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The success of this research would not be possible without the help extended by several

people who become the strength of the researchers. We, the researchers, would like to

express our sincerest gratitude to the following persons who helped this study possible.

To our adviser, Mrs. Gloria A. Rante for her unending support all throughout our

research journey.

To our faculty researcher, Mrs. Bernadette M. Panibio for her guidance and trust in

ensuring the completion of this study especially for validating our questionnaires, for the

real time discussion about our topic and for replying to our concerns.

To the staffs of KGI especially to the branch manager of Malate-Tondo Branch, Mrs.

Nancy Flores for patiently and whole-heartedly helping us to distribute the questionnaires.

Also, for allowing us to have a short interview.

To the randomly chosen borrowers of KGI Malate-Tondo Branch, for their interest

and patience in answering our survey questionnaires.

To our parents, brothers and sisters, and friends, for providing us with unfailing support

and continuous encouragement throughout the process of researching and finishing this


To everyone else, whose names have not been mentioned but influenced and helped

us to finish this study, we are really grateful to have you.

Most of all, to the Lord Almighty for showering the researchers all the blessings of

knowledge, opportunities, and giving them the people to help them to finish the study.

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