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Unit -I Life of Gandhi

i) Childhood ii) Student life
iii) Lawyer iv) Satyagrahi
v) Social reformer vi) Revolutionary leader

Influence of Indian and Western Thinkers and of Religions

a: i) Raychandbhai ii) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

iii) Ruskin iv) Dadabhai Naoroji
v) Thoreau vi) Tolstoy

b: The Gita, The Bible, The Buddha, Jainism, Islam and Hindu thought -
What Gandhi absorbed from the Gita - Anasakti – Karmayoga - Idea
of Yajna

Unit –II Central Philosophy

View of Human life: Uniqueness: Goal
Quest for Truth
Identifying Truth
Living in the light of Truth
in one's life
in society
Identity of spiritual and social values - Progress - values behind
the vows - Basic vows and observances for spiritual life - their
social significance today.
Truth as God
Truth and Love
Ends & Means
Meaning and Power of Non-violence
Views on Ethical religion/various religions
Sarvadharmasamabhava/ Equality of religions and
equal respect for all religions

Unit -III The philosophy and Sadhana of Satyagraha

Concept, theory, variants and techniques of Satyagraha
Preparation, preconditions, strategy and operational forms
Satyagraha and Passive Resistance
Satyagraha and Duragraha

Satyagraha and Democracy

Satyagraha as a weapon of social change/revolution
Satyagraha and constructive work or service

Civil Disobedience in Indian tradition

Civil Disobedience in Western tradition
Satyagraha and the pacifist movement

Unit- IV Major Satyagrahas led by Gandhi

Satyagraha in South Africa
Champaran Satyagrahi
Kheda Satyagraha
Ahmedabad Satyagraha
Non-Violent Non-Co-Operation
Vykam Satyagraha
Salt Satyagraha
Individual Civil Disobedience
Quit India 1942

Select Readings

My Experiments With Truth M.K. Gandhi

Satyagraha in South Africa M.K. Gandhi
The Life of Mahatma Gandhi Louis Fischer
Mahatma Gandhi Romain Rolland
M. K. Gandhi : An Indian Patriot in South Africa Joseph J. Doke
Early Phase Pyarelal
Mahatma Gandhi B. R. Nanda
Satyagraha in South Africa M. K. Gandhi
The First Struggle in India P.C. Roy Choudhary
The Righteous Struggle Mahadev Desai
Champaran Satyagraha Rajendra Prasad
Vykam Satyagraha M. K. Gandhi
Epic Fast Mahadev Desai
The Story of Bardoli Mahadev Desai
Seven Months With Gandhi Krishnadas
Saga of Satyagraha R. R. Diwakar
Gandhian Way J. B. Kripalani
Gandhi: His Life and Thought J. B. Kripalani
The Core of Gandhian Philosophy Unto Tahtinen
Conquest of Self M. K. Gandhi
A Week With Gandhi Louis Fischer
From Yervada Mandir M. K. Gandhi
Gita According to Gandhi Mahadev Desai
My Religion M. K. Gandhi
Hinduism M. K. Gandhi
Prayer M. K. Gandhi
Ethical Religion M. K. Gandhi
In Search of Supreme (3 Vols.) M. K. Gandhi, Ed. V. B. Kher
Last Phase (2 Vols.) Pyarelal
Self Restraint Versus Self Indulgence M. K. Gandhi

Life and Death of Mahatma Gandhi Robert Payne

Mahatma Gandhi : A Great Life in Brief Vincent Shean
Lead Kindly Light Vincent Shean
The Spiritual Perceptions of Mahatma Gandhi Ravindra Varma
The Gandhi Reader Ed. Homer Jack

Ashram Sanhita Kakasaheb Kalelkar

Akal Purush Gandhi Jainendra Kumar
Bapu Katha Haribhau Upadhyaya
Gandhi ke Sahayogi Vishnu Prabhakar



Unit - I History of Indian freedom movement

- Emergence of Gandhi in Indian political scene
- Indian National Congress

Unit –II (a) Gandhi's concept of politics - goals and methods of action
Individual or social associations/organizations through which
individual works/has to work Concept and claim of spiritualizing
politics Choice/optional associations and others.

