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Pongkor (west Java, Indonesia): A Pliocene supergene-enriched epithermal

Au-Ag-(Mn) deposit

Article  in  Mineralium Deposita · January 1999

DOI: 10.1007/s001260050191


40 652

6 authors, including:

Laurent Bailly
French Geological Survey


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Mineralium Deposita (1999) 34: 131±149 Ó Springer-Verlag 1999


J.P. MileÂsi á E. Marcoux á T. Sitorus

M. Simandjuntak á J. Leroy á L. Bailly

Pongkor (west Java, Indonesia): a Pliocene supergene-enriched

epithermal Au-Ag-(Mn) deposit

Received: 25 June 1997 / Accepted: 10 March 1998

Abstract The Pongkor gold-silver epithermal deposit work of banded quartz and former carbonate trans-
with reserves of at least 98 tonnes of gold and formed into manganese oxides through supergene al-
1026 tonnes of silver, average grades 16.4 g/t Au and teration (MOQ facies), (3) banded opaline milky quartz
171.2 g/t Ag is one of the most recent and largest gold (BOQ facies), and (4) grey, locally banded, sul®de-rich
and silver discoveries in Indonesia, proven within a quartz breccia cutting all the other types (GSQ facies).
short period (1988±1991). 40Ar/39Ar dating on adularia Adularia was deposited at the same time as the quartz.
samples give an age of 2.05 ‹ 0.05 Ma. The deposit is The mineralogy and internal structures of the veins
of the low-sul®dation epithermal type and consists of (crustiform banding, vugs, collapse breccia) clearly in-
four main mineralized quartz veins located close to the dicate a dilational context, which is common in low-
internal rim of a volcano-tectonic depression (caldera). sul®dation epithermal systems. Gold and silver grades,
This resulted from an explosive ignimbritic eruption as well as sul®de mineral abundances, increase steadily
that produced pyroclastic ¯ows and accretionary lapilli through stages 1 to 4, locally reaching 1 kg/t in the
with rare intercalations of epiclastic rocks. This volca- GSQ facies. The sul®des are dominated by pyrite, ac-
nic unit unconformably overlies Miocene subaqueous companied by common acanthite-aguilarite, polybasite-
volcanic andesitic rocks with interbedded epiclastic pearceite and electrum in which the gold content ranges
rocks. The mineralized bodies are thick (average from 48 to 74 wt.%. Sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite
4.2 m), steeply dipping, quartz-carbonate-adularia veins and hessite are fairly rare, although present within the
with a very low sul®de content (<0.5 wt.%). Their CQ facies. The ¯uid inclusions of the four facies show
genesis is related to an extensional episode within a homogenization temperatures ranging from 150 to
tectonic corridor showing NW-SE and NNE-SSW 382 °C, indicating boiling of a hydrothermal ¯uid with
conjugate strike-slip faults, the major vein being lo- an initial temperature of around 205 °C; no marked
cated on the inner rim of the caldera. The vein ®ll di€erence is seen in the GSQ facies, which has the
reveals four successive stages of deposition marked by highest gold content. Salinities are low, generally below
a speci®c facies: (1) carbonate-quartz breccia with 1 wt.% eq. NaCl. Lead isotope compositions of the
dominant quartz and calcite and minor kutnahorite, associated volcanic rocks and the mineralization are
rhodochrosite, and rhodonite (CQ facies), (2) a net- very similar, 206Pb/204Pb between 18.706 and 18.814 and
between 18.744 and 18.801 respectively, demonstrating
a genetic link between the Pliocene volcanism and the
Editorial handling: J. Hedenquist auriferous hydrothermal activity. The isotopic signa-
ture suggests that the source of the mineralization and
J.P. MileÂsi (&) á E. Marcoux1 á L. Bailly
BRGM, 3, avenue Claude Guillemin BP 6009, associated volcanic rocks is an underlying ancient
45060 OrleÂans cedex 2, France continental crust that melted and remobilized during
T. Sitorus á M. Simandjuntak the Pliocene volcanic and hydrothermal events. These
P.T. Aneka Tambang (Persero), Unit Geologi, conclusions seem applicable to the entire Bayah Dome.
Jl Pemuda n°1, Jakarta 13210, Indonesia The existence of both a tectonic corridor and a caldera
J. Leroy favoured channelling of the hydrothermal ¯uids and
UHP Nancy 1, LESH, BP 239, the deposition of primary ore in the veins. Late intense
54506 Vandoeuvre-leÁs-Nancy cedex, France weathering of the ore deposit, to depths of 250 m be-
Present address: low the surface, has given rise to manganese oxide
FR 09-UMR 6530-CNRS, Universite d'OrleÂans-ESEM, layers, limonite zones, and silver micronuggets within
8 rue LeÂonard de Vinci, 45072 ORLEÂANS Cedex 2, France the veins, as well as to gold enrichment.

Supergene weathering



Pongkor, 80 km southwest of Jakarta, is the largest vein
gold deposit in Java with reserves of 98 t of gold and

1026 t of silver (Aneka Tambang 1996, new calculation).

L 500

It is also one the most recent and most important gold

and silver discoveries in Indonesia. Like the major de-
posits of Grasberg (Irian Jaya), Kelian (Kalimantan),
Lerokis (Wetar) and many others, its discovery arose



from the gold rush that has been going on in Indonesia

since 1984 (Van Leeuwen 1994; Carlile and Mitchell
1994; Fig. 1), making Indonesia currently one of the


major gold producing countries of the world with an

ocial gold production of 75 t for 1995 (®gure from

In®lling of ore lodes

DGGM, Ministry of Industry and Energy).
The Pongkor system is composed of four subparallel


quartz-adularia-calcite veins that are rich in manganese

oxides and limonite and very poor in sul®des, although
with high concentrations in gold and silver (average

Table 1 Estimation of reserves by vein (after Aneka Tambang). xxxx: very abundant, xxx: abundant, xx: high, x: present


grades of the ore deposit are 16.4 g/t and 171.2 g/t re-


spectively) (Table 1). They appear to belong to the ad-
ularia-sericite epithermal (or low-sul®dation) type as





de®ned in literature (see Hayba et al. 1985; Heald et al.

1987; White and Hedenquist 1995). Publications con-

cerning this major deposit have so far only presented











thickness grade


Average Au


7.84 m
75±85°W 950 m
70±85°W 1050 m
740 m
1350 m

1500 m





Kubang Cicau
Ciguha Timur
Pasir Jawa

Fig. 1 a Main gold deposits of Indonesia with their contained


tonnages of gold (modi®ed from Journal of Geochemical Exploration


1994); b Location of Pongkor and other major gold deposits in west


preliminary scienti®c data (Basuki et al. 1994; Marcoux Pongkor deposit, the second type includes the very similar veins of
and MileÂsi 1994; Marcoux et al. 1996). The present study both the Ciawitali district 20 km southwest of Pongkor (Felenc
et al. 1991) and the Cibugis district 15 km north of Pongkor, and
provides additional information, especially concerning also probably the recently discovered Cibalium mineralization at
the geological, geochemical and mineralogical aspects of the southwestern end of the Bayah Dome (Fig. 1).
the deposit and its setting.
Geologic setting of Pongkor

