RBC&WBC Abnormalities

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Red Cell Size

Red Cell Type Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Normocytic Normal sized biconcave disc NA NA
RBCs, 6-8 um

Microcytic Smaller RBCs, less than 6 um Abnormal size due to the failure Iron deficiency anemia
MCV <80 fl of hemoglobin synthesis Thalassemia

Macrocytic Larger RBCs Impaired DNA syn. Megaloblastic anemia

MCV > 100 fL Stress erythropoiesis Liver disease
Excess surface membrane Alcoholism

Red Cell Hemoglobin Content

Red Cell Type Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Normochromic Normal in color NA NA
Red Cell Type Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Hypochromic Central pallor exceed 1/3 of the Reduced hemoglobin content Iron deficiency anemia
diameter of the cell (MCHC) Thalassemia

Hyperchromic No central pallor Greater than normal MCHC Spherocytosis

Red Cell Shape

Red Cell Type Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Acanthocyte Spheroid with 3-12 irregular Increased ratio of cholesterol to End stage liver disease
spikes lecithin Pyruvate kinase deficiency

Echinocyte Regular 10-30 scalloped short Depletion of ATP Uremia

projections Exposure to hypertonic solution Cirrhosis
Artifact in drying Hepatitis
Chronic renal disease
Red Cell Type Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Codocyte Peripheral rim of hemoglobin Excess surface membrane to Hemoglobinopathies
surrounded by clear area and volume ratio Thalassemia
central hemoglobinized area Post-splenectomy
(bull’s eye)

Dacryocyte Teardrop or pear-shaped with Squeezing and fragmentation Myeloid metaplasia

single elongated point or tail during splenic passage Hypersplenism

Drepanocyte Crescent shape cell that lacks Polymerization of deoxygenated Sickle cell anemia
zone of central pallor hemoglobin

Elliptocyte Rod or cigar shaped Polymerization of hemoglobin Hereditary elliptocytosis

Schistocyte Fragments of RBCs varying in Extreme fragmentation produced Disseminated intravascular

size and shape by damage of RBCs by fibrin, coagulation (DIC)
altered vessel walls and Microangiopathic hemolytic
prosthetic heart valves anemia
Red Cell Type Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Spherocyte Smaller in diameter than normal Lowest surface area to volume Hereditary spherocytosis
RBC with concentrated ration Immune hemolytic anemia
hemoglobin content Defective membrane
No visible central pallor

Stomatocyte Normal sized cell with slit like Known to have increased Hereditary stomatocytosis
area in center permeability to sodium Rh null disease

Red Cell Inclusions

Red Cell Type Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Howell-Jolly bodies Coarse round densely stained Nuclear remnants containing Megaloblastic anemia
purple 1-2 um granules DNA Accelerated erythropiesis
eccentrically located on periphery
of membrane
May be single or double

Cabot ring Rings, loops or figure of eight; red Remnants of microtubules of Dyserythropoiesis
to purple mitotic spindle
Red Cell Type Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Heinz bodies Deep purple irregular shaped Represent precipitated, Hereditary defects in hexose
inclusions 2 to 3 um denatured hemoglobin due to monophosphate shunt
Found on RBC inner surface of oxidative injury G6PD deficiency
membrane Unstable hemoglobins

Supravital stain

Basophilic stippling Round dark blue granules Represents impaired Lead poisoning
uniformly distributed erythropoiesis Pyrimidine-5-nucleotidase

Pappenheimer bodies Small 2 to 3 um irregular Unused iron deposites Sideroblastic anemia

basophilic inclusions that Defective erythropoiesis
aggregate in small clusters near
periphery with Wright’s stain

Ringed sideroblast Nucleated RBC that contains Excessive iron overload in Sideroblastic anemia
nonheme iron particles arranged mitochondria of normoblasts
in ring form Due to defective heme synthesis

BM smear, iron stain

Red Cell Type Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Siderocyte Non-nucleated cell containing iron Same as above Same as above

Miscellaneous RBC abnormalities

Red Cell Type Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Autoagglutination Clumping of RBCs Presence of antibody Cold agglutinin
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia

Rouleaux Alignment of RBCs linear Caused by increased Multiple myeloma

appearing as stack of coins concentration of globulin Waldenstrom’s

Abnormalities Associated with Granulocytes

Description Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Alder-Reilly granules Large purple-black coarse Accumulation of Alder-Reilly anomaly
cytoplasmic granules mucopolysaccharides Hunter’s syndrome

Auer rods Pink or red rod shaped Fused primary granules AML
cytoplasmic structures Found in myeloid and monocytic
series only

Chediak-Higashi granules Giant red, blue to grayish round Large cytoplasmic inclusions of Chediak-Higashi syndrome
inclusions in cytoplasm fused primary granules that are Albinism
deficient in enzymes for
Description Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Hypersegmented neutrophil >5 lobes Abnormal DNA synthesis Megaloblastic anemia

Pelger-Huet Single or bilobed nucleus Decreased segmentation Pelger-Huet anomaly

LE cell Neutrophil with large purple Three factors needed to produce Lupus erythematosus
homogenous round inclusion with LE cell: antinuclear antibodies,
nucleus wrapped around cell nuclei, phagocytes with
ingested material

Döhle bodies Single or multiple blue Aggregates of free ribososmes of Severe infections
cytoplasmic inclusions in rough endoplasmic reticulum Toxic states
Description Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Toxic granules Large purple to black azurophilic Primary granules Infections, toxic states

Toxic vacuoles Large empty white areas within Represent end stage Septicemia
cytoplasm phagocytosis Severe infections
Toxic states

Abnormalities Associated with Lymphocytes/Plasma cells

Description Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Basket cell Degenerated nucleus or ruptured Lymphocytes that are fragile and Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
cell in form of smudge or basket break upon smearing Small numbers are artifact

Hairy cell Lymphocyte with hair-like Thought to be of B cell origin Hairy cell leukemia
cytoplasmic projections
surrounding nucleus
Description Morphologic Appearance Defect or Change Associated Conditions
Seźary cell Round lymph cell with nucleus Represents leukemic phase of Seźary
that is grooved or convoluted mycosis fungoides Mycosis fungoides
T-cell characteristics

Flame cell Plasma cell with red to pink Associated with increase in IgA Multiple myeloma of IgA nature

Grape cell Plasma cell that contains small Large protein globules giving the Multiple myeloma
colorless vacuoles appearance of grapes



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