Happy Marriages 2

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Happy Marriages 2

God Never Prayed for Marriage


never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Marriages 2
God Never Prayed for

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
It is a popular saying that success lies in an idea,
true indeed yet not so. Success lies in a seed
sown and nurtured until it becomes
-baby trillionare

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Credits go to:

The source of all creativity, God.

Soon available in French, Mandarin Chinese,

Hindi & German.
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its

Copyright 2019 by heigcolman




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never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
You realize that this book is subtitled book two
and you may already have endevoured in a
search for book one. Well, you probably have
had book one with you for generations in your
library. It is the Bible. The Holy Bible is the
number one book on life by which all of life
must be founded and measured by.

The Author of this book has made effort to

provide as much information as possible and yet
in a book that you can carry along with you and
read even in a few hours. This enables you the
reader to read it as many times to get this life
transforming wisdom in you as you establish
your marriage into a Happy Marriage. It is

*request information on how you can be part of the

camp meetings where you receive this information and
more broken down and get to testify at the same-time
having fun with others.

The next edition, a continuation,

Happy Marriages 3
by the same author of this book, is already being
prepared especially for you.
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Happy Marriages

God Never prayed for Marriage

(the next page was left blank intentionally)

Heig Colman

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the
word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
But strong meat belongeth to them that are of
full age, even those who by reason of use have
their senses exercised to discern both good and

Let me begin by explaining the title of this book

with reference to the '2' accompanying it.

It is a day in the third month of a particular year

after several days in fasting and prayer (not for
marriage) that suddenly, the Spirit of God
opened my understanding to the subject of
marriage and the place of prayer in marriage.

Suddenly, l realized how many have sought

after prayer to fix their marriage issues as it
were, yet God himself even the Lord Jesus
walking here on earth in the form of a man

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
NEVER prayed for marriage nor did ever instruct
us to seek prayer inorder to solve marriage

However, over the past three decades or so, it

all seems like prayer has become both a
solution and a spiritual manipulation weapon
toward the ignorant even the spiritually weak
even when dealing with marriage.

This book offers the ultimate solution to the

struggle that mankind is faced with in the
institution of marriage. The fact that we fail to
do certain things in life is based on the
information that we possess and the
information that we do not possess.

I know even as l write this book that this is a

book that contains words tough in listening but l
guarantee you that whosoever lays hold on this
truth Happy Marriage become their daily
experience. I even l, do learn now as l write this

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
The moment you enter the new birth pursue
strong meat and let the diapers go.

It is my earnest desire that whosoever gets a

hold of this book, will begin to pursue marriage
based on the manual of marriage not on the
emotional birth pains of ignorance. Wishing you
a Happy Marriage even as you prosper in your
health and wellness of life as you function
according to the manual of marriage which is
the Number 1 book in the world, the Holy Bible.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
The Questions of the seeker of a
Happy Marriage
2 Timothy:2.23
But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
knowing that they do gender strifes.

The challenges that people are facing daily in

marriage ever increase as they find themselves,
their neighbor, their close ones fighting,
separating and divorcing from what may even
have seemed like an otherwise fruitful
marriage. All these questions have meant
nothing but serving as fuel to the already
damaged marriages.
Below are some of the questions asked and
never received answers for. All this abundance
of questions have not brought solution to their
marriage challenges.

How come even after prayer l still went through

a divorce? We still separated after receiving
prayers, why? I'm still facing the same problems
even after prayers? The challenges in my

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
marriage have multiplied even after prayer? I'm
back again to seek prayer for my marriage?
Maybe l should fast again for my marriage, but
this is the fifth time. My spouse never cheated
but we still divorced. Where might l be getting it
all wrong? Is it me or my spouse? Why me?
And l am also certain the subtitle to this book
has given you another question- ls praying for
marriage wrong?

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Prayer Is Good for All
Mathew 21:21-22, Mathew 18:19-20,
1Thessalonians 5:17-18, Ephesians 6:18

These scriptures among many others prove to

us without the provision of any doubt that
prayer can be applied on anything. And when
the bible says anything, all and whatsoever,
such needs no other translation beyond what is.
All that is left is to pray, to ask, to seek, to

But the danger is in reading scripture in

isolation. God upholds the knowledge of him
above all things. That is why Paul in the book of
Ephesians gives us a prayer outline on the
content of a prayer which demands the
equipping of men with information vital for life.
In this first chapter Paul could well have prayed
for their marriages as well because you will find
in the fifth chapter he begins to address
marriage not through prayer but through
teaching, counsel and exhortation.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Paul is indeed talking about the church but he
then affirms that this you ought also to do in

When you say you are praying or you prayed

then God must have spoken in response to your

response to prayer for marriage

As l said above, God responds to prayer. God is

always talking and when we communicate with
Him through prayer we must expect a response.
But what l want you take note of here is the fact
that His response is founded on nothing but His
word. Many times some people think that God
has not responded to their prayer, yet what you
are requesting from Him and asking for is what
has been given already in the word.
Colossians:3.19 Husbands, love your wives, and
be not bitter against them.

Let me use the above scripture as an example.

You are praying for your marriage and you are
facing what you think are problems.
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Unforgiveness would have caused you to
become bitter and in the process that bitterness
has made you blind that you can't even see and
appreciate the good things that your wife is
doing. Even if she repents from her errors you
are failing to see it because you are bitter,
because of the unforgiveness you have
harboured in your heart.

This is just one example of many. Its all in the

word of God. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord Jesus

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Unqualified Teacher
There are those of us who in their mind have
convinced themselves that Paul is not the right
candidate to teach us on marriage because he
never tasted marriage. It does sound a very
intelligent school of thought, but arriving in the
place of wisdom will simply tell you its based on
the idea of excusing oneself from doing the
word of God.

