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Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.34.387.11 on 1 January 1958. Downloaded from http://pmj.bmj.com/ on 10 April 2019 by guest.

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Physician, St. Bartholomew's and Brompton Hospitals

The onset of chronic bronchitis may be acute, both, and the disability should have existed for at
but is usually insidious. The first evidence of least two years not necessarily continuously.
pulmonary involvement generally takes the form
of a little cough and sputum for a few days follow- The differentiation of chronic bronchitis from
asthma and emphysema is not always easy. By
ing a cold in the head. This very minor occurrence British conventions, the term ' asthma' is
seems in some way to sensitize the bronchi so that
any subsequent cold may go down to the chest. ordinarily reserved for patients who have clear-cut
attacks of bronchospasm associated with either
The disability from the cough and sputum is
negligible and a clinical diagnosis of bronchitis is personal or familial evidence of allergy, or with an
not justified. Indeed, at least half of the general eosinophilia in the blood or sputum. Emphysema,
which is ordinarily a complication of chronic bron-
population have colds which at some time or other chitis, can apparently arise as a ' primary ' disease,
go down to the chest. Most patients affected in in which case it typically arises in adults between
this way progress no further, but some find that the ages of thirty and fifty and produces increasing
over a period of years they reach the point at

which the sputum persists for a week or two in breathlessness, which may be fatal within a couple
each attack and starts to give some disability. of years.
This stage of recurrent bronchitis sometimes leads In the present state of knowledge the causes of
to fully developed chronic bronchitis, in which bronchitis are by no means obvious. The age of
sputum is present throughout the winter months onset of symptoms is extremely variable. About
and, later, all the year round. At any stage in this 15 per cent. of patients date the onset to the first
process bronchospasm may be added, particularly decade of life, after which there is a decline in the
during exacerbations of infection. The degree of teens, the remainder starting their symptoms more
accompanying emphysema depends more than or less equally in each decade from the third on-
anything else upon how far down the bronchial wards. Allergy follows roughly the same pattern
tree the infection has spread. Once it has reached in the younger age groups, but tends to diminish
the bronchioles and lobules, it causes permanent after the age of forty, at which time most bron-
scarring, with consequent distension of the chitics are beginning to become disabled. This
healthier parts of the lung. suggests that allergy may contribute to bronchitis
In the later stages of chronic bronchitis, usually early in life, but that later on such factors as
with bronchospasm and emphysema in addition, degenerative changes, recurrent infections and air
the combination of reduced effective alveolar sur- pollution become dominant. Air pollution almost
face and obstructed air flow lead to the serious certainly contributes significantly to the onset of
and often fatal complications of bronchopneu- chronic bronchitis, although evidence completely
monia, anoxia and heart failure. satisfactoryboth
to statisticians is not yet forthcoming.
This clinical description of the stages of chronic However, morbidity and mortality rates are
bronchitis and its complications clarifies to some almost twice as great in the industrial parts of
extent the controversial problem of definition. Great Britain as in country districts. The vagaries
Chronic bronchitis is best regarded as a chronic of the English climate are not apparently respon-
affection of the bronchi, having cough, sputum and sible for the initiation of bronchitis by themselves,
breathlessness as its principal symptoms, which are but they can cause considerable aggravation of
likely to be worst during the winter months and symptoms once bronchitis has become established,
are ordinarily aggravated by superimposed in- especially if associated with air pollution.
fection, air pollution and adverse climatic factors. Recent advances in the treatment of chronic
There must be some disability either from bronchitis have resulted from special studies of
exacerbations of infection or breathlessness or specific aspects of the disease. Each patient needs
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.34.387.11 on 1 January 1958. Downloaded from http://pmj.bmj.com/ on 10 April 2019 by guest. Protected by
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Lloyd-Luke (Medical Books) Ltd., 49, Newman Street, W.I
to be assessed in terms of bronchial infection, 12 hours and should always be used when life is
mucus, bronchospasm and emphysema. threatened. However, their administration is some-
