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Name: ____________________________________ Section: _________________ Date: ______________

I. Write STATISTICS in the blank if the statement is true, otherwise, write PROBABILITY.

____________1. Estimation and hypothesis testing can be used in making inferences about the population.

____________2. Interval Estimate refers to an estimation where in a specific value is given.

____________3. Confidence Interval Estimate is the percentage of assurance with the point estimate.

____________4. Accuracy is the closeness of the estimates to the parameter.

____________5. The estimation is considered precise if the estimates are close to other estimates.

II. Determine whether the given illustration of estimation below are ACCURATE AND PRECISE.

1. ____________________ 2. ______________________3.______________________ 4. ______________________

III. Formulate the null and alternative hypothesis of the following statements below in sentence and symbol form.

1. The significant difference in the proportion of consumers who purchase Brand A tooth paste before and after the
advertising campaign in the television station.

H0:_____________________________________ _________________________________________

Ha:_____________________________________ _________________________________________

2. The owner of a factory that sells a particular bottled fruit juice claims that the average capacity of a bottle of their
product is 250 ml.

H0:_____________________________________ _________________________________________

Ha:_____________________________________ _________________________________________

3. A brand of powdered milk is advertised as having a net weight of 250 grams. Consumers would not want to purchase an
item with less than the advertised weight.

H0:_____________________________________ _________________________________________

Ha:_____________________________________ _________________________________________

4. The minimum wage earners of NCR are believed to be receiving less than Php500 per day. The CEO of a large
supermarket chain in the region is claiming to be paying its contractual higher than the minimum daily wage rate of Php500.

H0:_____________________________________ _________________________________________

Ha:_____________________________________ _________________________________________

5. The father of a senior high school students is lists down the expenses he will incur when he sends his daughter to the
university. At the university where he wants his daughter to study, he hears that the average tuition fee is at least P20,000
per semester.

H0:_____________________________________ _________________________________________

Ha:_____________________________________ _________________________________________
IV. Determine what type of error is committed in the following situations below. Write 1 if it is Type I error and write 2 if
it is Type II error.

____________ 1. H0= The average life of the newly developed battery for a tablet is at least 24 hours.

Ha=The average life of the newly developed battery for a tablet is less than 24 hours.

Decision: You bought the battery and found out that the battery’s life is less than 24 hours.

_____________2. H0= The diet will not result to a change in her weight.
Ha =The diet will result to a change in her weight.

Decision: The teenager followed the diet but it did not help her reduce weight

_____________3. H0= Today is Jenny’s birthday.

Ha= Today is not Jenny’s birthday.

Decision: Johnny greeted Jenny “Happy Birthday”even though her birthday is next month.

_____________4. H0= The diet will not result to a change in her weight.
Ha=The diet will result to a change in her weight.

Decision: The teenager followed the diet but it did not help her reduce weight

_____________5. H0= The average life of a bulb is at least 1550 days.

Ha=The average life of a bulb is less than 1550 days.

Decision: The company declared that the average life of a bulb is 1560 when it can only last for 200
weeks at most.

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