates characteris-
lence, and frequent multidrug re- mosome mec type IV or V rather than tic flexural and perioral prominence,
sistance.1-3 MRSA infections most I, II, or III. PVL is encoded by the lukS- including radial perioral fissures. There
commonly involve the skin and soft PV and lukF-PV genes. Other virulence also may be a predilection for areas of
tissues, typically manifesting as sup- factors for MRSA include alpha-hemo- mechanical stress, such as shoulders,
purative lesions such abscesses, fu- lysin and phenol soluble modulins.9 buttocks, hands, and feet. Skin tender-
runcles, folliculitis, or cellulitis (see When possible, incision and drain- ness is a key feature. The Nikolsky sign,
Figure 1, page 629).4-6 Infections may age are a critical part of initial thera- defined as extension of blistering with
occur at any site but especially on the py for skin and soft tissue infections gentle pressure at the edge of a bulla,
buttocks and lower extremities. Be- suspected to be due to MRSA.10,11 may be elicited. Other features include
cause pustular lesions commonly have Antibiotics should be considered as fever, malaise, irritability, purulent rhi-
a necrotic center, they are often con- an adjunctive therapy, especially for norrhea, conjunctivitis, and poor oral
fused with spider bites. Skin and soft- cases with purulent drainage, rapid intake. The primary source of infection
tissue infections caused by MRSA progression, large abscess size, and is often around the head and neck area
cannot be distinguished reliably on the presence of systemic manifesta- or circumcision site. Rarely, SSSS may
clinical grounds from those caused by tions or immunocompromise. Antibi- result from ET derived from extracu-
methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus otic therapy should be based on local taneous infections, such as pneumonia,
aureus.7 Risk factors include trauma resistance patterns and the results of pyomyositis, endocarditis, urinary tract
to the skin, contact with an individual cultures and susceptibility testing. In infection, and septic arthritis.15
infected with MRSA, rectal and/or na- general, non-beta-lactam antibiotics The predilection of SSSS for new-
sal colonization, crowded households, should be used for cases that are ei- borns and young children may be
childcare attendance, antibiotic usage ther suspected to be due to MRSA or caused by decreased renal clearance of
in the past year, contact sports, chronic which do not respond to initial inci- ET and/or the lack of anti-toxin anti-
skin disease, and pets.3 sion, drainage, and beta-lactam antibi- bodies. Outbreaks in nurseries and in-
The mecA gene provides MRSA otics. These agents include clindamy- tensive care units are well described.16
with its methicillin resistance.8 This cin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, Two types of ET mediate SSSS, in-
gene encodes penicillin-binding pro- tetracycline, linezolid, or vancomy- cluding ET-A and ET-B, both of which
tein 2a, a transpeptidase with very cin. Decolonization measures, such are serine proteases.17,18 These two
low affinity for beta-lactams. Penicil- as intranasal mupirocin, dilute bleach ETs target desmoglein-1, a cell adhe-
lin-binding protein 2a catalyzes the baths, and bathing with antimicrobial sion protein located in desmosomes in
transpeptidation reactions of peptido- soaps, can be helpful adjuncts.12 the superficial epidermis, explaining


