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RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB (Established Under the Punjab Act No.12 of 2006) [Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAG] REVISED Date Sheet for B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) FYIC (2%, 4%, 6", 8" & 10" semesters) and LL.M. (OYC) 2"! semester Mid-Term Examination March, 2019 (Centre: Academic Block) RGNUL/. kt (68:, Date: ...4. TIME 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM e bare = ee a 3 708 LLM, (21 Sem) (Busi, Cr, Const, nt, Law Group™ | (Optiona ae pa ellesa pug eanckgasnmaarsetett | eutay : Sec ceesareetn | toute netens aa Vey aaosz0te | Sail seatoon 2 | pet cere ee S| somes atcmrcnby Ee a ee, | omens ajar ards Dein no Nes "sy Nod =I ming an Fenopy sree See a ara é cae ee ur and Indust (ational ‘@ntionaly 0020 | ain |e | Fan Te emaacaenat ines | enc rmates nt cenaer e ar * Real Estate Law and Energy Law __| * Law and Weaker Sections Clinical Legal Education (Draftng, Pleading, 24.03.2019 : Sunday Sayer ates Sl Ean ST 25.03.2018 | Lawof Contract | aad Fundamental of IPRs CCiminal Law (ProceduralLaw 1) | Lawyering , Legal Aid and Para Legal i sina | es iat ein is Set ee a ioe ee onagns 78.08.2018 | ron PropertyLaw (Inducing | “international Relations and Organizations | *Intemaional Criminal Law Social Responsibility i Tuesday Registration) “Sociology of Gender “*Emerging Trends in Law-Media Law, RT| *Law of Drugs and Narcotic ee eet |e ae Se man raper ie wae cae 208200 | acead | Senay | ten tv Paes i a Inesday | Perspective “Comparative Public Seana | Aolmy (Minor) (Minor) (Busi, Cri,, Consti, Law Group) 28,03,2019 | *Development and Intemational | “History of Modem World “insurance Laws a Be ‘ioaany | eae Se, | conan poummaisey | eieemeapresdctwe “Westen Pottical Thought Passpedive “Serves Laws REGISTRAR Copy to: P.A. to Vice-Chancellor, 2) Registrar Office, 3) Administrative Officer, 4) Centre-Superintendent. CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS ae ah

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