Extra Words

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Extra Works

Unit 3:

1: Vocabulary
1 Giant = Gigante
2 Detective = Detective
3 Companion = Compañero
4 Thief = Ladrón
5 Enemy = Enemigo
6 Heroine = Heroína
7 Witness = Testigos
8 Victim = Víctima
9 Assistant = Asistente
10 Wise character = Personajes Sabios
11 Reporter = Reportero
12 Hero = Héroe
13 Clue = Pista
14 Magnifying glass = Lupa
15 Disguise = Disfraz
16 Diamond Necklace = Collar de diamantes
17 Spell = Hechizo
18 Magic Cloak = Capa mágica
19 Creatures = Criaturas
20 Shield = Escudo
21 Alien = Nave espacial
22 UFO = Ovni
23 Time Machine = Máquina del tiempo

24 Spaceship = Nave espacial

2: Grammar
Past Simple Past Continuous
Affirmative Affirmative

He stole the jewel On Christmas Eve, he was walking home.

Negative Negative

He didn’t steal the On Christmas Eve, he wasn’t walking

jewel home.

Present perfect with for

Simultaneous Events They Have/ve Eaten in the
great hall
Hundreds of
Parallel actions with and
Watson was eating dinner and Holmes has reading a book

Interrupted action Whit,When,While

Present perfect with since
They’ve eaten in the SINCE
They’ve travelled on
Holmes was looking at an old hat when Watson arrived. They Have/ve Great Hall for
hundreds of steam trains since 1984.
While they were walking away, a tall man arrived years

Unit 4:
1: Vocabulary

1 Be born = Nacer
2 Start school = Empezar la escuela
3 Grow up = Adulto
4 Leave school = Comezar el cole
5 Go to university = Ir a la universidad
6 Learn to drive = Aprender a conducir
7 Leave home = Salir de casa
8 Get married = Casarse
9 Move house = Mudarse de casa
10 Get a Job = Encontrar trabajo
11 Have children = Tener Hijos
12 Retire = Juvilarse
13 Community = Comunidad
14 Home = Casa
15 Husband = Marido
16 Wife = Mujer
17 Parent = Padres
18 Toddler = Niñito
19 Child = Niño
20 Grandparents = Abuelos
21 Best friend = Mejor Amigo
22 Grown-up = Creciendo
23 Teenager = Adolescente
24 Neighbour = Vecino
2: Grammar

Modal Verbs
Could be
It Must Can’t Might May

Present perfect with just, already and yet:

They’ve already just found all the pieces.

They haven’t found all the piece yet.

Unit 5:

1: Vocabulary

1 Endangered = en peligro
2 Extinct = En peligro de extinción
3 Protected = Protegido
4 In the wild = En la naturaleza
5 In captivity = En cautividad
6 Chinese river dolphin = Delfin del rio chino
7 Atlantic albatross = Albatros del atlántico
8 African penguin = Pingüino africano
9 European bison = Bisonte europeo
10 Iberian lynx = Lince ibérico
11 Arctic fox = Zorro ártico
12 Antartic blue whale = Ballena azul del del antartico
13 Recycle = Reciclar
14 Turn off = Apagar
15 Use up = Gastar
16 Sort out = Clasificar
17 Put on = Poner
18 Give away = Regalar
19 Look after = Cuidar
20 Clean up = Limpiar
21 Cut down = Reducir
22 Pollute = Contaminar
23 Throw away = Tirar a la basura
24 Waste = Desechos

2: Grammar

Will for instant decisions and going to for plans

Less and fewer with countable and
uncountable nouns
I’ll ring them now.
We aren’t going to keep Coco. We should use less energy.
We should use fewer plastic bottles.

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