How is it that you are not willing to listen to

single Paul and at the same time be willing to
worship a man who was single until they killed
him. There comes Paul who chooses to follow
his example in many things including being
single yet you disqualify him. You see, its based
on ignorance and the desire to disobey God's
word. Paul is not the first man who was single
to give to us the manual for marriage. Jesus
himself who was single for a good 33 years with
not even a childhood crush began to teach us
on marriage. Joseph the son of Jacob teaches us
it is not good to involve yourself with another

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
man's wife, not when he had married but when
he was yet still single.

Was not Solomon a man of many wives and

concubines yet he taught us. Is not Ruth who
woes a man into marriage even in alliance with
Naomi, a woman who teaches us womanhood
and the good wife.

Is not Esther the woman who replaces queen

Vashti who is expelled because of refusing to
walk naked before the kings' guests (inasmuch
as the major crime is disobedience the act is
included) yet an honorable wife and woman
before God and men because she is willing to
do the same for which Vashti is expelled for
failing to do. Something which the carnality of
man would gladly call immoral. But then you
wonder how is it that God is supporting it if it be

We have Abigail, Bathsheba, Sarah, Abraham,

Lot, Lot's wife, Jacob, Moses, Joseph and many
others, the list is endless.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
So every scripture in the Bible whether written
by a single, separated, divorced or married
person is good for life.

(2 Timothy:3.16 All scripture is given by

inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness)

The fact that a man fails to do something does

not make the scriptures a lie.
Even today, we have teachers teaching the
word yet they maybe found wanting in a
particular area. It still does not change the
scriptures, they remain true. Mankind has
always erred, that is why Jesus came.

In the same thought, let me also say l am also

not immune to the same: if l were to conduct
myself in error, the word of God remains true.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Opposing Yourself
2 Timothy:2.24 And the servant of the Lord
must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt
to teach, patient,
2 Timothy:2.25 In meekness instructing those
that oppose themselves; if God peradventure
will give them repentance to the acknowledging
of the truth;
2 Timothy:2.26 And that they may recover
themselves out of the snare of the devil, who
are taken captive by him at his will.

The failure to obey what God says, an to obey

the manual for life is a malfunction that you are
creating only to your frustration. You can't take
the car forward in reverse gear. The manual
says you move the gears from nuetral and into
the various gears that take the car forward. And
don't expect the headlights to turn on by
turning the steering wheel unless the manual
says so, NEITHER is the vehicle going to start its
engine and begin to move in the right lane, stop
where its supposed to stop, take you to where

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
you want to go simply because you have
entered in, unless the manual says so.

Such attempts to oppose or ignore the manual

is simply opposing yourself. You will be a victim
of frustration. Like factionalism, you don't
always need an opposition party, you are
divided within yourselves as with political
parties or even with various groupings of
society. So he who fails to do that which he
ought to do, opposes himself.

Choosing not to follow the manual but to follow

something else is not going to cause God any
challenges. He is not even going to move a
breadth from His throne. You are the one to
cry. You are the victim at the day end and also
creating victims along the way.

You have in essence become a terror to an

institution. Thus means, the possibility of one or
more terrorists in a marriage is real. Two or
more people have entered into an institution to
change an unchangeable will.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Let's take it this way. I would want to believe in
every country there are regulations or an act
that governs road traffic. And that act must be
followed to avoid fines and more importantly to
maintain order. You then don't approach the
enforcing authority usually, the police in many
cases, to ask them to allow you to drive, stay on
the road, exempt you from fines and exempt
you from following the manual for road traffic.
This is exactly what some believers are doing.
They approach God in prayer and seek Him to
keep their marriage intact and exempt them
from following the manual for marriage.

Remember the story of the unjust ruler

(Luke:18.1 And he spake a parable unto them to
this end, that men ought always to pray, and
not to faint;

Luke:18.2 Saying, There was in a city a judge,

which feared not God, neither regarded man:

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Luke:18.3 And there was a widow in that city;
and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of
mine adversary.

Luke:18.4 And he would not for a while: but

afterward he said within himself, Though I fear
not God, nor regard man;

Luke:18.5 Yet because this widow troubleth me,

I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming
she weary me.

Luke:18.6 And the Lord said, Hear what the

unjust judge saith.

Luke:18.7 And shall not God avenge his own

elect, which cry day and night unto him, though
he bear long with them?

Luke:18.8 I tell you that he will avenge them

speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man
cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?).

God is herein also giving us an interesting

perspective in prayer. You will pray, it will be
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
granted but as soon as you leave the presence
of prayer you bring in your own manual into the
marriage system and that manual of yours
chokes that prayer immediately though God
would have answered your prayer based on a
law of faith in His word even as you are a babe
in the faith. So you are back where you were,
crying because the law of faith nor persistence
in prayer was never made independent from
the word of God.

Brothers and sisters, we have to live by the

word. If we want to enjoy what God authored
we have to search what He says must be
applied to that thing so that the very thing He
has given you to enjoy is well oiled.

If we want a Happy Marriage, we have to

function in the marriage according as the word
says not as the world tells us it is. Why listen to
them that are already confused and some who
even lust after their own sex. The bible says
they shall be thrown in hell and hell shall be
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
thrown into everlasting fire and in there they
will burn without end. Let me say to them that
pursue after homosexuality (which the world
tries to cake ice by calling "same sex marriages
and all the names you call it), "you are going to
hell and if you don't believe it, you will believe
when you get there but there shall be no
repentance. You will burn in your late hour
believing". I have heard that there are those
that claim they were born gay, well, that is not a
problem because you can get born again in
Christ Jesus. And the new birth will ungay you
from that wickedness.

