Tourism As A Transformation Agent

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Shaina Mae T.

Secopito January 13, 2019

BSHM 12-A Ms. Katherine Marie Gabriel

Tourism as a Transformation Agent

Tourists, either locals or foreigners, can be considered as precious gems of

tourism industry because without them, there will be no service of hospitality. Not
only that, businesses will not grow and so, the economy of the country will be
affected. Since people around the world demands for travel until now, tourism
continues to play a very important role in generating foreign revenues and in
terms of economic development. In this case, tourism acts as a transformation
agent. It helps to renew or reconstruct the damage in the service and turn it to a
more hospitable service that can entice more tourist.
Take Manila Bay for example, since it became dirty and full-garbaged, locals
and foreigners haven’t seen visiting the place or doing activities like jogging,
swimming, playing sports, families having their picnics, or even watching the sun
to set. It is perishable and because of what happened to it, it became unattractive
to visitors, that’s why it didn’t only failed to meet the expectation of the tourists but
it also affected the economic growth of the service industry. Considering that
people love to travel, influx of tourists in the Philippines didn’t affected so much.
This is where tourism plays its role. Whereas it provides accomodation,
entertainment, food and beverage, insurance, travel, and shopping, it is not
questionable how it helped to transform the Manila Bay with the goal of bringing
back its beautiful view to attract more tourist. Tourism helps more as a
transformation agent when tourists tend to have disposable income especially if
they will stay for a short period of time. Because of this, they tend to do more
leisure activities. Knowing this, tourism brings amounts of income in the countries.
Therefore, it doesn’t only transform the entertainment of hospitality industry but
also the activities of the tourists.
Since tourism is complex, it needs to be managed so that services or the
scope of the hospitality industry will be sustained and the risks in the economic
development if may not be prevented, then at least risks aren’t greater.
Transforming through tourism is very important in a way that it will utilize the
tourism for growth and manage the services. Tourism as a transformation agent
is vital in making countries to have a sustainable tourism and with this,
transformation is needed.

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