The Pongkor deposit, 38 km west of Bogor to the southwest of

Deposit history Jakarta (west Java), is contained in an inlier of reputedly Miocene
volcano-sedimentary rocks within Pliocene-Quaternary volcanites
Pongkor was discovered in 1988 as a result of systematic explora- on the northeastern ¯ank of the Bayah Dome (Fig. 1). The deposit
tion carried out in southwestern Java by the State Mining Com- itself lies on the northwestern rim of an approximately circular
pany, P.T. Aneka Tambang (ANTAM), It was found through a structure (8 ´ 6 km) identi®ed from satellite images (Landsat) and
programme of stream-sediment geochemistry (which revealed sev- which we interpret as a volcano-tectonic depression, or caldera,
eral anomalous Au values between 100 and 200 ppb and a peak of associated with ignimbritic volcanism (Fig. 2). The north-north-
900 ppb) completed by a geophysical survey, trenching, and west rampart of the caldera is well preserved with a marked rim of
39 000 m of drilling (Basuki et al. 1994); no old mine or diggings subaqueous andesitic rocks overlain by ignimbritic deposits (lapilli-
existed at the site. Mining began in 1994 with an annual production and-block tu€ ± LBT). Mapping along the north-northwestern
target of 2 t of gold and 20 t of silver; the ore production rate in edges of this structure suggests that both the subaqueous andesitic
1997 was 500 t/day and will increase to 1200 t/day in 1998. Mining rocks and the lapilli-and-block tu€ have collapsed by about 60 m at
is predominantly underground by cut and ®ll from a base level at the mine site. A caldera hypothesis for the structure is supported by
500 m altitude with additional upper levels for Ciguha and Kubang the fact that the LBT is more than 300 m thick to the south of the
Cicau veins. The Pasir Jawa vein is mined from a separate adit and andesitic rim and less than 50 m thick at the northern edge. It is
an open pit, whereas the Ciguha and Kubang Cicau veins are also supported by the variation in thickness of the accretionary
reached from a common main cross-cut that links up with Ciurug lapilli tu€ overlain by the LBT; i.e. 40 m in the caldera and 10 m
vein, where mining is beginning (end of 1997). A production shaft along the rampart. The northeastern edge of the caldera is an
was built at Kubang Cicau in 1996. andesitic rampart, including a volcanic cone (Cisarua) ®lled with
The ore-processing plant is installed on the mine site (Plate 1, andesitic material (neck and associated breccia), overlain by
photo 1a). The ore is milled to <74 lm (90% eciency) and then ignimbrite. Attached to the southeastern edge of the Pongkor cal-
treated by cyanidation [carbon-in-leach (CIL) process] with re- dera is a younger 6-km-diameter caldera (Cianten) that cuts the
covery rates of 97% for the gold and 75% for the silver. After border ignimbrites.
recovering the gold and silver by electrolysis, the cathodes are A more recent andesitic volcanic event (Gunung Kendeng)
smelted on site to produce ingots of 8% gold + 92% silver for occurred after formation of the mineralized system. These rocks cut
re®ning in Jakarta. the southern edge of the Pongkor caldera and become more de-
The Pongkor mine has opened in time to take over from the veloped in the central part, following a north-south axis corre-
historical Cikotok-Cirotan gold district where the adularia-sericite sponding to a fault that acted as a major feeder channel for the
veins are now worked out after more than 50 years production volcanic eruptions.
(Sunarya 1989; Van Leeuwen 1994). It will enable mining activities Based on detailed study of the north-northwestern part of the
in West Java to be maintained and developed. Pongkor caldera, it has been possible to establish maps and full
stratigraphic sections both of the caldera rampart and of the suc-
cession ®lling the caldera (Figs. 3 and 4). The volcanic rocks
hosting the Pongkor deposit comprise three stacked units, known
Regional geologic setting as the lower, middle and upper volcanic units.
The lower unit is characterized by subaqueous calc-alkalic
Java and Sumatra form part of the western Sunda ± Bunda con- andesitic volcanic rocks grading laterally into epiclastic deposits.
tinental arc margin (Carlile and Mitchell 1994) that developed The north-northwestern volcanic andesitic rampart at Pongkor is
along the northern margin of the subducting Indian-Australian represented in part by brecciated ¯ows (jig-saw textures, lobate
plate following collision with the Eurasian plate during the Cen- lavas) showing quenching structures with a porous reddened ma-
ozoic (Fig. 1); the two plates contain rigid Precambrian continen- trix, suggestive of a ¯ow front or ¯ow-sill invading a muddy en-
tal-lithospheric blocks, commonly buried beneath Infracambrian to vironment (Plate 1 photo 1b), overlain by monogenic breccias. The
Phanerozoic terranes, that have drifted northwards from the formations of the collapsed lower unit extend beyond the Cikaniki
northern margin of Australia (Gatinsky et al. 1984; Hutchison and Ciguha rivers. The associated ®ne- to coarse-grained epiclastic
1988; Hamilton 1989). The subduction is responsible for an deposits constitute a good marker level in the mine area (Plate 1,
abundant and still active volcanism in the Java arc that, as shown photo 1c) where they form meter-thick intervals, commonly sorted,
by several authors (Van Bemmelen 1970; Whitford et al. 1979; with a coarse base (``sandstone'') and a black thin-bedded top
Katili 1989; Claproth 1989), has migrated with time from south to (``siltstone'') intercalated locally (in the main cross-cut or `tunnel')
north; the lavas of west Java remaining calc-alkaline through to the between two andesite and breccia bodies.
present day (Nicholls et al. 1990). The middle unit is marked by more explosive subaerial dacitic
Epithermal ore deposits associated with this volcanism in west volcanic rocks in which it is possible to distinguish various sub-
Java include gold deposits within and on the ¯anks of the Bayah units: a basal subunit with accretionary lapilli tu€ (Plate 1 photo
Dome, southwest of Jakarta. This geological unit, exposed over an 1d), overlain by lapilli-and-block tu€ (LBT) of the main ignimbrite
area of some 40 ´ 80 km, consists of Oligocene to Quaternary calc- subunit, and ®nally by partly reworked upper ®ne-grained pyro-
alkaline rhyolitic to andesitic rocks with a few intercalations of clastic fall tu€ and epiclastic siltstone of the topmost subunit. A
Miocene limestone and sandstone (Van Bemmelen 1970; MileÂsi rhyolitic dome is injected into these formations. The basal accre-
et al. 1994). Two noticeably di€erent styles of epithermal deposit tionary lapilli tu€ and overlying pyroclastic ¯ow and fall tu€ can be
are found, although both are discordant gold-bearing quartz veins: interpreted as due to a single ignimbritic eruption that was prob-
the one, known as the ``Cirotan type'', comprises brecciated veins ably synchronous with the caldera collapse. The mineralized veins
with rhodochrosite, electrum and abundant polymetallic sul®des; are mainly found within the LBT.
the other, the ``Pongkor type'', consists of thick crustiform banded The basal subunit, dominant between the Ciguha vein and the
quartz veins with electrum, manganese oxides and very few sul®des Pasir Jawa Fault (Fig. 3), is as much as 40 m thick in the inner part
(Marcoux et al. 1993; Marcoux and MileÂsi 1994). In addition to the of the caldera, as opposed to <10 m in the outer part (e.g. the

helipad section where this subunit overlies the lower unit ridge of ¯ows of similar facies to the LBT of the main ignimbrite subunit,
the caldera rampart, dipping gently southward in the south and and re¯ects subaerial deposition with marked reworking (broken
northward in the north); it consists of intercalated accretionary accretionary lapilli at Pasir Jawa) and undulations characteristic of
lapilli tu€, ®ne-grained tu€, crystal tu€ and, in places, pyroclastic aerial fall (dip <15°, increasing where the blocks are tilted). The

Plate 1 Geological setting: volcanic and vein structures. 1a View of
Pongkor mine toward NNE. Mine plant is in the middle upper part of
the photograph; 1b jig-saw breccia within andesitic lava of lower
andesitic unit (helipad site); 1c epiclastic formation interbedded within
andesitic volcanics of the lower andesitic unit (tunnel, level 500); 1d
accretionary lapilli tu€ (basal subunit of the middle volcanic unit,
Pasir Jawa open-pit); 1e lapilli-and-block tu€ (``LBT'', main
ignimbrite subunit of the middle volcanic unit), cross-cut by quartz-
carbonate veinlets, indicators of the beginning of vein opening (tunnel,
level 500); 1f typical lapilli-and-block tu€ (``LBT'', main ignimbrite
subunit of the middle volcanic unit; tunnel, level 500, 340 m); 1g ®ne
grained pyroclastic fall tu€s and epiclastic rocks (topmost subunit of
the middle volcanic unit; north of Pongkor mine); 1h stockwork of
quartz-calcite veinlets (beginning of CQ facies; Kubang Cicau vein,
level 500). Connection with hydraulic breccia is visible on the left side
of photograph

