3 Channel RF Remote Control: Transmitter

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2013-11-23 3 channel RF remote control with TLP434A and RLP434A project

3 channel RF remote control

This is a 3 channel RF remote control project.The transmitter powered by 3V battery(coin

size) range about 10 m.
This remote control I use PIC12F509 from Microchip which is a 8-pin single-chip
microcontroller designed for low pin count applications with 1 K words flash memory and
41Byte SRAM and some special features such Power-saving Sleep mode,Wake-up from Sleep
on pin change.

The RF transmitter module for this project is TLP434A(433.92MHz) which is an Ultra Small
Wireless Transmitter is ideal for remote control projects or data transfers to a remote
object.This compact unit operates from only 2V up to 12V but I choose 3V for compact size
remote control in this project . A range of up
to 200m is possible with an antenna fitted
and 12V battery are used.This module can
works directly with HT12D or similiar decoder

To reduce the standby power and extend

battery life I implement by putting the
PIC12F509 microcontroller into SLEEP mode
for most of the time and wake-up only when
a key is pressed.The standby current I
measured about 100nA in sleep mode.and
about 14 mA when any switch pressed.

The diode D1 and D2 is implementing ground

for TLP434A when any switch pressed.Thus
there are no current drawn by TLP434A
when it is in standby mode.

Hakko FX-888 Soldering


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Fig 1. TX Schematic

Privacy Information Receiver

The RLP434A which is a Compact Radio Receiver(RF) works directly with the TLP434A
transmitter on an operating frequency of 433.92MHz.Ideal for many applications, including
robots, where commands can be sent directly to the robot, without the need for a hard-
phen375 wired connection. Suitable for data rates of up to 4.8KHz, and the typical operating current is
only 4.5mA.

Fig 2. RX Schematic

Commands format
The command for this project I use a common code word format called Manchester encoded

In Manchester Encoding, as in PWM, clock and data are encoded in a single synchronous bit
stream. In this stream, each bit is represented by a transition. If the bit is a ‘0’, the
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2013-11-23 3 channel RF remote control with TLP434A and RLP434A project
stream. In this stream, each bit is represented by a transition. If the bit is a ‘0’, the
transition is from low to high. If the bit is a '1', the transition is from high to low (see Figure


In a typical data stream, there will always be a transition at the center of a bit (A), while at
the beginning of a bit there will be a transition depending only on the value of the previous
bit (B). The encoding may be alternatively viewed as a phase encoding where each bit is
encoded by a positive 90 degree phase transition, or a negative 90 degree phase transition.
Manchester code is therefore sometimes known as a bi-phase code.
A Manchester encoded signal contains frequent level transitions which allow the receiver to
extract the clock signal easily and reliably. The penalty for introducing frequent transitions, is
that the Manchester coded signal consumes more bandwidth than the original signal
(sequence of logic ones and zeros or NRZ) but it still compares well with the bandwidth
requirements of other encoding systems, such as PWM.

Command format
When operating in the Manchester mode, The Encoders build the code-word with a common
specific sequence. The elementary period (TE) will be used in the following as the
measurement unit. TE will vary from 100 ?s to 800 ?s according to the selected baud-rate.
But this project use 5mS because of limitation of RF receiver.As shown in Figure 4 , the code-
word is composed of:

Fig 4. Command format

for more information about Manchester Encoding Receive read the document "KEELOQ?
Manchester Encoding Receive Routines" or TB045 from microchip website.

TLP434A and RLP434A

The RF transmitter and receiver module
data sheet.

Source code for this project V1.1

Fast respone than V1.0 when key pressed.
Programming with Hi-tech C compiler
V8.05 PL2.

Source code for this project V1.0

Programming with Hi-tech C compiler
V8.05 PL2.

© www.coolcircuit.com . All rights reserved.

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