On The Job Training at Philippine Airlines

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In partial fulfillment of
the requirements for
On the job training

Submitted by:
Sabino, Burton Jay P.

Submitted to:
Jeanny Olegario Garcia.

April 11 2019
Brief history / Background of the Company

Philippine Airlines is the flag carrier of the Philippines, operating from its base at Ninoy Aquino International
Airport. PAL is the oldest airline in Asia operating under its original name, having been founded in 1941.

On November 14, 1935, the Philippine Congress approved the franchise of Philippine Aerial Taxi Company
Incorporated (PATCO) to provide mail, cargo and passenger service particularly in the island of Luzon. The
company then had scheduled Manila-Baguio and Manila-Paracale flights.The company became dormant for six
years on its scheduled passenger operation under its assigned routes.

On February 26, 1941, Philippine Air Lines, Inc., was formally incorporated by a group of businessmen headed
by Andrés Soriano, Sr.. At that time, he was hailed as one of the Philippines' leading industrialists and served as
the general manager. He, and former Senator Ramón Fernández, who would become the future chairman and
president, acquired the franchise of Philippine Aerial Taxi Company Incorporated, transforming it into the new
Philippine Airlines.
The airline’s first flight took place on March 15, 1941 with a single Beechcraft Model 18 NPC-54 on daily services
between Manila (from Nielson Field) and Baguio. It carried two pilots and five passengers on its maiden flight.
The five passengers were also the founders of PAL – Philippine Air Lines: Andres Soriano, Ramon Fenandez, Juan
Elizalde, John R. Schultz and Ernesto Von Kaufmann. Government investment in September paved the way for its
nationalization. On October 23, 1941, John R. Schultz was elected by the Board of Directors as Treasurer of
Philippine Air Lines.
PAL services were interrupted during World War II, which lasted in the Philippines from late 1941 to 1945. Upon
the outbreak of the Pacific War on December 8, 1941 the two Model 18s and their pilots were pressed into military
service. They were used to evacuate American fighter pilots to Australia until one was shot down over Mindanao
and the other was destroyed on the ground in an air raid in Surabaya, Indonesia.
On February 15, 1946, PAL resumed operations after a five-year hiatus with service to 15 domestic points with
five Douglas DC-3s and a payroll of 108 names. Philippine Airlines returned to its original home, the Nielson
Field in Makati. The airport, heavily damaged during the war, was refurbished and modernized by PAL at a cost of
over one million pesos, quickly becoming the official port of entry for air passengers into the Philippines. The
airport was operated by Manila International Air Terminal, Inc., a wholly owned PAL subsidiary.
On July 31, 1946, PAL became the first Asian airline to cross the Pacific Ocean when a chartered Douglas DC-
4 ferried 40 American servicemen to Oakland, California from Nielson Airport with stops in Guam, Wake
Island, Johnston Atoll and Honolulu. A regular service between Manila and San Francisco started in December
1946. During this time, the airline was designated as the country’s flag carrier.
PAL commenced service to Europe in 1947 with the acquisition of more Douglas DC-4s. By 1948, PAL had
absorbed the only other scheduled airlines in the Philippines, Far Eastern Air Transport and Commercial Air Lines.
Following the government's decision to convert Nichols Field in Pasay City, the site of a former U.S. Air Force
base, into a new international airport for Manila, PAL was required to move its base of operations and passenger
terminal there from Nielsen Airport. The transfer was accomplished over a five-month period from January 31 to
June 28, 1948, with PAL investing an additional P600,000 in ground installations and improvements to Nichols
In 1951 PAL leased a DC-3 named "Kinsei" to Japan Airlines, which led to the founding of the country's own
national airline. In March 1954, the Philippine government suspended all flights to Europe, Japan and the United
States, only to resume five years later. In three years PAL started services to Hong Kong, Bangkok, and Taipei
using Convair 340s that would later be replaced by the Vickers Viscount 784, which brought the airline into the
turboprop age.
In the 1960s, PAL entered the jet age, initially with a lone Boeing 707, later replaced with Douglas DC-8 aircraft
leased from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines., used for long-haul international flights to Europe and the United States.
The DC-3 remained the mainstay of domestic services as it expanded to a total of 72 points as airports were
improved or opened, but most of the airline's rural air service was later stopped in May 1964. Two years later, PAL
commenced its first jet services to Cebu, Bacolod, and Davao using the BAC1-11. In addition, PAL was also
privatized, as the Philippine government relinquished its share in PAL after Benigno Toda, Jr., then-PAL chairman,
acquired a majority stake in the airline.