what cumbersome and the streptomycin may cause
Bronchial Infection vestibular disturbances in the elderly. Alterna-
Most bronchitics have a mucoid sputum during tively, i g. of tetracycline may be given three times
a day for five days by mouth; this drug has the
the summer months, which becomes purulent in
the winter and during exacerbations. Although advantage of ease of administration, but usually
does not have a clinical effect in under 48 hours
bacteria and viruses may play some part in the
initiation of a mucoid sputum, no known anti- and so should not be used in the seriously ill.
biotic is capable of diminishing excessive mucus. Tetracycline is a useful drug for out-patients, who
can take a few doses at the onset of an acute attack.
Hence anti-bacterial therapy must only be ad-
ministered when the sputum is purulent, or at the In the ordinary way antibiotics should be reserved
onset of an exacerbation of infection. The most for acute exacerbations. Occasionally, however,
important pathogenic bacteria are H. influenzae patients are encountered who suffer from chronic
and the pneumococcus, particularly the former. ill health and who have a copious purulent sputum,
When the pneumococcus is responsible it can particularly in the winter months. For these a
course of long-term chemotherapy should be con-
easily be eradicated by a short course of penicillin
and is unlikely to recur quickly. H. influenzae is sidered. Obviously an oral preparation is most
much more difficult to eliminate, probably because desirable and sufficient tetracycline should be
it becomes firmly embedded in the bronchial walls. given to maintain a mucoid sputum. This varies
It responds to some extent to a combination of from i g. to 3 g. of tetracycline a day. The
penicillin andbutstreptomycin or, alternatively, to a general health of many such patients is greatly
tetracycline, often re-appears when treatment improved by, say, j g. of tetracycline twice a day.
is stopped. For an acute exacerbation 500,000
units of penicillin and i g. of streptomycin may be Mucus
given intramuscularly twice a day for five days. As with the other features of chronic bronchitis,
These drugs produce a clinical effect within about the most beneficial form of treatment is usually
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.34.387.11 on 1 January 1958. Downloaded from http://pmj.bmj.com/ on 10 April 2019 by guest. Protected by
January 1958 OSWALD: Chronic Bronchitis 13
prophylaxis. This involves minimal exposure to Emphysema
infections, air pollution and adverse climatic In clinical terms, this is a disease of reduced
factors. Medicinal measures designed to reduce effective alveolar surface and obstructed air flow.
excessive mucus are very disappointing. Inhala- The best that treatment can offer is to counteract
tions of friars balsam, menthol and eucalyptus these mechanical disadvantages. For this purpose
sometimes ease expectoration; aerosol trypsin, special breathing exercises have been devised
although expensive, reduces viscosity and often which aim to reduce muscular rigidity, increase
gives temporary relief. The effectiveness of the skeletal suppleness and to promote controlled
so-called expectorant mixtures must not be under-
estimated in long-term management.
respiration. toUntreated emphysematous patients
usually rely a large extent upon the muscles of
their neck and the upper intercostal muscles for
Bronchospasm respiration. The exercises encourage lateral ex-
This complication is very difficult to eradicate
pansion of the lower ribs and diaphragmatic
once it has become established. The greatest
breathing, thus allowing patients to maintain their
tidal air with much less effort. Most of these
benefit is likely to be derived from prophylaxis. patients are benefited by these exercises, and some
Ephedrine is a remarkably good drug for short to a remarkable degree.
periods, particularly if it is taken intermittently. Conclusion
Aminophyllinethatis another favourite, but has the
disadvantage it is most likely to afford relief
when given parenterally or by suppository. Steroids
In conclusion, chronic bronchitis offers a for-
midable medical problem. It is responsible for
are uncertain in their effect and their action in roughly 7 per cent. of all deaths in Britain and
individual patients can only be determined by trial 7 per cent. of sickness absence from all causes.
and error. Often a dose of 5 to io mg. of pred- Undoubtedly infection and air pollution contribute
nisone a day for a few weeks will tide a patient to its development. If these could be reduced,
over a bad spell, but larger doses should be avoided less attention would need to be paid to the rather

if possible and long courses are undesirable. ineffective curative measures at present available.


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Bibliography continued from page Io-Asthma, by Bruce Pearson, D.M., F.R.C.P.

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