accretionary lapilli tu€ (rim type) constitutes a good rhyodacitic

marker horizon at the base of the subunit. The deposits in the
north-northwest of the prospect are also considered to belong to
this subunit; characteristic cross-bedded surge deposits with stan-
ding or breaking waves occur in the Cikaniki river with the same
exotic black sediment as the LBT (Fig. 3).
The LBT of the main ignimbrite subunit, which occurs both
within the caldera (dips of <21°S in the mine) and outside the
caldera (at least 7 km to southeast and 2 km northeast), is a very
thick (at least 250 m) dacitic ignimbrite formation made up of
successive sequences, each approximately 60 m thick (Plate 1 photo
1e and 1f). Several sequences of pyroclastic and block ¯ows,
pumice ¯ows and ¯ame-structured ignimbrite can be distinguished,
with bases that are generally richer in large blocks (0.2±0.3 m up to
1.0 m). The matrix-supported tu€ is very unsorted and polygenetic,
containing millimetre- to decimetre-size fragments that are com-
monly angular. The lithic fragments are predominantly non-vesic- Fig. 3 Geological map of Pongkor showing mapped faults and
ular allochthonous clasts (®ne-grained basaltic andesite and caldera boundaries
porphyritic andesite), juvenile propylitized pumice with very ®ne
pyrite, and exotic black siltstone (£10%). The sediments have
yielded monolete spores (Laevigatosporites perminutus and L. vul-
garis) which suggests that they belong to Late Paleozoic formations formations are unknown in west Java but crop out widely in the
probably reworked from an underlying Paleozoic basement. Such south of Sumatra, thus it is likely that they extend beneath the
western part of Java.
A 40-m-wide breccia pipe is located on a steeply dipping (70°)
E-W-striking paleostructure near the southern end of the Kubang
Cicau vein projection where it cuts a lava body of the lower unit;
blocks of this lava, one to several metres in size, are incorporated in
the breccia. The northern edge of this pipe is sharp, striking N80°E
and dipping 65°NW; the southern edge is much more indented due
to displacement of the lava body. The composition of the pipe's
®ne-grained matrix, notably with fragments of black sediment, is
similar to that of the LBT, indicating an origin from the volcanic
activity of the middle unit. The pipe is also cut by networks of
centimetre- to decimetre-thick hydrothermal breccia dikes con-
taining a ®ne matrix of black silica; these strike west and dip 70°N.
Secondary breccia dikes are also cut by black breccia dikes striking
N75°W and dipping 35°S. The andesite, the breccia pipe and the
black breccia dikes are all cut by the mineralized veins.
One elongate rhyolite body has been identi®ed on the north-
western edge of the caldera. It cuts both andesite and base surge
rocks close the mine entrance and is itself cut by a mineralized vein
of the Ciguha system.
The epiclastic siltstone of the topmost subunit forms metre-
thick intervals at a fairly constant altitude near the top of the LBT.
It re¯ects periods of volcanic quiescence with deposition of prob-
ably reworked ®ne-grained volcanic particles in a subaqueous
(lacustrine or marine) environment. At Gunung Pongkor, the in-
tervals are thicker (several tens of metres) and are highly silici®ed
Fig. 2 Interpreted Landsat satellite image showing the boundaries of and pyritized. The very top of the middle unit, located east of the
the Pongkor caldera, the main faults, the location of gold-bearing mine, consists of highly kaolinized and partly reworked very ®ne to
veins and the andesitic outcrops of the lower volcanic unit. Faults and ®ne grained pyroclastic fall tu€.
caldera boundaries have been con®rmed by mapping within the mine Although the mineralized veins cut the middle volcanic unit,
area (see Fig. 3) they may have been contemporaneous with the topmost subunit

because the upper pyroclastic fall tu€ at Cimanganten, from 670 m Fig. 4 Section through the caldera and lithostratigraphic section of
to 700 m altitude, is strongly kaolinized. This could represent either the Pongkor area (see caption on Fig. 3)
the top of the Pongkor hydrothermal system or a late overprint.
The upper unit overlies the middle unit to the north and the east
of the mine, and is formed mainly of prismatic andesite ¯ows as- vein opening, and is the most important of the min-
sociated with conjugate feeder dikes striking N30°W and N60°E eralized veins.
(tailings dam). This unit shows no hydrothermal alteration, which 4. The Cikoret vein, outside the corridor, which is the
suggests a post-vein emplacement. Like the mineralized veins, it is
a€ected by NNE-SSW dextral strike-slip faults. continuation of a NW-SE fault system passing
Moving away from the Pongkor caldera to the north and west through Ciurug; it cuts ignimbrites of the outer edge of
of the mine (Fig. 3), the volcanic rocks of the lower unit grade into the caldera and shows only two stages of vein opening.
volcanoclastic and epiclastic rocks (mud ¯ows, reworked tu€, fall
tu€ and epiclastic siltstone) that dip gently north (<15°) and The main Pongkor veins have opposing dips (Pasir Jawa
contain abundant vegetal debris: micropaleontological studies have and Ciguha to the southwest, Kubang Cicau and Ciurug
revealed spores (Pteridophytes) and pollen (Araucariaceae and to the northeast) forming a dihedral angle that suggests
Palmae) of Tertiary to Quaternary age (Plate 1 photo 1 g). This
lower sedimentary succession is folded (E-W folds with subhori- the existence of a collapse structure.
zontal axes) and unconformably overlain by acidic volcanoclastic The geometry of the Pongkor and Cikoret vein net-
rocks (reworked pyroclastic, pumice-¯ow and fall deposits) and works and the structural studies carried out in the mine
epiclastic rocks that are the lateral equivalent of the Pongkor have shown that the mineralized veins are tension gashes
middle unit.
The Pongkor area has been subjected to an equatorial humid
in normal faults initiated by strike-slip movement along
climate for the last two million years, with a particularly intense a conjugate fault system (dextral NW-SE- and sinistral
rate of erosion leaving only a truncated laterite pro®le with a few NNE-SSW-striking faults) that developed during NNE-
vestiges of lateritic hardpan, such as that located at 720 m altitude SSW compression, suggesting a plate-collision regime
at the southern end of the Kubang Cicau vein (Fig. 3). The oxi- beneath the island of Java. The openings were pulse-like
dation front in the country rock is much less developed than in the
veins. The latter show extensive lateritic alteration over at least and multistage.
250 m vertical extension, which has had the e€ect of partially ox- The NW-SE- and NNE-SSW-striking faults under-
idizing mixed carbonates and sul®des, with the formation of went complex reactivation after formation of the min-
abundant Mn oxides (wad) and Fe oxides (limonite); pockets of eralized veins (normal, NE-SW-striking reverse, and
massive wad with reworked fragments of quartz and country rock
are common in the upper parts of the veins. In the mine, it can be strike-slip faults). The last stage of tectonic readjustment
seen that the oxidation front, marked by deeply oxidized zones, was marked by the appearance of normal faults with
passes abruptly to fresh rock with intact sul®des. various strikes, indicating an almost isotropic southerly
extension. Certain faults (dextral NNE-SSW) cut the
youngest andesitic lava of the upper unit.
The mineralization

All the mineralized veins in the district, apart from the

Multistage vein ®ll
Cikoret vein in the southwest, are contained in the
NNE-SSW-striking Pongkor mineralized corridor.
The four main mineralized veins of the Pongkor corridor
Thus, from north to south (Figs. 3 and 4), we ®nd:
show similar vein ®lls re¯ecting a single four-stage
1. The main Pasir Jawa vein, showing only two stages of metallogenic event in a dilational context (Fig. 5). Field
vein opening; and mine observations show clear cross-cutting rela-
2. The main Ciguha and Kubang Cicau veins that cut tionships among the four stages, which allow us to
the caldera ®ll and show four stages of vein opening; propose a depositional chronology.
they have an overall sigmoidal shape, striking NW-
SE and veering to a sub N-S direction at the termi-
nations, and are connected to secondary NNW-SSE- Stage 1: carbonate-quartz facies (CQ)
striking veins, such as Ciguha Timur vein;
3. The main Ciurug vein cutting the caldera rim de- Deposition generally began with the formation of
posits; it has a sigmoidal shape, shows four stages of quartz-carbonate or carbonate veinlets, locally banded,

tered to Mn and Fe oxides forming coatings or interbeds

between the quartz bands, or elsewhere concentrated in
pulverulent masses (Plate 2, photo 2c). These pockets
with quartz and clay debris can be very rich in gold (30
to 55 g/t Au, and locally more), but are not enriched in
silver (180 g/t Ag). The facies itself is low-grade (1±5 g/
t Au).

Stage 3: banded opaline quartz facies (BOQ)

A massive white milky quartz with clear banded texture

(BOQ facies) succeeds the MOQ facies. It comprises
millimetre- to centimetre-thick bands of microcrystalline
to milky quartz with an opaline tendency, bands of ad-
ularia and ®ne disseminated sul®des (<1%) (Plate 2
photo 2d). This facies, which can be as much as 6 m
thick, has a fairly high gold content (5 to 15 g/t Au).