3910Berk.indd 628 9/24/2010 4:21:49 PM


the superficial cleavage plane within

the stratum granulosum seen in le-
sions of SSSS. These ETs also pos-
sess superantigen activity.19 Strains of
ET-producing S. aureus usually belong
to phage groups 1, 2, or 3, especially
group 2 strains 71 and 55. ET-A is
chromosomally encoded, whereas ET-
B is plasmid derived.
SSSS is a clinical diagnosis that can
be confirmed by culturing S. aureus
from foci of infection, such as from
the nostrils, conjunctivae, umbilicus,
or nasopharynx.20 Culturing exfoliative
lesions and blisters is not helpful be-
cause these are induced by circulating
ET and, therefore, are typically sterile,
Figure 1. Children with abscesses (A) and carbuncles (B) typical of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
unless secondarily infected. Bacte- aureus.
remia is uncommon in children with
SSSS. Occasionally, a skin biopsy or adjustments made based on local re- underlying diseases, such as immuno-
the painless removal and examination sistance patterns and sensitivities of compromise or renal failure.22
of blisters roofs can help to confirm a obtained cultures. Skin care generally
superficial cleavage plane, at the level consists of bland emollients (petro- BULLOUS IMPETIGO
of the stratum granulosum. leum jelly) and minimal handling of Impetigo is a contagious, superficial
The main differential diagnosis for patients. Mupirocin can be used at foci skin infection that occurs in bullous or
SSSS is toxic epidermal necrolysis of infection. Gentle cleansing may help non-bullous forms.23,24 Most cases are
(TEN), a more life-threatening blister- prevent secondary infection. Removal non-bullous, caused by streptococci,
ing disease characterized by a signifi- of dried skin with bathing is not neces- staphylococci, or both. Clinically, non-
cantly lower cleavage plane below the sary initially when the skin is too ten- bullous impetigo demonstrates the clas-
junction of the epidermis and dermis. der to touch but is used an adjunct later. sic honey-colored crust and commonly
TEN is discussed later in this issue. Other important measures include con- affects the face, especially around the
TEN involves full thickness necrosis tact isolation and pain management. nose. The differential diagnosis some-
of the epidermis. Unlike SSSS, TEN Corticosteriods should be avoided. times includes herpes simplex infection.
demonstrates characteristic mucosal The prognosis of SSSS is usually In contrast, bullous impetigo is the local-
involvement. TEN is quite unusual in good in children and is more guarded ized version of SSSS and is, therefore,
infants. Other differential diagnoses in infants. Complications include sep- always caused by S. aureus. Clinically,
may include epidermolysis bullosa, sis, secondary infections, electrolyte bullous impetigo presents with flac-
epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, thermal imbalances, fluid losses, and hypother- cid bullae and tender erosions, without
burns, scarlet fever, toxic shock syn- mia. Compared with TEN, the higher much surrounding erythema (see Figure
drome, Kawasaki disease, and nutri- blister cleavage plane in SSSS confers 3, page 630). A rim of scale may be seen
tional deficiencies. a better prognosis, causing less water at edge of erosions, where the blister has
Treatment of generalized SSSS in- loss and temperature instability. The become denuded. Bullous impetigo of-
cludes hospitalization for most young mortality rate in SSSS is less than 5%. ten occurs in infancy, particularly in the
children, with intravenous antibiotics In many cases, patients respond rapid- diaper area. Treatment includes topical
and close monitoring of electrolytes, ly to treatment, with complete recov- mupirocin or, for more widespread or
temperature, and hemodynamics.20,21 ery within 2 or 3 weeks. Because the severe cases, oral antibiotics. Similar to
Typical empiric antibiotic choices cleavage plane in SSSS is superficial, SSSS, bullous impetigo is characterized
should include a penicillinase-resistant lesions heal without scarring. SSSS is by a superficial cleavage plane, is medi-
penicillin, first- or second-generation more life-threatening in newborns as ated by the same ET-A and -B, and typi-
cephalosporin, and clindamycin, with well as adults, especially those with cally does not scar.


3910Berk.indd 629 9/24/2010 4:21:49 PM


Figure 2. Child demonstrating superficial skin peeling, denuded tender skin (A), flexural prominence, and periorificial crusting (B) typical of staphylococcal
scalded skin syndrome.

STAPHYLOCOCCAL TSS with upper airway infections, burns, Clinical features are similar for
Staphylococcal TSS is a systemic postpartum infections, cutaneous in- menstrual and non-menstrual TSS. It
toxin-mediated disorder that may occur fections, surgical procedures, and starts with the abrupt onset of high
in menstrual or non-menstrual forms. nasal packing.26 Staphylococcal TSS fever, abdominal distress, myalgias,
The menstrual form tends to occur in is mediated by toxic shock syndrome and headache, followed by shock and
young, healthy women with staphylo- toxin-1 and staphylococcal enterotox- multisystem organ failure.25,26,28-30
coccal vaginal infection or colonization ins-A, -B, and -C. These toxins act Within 1 to 3 days of disease onset,
by phage group 1 S. aureus. Historical- as superantigens, directly activating patients develop a widespread scar-
ly, it was associated with the usage of T cells, resulting in massive cytokine latiniform eruption or erythema with
superabsorbent tampons.25 release.27 TSS toxin-1 may also de- flexural accentuation. Other common
Non-menstrual TSS is also caused crease clearance of endotoxins from findings include pharyngitis, conjunc-
by S. aureus, and may be associated gut flora. tival and mucosal membrane hyper-
ermia, strawberry tongue, and gener-
alized edema, especially of the hands
and feet. A pruritic, maculopapular
erythema occurs within 1 to 2 weeks,
with a predilection for the palms and
soles, sparing the face.
One to 3 weeks after disease on-
set, full thickness desquamation of the
palms (especially subungually), soles,
and perineum occurs. Nail and hair
shedding may occur later. Particularly
concerning complications include re-
spiratory distress syndrome, which is
more common in children, as well as
disseminated intravascular coagula-
tion, myocardial dysfunction, and renal
failure. Positive blood cultures are un-
Figure 3. Flaccid bullae in the diaper area of a newborn with bullous impetigo.
common (< 15%), and mortality is less
than 3%. Diagnosis is based on clinical
criteria (see Sidebar 1, page 631).