I don't even have to convince you that outside

the manual does not work. Your marriage and
that of your peers is testimony. You have
enough evidence all around you to last a

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
The tempter & his place
It is not a question of whether he does cause
chaos in marriage but a question as of the
extent of his influence. Many a times when you
hear folk talk about the devil, and make
mention of him in their prayers, casting him out,
calling fire on him, some even killing demons,
dear Lord Jesus. You would be given a picture of
Jesus being cast in prison and the devil sitting
on the throne. Their prayers sort of magnify the
devil like he is all so powerful and they have got
to fight hard to deal with him. But it is not so
brothers and sisters. The devil has no power
over your life except that which you give him.
God proves it in dealing with Job. The devil
could do nothing until God permitted him to. He
managed to afflict because God permitted him

Again when the Lord Jesus was tempted by the

devil after being led by the Spirit into the

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
wilderness to be tempted, it is proof of that
truth. The devil (if he has power as is ignorantly
and commonly said) would have simply took
hold of Jesus and thrown him from the high
place without asking him to jump. But because
he doesn't have any power to force anyone into
anything whatsoever, he satan could do nothing
and still can't force anybody into doing anything.
He did exactly what he is still doing today, talk
you into doing it. Also through various whispers
to the created whose voices the nations have
believed, he misleads many through these
influential voices the world celebrates.

Settle this therefore in your heart, you always

have the option to do as he says or to resist him
like the Lord Jesus proved to us is possible
(Mathew 4:1-11). Let it be known that God will
never demand anything that he has not
equipped you for. Resist the devil and he will
flee from you.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Amour for resistance
The word of God is your amour but the problem
you have is that you don't have what the word
says on marriage. You don't do what the word
says on marriage because you don't have the
word or you despise the word of God. Some of
the information that you are using to function in
your marriage is being given by skilful and
eloquent speakers who have downloaded
information from the devil and have decorated
it like the Christmas tree and you glorify it yet
you so forget that this branch we have named
the Christmas tree is a branch cut out from the
tree making it but dead wood.

It has no roots, it has been cut from the tree its

source of life, it is planted on the floor, and the
gifts hanging on it are not its fruit. After
Christmas, it is thrown away or burnt with
firewood only to become ashes and from ashes
its nothing but history that may never be

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
remembered. Next Christmas comes and
another branch is cut, sold and you buy and go
through the same cycle. And when you hear its
name, 'Christmas tree' you think since Christ is
mentioned in its title of object, it is going to
live, yet it is only in the words not in the life of
the tree.



never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Feed my sheep
(John:21.15 So when they had dined, Jesus
saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas,
lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto
him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee.
He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.

John:21.16 He saith to him again the second

time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He
saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I
love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.)

If you were to sit down and begin to look into

some of the stuff you read, you are going to
realize you have become what they said yet
nothing has changed about your marriage.

Looking back, l read a couple of texts on how to

love a woman, the man that the woman wants,
the woman that the man wants and all that has
not helped, neither did they direct me to the
manual given by the Author. I thank my God

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
none of those texts ever stayed in me though it
did influence my behavior in marriage.

You may well pursue to know what your

opposite sex, your spouse wants, yet know
nothing because most of the information you
are getting has nothing or very little to do with
the manual.

You hear some men talk about what a woman

wants, and you are almost driven to think they
pursue becoming one or better still they are in
Happy Marriages. Let them finish that talk and
ask them if their spouse is happy, is the
marriage well oiled. I tell you, you are going to
hear a stuttering, a stammer and then they will
say, "All marriages have problems you know".
What they are telling you in short is my
marriage is in a mess. When you live in a messy
marriage, soon enough you are going to get
used to it because the mess has sucked you in.
Rather you are all messed up as it were. You are
on the line. Do l stay, do l go? Staying is
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
unbearable, going is unbearable too because
like you say, 'nobody knows tomorrow', which is
a half truth. You don't know what to do, so even
if you were to get into another marriage, even
the fifteenth marriage, you still don't know your
place in the marriage. If you do know your place,
you are not even sure whether there is a
potential partner out there who knows their
place in the manual given by the Author who is
God, and are willing to do it. Other times you
are thinking about the children, the things you
have built together with your spouse. So you cry
all your life.

Sad to say, many times the people who know

their place according to the manual of marriage
may end up like the ones that don't. This may
come as a result of frustration hitting in, and
the spirit to take things head on by avenging
their partner takes center stage. The spouse has
been turned into the adversary.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Soon the home turns into nothing more but just
a house. The house soon falls out and
separation and divorce rules the day.

At times they would have indeed sought help

even from church, but only to be told nice
words never the truth. For some pastoral teams
too turn into philosophers and comfort them,
"be strong, don't give up, think about the
children, and a lot of stuff and of course prayer".
With some, its prayer and more prayer. Oh, let's
fast my sister, let's pray brother.

Let me say this can all sum up to be but nice talk.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Church leadership, tell people the
This is not an attack on any preacher but just an
encouragement to teach the word unto the
brethren. Establish what knowledge they have
on the manual of marriage according to the
creator of marriage, God. Establish them in the
truth of God. Don't be into keeping church
members yet forsaking the truth. Letting the
people cry because of glory which perishes. You
want to be recognized for a mega church. Let
me tell you as it is. What you have there calling
a mega church, is a mega gathering of tears of
pain whose shepherd (pastor, leader) is you.

Get them into the exact teachings and

scriptures that God has provided for
establishing Happy Marriages. Ask the right
questions without sugar coating the truth. Error
always has something to do with the absence
of knowledge
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
(Hosea:4.5 Therefore shalt thou fall in the day,
and the prophet also shall fall with thee in the
night, and I will destroy thy mother.Hosea:4.6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:
because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will
also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to
me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy
God, I will also forget thy children.).

Of a truth the absence of knowledge is the

presence of a particular knowledge. It can
either be irrelevant knowledge or limited
knowledge or wrong information which is the
major predicament. Outside acquiring
knowledge comes also the need for skill to put
that knowledge into fruitful action. Thank God
we have the Holy Spirit. He is Master in
equipping one with both knowledge and skills.