(b) Liberty - Meaning and Safeguards

Political Will - Decision Making
Equality - Extent of equality - Rights and Duties

(c) Nation, Society and State

State and Governments
State and the ndividual
Increased State activity:
Responsibility: Control
Accountability Transparency
System of governance that can assure these

(d) Democracy - Communism - Anarchism

Gandhi’s Concept of Swaraj - Decentralized Administration
Gram Swaraj - Ram Rajya - Panchayat Raj

Unit –III Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule

Unit – IV (a) Fundamental Rights

Human Rights
Judiciary, Parliament and Executive

(b) Civil Society

Non-Govrnmental Organizations and Voluntary

Unit –V International Relations

International Organizations:
United NationsOrganization and Organisations in the UN
UN Action

Select Readings

History of Congress P. Sitaramayya

Political Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi Gopinath Dhawan
Gandhi’s Political Philosophy Bhikhu Parekh
Social and Political Thought of Gandhi J. Bandyopadhyaya
Evolution of the Political Philosophy of Gandhi B. Bhattacharyya
Gandhi Today J. D. Sethi
All Men Are Brothers M. K. Gandhi
Selections From Gandhi N. K. Bose
Swarajya Shastra Vinoba Bhave
Mind of Mahatma Gandhi R.K. Prabhu & U. R. Rao (Eds.)
India of My Dreams M. K. Gandhi
Hind Swaraj M. K. Gandhi
Hind Swaraj and Other Writings Anthony J. Parel (ed.)
Reflections on Hind Swaraj Siby K. Joseph , Bharat Mahodaya (ed.)
Essays on Gandhian Thought Ravindra Varma et al.
Raj to Swaraj R.C. Pradhan
Political Theory: An Introduction Rajeev Bhargava, Ashoka Acharya

Gandhiji Aur Samyavad K. G. Mashruwala

Gandhi Tatva Darshan Gopinath Dhavan
Bapu Ki Karavas Ki Kahani Sushila Nayyar


Unit –I Ancient economic concepts/values and institutions in India: including

Arthashastra: customs, conditions and ownership of common property
and resources: village Panchayats and public finance
Economic History of India (brief)
Unit –II (a) Economic problems of India
Agriculture -
Irrigation, Droughts or famines
Current conditions - Famines, Crop - failures
Industry -
Village industries and crafts including
small scale industries
(b) British period - Methods of colonial exploitation, unconcern for
development, welfare of people: Transfer of ownership of
common resources to the State

Unit – III Essentials of the Capitalist Economic System

Essentials of the Collectvist system
Marxist, Socialist, Communist:
Welfare Economics

John Maynard Keynes

William Beveridge

Corporate Bodies: recent experiences

Multinational Corporations and International Monetary Institutions
Bretton Woods Institutions – IMF, WB, WTO

Concept of Development
North – South divide - New Economic Order
Globalization – the emerging challenges

Unit – IV Gandhi’s ideas and efforts in the field of economics

Gandhi’s critique of Industrialism - Evils and consequences
Philosophy of work: Employment - Yajna
Need Vs Greed (and Wants) - Consumption
Production – Technology – Appropriate/ Intermediate
Distribution - Ownership - Trusteeship
Centralization - evils and answers
Swadeshi - Khadi - Village industries
Viability - Profit - wages - capital – labour - industrial relations
Duties of the state/society/citizen
Rural - urban divide
Bread labour
Bhoodan and Gramdan
Trade Union Movement
Kisan Movement

Select Readings

The Rise and Growth of Economic Nationalism In India Bipin Chandra

Arthashastra Kautilya
The Worldly Philosophers :The Great Economic Robert L. Heilbroner
The No –Nonsense Guide to Globalization Wayne Ellwood
Essays in Gandhian Economics Romesh K. Diwan, Mark A. Lutz
Economic and Industrial Life and Relations (Vols.3) M. K. Gandhi
Cent Percent Swadeshi M. K. Gandhi
Trusteeship Ed. J.D. Sethi
Trusteeship Ravindra Varma
Essays in Gandhian Economics Eds. Romesh Diwan, and Mark Lutz
Economy of Permanence J. C. Kumarappa
Why the Village Movement ? J. C. Kumarappa
Capitalism, Communism and Villagism J. C. Kumarappa
Small Is Beautiful E. F. Schumacher
The Economics of Peace Ed. G. Ramanchandran
Khadi M. K. Gandhi
History of All India Spinners Association Shrikrishnadas Jajoo
Planning and Sarvodaya J. B. Kripalani