3910Berk.indd 630 9/24/2010 4:21:50 PM



CDC Case Definition

for SSSS
Clinical Criteria
• Temperature > 38.9°C
• Diffuse macular erythroderma
• Desquamation, 1 to 2 weeks after onset,
particularly palmoplantar
• Hypotension for age
• Multisystem involvement, three or more
of the following:
Mucous membranes
Figure 4. Papular, sandpaper-like plaques with streptococcal infections.
Central nervous system

Laboratory Criteria
The differential diagnosis of staph- particular toxin-producing strains of Negative test results for the following (if
ylococcal TSS includes streptococcal Streptococcus pyogenes, including M
• Throat, CSF, blood cultures (although
toxic shock syndrome, scarlet fever, protein types 1, 3, 12 and 28.31 Impor-
blood may be positive for S. aureus)
Kawasaki disease, Rocky Mountain tant toxins in the pathogenesis include
• Serological tests for Rocky Mountain
spotted fever, viral exanthems, and streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin-A, spotted fever, measles, or leptospirosis
drug reactions, such as TEN. Unlike -B, and -C, streptococcal superanti-
many of the differential diagnoses, gen, and mitogenic factor.27 Unlike ‘Probable’ disease: Laboratory criteria +
staphylococcal TSS is always charac- staphylococcal TSS, STTS is more of- 4 out of 5 clinical criteria
terized by shock and multiorgan fail- ten associated with a focal tissue infec- ‘Confirmed’ disease: Laboratory criteria
ure. Skin biopsies in staphylococcal tion and bacteremia, as well as a more + all 5 clinical criteria (unless patient
TSS reveal non-specific findings and fulminant course and greater lethality dies before desquamation)
are usually unnecessary, but can help (mortality of 30% to 60%).32,33 Source:
eliminate some conditions in the differ- Moreover, patients with STSS typi-
ential diagnosis, such as TEN. cally present with severe pain, usually
The mainstay of treatment of staphy- affecting a leg and often out of propor-
lococcal TSS includes rapid identifica- tion to objective findings, such as ede- onset, although this is less common than
tion and drainage of infections, as well ma and erythema. Necrotizing fasciitis in staphylococcal TSS. A strawberry
as removal of foreign bodies that could or myonecrosis are possible.33,34 Some tongue is rare in STSS. More than half
harbor infection (eg, meshes, tampons, patients with STSS have prodromal of cases demonstrate positive blood cul-
nasal packing). In addition, intravenous influenza-like symptoms. Nausea and tures. Clinical criteria are summarized in
penicillinase-resistant antistaphylococ- vomiting are less common than in staph- Sidebar 2 (see page 632).
cal antibiotics and supportive care are ylococcal TSS. Very soon after presen- Because varicella is a risk factor for
necessary. Antibiotics that inhibit toxin tation, patients quickly develop shock invasive S. pyogenes, clinicians treating
production, including clindamycin, flu- and multiorgan failure, such as renal patients with varicella should have a high
oroquinolones, and rifampin, are some- failure, respiratory distress syndrome, index of suspicion if there is persistent
times recommended. and disseminated intravascular coagu- or recurrent fevers (beyond day 4).35
lation. Bullae are uncommon and are Treatment of STSS involves sup-
STREPTOCOCCAL TSS associated with poor prognosis. Some portive management in an intensive
Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome patients demonstrate erythroderma and care unit, early surgical debridement,
(STSS) is caused by infection with desquamation 1 to 2 weeks after disease and intravenous antibiotics. Clinda-


3910Berk.indd 631 9/24/2010 4:21:53 PM


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