Stage 4: grey sul®de quartz facies (GSQ)

Fig. 5 Schematic sketch of a complete Pongkor vein, with the four The main gold-bearing facies is represented by a grey to
stages of in®lling. Although such a section may exist in the mine, the
sketch is a compilation constructed from the textural relationships pale-grey sul®de-rich quartz breccia known as the grey
observed in the four mineralized veins. Arrows show the direction of sul®de quartz facies (GSQ facies). The quartz, micro-
dilation crystalline and banded, can be massive or form the ce-
ment of a matrix-supported hydrothermal breccia-pipe
containing fragments of earlier facies (Plate 2 photo 2 e).
1 to 60 cm thick and 1 to 10 m long, which are seen up
The GSQ facies shows an irregular distribution. It may
to several tens of metres from the vein footwalls
be absent or it may abound in lenses that are several
Continued opening of these small fractures gave rise
metres thick and several metres long and that constitute
to a much thicker carbonate-quartz breccia that is well
the very rich parts of the vein (commonly more than
developed in the footwall which commonly shows a
30 g/t Au). At level 550 m of the Ciguha vein, over a
hydraulic and locally rotational breccia connected to a
strike length of 45 m, the average grade of this grey
stockwork (Plate 1 photo 1 h, plate 2 photo 2a); bladed
facies is in the order of 28 g/t Au (Fig. 5). The highest
calcite boxworks are common. This breccia facies is
grades of the facies (up to 1 kg/t) are recorded in the
more extensive than the banded quartz-carbonate vein-
oxidized zones that have undergone intense supergene
lets, both vertically and horizontally. It is highly
alteration with the formation of limonite.
weathered in places and well preserved in others, espe-
A ®nal vuggy quartz phase with tabular crystals of
cially at depth and in the southern part of the Kubang
cream calcite completed the stage 4 deposition. It is
Cicau vein at Level 500. More rarely (over thicknesses of
known as the late geodic quartz facies and is barren of
1 to 10 cm and lengths of a few metres in the Ciguha
vein) one can see an alternation of quartz-adularia-
rhodonite-rhodochrosite bands. Sul®des are rare and
disseminated (<1%) within quartz, as well as in the The Pongkor deposit
adularia-chlorite rim of some quartz-carbonate veinlets.
The gold grade is usually low (<1 g/t). The four main veins of the Pongkor deposit (Pasir Jawa,
Ciguha, Kubang Cicau and Ciurug; Fig. 3), between
950 m (Pasir Jawa) and 1500 m (Ciurug) long and with
Stage 2: manganese oxide-quartz facies (MOQ) average thicknesses from 1.6 to 7.8 m (absolute thick-
ness locally reaching 24 m at Ciurug), have an overall
Following the CQ, an alternation of 3±4 cm-thick orientation of N25±40°W (in places veering to N05°E)
quartz and rhodonite bands forms a ®ne network of and dip at 70° to 85° to the southwest (Pasir Jawa and
subparallel coalescent anastomosing veinlets, in places Ciguha) or northeast (Kubang Cicau and Ciurug)
with a broad spherulitic texture (Pasir Jawa) up to sev- (Fig. 4). Proven reserves from the surface to level 500 m,
eral metres thick (MOQ facies) (Plate 2 photo 2b). The i.e. 200 to 250 m vertical extension, are 98 t of gold and
quartz bands are white, columnar, translucent and well 1026 t of silver with average grades of 16.4 g/t and
crystallized, with rare ®ne sul®des (<1%); the rhodonite 171.2 g/t respectively (Table 1). The veins continue in
bands, totally weathered by meteoric water at low tem- depth, but only ®ve irregularly distributed boreholes
perature (Gammond and Seward 1996), have been al- have intersected them below level 500 m, which is in-

Plate 2 Vein structures, mineralized facies and mineralogy. 2a CQ
facies: hydraulic breccia with matrix of quartz-carbonates (footwall of
Kubang Cicau vein; tunnel, level 500); 2b MOQ facies: banded quartz
and manganese-oxides (ex-rhodonite) (Ciguha vein; tunnel, level 500,
465 m); 2c MOQ facies: highly weathered zone of Ciguha vein
showing abundant manganese-oxide (Ciguha vein, level 550); 2d BOQ
facies: typical texture showing alternating bands of milky quartz and
adularia, with some coatings of manganese-oxide (Kubang Cicau
vein, stope 4, Level 515); 2e GSQ facies: grey quartz with abundant
sul®des, showing white fragments of earlier quartz facies (Kubang
Cicau vein, level 500); 2f concentrated ore from GSQ samples: pyrite
(white yellowish) with large electrum patches (brilliant white yellowish)
(Ciguha vein, level 550 ). Width of the ®eld: 0.54 mm (SP 53561); 2g
concentrated ore from GSQ samples from the sur®cial weathered zone
of Kubang Cicau vein, showing pyrite (white yellowish) and goethite
(grey). In the middle of the ®eld, note the evolution of an electrum
patch hosted by an ancient pyrite crystal now altered to goethite: gold
is selectively dissolved and escapes from the goethite (yellow
dendrites), while silver remains inside the goethite crystal (Kubang
Cicau vein, open-pit). Width of the ®eld: 0.27 mm (SP 53562); 2h
concentrated ore from GSQ samples from the sur®cial weathered zone
of Kubang Cicau vein, showing pyrite (white yellowish), goethite
(grey) and nugget of native silver (white rounded grain). This represents
the last stage of electrum evolution under sur®cial weathering
conditions: gold is totally released and transported as a complex
deep into the ore veins while silver remains at the surface. Width of the
®eld: 0.68 mm (SP 53562)

sucient for reliable thickness and grade estimates. The

size and tonnage of the veins increase from north to
south: 1.4 t of gold for Pasir Jawa, 11.1 t for Ciguha,
30.1 t for Kubang Cicau and 55.9 t for Ciurug. The
intervals between the major veins are occupied by thin-
ner veins and veinlets (a few centimetres to 1.4 m) that,
apart from Ciguha Timur (Fig. 3), are not mined despite
the fact that they contain identical grades and facies as
the nearby main veins.
Fig. 6 Mineralized veins: grade contours and pitch of the ore shoots
(after Aneka Tambang documents) (vertical and horizontal scales are
The main veins similar)

Pasir Jawa
and contains all four vein-facies, MOQ being dominant
and showing pockets of supergene MnO from surface to
Pasir Jawa is the northernmost and smallest of the
mine level. At the surface, the vein is marked by quartz-
Pongkor veins (1.4 t of gold and 20.3 t of silver). The
ose exposures that are several metres thick and comprise
vein is 4±5 m thick on average, bulging to more than
zones of banded quartz with very vuggy regular or con-
10 m in stope II. It is strongly argillized and mainly ®lled
torted bands alternating with manganiferous bands that
by CQ and dominant MOQ facies (Table 1), highly
locally form pulverulent pockets (MOQ facies).
weathered at the surface with metre-thick Mn-oxide
At depth (200 m below the surface) the vein shows a
pockets, pink montmorillonite and smectite.
mineral zoning with a gold-rich zone of GSQ and MOQ
A late grey, limonite- and hematite-rich quartz
facies in the north, grading southward into a zone of CQ
(probable GSQ facies) cuts the earlier facies and makes
and MOQ facies. The gold grades diminish as one ad-
up the rich parts of the vein. The vein shows lateral
vances into the CQ zone. Early lenticular veins of
zoning with quartz in the northern part, grading
quartz-calcite ‹ kutnahorite (beginning of CQ facies)
southward to a gold-rich zone with MOQ and GSQ
are preserved in the andesitic or tu€aceous footwall at
facies, and then to a gold-poorer CQ zone. The ore
the vein edges. The ore shoots everywhere pitch steeply
shoot shows a strong pitch to the south (Fig. 6).
to the northwest (Fig. 6).

Kubang Cicau
The Ciguha vein, which contains 11.1 t of gold and
158.3 t of silver when the main connected satellite vein of The Kubang Cicau vein, with 30.1 t of gold and 313.2 t
Ciguha Timur is included, is very thick (as much as 4 m) of silver, shows a similar facies assemblage and mineral

