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Ma. Lynnuelle Faye P.


MD- III FCM- Primary Care Coverage based on the Universal health Care Law

1. First Contact- R.A. 11223 states that every Filipino shall register with a DOH accredited/licensed
private or public primary health care provider of choice. This will give every citizen the
opportunity to be examined by a medical practitioner.
2. Continuity of Care- To guarantee continuity in the provisions of health programs and services,
all health care workers shall be secured with permanent employment and competitive salaries.
This will enable them to holistically care for every Filipino from womb to tomb.
3. Comprehensiveness- The law requires the integration of local health systems into province wide
and city wide health system. This ensures the distribution of health services and benefits to be
equitable to all.
4. Coordination- The law mandates coordination of various government agencies and duly-
registered medical and allied professional societies to produce health workers with the
competencies in the provision of primary care services. In this way, all services will be
synchronized with the regulations stated by the law.

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