In 1975, Philippine Airlines was headquartered at the PAL Building in Makati City. Between 1979 and 1981, as
part of a comprehensive modernization program led by then-PAL President Roman A. Cruz, PAL built a series of
mammoth aviation-related facilities around the periphery of the MIA. These included the PAL Technical Center,
the PAL Inflight Center, the PAL Data Center and the PAL Aviation School. In the same time period, PAL also
achieved service successes, after being the first airline to be honored by Les Chaines de Rotisseurs, an ancient
order of gourmets, with an award for its inflight cuisine. In January 4, 1980, The Philippine Airlines' Boeing 747–
200 dubbed the "Jumbo Jet" was the first of its kind to fly across the pacific. In addition to that, PAL was also the
first airline to introduce numerous fully flat bed seats in one aircraft. The 14 sleeping berths in the 747 known as
"Skybeds" was certified for landing and take off. The "Skybeds" were exclusive to first class in the upper deck.
On October 4, 2007, nine years after being financially crippled by the Asian financial crisis and subsequent
downturns in the aviation industry, the Securities and Exchange Commission ordered the release of PAL from
receivership. The airline immediately announced plans to attract foreign investments through an international road
show to tour around Asia, Europe and North America. PAL continued its ambitious expansion plans, launching
regional subsidiary PAL Express on April 10, 2008 to supersede the financially troubled Air Philippines, with a
$150 million order for three 50-seat Bombardier Q300 and six 78-seat Bombardier Q400 aircraft from Bombardier
Aerospace. PAL Express operations began on 5 May with eight flights daily between Manila and Malay, while hub
operations from Cebu City commenced on 19 May with flights between Cebu and five points in the Visayas and
Mindanao. Services to other destinations, including many destinations formerly served by PAL prior to the Asian
financial crisis, began in June and July 2008. PAL Express was originally to be primarily based in Cebu and fly
intra-regional routes in the Visayas and Mindanao, as well as secondary routes to smaller airports in island
provinces. In response to rising competition from Cebu Pacific and Zest Airways, PAL Express rebranded itself
as Airphil Express on March 28, 2010 under a low-cost model. PAL decided to restore the PAL Express name as
part of expansion strategy, effectively rendering the Airphil Express brand defunct on March 15, 2013.
Summary of OJT Experience

On the job training also known as OJT, is a hands-on method pf teaching the skills, knowledge, and
competencies needed for employees to perform a specific job within the workplace. Employees learn in the
environment where the will need to practice the knowledge and skills obtained during the training.

I decided to do my OJT (On The job Training) in ATOS ph. I applied for the training because of the good
reputation of the company in terms of Information technology. I also choose the place because it was only one ride
away from my house, I also intend to seek and learn new knowledge in computers specially in hardware.

At my first day in Atos after introducing my self to my OJT supervisor, he immediately send us to do an inventory
of computers, in there I learned how to get information of assets that we are going to use in remoting. It almost
took us 3 and a half hour just to finish the inventory, after finishing the inventory of the first company floor, we
head back to the it department and re-checked all the information that we’ve gathered. It almost took us 4 days to
complete all the company floor in Atos, there I realize how important the information of the computers that we’ve
gathered, it is important because the only way to access the computers in every station is to gathered information
about it such as SN (Serial Number), MAC (Machine Name)

On the next week of my OJT in Atos, after gathering all the data of computers each floor, our supervisor started to
teach us how to REMOTE (Remoting is a computer thing where you will access the other computers) first we open
the cmd of computer where we will execute the given task. After following the method that our supervisor gives,
we start to access all the machine or computers to disable there USB, we do this to avoid problems like,
downloading applications, copying and installing if ever that one of those 3 problems will be committed you will
be immediately punish by the company. We do this to protect the computer and the system of ATOS. They also
give us the admin rights, for us to access the other features of computer that are restricted to employees, such as
access to device manager.
Summary of OJT Experience
The 3rd thing that they teach us is the networking, my supervisor told us that we should also have
knowledge in networking, not just networking, but in every section of I.T. they teach us the basic things in
networking such as, calculating how many hosts you can get in a bit. Converting binary to decimals, this one really
gives me a headache because you need a strong patience while doing this. We were also tasked to make some
pormap of active and inactive ports this was done by using all the data that we gathered during our inventory and
via a cisco command console we trace which pc is connected to which access switch and which access switch was
connected to which distribution switch. This was all done within the console and made easier with the previous
information gathering task. We also did some decommissioning and commissioning of dormant computer and
installing a new software image, after installation we recorded the machines and kept them in the stock room along
with the unused telephones, cables and headset that were considered inactive.