Planning for Sarvodaya Serva Seva Sangh

Towards the Gandhian Plan Shriman Narayan
Trusteeship: A Path Less Travelled Siby K. Joseph, Bharat Mahodaya
Ramchandra Pradhan (eds.)

Gandhi Vichar Dohan K. G. Mashruwala

Manav Arthashatra Narhari D. Parikh


Unit –I Philosophy and Sociology of Sarvodaya

Unit – II Gandhian approach to the village community and rural reconstruction

Concept of Gramswaraj
Constructive Programme
Varanshram system and its distinction from caste system
Untouchability and the method of struggle against it
- Harijan welfare
Social service, work and reform
Tribal welfare
Eradication of social evils with special reference to Gandhi’s
drive against alcoholism/drug addiction
a) Basic thoughts on health and cure
b) Place of hygiene, sanitation and safayi
c) Work against leprosy
Status of Women-equality of sexes
Dowry system, female child in India
Empowerment of Women

Unit – III Education - meaning and aims of education

Gandhi’s experiment in education at the Phoenix Settlement and
Tolstoy Farm in South Africa; at Satyagraha Ashram, Ahmedabad; at
Sevagram Ashram, Sevagram
Basic Education
Duties of students, parents and teachers in education and their
Higher and Technical Education
Sex education
Formal, non-formal and informal education

Unit – IV Philosophy of social work and the Gandhian approach

Professional Social Work: concept and professional status
Principles of Social Wrok
Methods of social work
Social Work in India: Professional and Voluntary Social Work, with
special reference to Gandhian approach
Social problems in Indian society – caste, communalism and

Communal harmony–National Unity, ideals of casteless and classless

Professional Social Work’s approach towards social disorganization in
India, with special reference to problems like castism, communal and
regional tensions.
People’s participation
Role of Voluntary Organizations in social work

Unit – V: Preparation of Development Projects

Select Readings

Social Work and Social Welfare Shankar Pathak

Gandhian Approach to Social Work Parmeshwari Dayal
Gandhian Concepts of Social Work S. R. Billore
Development Hegemony: NGO and the State in Sangita Kamat
Social Welfare Administration Beena Antony
Studies in Gandhi N.K. Bose
Social Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi B. N.Ganguli
Philosophy of Sarvodaya Dada Dharmadhikari
Village Swaraj M. K. Gandhi
Sarvodaya M. K. Gandhi
Social Service, Work and Reform (3 Vols.) M. K. Gandhi
To Women M. K. Gandhi
Communal Unity M. K. Gandhi
Constructive Programme M. K. Gandhi
To The Students M. K. Gandhi
Key to Health M. K. Gandhi
Constructive Programme Rajendra Prasad
Basic Education M. K. Gandhi
Educational Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi M. S. Patel
Social Philosophy of Mahatma Mahadev Prasad
Gandhi And Marx K. G. Mashruwala
My Days With Gandhi N. K. Bose
The Latest Fad J. B. Kripalani
Educational Ideas and Ideals of Gandhi and Tagore R. S. Mani
Samaj –Karya Ka Parichaya S. R. Billore
Gairsarakari Sangathan R.C. Rai
Gandhiji ka Samaj Darshan Mahadev Prasad
Jadmul Se Kranti K. G. Mashruwala


Unit – I Meaning of Peace – Negative and Positive Peace

Violence - Structural and Cultural Violence
Peace and Disarmament
Peace Movements (i) Governmental, (ii) Non-governmental
International Peace Action- U.N. - Governmental and Non-