So get into their heart to know what knowledge

they possess and glorify which may be done
through asking them questions like these: Do
you know what God says about your place in
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
marriage? Which are the scriptures that talk
about you and your place in marriage? Have you
read these verses? Do you understand them?
Do you have questions about these scriptures?
Explain your understanding of your place in
marriage according to the manual.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Rarely possessed
Don't always be rush to seek after deliverance
from a demon. Many are not demon possessed.
If there be any possession, many are possessed
with ignorance. The prescription for ignorance
is not prayer, its not casting out of a demon. It is
knowledge. Knowledge heals ignorance. It
delivers men from ignorance.

Your problems emanate from the knowledge

that you have chosen to ignore. Like
malnutrition, if you choose not to take certain
nutrients you will be victim to malnourishment
and related ailments.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Prayer or Spiritual manipulation?
Is it a question of priority neglected that has
attracted this ignorant, self seeking pursuit to
apply prayer toward my marriage.
Many folks are busy running to church, to the
preacher who has believed in demonic influence
more than the influence of the word of God
who then out of the abundance of his ignorance
prays to keep, or bring back that "accused
spouse into an abusive, oppressive, captive,
suicidal, life draining, vision killing, barren
seeking, self seeking, hell of a marriage. The
complaining spouse who runs to the preacher is
at times seeking a better spouse in their partner,
but never committed to become a better
spouse themselves.

Let me remind you, l am not against prayer,

neither do l seek to nullify prayer for marriages
nor am encouraging people to divorce but what
l am giving in this book what you need before
running for prayer.
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
You must fulfil what the word says do as a wife
before running for prayer. Do what the word
says you must do as husband before running for
prayer. Even after deliverance or prayer, you
will need the word of God principal above any
manner of prayer or deliverance. Whether it be
a demon cast out, you cannot get a Happy
Marriage outside the manual otherwise you
shall be delivered, prayed for, you shall fast for
and have demons cast out again and again. A
vain endeavor.

Praise God if you don't begin to think God has

something against you which is resisting your
prayers. But let me say, true someone is against
you. The word of God, the manual of marriage
in it is what judges you. It is a law. You are
commanding the sun to provide light in the
night and the moon to provide light in the day.
These two great lights will resist you based on
the law of creation as it were.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Victims of spiritual manipulation
If not born again, they hate church because they
see not God in your child that you prayed for.

If they are born again and coming to church,

they can't shout amen because something is
hurting inside. They see the one you prayed for
shouting glory to God and they are asking
themselves which God. They are under captivity
as it were.

They see them testify how God has kept their

spouse from leaving and they are saying in the
heart, l left a long time ago. My will is gone, you
arrested my body. You have not kept me from
leaving but I'm caged. The body is present but
the body is not willing.

They spend their life crying not because of

anything else, but marriage.

Is there a Happy Marriage? Somebody, answer

me, is their cry daily.
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Because we desire nice
Many a times people desire nice but deny the
ingredients thereof. Like as witchcraft is
measured at par with rebellion (1 Samuel:15.23
For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and
stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because
thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he
hath also rejected thee from being king), such is
the case of the one that seeks prayer and denies
the manual which must be the foundation
giving birth to their engagement into prayer.
This is rebellion: one denies the seed but wants
the fruit which that particular seed produces.

They are busy demanding to be loved outside

the manual. Don't get into marriage if you are
not willing to function by the manual of
marriage, to gather the basketful of unfailing
ingredients that create nice.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
The responsibility of knowing
Joshua:1.8 This book of the law shall not depart
out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate
therein day and night, that thou mayest observe
to do according to all that is written therein: for
then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and
then thou shalt have good success.

Psalm:119.15 I will meditate in thy precepts,

and have respect unto thy ways.

Psalm:119.16 I will delight myself in thy statutes:

I will not forget thy word.

1 Timothy:4.1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly,

that in the latter times some shall depart from
the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and
doctrines of devils;

1 Timothy:4.15 Meditate upon these things; give

thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may
appear to all.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
1 Timothy:4.16 Take heed unto thyself, and unto
the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this
thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear

Psalm:1.1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in

the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the
way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the

Psalm:1.2 But his delight is in the law of the

LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and

2 Timothy:2.15 Study to shew thyself approved

unto God, a workman that needeth not to be
ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Every individual has the responsibility of getting

the wisdom for marriage that has been made
available in the manual. The one who is not yet
married needs it, the one who is not going to
marry or get married needs it, the one who is
married needs it, the divorced, the widowed,
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
and whatsoever status any person is defined by
needs this wisdom. If one is not in marriage
there is always a very high probability that
someone is one day going to ask you marriage

On that day what you shall need is the wisdom

of the author, the verities from the manual of
marriage itself in order to set the recipient of
your advice on the course of a Happy Marriage.
Know the word for yourself and you can never
be robbed of your life.

My advice to you that provide instruction for

marriage, being one of the ways for you to
prove this truth is by asking everyone that
comes crying for prayer to give you at least
three scriptures that teach them of their roles
and responsibility in marriage. One of the things
you may find out is that those that know any
scriptures, if any, will conclude by saying, "but
he is not doing his part or her part". This l call
the spousal blame game.
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
The Spousal Blame Game
Matthew:7.1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Matthew:7.2 For with what judgment ye judge,

ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye
mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Matthew:7.3 And why beholdest thou the

mote that is in thy brother's eye, but
considerest not the beam that is in thine own

Matthew:7.4 Or how wilt thou say to thy

brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine
eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

Matthew:7.5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the

beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt
thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy
brother's eye.

One of the major reasons for the challenges

that the world faces is because much of

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
mankind hate to take responsibility. We love to
look so much into what the next person must
do and sidekick what we must do. We cry about
what they have done and are doing and ignore
what we have done and are doing. Always
looking to blame someone.

The same way we blame the government even

for irresponsible behaviors and the government
creating scapegoats for their failures is the
happening in the unhappy and failing marriages.