zoning as the Ciguha vein, with the BOQ facies be- this facies represents an impermeable upper level frag-
coming dominant. The pitch of the ore shoots is very mented and then invaded by epithermal ¯uids, very
steep to the south, and therefore parallel to the miner- likely related to the formation of the Pongkor veins. It
alogical zoning of the vein (Fig. 6). The southern ex- has a low gold content (<3 ppm).
tension of the Kubang Cicau vein shows an Age determinations (40Ar/39Ar) were carried out by
anastomosing calcitic stockwork bounded by a rim of URA 10 (Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand)
chlorite and disseminated sul®des. At the Kubang-Cicau on six adularia samples from the banded quartz-adularia
open-pit, free silver micronuggets associated with the of the BOQ facies in the Ciguha and Ciurug veins (see
GSQ facies are commonly visible as 0.2 to 0.8 mm spots Plate 2, photo 2d). Two of the samples yielded identical
in limonite-lined cavities; limonitized samples of this plateau ages (2.06 ‹ 0.05 Ma [1r] and 2.05 ‹ 0.05 Ma
same facies from the Kubang Cicau outcrop attain [1r]) consistent with the respective isochron ages
1200 g/t Au and 1.2% Ag. (1.92 ‹ 0.05 Ma[1r] and 2.26 ‹ 0.05 Ma[1r]). The
same two samples also yielded X-ray diagrams of a to-
tally disordered adularia showing the structure of the
Ciurug high sanidine end-member; such structures originate by
rapid nucleation and after a sudden drop in ¯uid pres-
The Ciurug vein is the most important of the district sure at low temperature (Ferguson et al. 1991). An av-
(55.9 t of gold and 534.6 t of silver), being more than erage age of 2.05 ‹ 0.05 Ma has therefore been taken
1500 m long and extending to more than 300 m depth, for Pongkor. The other four adularia samples contained
as shown by drilling. Its lateral mineral zoning is similar traces of quartz, carbonates or illites and yielded ages
to that of the other veins (Fig. 6); the massive white ranging from 0.5 Ma to 35 Ma, thus indicating con-
calcite attains several metres in places (north zone of the tamination from atmospheric argon and di€erent, more
vein). At the surface the vein is only exposed over 500 m, ordered, crystal structures; the analysis of such a sample
with a maximum thickness of 7 m (although in depth it was almost certainly the cause for the K/Ar age of
locally reaches 24 m) and the weathered zone is much 8.5 Ma initially proposed by Marcoux and MileÂsi (1994)
more restricted than in other veins. for an insuciently puri®ed adularia concentrate. The
Pongkor deposit is therefore subcontemporaneous with
the other gold deposits of the Bayah Dome: Cirotan
Hydrothermal alteration and dating (1.7 Ma), Cippangleseran (2.1 Ma) and Ciawitali
(1.5 Ma) (Marcoux and MileÂsi 1994).
Hydrothermal alteration in the Pongkor sector is largely
obliterated by supergene processes that have developed
an intense argillization (assemblage of dioctahedral Mineralogy
smectite, metahalloysite and kaolinite) which continues
in depth to at least L 500 (81% metahalloysite or The gangue comprises quartz-carbonates with abundant
kaolinite and 16% smectite/illite). Where hydrother- adularia and illite.
mal alteration is seen, however, it is generally repre- The quartz is of varied colours (from pure white to
sented by a penetrative silici®cation, extending up to cream and grey) that mainly re¯ect its grain size. The
10 m from the veins, and a potassic alteration (pre- size of the opaline quartz grains is between 5 and 10 lm.
dominantly illite) of the country rock superposed on a X-ray analysis detected neither opal nor chalcedony, and
propylitic alteration (chlorite, epidote, carbonate and no evidence has been found for an amorphous precursor
quartz). The potassic alteration is characterized by the of the quartz; this is supported by the abundance of ¯uid
presence of rare ®ne illite within ignimbrites. inclusions in Pongkor quartz.
Very locally (southern part of Kubang Cicau) a 3± Calcite is the most widespread carbonate in the four
20 cm thick alteration rim with albite-adularia and veins. An early white calcite precedes a second genera-
clinochlore is associated with veins and veinlets repre- tion of white, brown or honey-coloured calcite that is
senting the start of CQ facies and vein opening; the vein more massive (spathic) and more coarsely crystalline.
walls are generally sharp with no lateral zoning of the Microprobe analysis shows the composition of the cal-
alteration. Argillization (illite-smectite) and pyritization cites to have evolved during the course of deposition, the
locally accompanied the initial opening phase and form early white calcite containing high MnO (up to
a halo to some carbonate veins (Kubang Cicau, L500); 14.3% MnCO3) compared to the later honey-coloured
this phenomenon, however, appears to be very local. calcite which is more pure (maximum 4.2% MnCO3,
At Gunung Pongkor, from the 660 to 720 m levels, and no Fe or Mg) (Fig. 7). The calcite commonly shows
hydraulic breccias and associated stratabound silici®ed a bladed habit and is commonly pseudomorphosed by
and pyritized epiclastic rocks (weathered as gossanous quartz.
material) are contained within the upper epiclastic rocks Rhodochrosite, very rare and nowhere pure, has been
of the middle volcanic unit (Fig. 3); silici®cation with observed only very locally in a banded lens in the foot-
common pyrite is preferentially developed within the wall of the Ciguha vein at Level 500 and in a Satellite
coarse-grained beds. Formerly considered as a silica-cap, vein of Kubang Cicau. It forms pink bands, several

Fig. 8 Variations of electrum composition with ore facies; supergene

native silver and gold-rich microspherules are not shown (analyses:
SX 50 CAMECA electron microprobe, BRGM, OrleÂans)

nuggets (50 to 290 lm), with an identical overall com-

Fig. 7 CaCO3-MnCO3-MgCO3 compositional diagram of carbonates position as the electrum of the hypogene ore, are found
from Pongkor (analyses: SX 50 CAMECA electron microprobe,
BRGM, OrleÂans) in pockets of Mn oxides (see later) which explains their
high gold content. The nuggets show corrosion ®gures
and also microspherules (<1 lm) and dendrites of a
millimetres thick, alternating with bands of quartz, ad- secondary and far purer gold (Fig. 9); these textures are
ularia, rhodonite, kutnahorite (CaMn[CO3]2), ankerite identical to those seen in nuggets from lateritic envi-
(determined by X-ray analysis and electron microprobe) ronments and indicate that the nuggets result from in-
and traces of hydrothermal tourmaline. tense supergene action (Freyssinet et al. 1989).
Adularia is very common, although rare in the CQ Sphalerite occurs within ®ne-grained polymetallic
facies. It reaches its maximum development in the associations (galena, chalcopyrite, silver sulfosalts, in
banded opaline quartz (BOQ facies ± up to 9.6% adu- places electrum) disseminated in the early CQ facies and
laria) in which it forms 0.5±2.0-mm-thick whitish layers much more rarely in the GSQ facies. It is very poor in
of ®ne crystals. Some of the crystals, up to 0.4 mm in iron (<2.52 wt.% Fe), but rich in Cd (up to 2 wt.%)
size, show a clear zonation with centres rich in small and in places Mn (up to 2.08 wt.%), and does not show
¯uid inclusions and rims that are limpid. The rhombic chalcopyrite exsolutions.
form is largely represented with the pseudo-acicular Galena, which contains no Ag or Te, but fairly
form being rarer. According to Dong and Morrison strong traces of Se (0.1 to 0.54 wt.%), is locally
(1995), these two types are generated by protracted abundant at Ciguha (level 500) where it shows common
boiling conditions. inclusions of hessite. It is generally associated with
Ore minerals are rare at Pongkor (less, and com- chalcopyrite, although much less abundant except lo-
monly much less, than 0.5 wt.%); they are disseminated cally at Ciurug.
as very ®ne grains in all four vein-®ll facies, although Silver sul®des and sulfosalts are very common and
most abundant within the GSQ facies. Microscopic ex- are present in all the gangue types, being particularly
amination shows a paragenesis with dominant pyrite, abundant in the grey sul®de quartz (GSQ) facies. They
common electrum and silver sulfosalts (acanthite [Ag2S], generally occur as independent patches, as vug ®llings
aguilarite [Ag4SeS], pearceite [Ag16As2S11]-polybasite in places attached to electrum, or as inclusions in py-
[Ag16Sb2S11]), rare sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite, rite; their association with galena is exceptional. Four
and trace hessite (Ag2Te). mineral species have been identi®ed and an almost
Electrum forms amoeboid patches, some 10 to 80 lm complete acanthite-aguilarite solid solution (Ag2S-Ag4-
in size, normally included in the pyrite and more rarely SeS) is seen at Pongkor, with an increase in Se content
in the silver minerals, and also smaller independent up to the aguilarite end-member as the deposit evolved:
ovoid spots in the quartz or manganese oxides (Plate 2, <8% Se in the CQ facies, 8 to 10% Se in the MOQ
photo 2f). At the surface, electrum occurs as particles facies, 6 to 14% Se in the BOQ facies and up to 18% Se
within the goethite pseudomorphosing old pyrite crys- in the GSQ facies (Marcoux et al. 1996). Acanthite and
tals or isolated in the gangue. The gold content of the aguilarite can coexist in the same sample.
electrum is variable (48 to 74 wt.% Au, although mainly Uytenbogaardtite (Ag3AuS2) has not been observed.
between 57 and 66 wt.% Au) and slightly dependent on Polybasite and pearceite are present in the surface layers
the type of gangue (60 to 74% Au in the BOQ facies and of the GSQ and BOQ facies, albeit traces have been
54 to 62% Au in the GSQ facies) (Fig. 8). Electrum noted in the working stopes, and are commonly residual

cession and selenium increases within the depositional

A vertical mineral zoning also seems to be de®ned by
the polybasite-pearceite (or acanthite with 2% Sb at
Pasir Jawa) which are present in the upper levels, where
they may be as abundant as acanthite, but are absent in
500 and 550 levels. This could re¯ect a metal zoning with
an upper part enriched in Sb and As.
Mn oxides are abundant from the surface down to
Level 500 at Ciguha and Pasir Jawa. They are less
common at Level 500 of Kubang Cicau and are absent
in the Ciurug boreholes, except in their shallow parts. X-
ray di€raction shows the presence of dominant pyrolu-
site, common todorokite in places forming earthy
masses with a ®bro-radial texture (Pasir Jawa), rare
rancieite (dendrites in the quartz vugs of Pasir Jawa) and
traces of birnessite and unidenti®able amorphous Mn
constituents. There does not seem to be any mineral-
ogical variation with depth.