The company also teach us on how to maintain the quality of the assets and how to avoid having problem
with it. Before we deploy some computer, laptops and other assets we make sure that all of it has no defect and
clean, so the user won’t have any problem with using it. We used a clean rag to swipe the dirt out of the computers,
laptop, and even the desktop, we used a small brush to clean the parts of desktop. After cleaning it we will go to the
testing. Here, we will test if the assets have any defect we will start with the desktop. After plugging the power
cords to the desktop we will try to run it, and if it run normal and no problem detected. We will use a sticky pad
with a word in it “good” this means that the desktop is ready to commission and has no defect, but if we saw a
desktop that has a defect on it, we make sure that it was separated to the good ones.

“Ticket” is another word for an issue or query to the IT team], later I learned that the ticket system is how
the IT manager evaluates a member of the team. The more the tickets closed and resolve the better the employees
performance was. On my 2nd month on my OJT this is were our supervisor started to see if learn anything from
him, he started to send us one by one to do the ticket that been send to him by the users. Each one of ask was task
to accomplish or solved the problem on the ticket. Because in the past month they were just guiding us on how to
fix the problems, that is why they were trying us if we really do listen to them, or if we really do learn something
from them. I was task to do the ticket, that has a problem with PK card. As far as I know before you go to the
device manager of a computer, where you will fix the PK card, you have to log in the Admin account, after that go
to the device manager and check if the driver of Pk card is updated. If not. Just right click the driver and click the
“Update setting” in there all you have to do is select the updated driver, for it to be updated. I pass that test and
receive a high grade on my grading based on my performance.

Summary of OJT Experience

As my internship was coming to close we were given a major task to install a new software image to
unused assets in storage and then deploying these assets in the production area for the agent use. This new software
however was relatively new.

The migration from windows 7 OS to windows 10 OS was starting, we were tasked to accomplish at least 10 units
per week, we started the task in march and was introduced to the procedure on how to install the new image.
During this time I learned a new method in creating a bootable drive via command console. This bootable drive
will be used to store the new OS file and install it o the machines that will be deployed

After almost 3 months in Atos I realize that OJT (On the job training) is not all about gathering Information
or improving your skills in I.T. It is also about improving your relationship with your co-worker or trainee, solving
the given problem or work together is the thing that I really cherish. I thought that being serious in your job is the
only thing that will make you succeed, I was wrong. I didn’t know that learning and enjoying can be applied to my
training in Atos, for almost 3 months with my co-intern I do really enjoy the time that I spend in with them not just
because I learn new things, but because I learned to communicate or developed my skills in human relationship. I
also have new friends that share their skills in computer such as hacking and using the application AUTOCAD,
help me to accomplish the task that been assigned to me, I also do the same thing to them.
Assessment of the OJT/Practicum Program

A. New knowledge, attitudes, and skills acquired

I do learn how to run a basic software trouble shooting. Like reimaging a laptop or desktop, fixing broken

features in device manager, remoting computer stations and some basic part of networking. I also learn how

to communicate and team up with my co-intern with this past 3 months that I spent in atos, I did not learn

not just IT works but also improve my way of work and communication with other persons.

B. Theories actually seen in practice

I’ve seen my theories while I’m in Atos, there i can actually assemble and disassemble a computer or

laptop it helps me to adjust on my training specially, I was on more hardware works. Second is trouble

shooting a computer it helps me to easily do the job that been task on me when it comes to software


C. Feed back that can be given to the company or institution

First I would like to give a thanks, to my 2 supervisor, Mr. Rick adolfo and Jay dean Sanchez, for guiding me

how to do my job correctly and for sharing their knowledge in IT, and also my fellow intern for helping me do

my assigned task and for making much ojt so much fun. The company is stable, well mannered employees,

the facilities are excellent and also the staff.

D. Benefits Gained

The benefits that I gained during my training in atos is, I did learn many IT works, how an IT should quickly

response whenever there is a problem on a station. How to adopt to the new surrounding, that can be your

life in the future.

E. Problems encountered

At my first week on my OJT I struggle to communicate with my fellow intern, it is because we came in

different schools or even though some of them is my school mate, we were on different section. Also I

struggle in everyday travel, the line in the terminal of van can consume you an hour just to have a ride.

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