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Created By : Group 1

Member of group :

- Kurnia Putri Aulia

- Rini Rubiarti
- Sania Monicha

Class : 1 Regular A

Medical Laboratory Technology Major


Technical balance

Purpose of the balance, the balance is used for measuring the mass of a body or substance
or its weight. In the laboratory, the balance is used for weighing as part of quality control
activities (on devices like pipettes), in the preparation of mixtures of components in predefined
proportions and in the determination of specific densities or weights.

Technical Balance is a balance sheet that has a low level of accuracy because it is only up
to 2 decimal behind the comma. This balance is usually used to weigh substances or objects that
do not require high accuracy, such as weighing the material as reagent solution. The balance
sheet is divided into 2, namely Analog Balance and digital balance. The analogue balance is the
traditional balance sheet, for example the Ohhaus balance sheet (taken from the inventor's name),
while the digital balance sheet is a modern, technical balance sheet, which is now often used in
the lab. to weigh and do not need complicated things, just put things or substances on the balance
sheet plate.
Weighing procedure:
1. balance sheet position must be stable
2. the scale should be zero
3. the balance sheet plate is empty
4. turn off the scales when it is finished weigh and do not forget to clean the tool
5. Do not let any substances scattered around the balance sheet
6. the scale should be zero back.
Procedures for the use of balance sheets:
1. the balance sheet should be placed on a flat, sturdy, vibration-free base
2. the temperature of the material weighed and the balance sheet temperature of the room
temperature for a stable balance sheet. if any materials or substances that heat can be
cooled first.
3. Do not overload the balance sheet capacity
4. chemicals should not be placed directly on metal plates to be weighed in suitable
containers, such as:
a. weigh paper: the blur is commonly used for chemicals less than 1 gram, not volatile
b. Petri dish: use ordinary cap for chemicals over 100 grams depending on the size of the
cup of the petri.
c. porcelain cup: usually used for chemicals on the process of the method of spreading
d. beaker glass: liquid chemicals may use beaker glass
e. watch glass: used for solid and non-volatile chemicals
Working procedure on tehnical balance:
1. clear the balance sheet to be used
2. set the water pass on the balance sheet
3. connect to the mains
4. Tap onbol on the balance sheet
5. weigh the container on the balance sheet
6. add the substance to weigh
7. Take it back if it has been weighed
8. press the off button on the balance sheet
9. Remove the balance sheet from the electricity
10. Clean up the balance sheet.
Good balance sheet requirements:
1. the balance sheet must be accurate, if it is used to weigh the same thing in sequence must give
the same result,
2. the balance sheet must be stable, return to zero after measuring the load,
3. balance sheet should be sensitive, can display the difference weight up to 0.1 milligram, in
other words the scales when it gets a little touch already shows the weight change.
How to balance calibration:
1. calibration is done every day with a child of grade A certified scales
2. do weighing tool standard scales, record and repeat until 5 times then calculate the
average value
3. tolerance of weight differences which masil may:
- for weight 5-1 grams = 0.054 mg
- for weight 500- 100 grams = 0.025 mg
- for weight 50- 1 mg = 0.014 mg

1. Sort the steps below correctly !

Weighing procedure
Do not let any substances scattered around the balance sheet

The balance sheet plate is empty

Balance sheet position must be stable
Turn off the scales when it is finished weigh and do not forget to clean the tool

The scale should be zero back.

The scale should be zero

2. Pair in accordance with the following description !

The blur is commonly used for chemicals less Watch glass

than 1 gram,not volatile

Use ordinary cap for chemicals over 100 grams Porcelain cup
Depending on the size of the cup of the petri.
Usually used for chemicals on the process of Petri dish
The method of spreading

Liquid chemicals may use beaker glass Weigh paper

Used for solid and non-volatile chemicals Beaker glass

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