Movements for disarmament
Movements against nuclear weapons, chemical weapons
Non-violent way to world peace
Culture of Peace and Non-violence
Peace Education
Civil intervention for peace
Combating terrorism through non-violence
Conflict Resolution – Concept and methods
Negotiation and Third party Assistance
Gandhian Approach to Conflict Resolution- Shanti Sena
Non-violent action/resistance
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the movement for Civil Rights
Non-violent Action against Apartheid-Truth and Reconciliation
The Community of Ark of Lanza-Del-Vasto
Danilo Dolci’s Non-Violent movement
Ariya Ratna’s experiments in Sri Lanka
Satyagraha of Ceasar Chavez

Unit – II Environment – definition, scope and importance

Man and Environment - Eco-systems
Natural Resources-renewable and non-renewable: Production/
Generation and Conservation
Water and Energy Crisis-Future Projections
Pollution: Air, Water and Soil - Sources and Consequences
Climatic Changes, Global Warming and ozone layer depletion
Strategies for reducing pollution and improving environment
Sustainable way of living
Water/Energy Conservation, Rain Water Harvesting, Recycling, Waste
Movements, Campaigns and Networking
Visits and Practical Work

Select Readings

Peace by Peaceful Means Johan Galtung

Gandhi Wields the Weapon of Moral Power Gene Sharp
Conquest of Violence Joan Bondurant
The Power of Non-Violence Richard B. Gregg
Satyagraha M. K. Gandhi
Non-Violence in Peace and War M. K. Gandhi
Gandhian Critique on Western Peace Movements J. D. Sethi
Gandhi's Power Dennis Dalton
The Community of Ark Mark Shepard
Ceasar Chavez:A Biography Roger Bruns
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr. Clayborne Carson
A Passion for Sicilians Jerre Mangione
Buddhist Economics in Practice in the Sarvodaya A. T. Ariyaratne
Shramadana Movement of Sri Lanka
Explorations in Culture of Peace Siby K. Joseph (Ed.)
Essays on Conflict Resolution Siby K. Joseph, Bharat Mahodaya (eds.)

Non-violent Struggles of the Twentieth Century: Siby K. Joseph, John Moolakkattu,

Retrospect and Prospect Bharat Mahodaya (eds.)
Contemporary Perspectives on Peace and Non- - Siby K. Joseph, Bharat Mahodaya (eds.)
Gandhi, Environment and Sustainable Future Siby K. Joseph, Bharat Mahodaya (eds.)
Biodiversity and its Significance Pramod Tandon (et al)
Biodiversity Conservation and Management T. S. Krishnan
Report of the World Commission on Environment United Nations
and Development: Our Common Future
Environmental Studies R.C. Sharma ,Gurbir Sangha
Revisiting Development Siby K. Joseph, Bharat Mahodaya,
Ramchandra Pradhan (eds.)
Pilgrimage to Nonviolence Lanza del Vasto (Ramlal Parikh, ed.)
Lanza del Vasto or Community Experimentation And Frederic Rognon
other essays Louis Campana, Siby K. Joseph


As a part of the Diploma Programme, the students would be required to prepare a dissertation
on given subject under the broad umbrella of Gandhian Studies. The subject chosen for the
dissertation could be either of theoretical or practical nature .The students would work on the
dissertation under the guidance and supervision of one of the faculty members of the Institute
or any other person approved by the Institute. In certain specialized areas of research, the
students can co opt a co- guide with the approval of the Institute. By end of the academic
session, the students would have to submit their dissertation in the final form.


As the practical side of the Gandhian thought, the students would be required to learn and
practice spinning throughout the academic year. Besides, they would have to engage
themselves in agricultural work during the period allotted by the Institute as per the
requirements of the Diploma Programme. The workshop for spinning along with Charkhas,
(spinning wheels) slivers and agricultural field and required implements would be provided
by the Institute within its own premises.

To imbibe the practical field experience, the Institute would provide opportunities for
students to visit some Gandhian Institutions / ashrams / universities, villages engaged in
practical /theoretical work under the general frame work of Gandhian Studies. At the end of
their visits, the students would be required to submit a report recording their experiences and
impressions in the field.

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