We are busy learning what our spouses must do

yet we are clueless of what we must do. All this
gathers to blaming them yet they surely maybe
in error but the question arises, are you doing
your part according to the manual of God on

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
misunderstandings and disagreements
In misunderstandings and disagreements during
marriage, we at times seek explanation from
our spouses. Let me say, there is no fruitful
explanation to address a marriage challenge
that you get from one without manual
knowledge. It doesn't matter how many
questions you ask your spouse, how much you
ask of them to explain to you where you are
missing it. As long as you are not in line with the
manual, marriage will be sour. In fact, it is a
blinder to ask your spouse where you are
missing it if you have no knowledge of the
manual of God for marriage. They may exhort
you using the manual but because you exalt
other knowledge above the word of God, you
will still disagree unless there be the spirit to
submit to the authority of the word of God in
you. Therefore both to ask for counsel from one
who is ignorant of the manual nor to counsel

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
using the manual one in whom foolishness is a
flag raised high bear little to no fruit.

by reason of culture and traditions

While it yet a wonderful thing to embrace
differences in culture, it is not always that
people embrace culture mix. It is so easy to
overlook this aspect of life. Let me give you an
example. There is a particular people in a
particular nation where man especially the
oldest is considered a fatherly representative in
the family of his birth and at times in the
greater family (clan). This to them means that
the woman who is going to be married by the
same will also be deemed a motherly figure.
This does not only come with title but
responsibility which requires persons who are
welcoming to strangers and are compassionate.
It may be a tragedy if a woman who is of a
different background gets married to such a
man unless she is willing to learn quickly and is

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
ready to not only be a mother to her home but
to a clan. In some circumstances such failure to
adapt, causes great disputes and even divorce.

Matthew:15.2 Why do thy disciples transgress

the tradition of the elders? for they wash not
their hands when they eat bread.

Matthew:15.3 But he answered and said unto

them, Why do ye also transgress the
commandment of God by your tradition?

Matthew:15.4 For God commanded, saying,

Honour thy father and mother: and, He that
curseth father or mother, let him die the death.

Matthew:15.5 But ye say, Whosoever shall say

to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by
whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;

Matthew:15.6 And honour not his father or his

mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the
commandment of God of none effect by your
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
If the gospel is hindered in the hearts of men
because of cultures and traditions. And l say this,
marriage is the gospel. The gospel founded
marriage, therefore marriage cannot be
anything but the gospel. This is just but one
example but maybe let me add another
common example.

by reason of economic status

Many are familiar with the religious vows of
marriage as have been done for many decades.
In those vows come the words 'in troubles and
also in death' we will be together and love each
other. But you realize that for some this is
determined by the financial situation that the
couple finds themselves in. I have found that
the day the husband got more financial success,
he looks for more women and stop coming
home. The day the wife became financially
stronger than the husband, she no longer
honors nor gives the husband his place. And l

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
say this is what they have said that money
amplifies character. The question here would be,
"Did you understand the vows you made? If you
did, "Did you understand what you were vowing?
Are you truly ready to continue in the same love
even when the trials and temptations of life try
you? Will you maintain your place?

I believe by reason of these examples, already

you have begun to see like-scenarios in your
own environment that have been areas of

Keeping in mind that all these things are a result

of a high rate of ignorance in the knowledge of
the manual of marriage as ordained by the
Creator, you may need to consider these things
before you engage someone: for surely it seems
some of you have their love, virtue,
commitment, faithfulness and dignity hinged on
these things. I touched on these simply because
of the number of marriages that have fallen
victim to these childish matters of life.
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
The responsibility of doing
If you love me, you will do my commandments.

John:14.15 If ye love me, keep my


John:14.23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If

a man love me, he will keep my words: and my
Father will love him, and we will come unto him,
and make our abode with him.

John:14.24 He that loveth me not keepeth not

my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not
mine, but the Father's which sent me.

If you love me, you will do my word is quite a

remarkable statement that the Lord Jesus said.
This gives us a picture on how God would have
us to be. To God, doers of His word are the ones
He affirms love Him. Some folks love the
benefits but despise the instruction of the
Author of the instruction.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
The responsibility of functioning in principle
with the manual lies with both parties having
each their responsibility defined male and
female. The challenge that may arise is that if
one party does their part and the other chooses
not to, there will arise conflict. The one who
runs for prayer forsaking the doing of the word
will come home jovial that they received prayer
but the spouse that is waiting for them at home
is looking in the word expecting to see the
husband or wife that God has defined. So the
prayer of the one that sought after prayer
above the word of God is going to face
resistance and will not prevail because the doer
of the word is justified above he that forsakes
the word.

The grand question to the one that runs for

prayer neglecting the principal thing which is
the word of God, is how are you praying
without the word? What are you praying?
Because if you are not in the word you are most

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
likely praying against the word of God. Go into
the manual of marriage, therein lies your Happy

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
God Hates Divorce
Malachi:2.16 For the LORD, the God of Israel,
saith that he hateth putting away: for one
covereth violence with his garment, saith the
LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your
spirit, that ye deal not treacherously.

Mark:10.2 And the Pharisees came to him, and

asked him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his
wife? tempting him.

Mark:10.3 And he answered and said unto them,

What did Moses command you?

Mark:10.4 And they said, Moses suffered to

write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away.

Mark:10.5 And Jesus answered and said unto

them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote
you this precept.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Mark:10.6 But from the beginning of the
creation God made them male and female.

Mark:10.7 For this cause shall a man leave his

father and mother, and cleave to his wife;

Mark:10.8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so

then they are no more twain, but one flesh.

Mark:10.9 What therefore God hath joined

together, let not man put asunder.

Mark:10.10 And in the house his disciples asked

him again of the same matter.

Mark:10.11 And he saith unto them, Whosoever

shall put away his wife, and marry another,
committeth adultery against her.

Mark:10.12 And if a woman shall put away her

husband, and be married to another, she
committeth adultery.

The Lord in Malachi talking about salvation

expresses how he hates putting away
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
something which is all rooting from not doing
His word. It is rather an address of God's love
for men to the effect that He doesn't want to
lose any. As much as He does not want you
separated from Him, he doesn't want you to
divorce with your spouse because also he has
made marriage in the exact pattern of the
relationship of himself and the his church.