Characteristics and origin of the hydrothermal ¯uids

Fluid inclusions

A detailed microthermometric study was carried out on

samples from the Kubang Cicau vein, where the four
mineralized stages are well developed and clearly iden-
ti®ed. Samples of the CQ, MOQ and BOQ facies were
collected at depth (level 500, 250 m below the present
topographic surface) whereas the GSQ facies was col-
lected in the open-pit.
Using the criteria of Roedder (1984), the heating and
freezing measurements were selectively conducted on
primary ¯uid inclusions trapped in the quartz and calcite
Fig. 9 Top: gold micronugget coated with gold-rich microspherules in crystals from the CQ facies and in the quartz from the
manganese-oxide pockets. Bottom: magni®cation of gold-rich micro-
spherules (photos: SEM JEOL, back-scattered electrons, BRGM, other facies. As necking-down is a common process in
OrleÂans). Arrows indicate location of gold-rich microspherules epithermal environments (see Bodnar et al. 1985), the
studied ¯uid-inclusion zones were selected with care; in
particular, zones showing monophase inclusions were
in the acanthite; these two minerals form an almost rejected. All the ¯uid inclusions are two-phase (L+V) at
complete solid solution at Pongkor (Marcoux et al. room temperature. Those trapped in large and euhedral
1996), the pearceite being con®ned to the CQ facies. In quartz crystals are mainly irregularly shaped and show a
addition to their normal Cu content, the polybasite- wide range of V/(L+V) ratios (10 to 80%, optical esti-
pearceite minerals commonly show a signi®cant gold mation) whereas those trapped in calcite crystals (CQ
content (up to 6.8 wt.%) that, like the Cu, seems to be facies) have tabular or regular shapes with constant V/
due to a substitution of Ag, and also a high Se content (L+V) ratios (around 15%).
(greater than 3.2%) in the opaline and grey quartz. No clathrate nucleation was observed during the
Native silver is only seen in the weathering zone in cooling runs and no change was observed in the ¯uid
outcrops of the Kubang Cicau vein, where it forms inclusions after ice melting. As gas contents are low in
micronuggets (120 to 360 lm) visible in limonite-coated ¯uid inclusions trapped in this type of environment (see
cavities (Plate 2 photo 2 h). Microprobe analysis shows Bodnar et al. 1985), selected ¯uid inclusions of each
that it is pure silver with no trace of gold. stage were analyzed by Raman microspectrometry. No
A depositional chronology is apparent (Fig. 10). trace of gas was detected, suggesting the lack of such
Deposition of most of the polymetallic sul®des was components or contents below the detection limit.
early, synchronous with the CQ facies, whereas most of The ¯uid inclusions in both calcite and quartz crystals
the gold and silver sul®des are associated with the late displayed high melting temperatures between )0.1 and
BOQ and GSQ facies, only becoming really common in )1.7 °C, indicative of apparent salinities ranging from
the latter. Pyrite is present throughout the mineral suc- 0.2 to 1.8 wt.% NaCl equivalent (Potter et al. 1978),

with the highest values coming from quartz of the CQ Fig. 10 Paragenetic succession: mineralogical and geochemical evo-
facies. No signi®cant salinity di€erences are observed lution of deposition with time. Thickness is proportional to relative
abundance of considered mineral
between stages (Fig. 11).
In the calcite of a quartz-calcite veinlet sample col-
lected a few meters from the hanging wall of the min- rock samples (Table 3). Ten of the ores were from the
eralized vein and characterizing the ®rst stage of vein three main Pongkor veins (®ve from Ciguha, four from
opening (beginning of the CQ-facies), the inclusions Kubang Cicau and one from Ciurug) and represent the
show a restricted Th range (192 to 207.5 °C), all in the four mineralized facies; the other two ore samples were
liquid ®eld, consistent with the observed constant V/ pyrite concentrates extracted from: (1) a fragment of
(L+V) ratios. propylitized andesite caught up in the LBT at Level 500
The ¯uid inclusions trapped in quartz crystals of the prior to the formation of the mineralized structures, and
four main stages displayed broad Th ranges (150 to (2) the ``sul®de hydraulic breccia'' at Gunung Pongkor.
382 °C). Nevertheless, the extent of the range and the The rock samples came from the upper, medium and
lowest Th di€er within each stage and/or within a given lower volcanic units de®ned at Pongkor.
stage between growth zones (e.g. the six growth zones, The isotopic signatures of the 12 ore samples are very
noted `a' to `f', of one quartz crystal from the CQ-facies; similar: the 206Pb/204Pb ratios of the mine samples are
Fig. 11, Table 2). grouped between 18.744 and 18.801 and the pyrite of the
propylitized andesite gives a signature identical to that
of the ore sul®des; only the Gunung Pongkor breccia
Isotopic results sample is slightly less radiogenic with 206Pb/204Pb ˆ
18.701 (Fig. 12). These isotopic compositions are iden-
Lead isotope analyses were carried out on twelve ore tical to those of the surrounding volcanic rocks in which,
samples (concentrates of galena-rich sul®des) and six like the ores, 206Pb/204Pb ranges from 18.706 to 18.814.

is concerned. The 207Pb/204Pb ratios of the ores and

rocks are everywhere high (15.678 to 15.718) and indi-
cate that the lead derives from the melting and hydro-
thermal leaching of an underlying old continental crust,
and not from recent oceanic crust with a mantle signa-
ture (207Pb/204Pb close to 15.52) as could be presumed
from the island-arc setting of Java.
The Pongkor lead isotopic compositions are identi-
cal to those of the other Pliocene epithermal gold ores
of the Bayah Dome, i.e. Cirotan, Ciawitali, Cippan-
gleseran (Marcoux and MileÂsi 1994; MileÂsi et al. 1994)
and Cikondang (Marcoux unpublished), indicating a
close relationship between these ore deposits. Con-
versely, the isotopic composition of the Pb-Zn miner-
alization at Gunung Limbung, located 15 km north of
Pongkor, has less radiogenic values that demonstrate a
very weak participation of old continental crust
(Fig. 12).
The isotopic compositions of the volcanic rocks from
Pongkor, which are of probable Pliocene age, are very
di€erent from those of the Miocene volcanic rocks of the
Bayah Dome (207Pb/204Pb 15.56) that have been dated
between 9 and 14.5 Ma (MileÂsi et al. 1994). The isotopic
compositions of the Miocene rocks indicate a slightly
crust-contaminated mantle origin, which is in agreement
with the normal isotopic compositions of lavas from
mature island arcs (Doe and Zartman 1979). The au-
riferous hydrothermal activity therefore appears to have
accompanied Mio-Pliocene volcanic events.
Fig. 11a,b Fluid inclusion diagrams: a homogenization temperatures; The most salient results obtained from the stable-
b salinities isotope (S, C, O, H) geochemistry (the full results are
discussed in detail by Lerouge et al. submitted MD in a
The results indicate a single source for the volcanic rocks speci®c article on the thermodynamic conditions of
and the associated Pongkor gold mineralization, prob- deposition at Pongkor) show that the hydrothermal
ably with a slight contamination from the detrital rocks mineralizing ¯uids are essentially composed of surface-
where the Gunung Pongkor ``sul®de hydraulic breccia'' derived waters but with a notable diluted magmatic
Table 2 Fluid inclusion data

