Tutorial English Version

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This document explains the steps that you need to follow at the machine’s computer in order to insert and start a new

1. In the Production window select an empty row where you want to insert the new order.

2. If the panel size that you need to produce is not saved in the production library you will have to input a new sheet
from zero.
(If the panel already exists in the library you can select and edit it by using the Sheet Editor, we will explain this
process later in this document, Step #6)

To input a new sheet, click on the Production tab and then select “Sheet input”.
3. Click on the Sheet Input window, here you will enter the sheet info that appears in the Order Description (wire
lengths, size and spacings) to create the new panel configuration.


Take the data from the Order Description and convert each measure to inches before entering them into the Sheet

To get the cross and line wire sizes in inches use the Size Chart (example below) that is posted in the tools cabinet
of the machine and find the equivalent size in inches for the size that you have in the Order Description.
4. The image below shows an example of the input data for a new panel design (TEST1).

To check the drawing and sizes corresponding to the panel that you are entering to the system push the F4 button
(Graphics). By doing that the computer will show the graphics and configuration of the new panel. (As show in the
image below).
Push the F2 button to go back to the Input Sheet window and then push F5 to display the Other menus, next click on
“Line Wire spacing” to show the polarity of the electrodes and the Line Wire allocation.
The polarity window of the example “TEST1” will look like the following.

After entering the data of the panel measures in the Sheet Input window the computer will create by default a
configuration for the Polarity of electrodes (F3), the Plunger pressure range (F4), the RV2 (F5) and the ALE (F6).

The most important section here is the Polarity of electrodes (F3), in that section each number from 1 to 6 represents
a different transformer, 1-4 in the upper level and 5-6 in the lower level. The blue squares represent the position of
each electrode that will be active for the welding of each line wire. The computer calculated the spacing between each
blue square by itself.

Something important to have in mind is that each transformer allows ONLY an even number of active blue square, as
you see in the example of the TEST1, each transformer has two blue active squares. This is a rule and needs to be

Depends of the number and spacing of the line wire in some cases you will have to activate the AL electrodes located
at the beginning and end of the electrodes row, in order to accomplish the even number rule for each transformer.
The following image shows that special case mentioned before.

As you can see in this case the panel has ten line wires and because of the particular spacing each transformer (5 and
6) will contain five active blue squares to complete each one of the ten welding spots corresponding to each line wire
but in order to accomplish the even number rule in each transformer you need will activate the AL electrode in each
side to complete the even number of blue squares and have a continuous current flow that allows the welding to be
performed. To activate the AL position just click on the empty square that you want to use.

Always double check if the default configuration that the computer creates follows the even number rule for each
transformer used.

Another rule that the configuration of the active electrodes needs to accomplish in order to perform the welding
correctly is explained with the following image. CONTINUOUS FLOW RULE

The current flow should follow one of the two configurations showed in the image above. The flow needs to be
continuous in order to perform a correct welding process. You may have two cases:

A. You start with ONE blue square in the plus row followed by a pair of blue squares in the minus row then a pair in
the plus row…You continue the same way, and finish with one blue square in the same row that you started.
B. You start with ONE blue square in the minus row followed by a pair of blue squares in the plus row then a pair in
the minus row…You continue the same way, and finish with one blue square in the same row that you started.

NOTE: The space between the blue squares depends of the line wire spacing.


Always check by yourself that the default arrangement the computer creates follow the two rules mentioned before.
These two rules are the most important and key aspects in this process.
In the image below you can see some samples of different polarity arrangement.

Notice that in each case every transformer has an even number of blue squares no matter the position of the line
wires and in some cases the AL position were activated by the operator in order to achieve the even number.

See that in every configuration the CONTINUOUS FLOW rule is also accomplished.

Once you have set correctly the Polarity of the electrodes (F2) you need to make sure that the active positions there
matches with the active positions in both the Plunger pressure range (F4) and the RV2 (F5). For the ALE you can
choose the gripper that you are going to use depending of the RV active positions. See the image below and notice
that the position number of the Polarity matches with the same positions in the Plungers and the RV.
5. After completing the last section the order is ready to be saved in the computer’s library. Do the following to save.

In the SHEET INPUT window push the F8 button or just click on “Save” then you name the new order as following. In
this explanation our new order is TEST1.

Click in “OK” and your new order is saved into the PC’s library.
6. After saving your new order you will want to list it in the Production window by doing the following.

Right click on a blank row and then when the menu is showed click on “Insert sheet”
In the Browser window, look for the order that you just saved and select it (TEST1), then click in “OK”

Once the new order appears in the Production window you can edit it if needed by right clicking on it and selecting
“Sheet editor” as the image below shows.

After you list the new order in the Production window you need to input the number of panels you are going to
produce and the limit number where the machine will shut down after accomplishing that number in the “PRODUCT
DESCRIPTION” and “PIECE SET” columns respectively. Usually putting “9999” the machine will not shutting down and
you can work in your next order. (See image below)

The number of “PIECE REAL” column will increment automatically while you are advancing in the order.
7. When your edits are ready you will need to reset the previous settings that the machine and the computer had
related with the last order. Do the following.

In the Production window push the F4 button or click on “Reset”. When the menu is displayed, first click in “Machine”.
Then push again the F4 button and in this occasion click in “Reset all”

8. The last step is to activate the new order in the Production window for the machine to recognize and start working
with the new data that you just inputted for the new panel. Do the following, right click in the new order (TEST1),
then click in “Production as from line”, (see image below). After doing that the computer should highlight the
order in blue with the letters in black.

After doing the step #8 you are ready to start working on the adjustments inside the machine. Before starting that make
sure that the welding head is all the way up, this will give you enough space to work there.

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