It is very true that God hates divorce and that

what God has joined together let no man
separate. Divorce is the result of men's inability
to do according to the manual which weakness
of men drove Moses into permitting the law of
divorce. So divorce is a law of permission.

Mark:10.6 But from the beginning of the

creation God made them male and female.

Mark:10.7 For this cause shall a man leave his

father and mother, and cleave to his wife;

Mark:10.8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so

then they are no more twain, but one flesh.
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
This law of permission is introduced because
we as the male and female are missing the
foundation of Gods' thought on love. God in
His Omnipresence, having seen yesterday,
today and forevermore knows without doubt
that if the two who decide to get into marriage
being male and female (AND NOTHING ELSE -
GOD), follow my instructions concerning
marriage there can never be a cause for

Know this, there is no scripture that exists idle

as it were. When God says this, he is saying it
based on what He has given you to operate that
system of marriage. But now, if you decide to
ignore the manual that is the supreme guide to
operating and functioning in the system of
marriage, the divorce that God hates will knock
on your door. Your marriage will be miserable.
You will live on your knees praying for

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
something God has already given you sufficient
solutions for.

Selfishness, pride, and an exaltation of self and

other knowledge above the word of God will
continually vomit you into the BOT marriage
patterns. We build a union as husband and wife
and operate that institution only to hand it over
to divorce.

As for most believers who are struggling in

marriage, they are burdened daily trying to put
a smile to the world to say everything is just fine.
Don't confuse it for faith, not so, its fear. They
don't want them to know lest they despise
them and their faith.

Divorce is never the way to go in life, but

circumstances do push us towards the same.
Children are affected in many ways. Even for
you the divorcing individuals, there are
memories that may affect you in your future
relationship if you do marry again. Intimate
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
memories may linger in your mind to the effect
that intimacy becomes horrible with your now
partner. This is because you are busy comparing
them with your ex. I say this notwithstanding
the Holy Spirit to heal you from all those
memories bad or good. He is a good God.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
The Marriage Manual
1 John:5.2 By this we know that we love the
children of God, when we love God, and keep his

1 John:5.3 For this is the love of God, that we

keep his commandments: and his
commandments are not grievous.

God in the above scripture both makes aware

and instructs us that it is in the doing of the
word of God that our love for him is proven.

1 Peter:3.7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with

them according to knowledge, giving honour
unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as
being heirs together of the grace of life; that
your prayers be not hindered.

In the book of Peter above, the word of God is

saying dwell with them according to knowledge.
What is that knowledge? Where is that
knowledge? Even as matter of thought, why
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
would God say, "dwell according to knowledge
and fail to provide that knowledge? The answer
is in His word.

Job:21.22 Shall any teach God knowledge?

seeing he judgeth those that are high.

1 Samuel:2.3 Talk no more so exceeding proudly;

let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for
the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by him
actions are weighed.

God is rightly instructing us because he had

provided in his word what knowledge roots you
downward in dwelling according to knowledge.

To what l have found out in the word of God,
the law of marriage is summed in one, LOVE. In
the understanding of some folks it is in two,
LOVE & SUBMISSION. l don't dispute this notion
of understanding because l know why they have
taken it to be so.
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Based on that understanding, the two must
work together. They are inseparable, each must
be responded by the other. If love is given in
marriage submission is the response and vis-à-
vis submission has to be responded by love. At
the same time none of the two must dependent
on the other partner to do the word, but the
one that gets into marriage must find their roles
and responsibility from the manual and OBEY
them. Obedience is the key word.

Yes l do accept the thought of LOVE &

SUBMISSION but this is not the perfect thought.
It is arrived at most based on little
understanding of God.

Ephesians:3.19 And to know the love of Christ,

which passeth knowledge, that ye might be
filled with all the fulness of God.

If you know and understand who God is, how he

looks at us, what his thoughts regarding us are
and what had God to send Jesus to come and
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
suffer and die for us and rise again presenting
his blood as a pleasant and complete sacrifice
before the Father and sitting on the throne; you
will know without doubt, it’s all about the God
kind of love. You will gladly present yourself to
your spouse submitting to the word of God.

(LOVE -The love that you give to your spouse

ought to be covered by Agape Love so that it is
not vain. l speak here of the God-kind of love
that God impresses on us to share as partners in
marriage. And how shall you love if you are not
submissive? It is impossible for someone who
cannot submit to love because submission can
only be found in a place of love. If what is seen
as submission is found in the place where love is
an alien then what you are calling submission is

SUBMISSION - In order to submit you must have

love. The reason anybody refuses to submit to
anything that God says submit is the absence of
the fulness of the love of God as a fruit of their
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
faith in Christ and confession of faith. They are
fighting Christ in them. Because the bible says,
"it is no longer l that lives but Christ". But men
resist that same Christ whom they call Master.

THEREFORE, if let me sum this thought in

saying, "both the husband and wife are called to
one, LOVE outside of which nothing is for love
makes all things complete, Hallelujah").

The greatest of all is love and God is love (1John

4:8, 1 John 4:16, 1Corithians 13:13). Whether
love nor submitting nor obeying nor headship, if
done outside love it is no more anything but
deceit. So whatsoever you are going to find the
word of God instructing you to do as a husband
and to do as a wife must be done out of love.
Love must the cause of it. If you really love God,
love your spouse and want a Happy Marriage,
you will do God's word. Surely, you will obey
the manual of marriage.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Look yourself in the mirror
James:1.18 Of his own will begat he us with the
word of truth, that we should be a kind of
firstfruits of his creatures.

James:1.20 For the wrath of man worketh not

the righteousness of God.

James:1.21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness

and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with
meekness the engrafted word, which is able to
save your souls.

