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 To determine the demographic profile of selected College of Arts and Sciences of

Calayan Educational Foundation Inc.
 To determine the age, gender,savings, and investing affecting their levels in Financial


Background of the study

Financial Literacy is the education and understanding of knowing how money is made, spent,
and save, as well as the skills and ability to use financial resources to make decisions. These
decisions include how to generate, invest spend, and save money. Financial Literacy is more than
a measure of knowledge. It also reflects competency in actively managing one's own money
from the point of accumulation to the point of consumption.

April is National Financial Capability Month. Decisions about paying for higher education can
have lasting impact on individuals and our economy. In keeping with our ongoing efforts to
increase financial literacy among college-bound and postsecondary students, the U.S.
Department of Education (ED) is working with Treasury’s Financial Literacy and Education
Commission (FLEC) to teach students how to save and manage money for their postsecondary

The Far-Reaching Impact of Financial Literacy

Financial literacy, which can be defined as an understanding of how to earn, manage, and invest
money, has a critical impact on students’ ability to make smart choices about which institute of
higher education to attend, what to study, how to pay for college, and how to manage student
loan debt after graduation.

Students who are financially literate are better equipped than those who are not to make wise
choices regarding school selection, what degrees to pursue, and how to pay for postsecondary
education. The choices students make while in school often have a direct impact on their
financial futures.
The researcher chose to conduct a research study among College of Arts and Sciences students.

The researchers found out that in terms of Financial aspects the common issues of the College
students is all about financial.

The researchers learn that financial Literacy can help College of Arts and Sciences students to
asses their knowledge in terms of budgeting, for them to realize that money is very important.

The purpose of this study is to understand the levels of financial literacy among College of arts
and sciences students of CEFI researchers also give knowledge about financial literacy and to
improve their knowledge about that, and also to appreciate on how money management is very
important.This study aims to enhance the knowledge of college students in terms of saving
money effectively.

Scope and limitations

This study was conducted to promote awareness and provide informations about financial
literacy to the involved ( 30 ) respondents from College of Arts and Sciences ( 15) respondents
from girls and ( 15 ) respondents from boys.

This study focuses the level of Financial Literacy from College of Arts and Sciences of Calayan
Educational Foundation Incorporated.

The researchers will choose( 30) respondents wich is devided into( 2), (15)respondents from
female also (15)respondents from male with the use of likert scale questionnaire.

Significance of the study

This study would be able to determine the level of financial literacy of College of Arts and
Sciences of Calayan educational Foundation Incorporated. This study will be helful to the
following people:

College of Arts and Sciences Students:

This people would be benifit this study, it helps the College students to found posible
informations about Financial Literacy and it viable to the students in budgeting their own money.

Future Researchers

This study would be very helpful to the future researchers about Financial Literacy who
conducted this similar research, it can help for the future reasearchers to gathered data from this
Theoretical Framework

In earlier studies (e.g. Marton and Pang 2006, 2008, 2013; Pang and Marton 2003, 2005, 2007,
2013), “variation theory” was employed in the designs of lessons to enhance students’ learning
of economic concepts (such as the imposition of a sales tax and the effects of simultaneous
change in supply and demand on price). Unlike other learning theories which consider the effects
on students’ learning of the way learning is organized (e.g. learners working in groups compared
with being taught as a whole class), variation theory focuses on the effects on the student
learning of the way the content of learning is organized (Pang and Marton 2013). It is conceived
to be a general theory of the learning of specific content.

According to variation theory, in order to learn something, the learner must discern what
is to be learned i.e the object of learning (Marton and Pang 2006). Learning, as argued by Pang
(2003), is associated with a change in discernment, which amounts to being able to those critical
aspects of the phenomenon that one beforedid not focus on. In order to discern, one must
experience variation. When a certain aspect of a phenomenon varies while other aspects remain
invariant the aspect that varies is focused on and discerned (Marton and Booth 1997). Discerning
an aspect thus implies thus one has experienced a difference between two entities or between two
parts of the same entity. For instance, one can discover what is English only by coming across at
least one other language; similarly, one can understand what quadratic equations are only when
one has come across at least one other kind of equation (linear, for instance).


This Study was conducted at Calayan educational Foundation Incorporated Maharlika Highway,
Red-V Lucena City.

Population sampling

This study focus on (30) respondents from College of Arts and Sciences who will be selected on
their age brackets and gender.The researchers will use simple random sampling where in the
respondents to be included will be based on the inclusion ciriteria such as:

College of Arts and Sciences

30 Respondents



The researchers gathered data based on questionnaires by answering each questions properly to
determine the Level of Financial Literacy among College of Arts and Sciences of Calayan
Educational Foundation Incorporated.

This instruments (30) questionnares wich devided into (2), (15) respondents from female and
(15) respondents from male.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will gathered the data among College of Arts and Sciences Stdents of Calayan
Educational Foundation Incorporated.

First step before the researchers distribute the questionnares to the respondents is the approaval
of the questionnaires from the adviser, after that the researchers will distribute the questionnaire
for the College of Arts and Sciences students of CEFI.

The reseaechers explain on how to answer it properly. After answering all questions the
researchers will check the questionnaires just to make sure that all questions are answered.
Level of Financial Literacy of selected

College of arts and Sciences students

Presented By:

Emman Zaporteza

John Ray Obal

Katrine Joyce V. Portes

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