Inquiry Prop

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Hayes Almond

Mrs. Thomas

UWRT 1104

12 Feb. 2019

Word Count: 620

The inquiry question I choose is how does technology affect education. I came across this

question when I noticed that over the years I have been going to school there has been influence

on education by technology more and more every year. As technology drastically improves that

also means schools will continue to be affected. The technology we have available today is

insane compared to when my parents were in school.

The people that are affected by technology in education would be the students and the

teachers. What might change is the learning speeds and abilities of students and teachers.

Students will be able to learn easier and teachers are able to teach easier. This change in

technology in schools has more recently occurred in the last couple centuries. The increasing

number of new technological inventions has caused a change in education. Technology has been

able to change education and will continue to alter school because it produces positives and


I know that technology has definitely benefited my education in many ways. Also that

technology has grown exponentially in the recent couple years with the introduction to flipped

classrooms. I learned about this subject by researching the key terms in google and just reading a

little about it before. I mainly learned it from the internet and from just observing as I have
Commented [1]: how will tech keep growing and
grown up. changing classrooms? consider using some of the
research that is showing positive results from flipped
classrooms and maybe briefly mention how those could
be part of what the future looks like
I have looked up the key words in the J. Murrey Atkins Library database and there was

lots of results. One of the titles I found were “Technology Hurts Study” and “What Does

Today’s Wireless Family Look Like?”. These sources focus on how technology may affect

education. These sources will be really helpful for when I research more into the question.

I can generate the keywords that involve technology and education. A word I could use

is stem which stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. I could also search

for technology over the years in school and how it affects school will come up for my inquiry


For more perspectives on my question I may ask some friends what they think about the

question. I could also conduct my own research by doing a survey and have people take the

survey on my inquiry. Perspectives are a good way of showing information coming from

different sources and different thought processes. Having multiple perspectives will help cover

all the areas of the question. Commented [2]: poll people who have taken an online
class or something along the lines of using technology
and whether or not they liked it online versus lecture or
what they thought they learned better from
I could probably limit my question to students in N.C. because I feel like if it was just

students at UNCC it would be to small of a sample. If it was the students of N.C. this research

would fit really well with my question because it is not too vast. Enlarging my question is a

possibility but would take way more time to research and I don't have that time.

I want to know more about the negative impacts that technology has given education. I

can only think of a few negatives off my head and learning more about the non beneficial side

will help my inquiry question research. I also want to find out what other people think about the

change in technology and how it has affected them in education over the years. I have heard

people say it has negatively impacted education and I have heard people say it has benefited it.
It could be important when it comes in to digging deeper into the question and exploring

all the areas. Researching this question will allow my classmates and the larger UNCC

community to realize how technology affects education. Going deep in the question will allow

other people to learn about the parts of the question they had no knowledge of and look at the

question from a different perspective.

Feedback summary:

The feedback I got was really helpful and will take all of it into consideration when writing my

proposal. Changing it helped guide me when delivering more in depth information. The reader
will know more about the topic and the specifics about the inquiry research. The idea for the poll

is very helpful because I was confused on what to do the poll on and online classes seem like a

really good one.

Hayes Almond

Mrs. Thomas

UWRT 1104

12 Feb. 2019

Word Count: 620

The inquiry question I choose is how does technology affect education. I came across this

question when I noticed that over the years I have been going to school there has been influence

on education by technology more and more every year. As technology drastically improves that Commented [3]: Very good overall. As a reader, I'm
wondering what you mean by technology: videos,
computers, flipped classrooms, a fan to circulate an
also means schools will continue to be affected. The technology we have available today is unconditioned room? Consider dialing it in more.

insane compared to when my parents were in school.

The people that are affected by technology in education would be the students and the

teachers. What might change is the learning speeds and abilities of students and teachers.

Students will be able to learn easier and teachers are able to teach easier. This change in

technology in schools has more recently occurred in the last couple centuries. The increasing

number of new technological inventions has caused a change in education. Technology has been

able to change education and will continue to alter school because it produces positives and


I know that technology has definitely benefited my education in many ways. Also that

technology has grown exponentially in the recent couple years. I learned about this subject by
researching the key terms in google and just reading a little about it before. I mainly learned it

from the internet and from just observing as I have grown up. Commented [4]: how will tech keep growing and
changing classrooms? consider using some of the
research that is showing positive results from flipped
classrooms and maybe briefly mention how those could
I have looked up the key words in the J. Murrey Atkins Library database and there was be part of what the future looks like

lots of results. One of the titles I found were “Technology Hurts Study” and “What Does

Today’s Wireless Family Look Like?”. These sources focus on how technology may affect

education. These sources will be really helpful for when I research more into the question.

I can generate the keywords that involve technology and education. A word I could use

is stem which stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. I could also search

for technology over the years in school and how it affects school will come up for my inquiry


For more perspectives on my question I may ask some friends what they think about the

question. I could also conduct my own research by doing a survey and have people take the

survey on my inquiry. Perspectives are a good way of showing information coming from

different sources and different thought processes. Having multiple perspectives will help cover

all the areas of the question. Commented [5]: poll people who have taken an online
class or something along the lines of using technology
and whether or not they liked it online versus lecture or
what they thought they learned better from
I could probably limit my question to students in N.C. because I feel like if it was just

students at UNCC it would be to small of a sample. If it was the students of N.C. this research

would fit really well with my question because it is not too vast. Enlarging my question is a

possibility but would take way more time to research and I don't have that time.

I want to know more about the negative impacts that technology has given education. I

can only think of a few negatives off my head and learning more about the non beneficial side

will help my inquiry question research. I also want to find out what other people think about the
change in technology and how it has affected them in education over the years. I have heard

people say it has negatively impacted education and I have heard people say it has benefited it.

It could be important when it comes in to digging deeper into the question and exploring

all the areas. Researching this question will allow my classmates and the larger UNCC

community to realize how technology affects education. Going deep in the question will allow

other people to learn about the parts of the question they had no knowledge of and look at the

question from a different perspective.

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