ChatLog Parker Batesville B76103 - 01 Support 2017 - 12 - 13 09 - 57

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Chat Log C:\Users\jcrispen\Documents\ChatLog Parker Batesville B76103_01 Support 2017_12_13 09_57.


Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:25 AM: you there?

Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:25 AM: i'm here
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:25 AM: where is the message displaying? on the main screen?
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:26 AM: no. on the tube stop screen
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:26 AM: flag stop servo screen
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:27 AM: ok, i'm looking for that now
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:29 AM: can you press the "send home" button?
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:30 AM: i have pressed it several times. you can hear it beep, but it doesnt turn
green. it's like its not being acknowledged by the plc
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:30 AM: ok. let's see why
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:31 AM: did this just happen, or are you just trying to start running?
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:31 AM: no they ran it all day yesterday. this morning no go
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:32 AM: it's not saying the motor is enabled
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:32 AM: let me see if i can tell why
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:35 AM: what happens if you press reset?
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:36 AM: it resets the machine, but no effect on the servo problem...
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:36 AM: have you already cycled power at the disconnect?
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:36 AM: yes
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:39 AM: try pressing the home again
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:41 AM: ok. it homed. why did this happen. and what can i do to make it not
happen again.
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:41 AM: that's what i'm looking at
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:41 AM: i basically toggled this enabled bit
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:42 AM: but that should come only from the servo drive itself
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:42 AM: ok, cycle control power
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:42 AM: k
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:42 AM: done
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:43 AM: ok it looked like it enable and disabled it when it should have
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:43 AM: let's try something
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:43 AM: turn off control power and try the home button
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:44 AM: k one sec
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:44 AM: done
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:44 AM: ok it won't let it try to home without power on, that's good
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:45 AM: go ahead and turn control power back on
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:46 AM: done
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:47 AM: ok, it enabled that time
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:47 AM: i'll show you the bit i toggled. i'm going to shoot the drive
company an email explaining what happened
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:48 AM: they provide these AOIs with their drive. so there's a
programming snafu in there somewhere
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:48 AM: has that ever happened on the other machine?
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:48 AM: not that im aware of...
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:49 AM: that's weird
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:49 AM: maybe something with rev 30 you put in yesterday
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:49 AM: boy i hope not!
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:49 AM: i know
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:49 AM: let me see if their AOI is good for rev 30
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:50 AM: it should be. the firmware should be what does or doesn't
support certain logic, not the other way around
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:50 AM: it looked like line 0 was on
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:50 AM: so it was telling the AMP to enable
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:51 AM: ah shoot
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:51 AM: i should have looked at this line:
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:51 AM: if that message was errored it would cause that to happen
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:54 AM: it should be good to run. if it happens again, please let me
know. i will shoot an email to those guys right away and let you know what i find out
Batesville PLC (to Everyone): 9:54 AM: ok sounds good. i appreciate the help!
Jason Crispen--Desktop (to Everyone): 9:54 AM: you're welcome. talk to you later!

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