James:1.22 But be ye doers of the word, and not

hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

James:1.23 For if any be a hearer of the word,

and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding
his natural face in a glass:

James:1.24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth

his way, and straightway forgetteth what
manner of man he was.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
James:1.25 But whoso looketh into the perfect
law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being
not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work,
this man shall be blessed in his deed.

Get into the manual of marriage and take

account of yourself, by looking yourself in the
mirror of what the manual says a good wife
must do, what a husband must do, and OBEY.

Many lose it because you say the Bible is old,

times have changed, what it says about
marriage is out of touch with the current world
YET you also forget to acknowledge that if the
Bible is old like you say then marriage is old too.
So if its old then its manual is old and there is no
promise nor prophecy on reinventing it or
rewriting the will.

So it’s simple to say, if you don't want old stuff,

don't involve yourself into old stuff like
marriage. Marriage is then an old institution
created by the Ancient of ancients who has not
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
recreated marriage nor changed the manual of
it. Why seek ye to rewrite the will of something
you authored not.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Happy Marriages - its possible
Matthew:19.26 But Jesus beheld them, and said
unto them, With men this is impossible; but with
God all things are possible.

My choice of scripture is not only based on the

truth of it, but the fact that it is one of the basis
for the application of prayer. All things are
possible the scripture says, and that does not
exclude marriage. Marriage is part of all things.

Jeremiah:29.11 For I know the thoughts that I

think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of
peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected

God never gives you anything so that it hurts

you. Marriage is one those gifts He has given to
men to enjoy. He so loves you that He had to
send Jesus to suffer and make an overpayment
for your sins because God couldn't contain
being God without you. With all the power God

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
has, the possibilities He has, the creation He has
even the power to create another form of
humanity, He still loved and is not willing to lose
you nor see you hurt.

Acts:9.3 And as he journeyed, he came near

Damascus: and suddenly there shined round
about him a light from heaven:

Acts:9.4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a

voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why
persecutest thou me?

Acts:9.5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And

the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest:
it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

The Lord Jesus said, "When they hurt you they

are doing it to me not to you", even to Paul
while he persecuted the church, he says to him,
"why are you persecuting me". He never said
the church as much as Paul was causing havoc
to the believers. In this, the Lord shows us how

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
much love He has for them that He has given
birth to.

This must come to you as the assurance of the

Lord's unending love.

Luke:11.11 If a son shall ask bread of any of you

that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he
ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?

Luke:11.12 Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer

him a scorpion?

Luke:11.13 If ye then, being evil, know how to

give good gifts unto your children: how much
more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy
Spirit to them that ask him?

I say to you, God would not have given marriage

to mankind if it was injurious and hurtful in any
way to them.

A happy marriage is all wrapped in a choice. You

have to make a choice to live a happy life and a
happy marriage. The Lord said I have set before
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
you life and death, a blessing and cursing
(Deutronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to
record this day against you, that I have set
before you life and death, blessing and cursing:
therefore choose life, that both thou and thy
seed may live:).

The result of what you are going to get

according to this scripture lies in the choice that
you make.

In marriage, this choice has to be made by both

parties. How shall two walk together lest they
agree (Amos:3.3 Can two walk together, except
they be agreed?). The failure by one party to
make the right choice poses challenges to the
cause. So whoever decides to get married must
also decide and commit themselves to a happy
marriage. This must be done remembering
there is no happy marriage outside the manual
of it. Cloning marriage has proved a failure: it is
for that reason we are in messy marriages,
separated, and divorced. Choose a happy
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
marriage by the choosing of the manual as your
operational guideline.

How l right now wish that we could change our

marriage vows, even all of us from the
religiously followed till death do us apart and its
other wording to a simple vow like:



never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Supplementary Knowledge
If one misunderstands some of my sayings they
might, if clarity is not given, err to think that l
am against what l call supplementary
knowledge. This is where experiential
knowledge, your aunts, friends know how and
all the how-to resources fall under.
Supplementary knowledge is for those that are
mature. One must get supplements only after
having engaging themselves in constant
studying and meditating the principal
knowledge. It is the rooted understanding of
this principal knowledge that should guide you
on the choice of supplementary knowledge
which is consistent with the word of God. It is
also the presence of multiple sources of
supplementary knowledge consumed on a
foundation which is empty of manual
knowledge that has denied some Happy
Marriages. It takes even the smallest seed of
corrupt knowledge to convert hearts that are
not rich towards God into error Galatians 5:9.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Even if knowledge is said to be revelation from
God, it must be consistent with the manual of
God in the Holy Bible.

Letter to the prospective couple

If you are reading this book and you are not yet
married, blessed are you. For you are now going
to get into the manual of God on marriage to
study and meditate it rightly making yourself
available to a happy marriage as well obtaining
the keys to such a fulfilling life. And if you are
diligent in this, you shall become skilful in the
manual of marriage. And you are much wiser if
you also buy your future partner a copy of this
book so that you both learn at the same time
which is a requirement to a Happy Marriage.
When you then get married you must be doing
and saying the same thing. God manual style of
marriage is a Happy Marriage. And keep
studying and meditating then you will always be
ready to resist the devil and any other contrary
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
information that does not agree with what God
says about marriage. If you have been married
and have not been in compliance with the
manual of God for marriage, let today be the
first day of your marriage as you together with
your spouse make a fresh commitment before
the Lord to submit yourselves to the
instructions of his word concerning marriage.
Here is a short prayer and refreshing vows for
your marriage as you are set on a new course
of a Happy Marriage: Father, we come before
you in the name of the Lord Jesus. I have
recognized my errors in the area of marriage. I
repent from ignorance and commit myself to
relating with my wife/husband according to
what you have instructed me in your word. From
now on, l obey your manual and l have a Happy
Marriage. Thank you my Father in the name of
Jesus Christ, Amen!

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Search the Scriptures
John:5.39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye
think ye have eternal life: and they are they
which testify of me.