Heating results Freezing results

N Homogenization N Melting Salinity

temperature temperature intervals (wt.%
intervals (°C) intervals (°C) NaCl equiv.)
PK 198: calcite 10 192±207 6 ()0.4 to )0.5) 0.70±0.87
Quartz:growth zone a) 16 171±360 9 ()0.4 to )0.9) 0.70±1.56
growth zone b) 6 150±328 9 ()0.9 to )1.07) 1.56±1.80
growth zone c) 6 178±341 6 ()0.2 to )0.8) 0.35-1.39
growth zone d) 5 214±297 8 ()0.2 to )0.3) 0.35±0.53
growth zone e) 5 200±263 10 ()0.2 to )0.5) 0.35±0.87
growth zone f) 4 194±311 4 ()0.1 to )0.3) 0.18±0.53
PK 189a: Quartz 23 163±264 15 ()0.3 to )0.5) 0.53±0.87
PK 83: Quartz 15 169±274 15 ()0.2 to )0.4) 0.35±0.70
Quartz 15 168±233 17 ()0.2 to )0.4) 0.35±0.70
PK 219: Quartz 15 201±382 13 ()0.1 to )0.3) 0.18±0.53
Late geodic quartz
PK 190: Quartz 17 142±239 10 ()0.5 to )0.6) 0.87±1.05
Table 3 Lead isotope data (na: not analyzed)
206 207 208
Ore samples sample Pb/204Pb Pb/204Pb Pb/204Pb Pb (ppm) U (ppm) Th (ppm)

GSQ facies Kubang Cicau level 500 PK 86 18.760 15.688 39.096 >1% na na
GSQ facies Kubang Cicau level 500 (stope 2) PK 88 18.776 15.709 39.163 649 na na
CQ facies Ciurug (DDH CU 34, 79.7 m) PK 103 18.776 15.717 39.203 1190 na na
CQ facies Ciguha level 500 PKA 6 18.771 15.690 39.110 206 na na
BOQ facies Ciguha level 500 PK 68 18.755 15.683 39.071 72 na na
MOQ facies (limonite pocket) Ciguha level 500 PKA 10 18.744 15.686 39.054 191 na na
MOQ facies (limonite pocket) Ciguha level 500 PKA 15 18.801 15.718 39.195 203 na na
MOQ facies Ciguha level 500 PKA 17 18.759 15.678 39.053 111 na na
Pyrite from andesitic fragment, level 500 PK 146 18.796 15.734 39.262 na na na
CQ facies Kubang Cicau level 500 PK 201 18.746 15.670 39.049 na na na
GSQ facies Kubang Cicau, open-pit PK 222 18.781 15.717 39.188 226 na na
Pyrite of hydraulic breccia, Gunung Pongkor PK 101 18.701 15.688 39.055 57 na na
Rock samples
Dacite fragment within TLB, mine portal PK 95 18.763 15.699 39.145 18.24 2.14 9.86
Rhyolite, mine portal PK 99 18.804 15.733 39.242 9.32 2.31 9.43
Accretionnary lapilli, Pasir Jawa open-pit PK 169 18.740 15.672 39.060 9.85 2.05 9.45
pumice ¯ow, tailing dam PK 175 18.706 15.652 38.970 18.15 3.4 16.07
ash-fall deposits, north Pongkor PK 178 18.814 15.723 39.258 17.96 2.24 9.88
TLB with pumice fragments, level 500 PK 145 18.742 15.663 39.030 9.44 1.54 7.09

Discussion and conclusions

hydrothermal ¯uids during ore deposition.

Pongkor is contained within a large NNE-SSW tectonic

eralized veins, thick structures that like tension gashes

creasing in¯uence of the magmatic component in the

corridor, some 30 km wide, which also contains all the

Java. At Pongkor, the geometry (sigmoidal veins and

The increase of the ¯uid d18O values correlated with the
the carbon and sulfur isotopes and strongly supports a

veloped during a NNE-SSW compression consistent

normal faults (Marcoux and MileÂsi 1994) and were de-
other known gold veins of the Bayah Dome. The min-
inclusions during stage 4, provide evidence for an in-

trolled by a system of conjugate NW-SE dextral and

combined with the major deposition of pyrite with gold
decrease of the ¯uid dD values from stage 1 to stage 4,
magmatic source for the sulfur and associated metals.

tension gashes) and distribution of the gold veins are in

Control of Pongkor by a tectonic corridor and a caldera
component. This is particularly well demonstrated by
Fig. 12 Lead-isotope diagrams (SK: evolution curve from Stacey and

with a regime of plate collision beneath the island of

NNE-SSW sinistral strike-slip faults that evolved to
were formed in a clearly dilational context, are all con-
Kramers 1975). (®eld of Miocene rocks from Marcoux and MileÂsi 1994)

complete agreement with this pattern of conjugate at least level 500, i.e. over a minimum vertical extension
strike-slip faults evolving to normal faults. of 250 m, which is much greater than at Wau (50 m).
The Pongkor mineralization within this tectonic The restricted Th range observed in ¯uid inclusions
corridor is localized at the northwestern edge of an 8-km trapped in calcite of the CQ-facies, combined with the
diameter ignimbritic caldera that is well marked by a constant V/(L+V) ratios, indicates that the ¯uid was
circular structure on satellite images (see Fig. 2) and is monophase and in the liquid ®eld during calcite crys-
also revealed by geological mapping. The overall dy- tallization. This implies that the measured temperatures
namic model proposed for the emplacement of the vol- (192±207 °C) are minimum trapping temperatures for
cano-sedimentary formations involved four stages: the ¯uid at the beginning of this stage, especially con-
sidering that pressure correction to the ®lling tempera-
1. A ®rst volcanic event characterized by an association
tures are negligible in epithermal environments
of subaqueous andesite ¯ows and epiclastic rocks;
characterized by low pressure. The initial temperature of
2. A powerful ignimbritic eruption associated with the
the ¯uid can therefore be considered as 205 ‹ 5 °C.
formation of a caldera, the ridge of andesitic ¯ows
Based on the liquid-vapour curve of Haas (1971), this
from the ®rst volcanic event corresponds approxi-
initial ore stage temperature of 205 °C corresponds to a
mately to the rampart of this caldera;
¯uid pressure of approximately 17.5 bar. This is equiv-
3. Subsidence and drowning of the caldera with in®ll by
alent to a hydrostatic depth of about 180 m (assuming
the lapilli-and-block tu€ (LBT), the measured dips in
an aqueous ¯uid containing a maximum of 2 wt.%
the volcanic products associated with the LBT (ep-
NaCl equivalent and no dissolved CO2) or a lithostatic
iclastic rocks and accretionary lapilli tu€) and the
depth of 70 m. Although the system was mainly at
present di€erent altitudes of the epiclastic rocks in-
hydrostatic pressure during the ore deposition, the local
dicate subsidence, by at least 60 m on the north-
presence of quartz-carbonate breccia at the beginning of
northwest rim, of the block lying to the south of the
the system (CQ facies) suggests that ¯uid pressure could
andesite ridge;
have exceeded lithostatic pressure.
4. Uplift of a rhyodacite dome at the margin of the
The crystallisation of the quartz that followed the
calcite corresponds to a change in the ¯uid regime. The
The position of the mineralized veins on the inner large spread of Th in the quartz crystals is consistent
edge of a vast collapse zone classi®es them as epithermal with the observed variability of the V/(L+V) ratios and
deposits in association with calderas or caldera com- is interpreted as due to variable quantities of liquid and
plexes; a class that includes numerous world-class epi- vapour being trapped in the inclusions, i.e. a biphase
thermal ore deposits such as Creede in Colorado and ¯uid undergoing boiling. This demixing, due to the
Round Mountain in Nevada (Steven and Lipman 1976; proximity of the surface, can only have been iso-
Hayba et al. 1985; Gray and Coolbaugh 1994), Ladolam enthalpic, i.e. with a lowering of the initial ¯uid tem-
in Papua New Guinea (Moyle et al. 1991), Waihi in New perature (Drummond and Ohmoto 1985). Because of
Zealand (Bromley and Braithwaite 1991), and Yana- local evidence of boiling, no pressure corrections have
cocha in Peru (Llosa et al. 1996). been made to the ®lling temperatures, and the lowest
Thus the primary deposit was subject to a double measured Th therefore correspond to those of the ¯uid
control by the border fault of the caldera and by the at the moment it was trapped. According to Drummond
conjugate strike-slip faults, with the size and tonnage of (1981), the variations in Th from one growth zone to
the veins increasing closer to the border fault. another (CQ facies) and in quartz crystals from the
di€erent facies indicate variable boiling rates (5 to 30%).
These results are consistent with those obtained on
Original features of the primary mineralization samples (surface and/or deep) of various facies from the
at Pongkor other veins of the district (Basuki et al. 1994; Nehlig
written communication).
The Pongkor deposit is of the adularia-sericite (or low- No systematic relationship of Th with elevation was
sul®dation) type and shows many similarities with the observed, probably due to the limited depth variation
Hishikari deposit (Izawa et al. 1990; Shikazono et al. available for sampling (around 250 m between samples
1993); e.g. similar textures, quartz-adularia-clay ®lling of collected at the mine level 500 and those collected in the
the veins (calcite is however rare at Hishikari), a rarity of open-pit). New studies using samples collected from
sul®des (0.5 to 0.6%) with the presence of selenides, and di€erent mine levels and laterally through the host rocks
high gold contents. Unlike Hishikari, however, where are in progress to investigate vertical and lateral zoning
the mineralization within the Shimanto Group is con- of the ore forming ¯uids.
®ned at depth below andesite with a plastic behaviour The ¯uid inclusion temperatures at Pongkor are
(Ibaraki and Suzuki 1993), the Pongkor veins reached fairly low for a low-sul®dation epithermal ore deposit
the aquifer zone and probably the surface, as in the Wau (around 200 °C, as against `normal' temperatures of
deposit of Papua New Guinea (Carswell 1990). This 250 °C) and are identical to those measured at His-
high-level emplacement enabled sur®cial waters to in®l- hikari where most of the histograms give a notable
trate the veins (still undergoing supergene oxidation) to peak at 200 °C (Nagayama 1993) with salinities of 0 to

