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Candidate Name

Candidate Number
Centre Number
Test Date
29 Sep 2018
OverAll 6.00 Listening 6.00 Writing 6.00 Reading 5.50 Speaking 6.00

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Overall Band Score

Overall 6.00 Competent User The test taker has an effective

command of the language despite
some inaccuracies, inappropriate
usage and misunderstandings. They
can use and understand fairly
complex language, particularly in
familiar situations.

Test Score Your result explained Advice to improve your score

Listening 6.00 Test takers at Band 6 can typically follow Continue to develop your vocabulary by
extended speech and understand reading widely. Listen to as much English
detailed instructions. They can generally as you can so that your understanding
understand directly-stated facts, becomes more automatic. Listen to
attitudes, opinions and purposes. They longer recordings such as interviews and
can also generally pick out main ideas, films, with and without English subtitles,
and relevant and irrelevant information; pausing and repeating the recording
and can also generally infer implied when necessary. Note the words you
meanings. They can do this without didn't understand immediately, so you
having to process individual words and can review them.Try to understand those
structures and can remember enough of times when the speakers don't directly
what they have heard to understand say what they mean. What are the clues
references such as pronouns. They can you use to understand these in your own
understand most vocabulary relating to a language? Use the same strategy to
range of topics, including some terms understand them in English.
typical of academic English.

Reading 5.50 Test takers at Band 5.5 typically deal Try to read different types of texts,
reasonably well with straightforward including some academic ones in your
factual and opinion-based texts. They are subject area. When reading, use different
able to use their vocabulary knowledge strategies to help you. For example,
to create meaning, but mostly within decide which parts need to be read
sentences rather than across sentences. carefully and which parts can be read
They can understand directly stated more quickly or not at all. You can also
information, opinions and arguments, try to make predictions based on the title
and some implied meanings. They are or what you have already read, or guess
generally able to extract key words from the meaning using surrounding words
texts, and have a limited ability to and sentences.Re-read until you are
synthesize concrete information and confident that you understand the
make inferences. opinions and arguments. You might also
want to identify the clues that tell you
about important points, what the writer's
attitude to the topic is, or where the writer
is moving on to a different point.

Speaking 6.00 Test takers at this band can typically Talk to other English speakers about
speak at length, although they are more abstract topics or more difficult
sometimes less clear or fluent because current topics. Keep the discussion going
of repetition, self-correction, or hesitation for as long as possible. At the same time,
to sear ch for wor ds or gr amm ar . try to express your ideas as accurately
Speaking is generally well-organised, as you can, using the best words you
and ideas are generally well linked, but know. Many of your ideas will also
with some errors. They have enough require the use of complex grammatical
vocabulary to discuss topics clearly and structures. If you're using several simple
at length, although there are often errors, sentences, try to join them up in a way
and they can usually paraphrase well. that makes your point clearer.Listen (and
They can use simple and complex read) in English more to help you pick up
grammar structures but with limited natural and idiomatic phrases. When
range. There may be frequent grammar listening, note the rhythm and also the
errors, particularly in more complex words that the speaker stresses. Is your
structures, but language is usually easy rhythm similar? Are you putting the
to understand. Pronunciation can be stress on the right words?
clear and effective, but there may be
problems. They are usually easy to
understand, although words may be
unclear at times.

Writing 6.00 Test takers at this band can typically Practice writing to give information and
address all parts of the question, some make arguments. Make sure you cover
more fully than others.(AC) They can all the points that need to be covered,
give an overview.(GT) The letter has a providing supporting ideas and details.
generally clear purpose; the tone is Reread your work and see if you can
sometimes not consistent.Key features make your points clearer. Is the ordering
and bullet points are covered. The point of your ideas logical? Sometimes,
of view and main ideas are relevant but rearranging them can make things
the conclusion(s) may be unclear. Some clearer. You can also try joining up or
details might be irrelevant or wrong. Test separating sentences, using the right
takers can arrange their ideas logically, connecting devices, and changing where
so that the writing has a clear you divide your paragraphs.Continue to
progression from start to finish. They are develop your vocabulary. Words can be
able to use some linking words well, but similar in meaning but differ in formality,
others with mistakes. They can in their tone, and in their implications.
paragraph their Task 2 writing, although Focus on learning the best words to use
not always logically. They have enough for the writing task, the situation, and
vocabulary to answer the question. They what you want to say. Challenge yourself
try to use some less common words. by producing sentences that are more
They make some spelling mistakes, but complex. If you make mistakes with
the reader can still understand. They can them, don't worry too much; just check
write a mix of simple and complex and see how you can fix them.
sentences. The grammar and
punctuation mistakes do not usually
cause difficulty for the reader.

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Please note that the provision of this feedback and advice is to be used for guidance only.
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