Lab Report

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Dextrose & its Affects

On Lumbriculus Variegatus
By Rebecca Furby

These experiments tested the pulsation, locomotion, and reaction to

chemotatic test of dextrose on Lumbriculus variegatus, aquatic worms. We
hypothesized that dextrose, also known as D-glucose, a sugar, would quicken
the blackworms’ pulsation and locomotion levels; in addition, the worms
would react, positively to the dextrose in the drop tests. The worms were
tested in three solutions: spring water, one percent dextrose, and ten
percentdextrose. In testing pulsation, ten worms were in each solution for
fifteen minutes. For locomotion, ten worms were set in each solution, five for
ten minutes and the other five for fifteen minutes. Finally, in the chemotatic
drop tests, the worms were exposed to one drop of one type of solution. In
conclusion, the worms’ increased when exposed to dextrose; especially the
ten percent solution. The outcomes for locomotion did not prove to be
significant besides the ten percentsolution’s increase with the worms
exposed for fifteen minutes. The majority of the worms had an initial
positive reaction towards the drop tests.


Although some substances may seem to be harmless, they may be

harmful to other organisms, besides humans. Consider dextrose, a sugar
used in sweeteners according to Katz.1 Sugar may seem harmless, but in reality,
an excess of sugar in humans can cause cancer, illness, and many other ailments2.
Imagine the effects of dextrose on smaller organisms such as Lumbriculus
variegatus, aquatic worms. These freshwater blackworms reside in California and
are good specimens to test how dextrose would affect their pulsation, locomotion,
and reaction to chemotatic tests.


If Lumbriculus variegatus were put into a dextrose solution, their

pulsation and locomotion rates will increase and the worms will react
positively to chemo tactic tests.


In order to test our hypothesis on dextrose’s affect on L. variegatus’

pulsation, a one percent and ten percent solution of dextrose wasmade. To
do this, Autumn, Pam, and I measured out one gram of dextrose into one
hundred mL of spring water. Out of thirty worms, ten went in the control
solution of spring water, ten in the one percent solution, and the last ten in
the ten percent solution. All the worms were in the solutions and control for
fifteen minutes. After the allotted time, we used themicroscope to count
their pulsations. To save time, we counted for ten seconds and then timed
that number by six to represent sixty seconds for every minute. Once we
were finished, we made a chart of the pulsations in the three different trials.
We then had to refrigerate the two dextrose solutions for the next

To test the worms’ locomotion, thirty worms were divided evenly for
the three different trials. In each trial, the first set of five were put in a
solution for ten minutes and the second set were in for fifteen minutes. For
example, ten worms were put aside for the control group, five worms were in
for ten minutes and five were in for fifteen minutes. The same procedure
was repeated for the one and ten percentsolutions. Once time was up, we
put one worm on a worm racetrack. The racetrack was made by tracing lines
off a measuring tape onto a Petri dish with a wax pencil. We timed each
worm for thirty seconds and probed them every six seconds (five times).

In testing locomotion this way, it allowed us to see the effects of

dextrose on the worms due to their exposure. On the other hand, the
standard deviation for this testing, since only five worms were used in each
trial, is very high. We made a graph representing the tests we did in

When testing the worms’ chemotatic, we used the drop test. We

divided thirty worms,as before, into their three groups. Next, we took one
worm and placed it in aPetri dish, making sure to take out any excess water
near the worm. Then, after straightening the worm and identifying its head
and tail, we placed one drop of the solution being usedon the tail of the
worm. We then watched the worms’ reactions, by examining whether or not
it turns into the drop or tries to get away during a specific time limit. If the
worm turns toward the drop, it is considered a positive initial reaction; if the
opposite occurs, then it is considered a negative reaction.



The pulsation graph shows the worms’ pulsation per minute on the y-
axis and the treatments on the x-axis. The p-value for this experiment is
0.0469 which means that dextrose did have a significant effect on the
blackworms. The ten percent solution had the significant difference
compared to the other to solutions.

= 0.0
4 6


The locomotion graph represents the number of centimeters traveled

on the y-axis and the three different trials on the x-axis. The p-value for this
experiment was 0.0412 which indicated that dextrose had a significant effect
on the worms. The only significant test compared to the other ones ran was
on the worms exposed to the ten percent solution for fifteen minutes.
Chemotatic Tests

The results from the drop tests reveal that the majority of the worms in
all the solutions had an initial positive reaction. Almost all the worms moved
toward the drops of solution.

From the results of our pulsation tests, we found that our hypothesis
was proven right. The presence of dextrose did increase the number of
pulsations in L. variegatus. Unfortunately, we were wrong about the
locomotion. From the results from the tests, dextrose did not increase the
locomotion levels of the blackworms. The only treatment that proved to be
significant in the locomotion tests was the worms exposed to the ten percent
solution of dextrose for fifteen minutes.

Finally, from the drop tests, it can be seen that the majority of the
worms had a positive initial response. Only ten percent out of one hundred
worms of both the control and ten percent solutions had a negative initial
response. Surprisingly, the one percent dextrose had the most negative
responseswith a whopping thirty percent.

When performing the experiments, it may be difficult to attain precise

solution or time measurements which are human errors. These errors may
affect the overall experiment’s mean and standard deviation. For example,
when a worm is not kept in a solution for the right amount of time, it may
affect their performance in the tests. In the locomotion tests, worms must
be kept in the solutions for ten or fifteen minutes or else they may perform
differently than what they are supposed to when in for the appropriate time.

Although many may think that dextrose is just sugar, what we believe
to be harmless, these tests may prove that things humans take for granted,
can greatly affect other innocent organisms in this environment we all share.

Reference List

“Dextrose (Feed Grade).” International Ingredient Corporation. Available

from: http://www.iicag.comdextrose.php.

Drewes, C. (2004). Biology Facts About Blackworms. Retrieved June 24,

2008, from

Drewes, Charles D. Those Wonderful Worms. Retrieved June 25, 2008, from:
Harrison, Kari. (March 2008). Dextrose @ Glucose, Dextrose,
Dextrose monohydrate, Hexose, Sugar. Retrieved June 24, 2008, from:

“Lumbriculus Variegatus.” Retrieved June 24, 2008, from:
1Katz, David. “Food Additives: What They Do.” Pg 2, 1998.

2Farr, Garry. (March 12, 2005). “Carbohydartes/ 146 Reasons Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health.”
Revived July 21, 2008, from:

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