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Exam for Mathematical and Physics knowledge applicable to engineering

(Time allowed 50 minutes)

NOTE: Answer ALL the questions. The total points for the exam is: 35 points.
It is a closed book exam and there is no need of using calculator to answer
any of the questions.

SECTION A – Multiple-choice questions

1. (3 points) What is the 70% of $10.70?

a) $ 1.49
b) $ 3.75
c) $ 7.49
d) None of the above

2. (3 points) The expanded form of (2x-4)^2

a) 4x^2-16x
b) 2x^2-8x+16
c) 4x^2-8x+16
d) None of the above

3. (3 points) Solution to: x=|-3-2|

a) x=-5
b) x=7
c) x=5
d) None of the above

4. (3 points) Solution to: ∫ e x dx

b) e x
c) x ∙ e
d) None of the above

5. (3 points) Which of the numbered regions below includes the point (-


a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
SECTION B – Problem Solution

1. An object starts falling from a rest position down a precipice. Assuming

that air resistance is negligible, a) (5 points) What will be the velocity
of the object after 4 seconds? and b) (5 points) What will be the
traveled distance of the object after 4 seconds?

2. The height that reaches an object after being thrown is given by: h=80t-
16t^2 . Determine: a) (5 points) At what time the object hits the ground and
b) (5 points) The maximum height reached by the object.

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