Below is a list of some scriptures to help you

understand who you are in marriage and how
you are expected to carry yourself in the place
of marriage. Take the time to study them.
Besides studying this book, Happy Marriages,
reading the scriptures for yourself is the best
thing you can ever do for yourself. Above all, it
is these scriptures that this book is built on.

Mathew 24:38 - l call this the principal scripture.

Begin securing a place in the ark, salvation. Be
certain to have received Jesus. All else is
James 2:8 This scripture is called the Royal
1 John 2:5, Mathew 5:32, 19:9-10, 1Cor 7:9, 28,
36, 1 Timothy 4:3, 5:11-14, Genesis 3:16

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Numbers 36:6 We have God as our Father,
marry among the brethren, of the same faith.
Genesis 29:32, 29:34, 30:20, Judges 19:3, Ruth
2:11, 1Samuel1:8, 2:19, Esther 1:17, Proverbs
12:4, 37:11, 31:23, 31:28, Ezekiel 16:32, Acts
5:9-10, Romans 7:2-3,
1 Corinthians 7:2-16, 27, 33-39, Ephesians
chapter 5, Ephesians 1:15-16, Colossians 3:18-
19, 1Timothy 3:2, 11-12, Titus 1:6, 2:4-5,
1Peter3:1-7, Revelation 21:2, Genesis 2:24-25,
3:20-21, Deuteronomy 13:6, 24:5, 1Samuel
25:3, 1 Kings 21:25, Psalms 128:3, Proverbs
5:18-20, 18:22, 19:13-14, Ecclesiastes 9:9,
Malachi 2:14-15, Songs of Solomon 4:3, 4:10,
4:12, 1:4, 2:4, 8:6, Esther1:11-12, Proverbs 31,
1Peter3:10, Genesis 24:67, Leviticus 19:18,
Esther2:17, Proverbs 10:12, 12:1, 17:9, 27:5,
Ecclesiastes 9:9, Mark 12:33, Romans 5:5,
Romans 12:9, 12:19, 13:10, 2Corithians6:6, 9:7,
13:11, Galatians 5:13-26, Ephesians 3:14-21,
4:26, Philippians 2:1-16, 4:4-13, Colossians 2:6-
9, 1Peter3

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
James:1.19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let
every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow
to wrath:

1John 4:6-8

Galatians 5:9

2Timothy 1:13

1John 3:11

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
God Does Not Want
Anyone to go to Hell
Weird as it may sound to some folks, it is a truth.
God does not want anyone to go to hell. For
instance, in the book of 1Timothy 2:4 the Bible
says, "God would gave all men to be saved and
to come to the knowledge of the truth".

Maybe you are reading or have been reading

this book and you are not born again. You need
to receive Jesus into your life by faith. He is the
way, the truth and the life (John:14.6 Jesus saith
unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me).
Even if it were that you are going to follow the
scriptures on marriage and work them in your
marriage, how shall it be possible without Jesus?
Even if it were possible, what good is a happy
marriage on earth yet letting your soul perish in
everlasting fire.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Romans:10.9 That if thou shalt confess with thy
mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine
heart that God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved.

Romans:10.10 For with the heart man believeth

unto righteousness; and with the mouth
confession is made unto salvation.

Romans:10.11 For the scripture saith,

Whosoever believeth on him shall not be

Romans:10.13 For whosoever shall call upon the

name of the Lord shall be saved.

Romans:10.14 How then shall they call on him in

whom they have not believed? and how shall
they believe in him of whom they have not
heard? and how shall they hear without a

Romans 10:8-15 says the word is in your heart

and in your mouth to confess it. Indeed
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
somebody has to publish it that this truth be
known. I have published it to you and surely,
you shall have no excuse before the Master, for
even now you are hearing. Heaven is ever
geared to celebrate you when you make the
right decision to become a child of God.

Luke:15.7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall

be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth,
more than over ninety and nine just persons,
which need no repentance.

So God is listening and heaven is ready to make

merry because you are about to make the best
decision for your life.

If you want to be born again, that is believing in

your heart and confessing with your mouth, say
the prayer below.

Dear Lord Jesus l call unto you today. I believe

that you are the Son of the Living God and that
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
you came and died for my sins on the cross and
that on the third day you rose again back to
life and are seated at the right hand of God in
heaven. I ask of you, come into my heart and
be the Lord of my life. Let your Holy Spirit rest
and abide in me and give me utterance even as
He wills. I receive your grace, truth and love. I
am now born again. Glory to God.

Now that you are born again, find a church near

you that preaches the word of God in word and
in power, in grace, truth and love believing in
the resurrected Christ who is one with God and
God. Or maybe you would like to know how you
may start a cell group of MountSion-
thegoodtidingschurch contact us on the
numbers given below. Or maybe you want us to
recommend a church family to join, we can still
help you. God bless you.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
“Are you in marriage? Are you planning to get married? Are
you separated or divorced? Do you need a Happy Marriage?
For a happy marriage, you must have the righful knowledge
that gives access to a Happy Marriage”

It dawned on me one day that there is misdirected

application of marriage fundamentals especially in remedial
application to the challenges people are facing in marriages.
One would think the book is an attack on prayer, but the wise
shall read and understand what the book is addressing.
Misplaced application of prayer remains one of the reasons
why even after prayer marriage is still miserable for many
couples, or worse still they get divorced.

Happy Marriages2 provides the answer for men and women

single, married and divorced to enjoying happy marriages
through various examples and biblical proofs. Prayer in many
instances is not what we want for our marriages, yet that is
the first thing we are seeking after. Regardless of who you
are, Happy Marriages helps you to obtain the keys to a
fulfilling and happy marriage.

Heig Colman is the Founder of Every Soul for Jesus Inc.
Evangelical Missions Outreaches & MountSion-
thegoodtidingschurch & Love & Marriage Club. He is also
founder of Gloria Patri Trust a mission of love through
various compassion works.

never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
Learn more about

Heig Colman




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never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its
never deny yourself the opportunity of a Happy Marriage, its

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