Management of International Health and Safety

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Management of International Health and Safety

Element 3: Health and Safety Management Systems – DO

Unit IGC1: Element 3.1

Organisational Health and Safety Roles and Responsibilities

Standards for Organising

Responsibility for ensuring that the workplace is safe and free of health risk rests with the

As we noted earlier, this responsibility is made clear in:

• ILO Convention C155.

• ILO Recommendation R164.

Reminder – What are the Employer’s Four Duties?

Safe Place of Work

Safe Plant and Equipment

Safe System of Work

Training and Supervision

The employer carries ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the workplace is safe and free of
health and safety risks.

Ensures the safety of workers and “others”, e.g. visitors and contractors.

Directors and Senior Managers

Directors and senior managers:

– Give an organisation its direction.

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