0.2 wt.% NaCl equivalent (Shikazono and Nagayama gold is displaced in the vein structure to form micro-
1993). spherules and dendrites of pure gold (see Fig. 9). The
The vein ®ll of carbonates (mainly calcite) followed microspherules caught up by the intra-vein runo€ be-
by several generations of quartz+adularia is classic in came mechanically concentrated in natural receptacles
epithermal deposits and suggests that CO2 in the hy- such as the pockets of limonite or Mn oxides, and it is
drothermal ¯uids underwent a sudden drop in pressure these reconcentrations that give rise to the high grades
that provoked rapid boiling and the deposition of car- (more than 50 g/t) noted in some pockets. Although
bonates within the ¯uid channels. Clear evidence of such supergene phenomena are very probably the cause of the
an early boiling at Pongkor is indicated by ¯uid inclu- high gold and silver grades, their action is nevertheless
sions in quartz crystals of the CQ facies and a weak merely one of reconcentration. Moreover, meteoric wa-
precipitation of electrum (maximum 5 to 10 g/t) and of ter does not circulate throughout the vein body, but only
most of the base-metal sul®des. The liberation of mag- along the more permeable zones, and relict zones with
matic CO2 through boiling, apart from lowering the preserved Mn carbonates and sul®des can be seen next
PCO2, increases the pH of the ¯uids and favours the to the vuggy hydrolyzed zones.
precipitation of adularia accompanied by quartz depo- The original features of the Pongkor deposit, espe-
sition in veins. The zoning of the carbonates seen in the cially where the distribution of the precious metals is
walls of the Ciguha vein is also a response to this pro- concerned, can thus be explained by an extensive inter-
gressive rise in pH: siderite (low pH), Mn-Mg carbon- connection between magmatic waters and surface wa-
ates and ®nally calcite under conditions of fairly neutral ters, as con®rmed by the stable isotope studies. This
pH. model opens interesting paths of research to quantify the
Although boiling is an ecient process that can respective parts played by the two ¯uids in the genesis of
partly explain the gold precipitation in all facies, it the ore and, more especially, to explain the existence and
cannot explain why the most auriferous (>20 g/t) epi- location of high-grade concentrations. Current studies
sode occurred near the end of the quartz deposition, in into the complex processes involved in the deposition of
close association with an hydrothermal breccia-pipe and the ore are being carried out in conjunction with a better
the deposition of abundant silver sul®des and pyrite. The identi®cation of the regional metallotects giving rise to
low temperature (less than 200 °C), the very low salinity the Pongkor veins.
of the ¯uid inclusion, and the absence of base metals at
this stage indicate transport of the gold and silver in
bisul®te rather than chloride form. Sources of the elements

The lead-isotope characteristics of the epithermal gold

Supergene enrichment of the Pongkor ore deposits and Pliocene magmatic rocks of west Java
demonstrate the existence of an underlying Precambrian
The primary gold mineralization at the end of the de- continental crust. The Precambrian basement, which is
position process would have had an average grade of 6± widely exposed on the Indo-Chinese peninsula, thus
8 g/t, as found in the deep non-oxidized part of the de- extends in depth to as far as Java and the tin islands
posit. The topmost 250 m of the mine pro®le, however, where the lead isotopic compositions of the tin ores
give an average gold grade of 16 g/t, which indicates show similar characteristics (Jones et al. 1977). No Pb-
signi®cant enrichment by supergene processes. Thus, the Pb secondary isochron (with t2 ˆ 2 Ma) can be de®ned
oxidizing action of meteoric waters in the Pongkor veins to determine the age of this crust, for which ages of
has profoundly modi®ed the initial mineralization and 1000±1300 Ma and 1500±1700 Ma have been proposed
grade distributions within the vein structure. The fully (Hutchison 1988).
oxidized parts of the veins consist of a mixture of quartz, The source of the Pliocene volcanic rocks, as well as
mainly amorphous manganese wad and clays resulting of the epithermal gold mineralization of the same age,
from the destabilization of rhodonite at low temperature must therefore be looked for in of this old continental
(Gammond and Seward 1996), and limonite derived crust that, as indicated by fragments of Late Paleozoic
from sul®des (mainly pyrite) by weathering. The Fe and fossiliferous sediment caught up in the LBT, was re-
Mn oxides and hydroxides in places remain entrapped melted and leached by Pliocene volcanic and hydro-
where they were altered (decayed limonitic quartz, psi- thermal events. These fragments also show that the sub-
lomelane vuggy-coatings between two bands of comb basement of Java is lithologically more varied than can
quartz) and elsewhere have been mechanically re- be recognised from the surface formations, resembling
grouped as pockets within the veins by the intra-vein that of southern Sumatra. The gold content is therefore
runo€ action of the meteoric water. The electrum also essentially inherited, and juvenile contribution would
underwent this meteoric leaching, but the di€erent be- appear very limited in this arc setting.
haviours of gold and silver in solution induce speci®c Conversely, the Miocene volcanic events and associ-
redistributions (Plate 2 photos 2 g and 2 h); the silver ated lead-zinc mineralization appear to be less depen-
becomes reconcentrated in situ to form micronuggets of dent on the participation of this old crust (Marcoux and
native silver in the sur®cial part, and the more mobile MileÂsi 1994). Their isotopic compositions (207Pb/204Pb

15.56) indicate a mantle origin with slight crustal Gray JE, Coolbaugh MF (1994) Geology and geochemistry of
contamination, which is in agreement with the isotopic Summitvi colorado: an epithermal acid sulfate deposit in a
volcanic dome. Econ Geol 89: 1906±1923
compositions normally found in lavas of mature island Hamilton W (1989) Convergent-plate tectonics viewed from the
arcs (Doe and Zartman 1979). Indonesia region. Geol Indonesia 12: 35±88
The gold ores of west Java thus re¯ect a major metal Haas JL (1971) The e€ect of salinity on the maximum thermal
event during the Miocene-Pliocene and Pliocene. Their gradient of hydrothermal system at hydrostatic pressure. Econ
Geol 66: 940±946
association with a Pliocene ignimbritic volcanism and Hayba DO, Bethke PM, Heald P, Foley NK (1985) Geological,
their isotopic signature may constitute good exploration mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of volcanic-
guidelines. hosted epithermal precious-metal deposits. In: Berger BR,
Bethke PM (eds) Geology and geochemistry of epithermal
Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge permission from systems. Soc Econ Geol Rev Econ Geol 2: 129±167
the P.T. Aneka Tambang (Persero) to work in the Pongkor mine Heald P, Foley NK, Hayba DO (1987) Comparative anatomy of
and to publish these results, and the help of Pierre Nehlig and volcanic-hosted epithermal deposits: acid-sulfate and adularia-
Michel JeÂbrak in the ®eld. This work was ®nancially supported by sericite type. Econ Geol 82: 1±26
BRGM's PRR 401 scienti®c project. Sir Patrick Skipwith, Bt. Hedenquist JW, Lowenstern JB (1994) The role of magmas in the
translated the French manuscript. formation of hydrothermal ore deposits. Nature 370: 519±527
Hutchison CS (1988) The tin metallogenic provinces of S.E. Asia
and China: a Gondwanaland inheritance. In: C.S. Hutchison
CT (ed) Geology of tin deposits in Asia and the Paci®c,
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